Gunnison's Jack Starkebaum is the top-seeded pole vaulter in Division 2 of the John Tate Challenge Cup. Photo by Alan Versaw.
Due to the two-day nature of this meet, the events below are not in any kind of standard order. The start lists do, however, start with field events. Consequently, the only anchor that it made sense to add was one to where the track events start.
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Licensed to Dutch Clark Stadium - Site License HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/9/2015 06:10 PM 2015 John Tate Challenge Cup - 4/10/2015 to 4/11/2015 Dutch Clark Stadium Meet Program Event 1 Girls Discus Throw Div. I (31) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Washington, Inez 9 Sand Creek H ND 2 Pruitt, Laraisa 11 Mitchell Hig ND 3 Morgan, Kaylea 9 Sand Creek H 57-10 4 Longwell, Emma 11 Coronado Hig 58-01 5 Johnson, Presley 12 Discovery Ca 58-11 6 Matoke, Janita 11 Discovery Ca 62-10 7 Nowakowski, Isabella 9 Cheyenne Mou 63-00 8 Rickey, Sophie 11 Cheyenne Mou 65-00 9 Kamberis, Michaela 9 Widefield Hi 67-03 10 McBride, Destiny 11 Harrison Hig 69-06 11 Autobee, Mariah 9 Pueblo West 70-11 Flight 2 Finals 1 Torres-Drozd, Abi 11 Palmer High 71-00.50 2 Richardson, Kaylene 9 Harrison Hig 72-00 3 Machado, Sam 11 Pueblo Cente 72-07 4 Ary, Amanda 10 Canon City H 73-07 5 Drown, Alyssa 11 Palmer High 75-01 6 Masopust, Michaella 12 Pueblo West 78-10 7 Brown, Carole 12 Pueblo Centr 80-03 8 Pennington, Kaylee 10 Fountain-For 81-07 9 Marquez, Jessica 12 Pueblo Centr 82-02 10 Bufmack, Julianna 10 Canon City H 83-08.50 Flight 3 Finals 1 Thorton, Aleah 9 Fountain-For 84-00 2 Hanson, Diane 12 Pueblo Count 86-04 3 Bewley, Brooke 12 Pueblo South 92-06.50 4 Barola, Gabrielle 11 Pueblo East 100-02 5 Smith, Rachele 11 Coronado Hig 101-07 6 Haman, Daisy 11 Pine Creek H 106-01 7 Christie, Carah 11 Pueblo South 108-07 8 Prater, Riley 11 Widefield Hi 111-00 9 Long-Larkins, Ryann 12 Pueblo Cente 122-08 10 Marr, Sydney 11 Pine Creek H 123-05 Event 2 Boys Discus Throw Div. I (32) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Bayer, Justin 10 Pueblo East ND 2 Cullers, Christian 9 Widefield Hi ND 3 Oquendo, Julian 10 Sand Creek H ND 4 Courtright, Nick 11 Mitchell Hig 63-03 5 Frye, Bryan 9 Discovery Ca 76-09 6 Acosta, Alex 10 Sand Creek H 77-02 7 Gribble, Jake 11 Pueblo South 89-10 8 Jacoby, Michael 11 Cheyenne Mou 94-05 9 Kelly, Matthew 10 Cheyenne Mou 97-00 10 Diaz Alvarez, Gerald 11 Pueblo East 101-08 Flight 2 Finals 1 Phillips, Anthony 11 Coronado Hig 101-09 2 Hess, Gaige 10 Pueblo West 102-04 3 Shanahan, Zachary 11 Fountain-For 105-09.50 4 Charlson, Isaac 12 Discovery Ca 106-07 5 Collins, Isiah 10 Pueblo Centr 107-04 6 Yelton, Chandler 10 Fountain-For 110-03.50 7 Sanchez, Alex 11 Harrison Hig 111-05 8 Miller, Demitrius 12 Pueblo Cente 114-07 9 Cheyney, Marcus 12 Mitchell Hig 116-06 10 White, Taylor 12 Pine Creek H 118-02 11 Nisenwanier, Jason 11 Harrison Hig 118-11 Flight 3 Finals 1 Hildebrand, Justin 10 Pueblo West 126-04 2 Evel, Deidrick 12 Pueblo Cente 126-07 3 Wibbels, Jackson 11 Pine Creek H 126-08.50 4 DeReyes, Julian 10 Pueblo South 127-07 5 Stewart, Fred 12 Widefield Hi 128-04 6 Lopez, Austin 12 Palmer High 133-07 7 Downs, Sheldon 11 Palmer High 134-04.50 8 Broomfield, Charles 9 Coronado Hig 138-10 9 Farkas, Daniel 12 Canon City H 148-02 10 Gordon, Beau 11 Pueblo Centr 149-10 11 Brant, Austin 12 Canon City H 158-03 Event 3 Girls Discus Throw Div. II (28) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Archer, Donna 9 Rye High Sch ND 2 Martinez, Alexis 11 Dolores Huer 32-10.25 3 Morales, Michaela 10 Swallows Cha 37-04 4 Chavez, Larissa 9 Dolores Huer 37-07 5 Hicks, Macayla 11 Del Norte Hi 59-09 6 Gossett, Jasmine 9 Swink High S 60-00 7 Wiant, Mandie 10 Rye High Sch 66-07 8 Settle, Dakota 10 La Junta Hig 67-00 9 Reed, Aisha 11 Crowley Coun 67-06.50 10 Rodriguez, Sammi 12 Swink High S 70-06 Flight 2 Finals 1 Duran, Julia 12 Trinidad Hig 71-06 2 Drake, Ashley 12 Florence Hig 73-03 3 Unruh, Hannah 11 Manitou Spri 73-04 4 Goldman, Allison 11 Del Norte Hi 75-06 5 Harms, Paeton 10 Simla High S 77-06 6 Robison, Ashley 10 Simla High S 78-09 7 Vigil, Aleah 11 La Junta Hig 80-11 8 Miller, Morgan 11 Calhan High 81-07.50 9 Sparks, Katie 11 Calhan High 82-07 Flight 3 Finals 1 LaFon, Casey 11 Trinidad Hig 91-05 2 Green, Makenna 12 Florence Hig 92-00 3 Trujillo, Jordan 11 Hoehne High 92-04.50 4 Wyman, Alex 12 Gunnison Hig 94-00 5 Lotrich, Kassidy 10 Fowler High 94-03 6 Wyman, Alysha 10 Gunnison Hig 94-09 7 Milroy, Bailey 12 Vanguard Sch 96-01 8 Hard, Shelby 10 Manitou Spri 96-03 9 Bauer, Alexandria 9 Crowley Coun 96-09.50 Event 4 Boys Discus Throw Div. II (29) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Tschida, Thomas 9 Swallows Cha 47-07 2 Compton, Ryan 9 Swallows Cha 56-01.50 3 Koepke, Cody 9 Simla High S 65-11 4 Long, Jonah 10 Fowler High 69-04 5 Bryant, Toby 9 Florence Hig 74-10 6 Bandimere, Kaleb 11 Crowley Coun 75-00.50 7 Leuer, Alex 10 Florence Hig 76-08 8 O'Reilly, Samuel 9 Crowley Coun 77-01 9 Towner, Austin 11 Dolores Huer 79-07 Flight 2 Finals 1 Garcia, Beau 11 Dolores Huer 80-07 2 Jeppson, Christian 11 Vanguard Sch 83-02 3 Vigil, Isaiah 9 Trinidad Hig 85-00 4 Unruh, Titus 9 Fowler High 88-04 5 Romero, Bryan 11 Trinidad Hig 88-08 6 Kelly, Ben 9 Calhan High 90-04 7 Von detenroff, Regnor 9 Del Norte Hi 95-07 8 Tucker, Walter 12 Swink High S 95-08 9 Downey, Weston 12 Swink High S 96-03 10 Trujillo, Terren 10 Rye High Sch 102-00 Flight 3 Finals 1 Chastain, Tanner 11 La Junta Hig 103-02 2 Murnane, Chris 12 Hoehne High 103-06 3 Koch, Tyler 11 Gunnison Hig 109-02 4 Myers, Bryce 12 Rye High Sch 109-11 5 Fuller, Barrett 12 Gunnison Hig 113-01 6 Campbell, Hafen 10 Del Norte Hi 114-09 7 Lujan, Chris 11 Hoehne High 116-05 8 Jensen, Steven 11 Manitou Spri 126-04 9 McGee, Danny 12 Manitou Spri 126-07.50 10 Ramirez, Donovan 12 La Junta Hig 132-00 Event 5 Girls Triple Jump Div. I (19) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Thomas, Carmen 10 Widefield Hi 30-03.50 2 Haver, Olivia 11 Pueblo South 30-06.00 3 Hall, Chardonnae 11 Widefield Hi 30-06.25 4 Sherman, Olivia 9 Pueblo West 30-07.50 5 Arhculeta-Trujillo, Jessica 10 Alamosa High 30-07.50 6 Jaramillo, Mary 10 Pueblo Count 31-00.00 7 Newbauer, Madi 9 Pueblo West 31-01.50 8 Foust, Kendra 11 Discovery Ca 32-01.00 9 Jack, Bailey 12 Alamosa High 32-05.50 Flight 2 Finals 1 Buckhaults, Alexis 10 Canon City H 32-09.50 2 Belport, Bethany 12 Pueblo South 33-11.00 3 Hancock, Lauren 12 Coronado Hig 34-00.00 4 Gavzy, Sair 11 Coronado Hig 34-00.00 5 Kelly, Asia-Marie 12 Pueblo East 34-05.50 6 Bowman, Caeleigh 12 Pueblo Count 34-09.75 7 Brown, Marlee 11 Palmer High 34-10.75 8 Hall, Jenny 10 Discovery Ca 34-11.00 9 Divich, Dakota 12 Pine Creek H 37-02.50 10 Harvey, Amelia 12 Pine Creek H 37-03.00 Event 6 Boys Triple Jump Div. I (25) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Allen, Isaiah 10 Widefield Hi 35-08.00 2 Jackson, Jeffrey 12 Palmer High 35-10.00 3 Palmer, Ben 9 Pueblo West 36-00.00 4 Lagasca, Taron 11 Coronado Hig 36-07.00 5 Vai, Anthony 12 Coronado Hig 36-10.00 6 Hogan, Jequan 9 Fountain-For 37-01.00 7 Hauge, Aaron 9 Discovery Ca 37-05.00 8 Pontius, Ryan 10 Canon City H 37-06.50 9 Jackson, Anthony 12 Fountain-For 37-09.00 Flight 2 Finals 1 Brossett, Ben 10 Palmer High 37-10.00 2 VonLoh, Jacob 10 Discovery Ca 38-01.00 3 Keller, Thomas 11 Alamosa High 38-02.50 4 Soto, Adrian 9 Pueblo Count 38-10.00 5 Sibley, Jalyn 11 Harrison Hig 39-00.00 6 Garcia, Sam 11 Harrison Hig 39-07.50 7 Ricketts, Devon 9 Widefield Hi 40-02.50 8 Volz, Mitchell 10 Pine Creek H 40-05.50 Flight 3 Finals 1 Shabazz, Darrien 11 Pueblo South 40-08.00 2 Larson, Shane 11 Pueblo West 41-04.00 3 Cole, Sean 12 Pueblo Cente 41-07.00 4 Allbrandt, Dylan 11 Canon City H 42-01.00 5 Barton, Conner 11 Alamosa High 42-05.00 6 Scoleri, John 11 Pueblo Cente 43-00.00 7 Taylor, Dionne 12 Pine Creek H 43-01.75 8 Kimber, DePree' 11 Pueblo South 44-05.00 Event 7 Girls Triple Jump Div. II (16) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Henschel, Mahalia 11 Manitou Spri ND 2 DeVore, Breann 10 Fowler High 23-05.00 3 Brewer, Annie 11 Crowley Coun 24-03.50 4 Duffy, Chloe 9 Simla High S 24-07.00 5 Montague, Kaelynn 9 Simla High S 27-00.00 6 Willyard, Shannon 9 Calhan High 28-03.00 7 Ambler, Laura 10 Rye High Sch 29-03.00 8 Schwartz, Kaitlin 11 Crowley Coun 29-06.00 Flight 2 Finals 1 Ovnicek, Emily 9 Florence Hig 29-11.00 2 Hirakata, Kellie 11 Swink High S 30-00.50 3 Bartolo, Sam 11 Swink High S 30-01.00 4 Schiffer, Teyah 10 Fowler High 31-06.00 5 Parker, Mikaela 11 Calhan High 32-06.00 6 Hartwig, Kelsey 11 Manitou Spri 33-02.00 7 Anderson, Aspen 12 Hoehne High 33-06.50 8 Anderson, Sophia 10 Hoehne High 35-10.50 Event 8 Boys Triple Jump Div. II (21) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Davis, Taylor 10 Gunnison Hig ND 2 Hopkins, Austin 11 Crowley Coun ND 3 Berg, Marcus 9 Swink High S 29-02.00 4 Muniz, Cruz 11 Crowley Coun 30-09.00 5 Torres, Nathan 12 La Junta Hig 31-04.75 6 Plank, Ira 9 Hoehne High 31-10.00 7 Geringer, Kai 11 Fowler High 32-07.00 8 Howard, Ryland 10 Simla High S 33-00.00 9 Geringer, Canaan 9 Fowler High 33-03.00 10 Stafford-Mazerall, Marcus 10 Simla High S 33-09.00 Flight 2 Finals 1 Tubbs, Jon 11 Calhan High 34-01.75 2 Kirkendall, Colton 10 Rye High Sch 34-05.75 3 Redner, Trey 9 Swink High S 35-04.00 4 Bungard, Tristan 11 Florence Hig 35-07.00 5 Sparks, Charlie 9 Calhan High 36-04.50 6 Lucero, Alec 10 Florence Hig 36-07.00 7 Yates, Jacob 9 Hoehne High 37-10.00 8 Zupancic, Ty 12 Rye High Sch 38-00.00 9 Buhr, Wyatt 9 La Junta Hig 38-05.00 10 Keul, Jared 10 Manitou Spri 38-05.00 11 Yost, Austin 12 Manitou Spri 38-08.00 Event 9 Girls Pole Vault Div. I (11) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Haupt, Roya 12 Mitchell Hig NH 2 Vigil, Raena 10 Pueblo East 6-09.00 3 Crowell, Brooke 9 Pueblo South 7-00.00 4 Wroe, Alena 9 Coronado Hig 7-00.00 5 Jin, Jaeyoung 11 Coronado Hig 7-00.00 6 Walker, Lauren 10 Discovery Ca 7-02.00 7 Jubic, Vanessa 11 Pueblo West 7-06.00 8 Runzo, Hayley 10 Discovery Ca 7-09.00 9 Kiepke, Jesslyn 12 Palmer High 8-00.00 10 Manazares, Briley 12 Pueblo South 8-09.00 11 Butcher, Mackenzie 12 Sand Creek H 11-02.00 Event 10 Boys Pole Vault Div. I (13) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Schwab, Brandon 12 Coronado Hig 7-00.00 2 Scharich, Devon 9 Coronado Hig 7-00.00 3 Brasuel, Leonard 11 Palmer High 8-06.00 4 Barr, Zachary 9 Discovery Ca 8-06.00 5 Stading, Kristopher 10 Palmer High 9-00.00 6 Martinez, Aaron 12 Alamosa High 9-00.00 7 Chavez, Angel 11 Pueblo Centr 9-00.00 8 Obluda, William 11 Discovery Ca 9-09.00 9 Felzien, Corey 10 Pueblo South 10-00.00 10 Chamberlin, Dylan 9 Pueblo South 10-06.00 11 Rastrelli, Steven 11 Pueblo Cente 11-06.00 12 Sumpter, Michael 12 Pueblo Cente 11-06.00 13 Pitts, Tyler 11 Pueblo West 11-08.00 Event 11 Girls Pole Vault Div. II (4) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Salazar, Maxine 10 Del Norte Hi 6-00.00 2 Velasquez, Rhiannon 9 Del Norte Hi 6-00.00 3 Shrieves, Haley 10 Gunnison Hig 7-06.00 4 Smith, Maddie 12 Gunnison Hig 10-00.00 Event 12 Boys Pole Vault Div. II (3) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Von detenroff, Regnor 9 Del Norte Hi 8-00.00 2 Mondragon, McKenzie 11 Del Norte Hi 10-06.00 3 Starkebaum, Jack 12 Gunnison Hig 11-06.00 Event 13 Girls Shot Put Div. I (30) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Washington, Inez 9 Sand Creek H ND 2 Thorton, Aleah 9 Fountain-For ND 3 Pennington, Kaylee 10 Fountain-For ND 4 Longwell, Emma 11 Coronado Hig ND 5 Johnson, Presley 12 Discovery Ca 20-01.00 6 Morgan, Kaylea 9 Sand Creek H 22-04.00 7 Matoke, Janita 11 Discovery Ca 22-05.50 8 Rickey, Sophie 11 Cheyenne Mou 23-00.00 9 Bufmack, Julianna 10 Canon City H 24-05.75 10 Smith, Kamryn 9 Pueblo West 24-07.00 Flight 2 Finals 1 Torres-Drozd, Abi 11 Palmer High 24-09.25 2 Richardson, Kaylene 9 Harrison Hig 25-02.00 3 Marquez, Jessica 12 Pueblo Centr 25-04.25 4 Pruitt, Laraisa 11 Mitchell Hig 25-05.00 5 Sweeten, Miahzha 10 Pine Creek H 25-11.50 6 Drown, Alyssa 11 Palmer High 26-00.00 7 Brown, Carole 12 Pueblo Centr 26-04.75 8 Machado, Sam 11 Pueblo Cente 26-07.00 9 Masopust, Michaella 12 Pueblo West 27-02.75 10 Bonner, Cassie Lynn 9 Cheyenne Mou 28-06.00 Flight 3 Finals 1 McBride, Destiny 11 Harrison Hig 29-01.00 2 Barola, Gabrielle 11 Pueblo East 30-02.00 3 Ary, Amanda 10 Canon City H 30-08.00 4 Smith, Rachele 11 Coronado Hig 32-10.50 5 Bewley, Brooke 12 Pueblo South 34-10.50 6 Marr, Sydney 11 Pine Creek H 35-07.00 7 Prater, Riley 11 Widefield Hi 35-08.50 8 Prater, Logan 11 Widefield Hi 37-02.00 9 Long-Larkins, Ryann 12 Pueblo Cente 37-03.00 10 Christie, Carah 11 Pueblo South 37-06.50 Event 14 Boys Shot Put Div. I (34) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Oquendo, Julian 10 Sand Creek H ND 2 Bayer, Justin 10 Pueblo East ND 3 Frye, Bryan 9 Discovery Ca 22-11.50 4 Acosta, Alex 10 Sand Creek H 23-10.50 5 Courtright, Nick 11 Mitchell Hig 25-07.00 6 Terrazas, Anthony 11 Mitchell Hig 29-06.00 7 Maika, Iosua 9 Fountain-For 33-07.50 8 Diaz Alvarez, Gerald 11 Pueblo East 35-01.25 9 Kelly, Matthew 10 Cheyenne Mou 35-04.00 10 Rincon, Donavon 10 Pueblo Count 36-08.00 Flight 2 Finals 1 Romero, Edward 12 Palmer High 36-08.50 2 Stupar, Jonah 10 Pueblo Count 36-09.00 3 Nisenwanier, Jason 11 Harrison Hig 36-10.00 4 Mosey, Weston 12 Pueblo West 37-00.00 5 Garrard, Zach 10 Cheyenne Mou 37-00.00 6 Stewart, Fred 12 Widefield Hi 37-06.75 7 List, Daniel 11 Pine Creek H 37-07.50 8 Hidalgo, Ben 10 Pueblo West 38-01.00 9 Coleman, Spencer 11 Coronado Hig 38-09.50 10 Thatcher, Zach 11 Pueblo Cente 39-02.00 11 Tuli, Elijah 11 Fountain-For 40-09.50 12 Charlson, Isaac 12 Discovery Ca 41-06.00 Flight 3 Finals 1 Broomfield, Charles 9 Coronado Hig 42-02.25 2 Pangelinan, Daniel 11 Harrison Hig 42-05.00 3 White, Taylor 12 Pine Creek H 42-07.00 4 Smith, Bryson 12 Pueblo South 43-05.75 5 DeReyes, Julian 10 Pueblo South 44-07.00 6 Miller, Demitrius 12 Pueblo Cente 45-00.50 7 Galbearth, Lorenzo 12 Widefield Hi 46-02.50 8 Farkas, Daniel 12 Canon City H 46-04.00 9 Downs, Sheldon 11 Palmer High 46-05.50 10 Sinatra, Dominic 11 Pueblo Centr 47-10.50 11 Brant, Austin 12 Canon City H 48-09.50 12 Gordon, Beau 11 Pueblo Centr 49-07.75 Event 15 Girls Shot Put Div. II (27) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Stinson, Rebecca 9 Rye High Sch ND 2 Martinez, Alexis 11 Dolores Huer 15-03.00 3 Samuels, Morgan 9 Fowler High 17-04.75 4 Morales, Michaela 10 Swallows Cha 17-07.00 5 Sparrowhawk, Brianna 9 Del Norte Hi 20-05.00 6 Chavez, Larissa 9 Dolores Huer 21-07.00 7 Gossett, Jasmine 9 Swink High S 21-10.50 8 Masopust, Jayda 10 Florence Hig 22-03.50 9 Settle, Dakota 10 La Junta Hig 23-00.00 Flight 2 Finals 1 Harms, Paeton 10 Simla High S 24-01.75 2 Jolly, Ila 9 Del Norte Hi 24-06.00 3 Vigil, Aleah 11 La Junta Hig 26-02.50 4 Robison, Ashley 10 Simla High S 26-06.50 5 Mitchell, Shawnte 9 Rye High Sch 26-08.00 6 Rodriguez, Sammi 12 Swink High S 27-00.25 7 Skrzypek, Shea 11 Calhan High 27-05.50 8 Lotrich, Kassidy 10 Fowler High 28-04.00 9 LaFon, Casey 11 Trinidad Hig 28-08.25 Flight 3 Finals 1 Reed, Aisha 11 Crowley Coun 29-10.50 2 Wyman, Alysha 10 Gunnison Hig 30-06.50 3 Duran, Julia 12 Trinidad Hig 30-07.00 4 Wyman, Alex 12 Gunnison Hig 31-00.50 5 Riley, Alex 10 Manitou Spri 31-02.25 6 Bauer, Alexandria 9 Crowley Coun 32-06.50 7 Trujillo, Jordan 11 Hoehne High 32-10.00 8 Jensen, Angala 11 Manitou Spri 34-08.00 9 Green, Makenna 12 Florence Hig 38-09.25 Event 16 Boys Shot Put Div. II (27) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Xiang, Anthony 10 Florence Hig 21-08.25 2 Compton, Ryan 9 Swallows Cha 22-01.00 3 Tschida, Thomas 9 Swallows Cha 22-05.00 4 Smith, Tim 10 Simla High S 24-06.00 5 Leuer, Alex 10 Florence Hig 27-09.75 6 Spraggins, Trenton 10 Manitou Spri 29-00.00 7 Sanchez, Julian 10 Manitou Spri 30-01.50 8 Von detenroff, Regnor 9 Del Norte Hi 30-07.50 9 Unruh, Titus 9 Fowler High 30-09.00 Flight 2 Finals 1 Chavez, Jesus 11 Dolores Huer 31-00.50 2 O'Reilly, Samuel 9 Crowley Coun 31-09.00 3 Trancoso, Eric 12 Trinidad Hig 31-10.50 4 Campbell, Hafen 10 Del Norte Hi 32-10.50 5 Rangel, Carlos 9 La Junta Hig 33-06.00 6 Geringer, Kai 11 Fowler High 33-08.00 7 Trujillo, Taylor 11 Rye High Sch 34-02.25 8 Garcia, Beau 11 Dolores Huer 35-03.25 9 Abacan, Jeremy 11 Vanguard Sch 36-01.00 Flight 3 Finals 1 Lujan, Chris 11 Hoehne High 36-03.00 2 Romero, Bryan 11 Trinidad Hig 36-04.00 3 Downey, Weston 12 Swink High S 37-01.50 4 Myers, Bryce 12 Rye High Sch 37-09.00 5 Tucker, Walter 12 Swink High S 37-10.50 6 Murnane, Chris 12 Hoehne High 38-03.00 7 Ramirez, Donovan 12 La Junta Hig 38-08.50 8 Koch, Tyler 11 Gunnison Hig 40-10.50 9 Fuller, Barrett 12 Gunnison Hig 41-09.50 Event 17 Girls Long Jump Div. I (24) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Hopson, Vanessa 9 Mitchell Hig 11-11.00 2 Price, Alyssa 10 Pueblo Cente 12-04.00 3 Haver, Olivia 11 Pueblo South 12-06.00 4 Murphy, Hannah 11 Fountain-For 12-09.00 5 Hanenberg, Emily 9 Pueblo West 13-01.00 6 Stroup, Paige 10 Palmer High 13-01.00 7 Hall, Mya 9 Palmer High 13-07.00 8 Haupt, Roya 12 Mitchell Hig 13-08.00 9 Lyon, Briyanna 11 Fountain-For 14-07.00 10 Ware, Alexa 9 Harrison Hig 14-09.50 11 Hall, Jenny 10 Discovery Ca 15-00.50 12 Gavzy, Sair 11 Coronado Hig 15-01.00 Flight 2 Finals 1 Hall, Chardonnae 11 Widefield Hi 15-04.50 2 Lujan, Aftynne 11 Alamosa High 15-04.75 3 Foster, Jordan 11 Pueblo West 15-05.25 4 Shetter, Sedona 10 Discovery Ca 15-08.50 5 Belport, Bethany 12 Pueblo South 15-09.00 6 Buckhaults, Alexis 10 Canon City H 15-09.00 7 Hancock, Lauren 12 Coronado Hig 15-10.50 8 Pisciotta, Michaella 11 Pueblo Count 16-04.25 9 Register, Ashley 12 Harrison Hig 16-07.50 10 Wayne, Elizabeth 11 Cheyenne Mou 16-09.50 11 Divich, Dakota 12 Pine Creek H 17-10.50 12 Harvey, Amelia 12 Pine Creek H 17-11.00 Event 18 Boys Long Jump Div. I (29) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Gilliam, Marcel 10 Widefield Hi ND 2 Ricketts, Devon 9 Widefield Hi ND 3 Pontius, Ryan 10 Canon City H 15-10.00 4 Sullivan, Dacian 10 Canon City H 16-05.00 5 Leonard, De'Mario 12 Fountain-For 16-08.00 6 Rivera, Giorgio 10 Pueblo East 16-10.50 7 Rodriguez, Enrique 9 Pueblo East 17-07.00 8 Bryant Jr., Quincy 10 Mitchell Hig 17-09.00 9 Martinez, Aaron 12 Alamosa High 17-10.00 Flight 2 Finals 1 Evans, Jordan 9 Coronado Hig 17-11.00 2 Plant, Jahlil 12 Alamosa High 17-11.50 3 Sibley, Jalyn 11 Harrison Hig 18-00.75 4 Sung, Andrew 11 Cheyenne Mou 18-01.50 5 Hauge, Aaron 9 Discovery Ca 18-05.25 6 Foster, Xavier 12 Pine Creek H 18-06.00 7 Geschke, Jacob 12 Coronado Hig 19-00.00 8 Nash, Frankie 9 Pueblo West 19-00.50 9 Taylor, Jerome 11 Palmer High 19-01.00 10 Stafford, Rahiem 12 Mitchell Hig 19-02.00 Flight 3 Finals 1 Garcia, Sam 11 Harrison Hig 19-04.00 2 Ramos, Dennis 11 Pueblo South 19-06.50 3 Watters, Jacob 9 Pine Creek H 19-08.50 4 Jackson, Anthony 12 Fountain-For 19-09.00 5 VonLoh, Jacob 10 Discovery Ca 19-11.75 6 Scoleri, John 11 Pueblo Cente 20-02.00 7 Kimber, DePree' 11 Pueblo South 21-00.00 8 Smith, Jordan 12 Pueblo West 21-01.50 9 Lopez, Austin 12 Palmer High 21-02.00 10 Valdez, Derek 11 Pueblo Cente 22-01.00 Event 19 Girls Long Jump Div. II (20) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 DeVore, Breann 10 Fowler High ND 2 Brewer, Annie 11 Crowley Coun 11-08.00 3 Dudley, Ashtyn 10 Florence Hig 12-02.00 4 Britton, Morgan 9 Calhan High 12-04.00 5 Hampton, Tiffany 12 Manitou Spri 12-04.50 6 Bartolo, Sam 11 Swink High S 12-11.50 7 Passarelli, Kaitlin 9 Hoehne High 13-00.00 8 Schwartz, Kaitlin 11 Crowley Coun 13-02.50 9 Murphy, Shannon 9 Gunnison Hig 13-02.50 10 Sielaff, Michaela 11 Simla High S 13-04.50 Flight 2 Finals 1 Salazar, Maxine 10 Del Norte Hi 13-09.00 2 Ovnicek, Emily 9 Florence Hig 13-11.00 3 Hirakata, Kellie 11 Swink High S 14-00.50 4 Erickson, Kaitlyn 11 Simla High S 14-00.50 5 Benz, Aila 9 Vanguard Sch 14-00.50 6 Hartwig, Kelsey 11 Manitou Spri 14-05.50 7 Smith, Maddie 12 Gunnison Hig 15-01.50 8 Martinez, Kaitlin 12 Del Norte Hi 15-02.50 9 Schiffer, Teyah 10 Fowler High 15-03.00 10 Dugger, Amber 12 Calhan High 15-11.25 Event 20 Boys Long Jump Div. II (23) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Camper, Wesley 11 Rye High Sch ND 2 Sparks, Charlie 9 Calhan High ND 3 West, Dean 10 Swallows Cha 13-05.00 4 Carver, William 9 Swallows Cha 14-05.00 5 Wanner, Charles 9 Florence Hig 14-06.00 6 Kneis, Mark 10 Calhan High 14-07.00 7 Plank, Ira 9 Hoehne High 14-07.50 8 McIntosh, Cole 11 Swink High S 14-09.00 9 Apple, Jordan 9 Hoehne High 15-01.00 10 Geringer, Kai 11 Fowler High 15-01.50 11 Stafford-Mazerall, Marcus 10 Simla High S 15-11.00 Flight 2 Finals 1 Smith, Ben 10 Simla High S 15-11.50 2 Pope, Zeph 12 Swink High S 16-01.00 3 Doss, Dillon 10 Fowler High 16-05.00 4 Torres, Nathan 12 La Junta Hig 16-08.00 5 Hopkins, Austin 11 Crowley Coun 16-09.00 6 Goos, Will 9 Rye High Sch 17-02.00 7 Lucero, Alec 10 Florence Hig 17-05.00 8 Archuleta, Joe 12 Del Norte Hi 17-06.50 9 Yost, Austin 12 Manitou Spri 19-01.50 10 Starkebaum, Jack 12 Gunnison Hig 19-05.00 11 Coop, Bryce 10 Manitou Spri 19-11.50 12 Murphy, Jack 12 Gunnison Hig 21-02.00 Event 21 Girls High Jump Div. I (17) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Lewis, Kamryn 11 Pueblo East NH 2 Manazares, Briley 12 Pueblo South 4-00.00 3 Johnson, Aubrey 10 Harrison Hig 4-02.00 4 Storch, Tara 10 Discovery Ca 4-04.00 5 Claytor, Mary 10 Discovery Ca 4-04.00 6 Peltier, Kali 11 Coronado Hig 4-04.00 7 Hanenberg, Emily 9 Pueblo West 4-06.00 8 White, Katrice 10 Coronado Hig 4-06.00 9 Lontine, Shaleena 10 Pueblo West 4-06.00 10 Sanders, Lauryn 11 Fountain-For 4-06.00 11 Crowell, Brooke 9 Pueblo South 4-08.00 12 Peters, Caitlin 12 Widefield Hi 4-08.00 13 McAllister, Jenna 10 Sand Creek H 4-08.00 14 Murdock, Elaena 9 Pine Creek H 4-08.50 15 Harvey, Amelia 12 Pine Creek H 4-10.00 16 Harris, Monica 10 Sand Creek H 4-10.00 17 Simony, Kaitlyn 11 Pueblo East 5-00.00 Event 22 Boys High Jump Div. I (22) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Ward, Nakad 10 Mitchell Hig NH 2 Bryant Jr., Quincy 10 Mitchell Hig NH 3 Pontius, Ryan 10 Canon City H NH 4 Clawson, Seth 9 Discovery Ca 5-00.00 5 George, Riley 10 Pueblo Count 5-00.00 6 Meier, Sean 9 Pueblo Count 5-02.00 7 Waller, Truman 10 Sand Creek H 5-06.00 8 Montgomery, Eric 10 Harrison Hig 5-06.00 9 Lagasca, Taron 11 Coronado Hig 5-08.00 10 Vance, Mark 9 Discovery Ca 5-08.00 11 Ramos, Andrew 12 Pueblo South 5-08.00 12 Boykin, Markez 11 Harrison Hig 5-10.00 13 Ricketts, Devon 9 Widefield Hi 5-10.00 14 Cody, Jeremy 9 Pueblo South 6-00.00 15 O'Neil, Djimon 10 Fountain-For 6-00.00 16 Thomas, Wyatt 11 Pueblo Centr 6-00.00 17 Hogan, Jequan 9 Fountain-For 6-01.00 18 Lewis, Jaydon 10 Coronado Hig 6-02.00 19 Valdez, Derek 11 Pueblo Cente 6-05.00 20 Becker, Ryan 12 Palmer High 6-05.00 21 Courtney, Nathan 12 Palmer High 6-08.00 22 Taylor, Dionne 12 Pine Creek H 6-10.50 Event 23 Girls High Jump Div. II (13) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Prescott, Nia 11 Rye High Sch NH 2 Sparrowhawk, Brianna 9 Del Norte Hi 4-00.00 3 Henschel, Mahalia 11 Manitou Spri 4-04.00 4 Forcellini, Arabella 11 Manitou Spri 4-04.00 5 Knox, Sierra 9 Calhan High 4-06.00 6 Muniz, Crystal 10 Crowley Coun 4-08.00 7 Shrieves, Haley 10 Gunnison Hig 4-08.00 8 Parker, Mikaela 11 Calhan High 4-11.00 9 Walton, Shaelyn 9 Hoehne High 4-11.00 10 Rector, Jerraldawn 9 Simla High S 5-00.00 11 Anderson, Aspen 12 Hoehne High 5-01.00 12 Barrett, Becca 12 Crowley Coun 5-02.00 13 Holand, Taylor 11 Florence Hig 5-03.00 Event 24 Boys High Jump Div. II (12) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed Mark =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Espinoza, Garron 11 La Junta Hig NH 2 Burkstaller, Luke 11 Swink High S NH 3 Higgins, Addison 12 Manitou Spri NH 4 McIntosh, Cole 11 Swink High S NH 5 Davis, Taylor 10 Gunnison Hig 5-00.00 6 Von detenroff, Regnor 9 Del Norte Hi 5-02.00 7 Kelly, Ben 9 Calhan High 5-04.00 8 Sparks, Charlie 9 Calhan High 5-06.00 9 Benedict, Bryson 9 Rye High Sch 5-06.00 10 Haugen, Kevin 12 La Junta Hig 5-06.00 11 Yost, Austin 12 Manitou Spri 5-08.00 12 Zupancic, Ty 12 Rye High Sch 6-00.00
Event 25 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Div. I (11) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3-1A Discovery Canyon High School 'A' 10:41.42 7-1B Pueblo South High School 'A' 11:13.22 11-1C Canon City High School 'A' NT 1-2A Coronado High School 'A' 10:35.11 5-2B Liberty High School 'A' 10:45.39 9-2C Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 12:22.68 2-3A Alamosa High School 'A' 10:37.90 6-3B Pine Creek High School 'A' 10:46.41 10-3C Pueblo East High School 'A' 13:05.43 4-4A Pueblo West High School 'A' 10:43.56 8-4B Palmer High School 'A' 11:14.46 Event 26 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Div. I (17) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3-1A Alamosa High School 'A' 8:34.74 7-1B Pueblo Centennial High School 'A' 8:52.79 11-1C Pueblo Central High School 'A' 9:14.75 15-1D Pueblo East High School 'A' 9:43.84 1-2A Liberty High School 'A' 8:14.09 5-2B Widefield High School 'A' 8:43.15 9-2C Pueblo South High School 'A' 9:00.60 13-2D Sand Creek High School 'A' 9:17.15 17-2E Mitchell High School 'A' NT 2-3A Pueblo West High School 'A' 8:21.49 6-3B Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 8:48.90 10-3C Cheyenne Mountain High School 'A' 9:10.12 14-3D Discovery Canyon High School 'A' 9:38.76 4-4A Coronado High School 'A' 8:39.06 8-4B Palmer High School 'A' 8:53.95 12-4C Canon City High School 'A' 9:17.01 16-4D Harrison High School 'A' 9:58.13 Event 27 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Div. II (6) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3-1A Crowley County High School 'A' 11:10.34 1-2A Rye High School 'A' 10:53.67 5-2B Fowler High School 'A' 12:27.57 2-3A Gunnison High School 'A' 11:08.00 6-3B Manitou Springs High School 'A' 13:01.47 4-4A Calhan High School 'A' 11:24.70 Event 28 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Div. II (5) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3-1A Rye High School 'A' 9:32.74 1-2A Gunnison High School 'A' 8:48.38 5-2B Florence High School 'A' 10:39.62 2-3A Hoehne High School 'A' 9:32.23 4-4A Del Norte High School 'A' 9:35.00 Event 29 Girls 1600 Meter Run Div. I (28) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Kroeker, Kaleigh 12 Pine Creek H 5:02.61 2 Till, Aubrey 12 Canon City H 5:12.26 3 Trautner, Calyssa 11 Pine Creek H 5:40.44 4 Carter, René 11 Palmer High 5:43.63 5 DeLaurell, Beth 11 Discovery Ca 5:46.60 6 Sowards, Tara 9 Alamosa High 5:48.24 7 Kleven, Lauren 10 Pueblo South 5:48.35 8 Powell, Bailey 11 Coronado Hig 5:54.62 9 Horwitch, Allison 10 Palmer High 5:55.09 10 Ransom, Alyson 10 Liberty High 6:02.99 11 Ross, Arianna 12 Discovery Ca 6:03.64 12 Murray, Lindsey 9 Coronado Hig 6:13.33 13 Slade, Camryn 10 Liberty High 6:15.67 14 Smith, Zoe 10 Pueblo Cente 6:16.19 15 Kincaid, Brooke 10 Cheyenne Mou 6:20.35 16 Medina, Devon 12 Pueblo Cente 6:20.62 17 Aragon, Christina 11 Pueblo West 6:20.92 18 Lopez, Haley 11 Alamosa High 6:34.50 19 Marsh, Paige 9 Pueblo South 6:37.96 20 Morse, Haley 9 Fountain-For 6:42.48 21 Nevels, Ashley 11 Pueblo East 6:48.55 22 Puffer, Addison 10 Pueblo West 6:50.60 23 McCombs, Isabelle 10 Sand Creek H 6:58.50 24 Couillard, Megan 10 Fountain-For 6:59.52 25 Purkey, Dakota 11 Pueblo Count 7:56.00 26 Moore, Drew 11 Canon City H NT 27 Bell, Hadley 10 Cheyenne Mou NT 28 Herburger, Emily 9 Pueblo East NT Event 30 Boys 1600 Meter Run Div. I (37) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Baucom, Jacob 10 Cheyenne Mou 5:03.77 2 Shirley, Bryce 9 Pueblo West 5:04.65 3 Clancy, Kyle 9 Discovery Ca 5:05.21 4 Durfey, Mason 12 Widefield Hi 5:08.05 5 Collins, Cameron 11 Pueblo Cente 5:13.24 6 Richard, Daymion 9 Harrison Hig 5:17.61 7 Thompson, Adam 10 Canon City H 5:17.97 8 Martinez, Jason 11 Pueblo Cente 5:21.39 9 Regalado-Steig, Brandon 10 Pueblo Centr 5:22.65 10 Shepherd, Alec 12 Discovery Ca 5:23.70 11 Niichel, Matt 11 Pueblo Count 5:33.66 12 Terry, Matt 9 Harrison Hig 5:36.78 13 Cruz, Weston 9 Pueblo Count 5:40.32 14 Osterholzer, Adam 11 Sand Creek H 5:47.30 15 Archuleta, Bennett 10 Pueblo East 5:48.27 16 Castillo, Sean 10 Mitchell Hig 6:08.38 17 Yarberry, Brett 12 Pueblo East 6:38.19 18 Pino, Caleb 11 Mitchell Hig 6:38.99 Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Egger, Adam 12 Coronado Hig 4:35.37 2 Keen, Jacob 12 Liberty High 4:35.70 3 Walrod, Austin 11 Pueblo West 4:42.14 4 Brown, Will 12 Palmer High 4:44.23 5 Gipprich, Nathan 9 Pine Creek H 4:44.58 6 Baltazar, Miguel 10 Alamosa High 4:44.65 7 Swanson, Michel 11 Coronado Hig 4:48.27 8 Garcia, Nathan 10 Pueblo South 4:50.16 9 Walth, Ben 11 Palmer High 4:50.28 10 Arbegast, Matthew 10 Widefield Hi 4:52.06 11 Wright, Scott 11 Pueblo South 4:52.70 12 Martin, Tanner 12 Alamosa High 4:54.77 13 Roth, Peyton 9 Pueblo Centr 4:57.43 14 Childs, Cory 11 Liberty High 4:58.53 15 Williams, Christian 12 Fountain-For 4:58.75 16 Chaston, Thomas 9 Cheyenne Mou 5:00.59 17 Smith, Jamison 11 Canon City H 5:01.34 18 Chase, Clayton 10 Sand Creek H 5:01.57 19 Schramm, Matthew 10 Fountain-For 5:01.66 Event 31 Girls 1600 Meter Run Div. II (16) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Berg, Taylor 11 Crowley Coun 5:54.46 2 West, Jennie Ann 9 Swallows Cha 5:55.55 3 Lucas, Isabel 10 Gunnison Hig 5:59.69 4 Smith, Jenny 11 Vanguard Sch 6:10.50 5 Rodriguez, Makayla 9 Rye High Sch 6:26.32 6 Mueller, Hannah 9 Gunnison Hig 6:30.47 7 Skrzypek, Shea 11 Calhan High 6:31.33 8 Davidson, Kaitlyn 9 Manitou Spri 6:34.43 9 Anderson, Lizzy 9 Manitou Spri 6:36.12 10 Aragon, Emily 10 Fowler High 6:40.18 11 Woodward, Lauren 12 Vanguard Sch 6:42.06 12 Dunwoody, Brittany 9 Calhan High 6:52.33 13 DeVore, Breann 10 Fowler High 7:22.71 14 Vallejos, Monique 9 Hoehne High 7:57.04 15 Patel, Aesha 9 Trinidad Hig 8:10.37 16 Avis, Loretta 9 Trinidad Hig 8:12.92 Event 32 Boys 1600 Meter Run Div. II (22) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Wiens, Cooper 11 Gunnison Hig 4:43.45 2 Hughes, Grant 10 Vanguard Sch 5:01.21 3 Wilkinson, Jon 9 Gunnison Hig 5:04.25 4 Blackhurst, Faris 11 Rye High Sch 5:06.24 5 Vanderveer, Bryce 10 Manitou Spri 5:09.15 6 Howard, Ryland 10 Simla High S 5:15.70 7 Alford, Cole 11 Florence Hig 5:25.85 8 Eccles, Alexander 11 Vanguard Sch 5:26.08 9 Harris, Collin 11 Rye High Sch 5:28.72 10 Moreno, Jacob 10 Dolores Huer 5:33.64 11 Espinoza, Josiah 11 Del Norte Hi 5:38.61 12 Miles, Nathaniel 12 Calhan High 5:41.16 13 Sikora, Kam 10 Florence Hig 5:50.00 14 Sandras, Carter 12 Manitou Spri 5:50.00 15 Kalashnik, Yan 12 Fowler High 5:53.72 16 Martin, Dillon 11 Swink High S 5:58.79 17 Quezada, Leroy 11 Crowley Coun 6:11.70 18 Berg, Marcus 9 Swink High S 6:13.16 19 Fuller, Brandon 12 Del Norte Hi 6:14.14 20 Marquez, Angelo 10 Dolores Huer 6:38.31 21 Pedragon, Axel 10 Trinidad Hig 6:42.15 22 Long, Jonah 10 Fowler High 7:16.26 Event 33 Girls 400 Meter Dash Div. I (29) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 1 Gomez-Munoz, Anjelica 12 Pueblo Centr NT 2 Sherman, Olivia 9 Pueblo West 1:11.37 3 Dutton, Taylor 9 Coronado Hig 1:07.80 4 Gantt, Bridgett 12 Sand Creek H 1:01.06 5 Moore, Brooke 10 Widefield Hi 1:02.31 6 Valentine, Riley 12 Canon City H 1:06.42 7 Badger, Kaitlin 9 Discovery Ca 1:12.00 8 Kinoff, Sydney 9 Fountain-For 1:23.65 Heat 2 Prelims 2 Ranson, Lauren 9 Pueblo Centr 1:10.24 3 Sablad, Arianna 12 Discovery Ca 1:07.83 4 Heminger, Emma 10 Alamosa High 1:00.01 5 Sowards, Emily 11 Alamosa High 1:02.98 6 O'Grady, Lauren 10 Pueblo East 1:05.26 7 Romero, Mariah 12 Pueblo East 1:12.47 8 Cheyney, Ciara 9 Mitchell Hig 1:23.29 Heat 3 Prelims 2 Stallman, Kamry 9 Fountain-For 1:09.76 3 Ryan, Marie 12 Cheyenne Mou 1:09.00 4 Haver, Katey 12 Pueblo South 59.41 5 Brown, Madison 11 Coronado Hig 1:03.52 6 Quereau, Grace 10 Sand Creek H 1:04.81 7 Micheli, Brooklyn 9 Pueblo South 1:13.28 8 Long, Anastacia 10 Mitchell Hig 1:23.00 Heat 4 Prelims 2 Willis, Macy 9 Canon City H 1:09.70 3 Sanchez, Jordan 10 Pueblo West 1:09.68 4 Baron, Heide 11 Pine Creek H 56.32 5 Hall, Chardonnae 11 Widefield Hi 1:04.25 6 Bradley, Caitlyn 10 Pine Creek H 1:04.50 7 Smith, Mara 9 Pueblo Cente 1:17.62 8 Lair, Savannah 11 Pueblo Cente 1:22.24 Event 34 Boys 400 Meter Dash Div. I (35) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Ewert, Aaron 11 Canon City H 56.08 3 Teeples, Tanner 10 Sand Creek H 54.79 4 Farrell, Sam 12 Liberty High 51.57 5 Valdez, Devin 12 Pueblo South 51.80 6 Gilliam, Marcel 10 Widefield Hi 54.62 7 Mulig, Lachlan 12 Sand Creek H 56.69 8 Shue, Jt 10 Pueblo Count 1:06.20 Heat 2 Prelims 2 Counts, Nicholas 10 Pine Creek H 55.69 3 Grundei, Steven 9 Mitchell Hig 54.80 4 Sullivan, Dacian 10 Canon City H 51.54 5 Micci, Austin 12 Coronado Hig 52.28 6 Sena, Aj 11 Pueblo Cente 54.30 7 Ortega, Marcos 9 Pueblo East 56.97 8 Morgan, Eric 9 Pueblo Count 1:02.00 Heat 3 Prelims 2 Garcia, Ryan 12 Alamosa High 55.48 3 Sammon, Thomas 11 Pueblo Cente 54.85 4 Retzlaff, Zack 12 Pueblo West 51.42 5 Ugianskis, Gavin 11 Cheyenne Mou 52.50 6 Lyon, Jalen 9 Fountain-For 54.29 7 Jaques, Angelo 10 Pueblo Centr 57.35 8 Rivera, Giorgio 10 Pueblo East 58.37 Heat 4 Prelims 2 Cosby, Jamal 11 Palmer High 55.46 3 Ralston, Gerrit 11 Coronado Hig 54.92 4 Cody, Jacob 12 Pueblo South 51.11 5 Ritter, Deondre 9 Fountain-For 53.43 6 Smith, Colton 10 Alamosa High 54.00 7 Bejadhar, Thad 10 Discovery Ca 57.59 8 Kayton, Ryan 11 Harrison Hig 57.95 Heat 5 Prelims 2 Stafford, Rahiem 12 Mitchell Hig 55.30 3 Wentzel, Anthony 12 Widefield Hi 54.98 4 Johnson, Eric 12 Harrison Hig 50.68 5 Kinnischtzke, Aaron 12 Pueblo West 53.54 6 Watson, Zack 11 Palmer High 53.79 7 Clearo, Noah 11 Pueblo Centr 57.68 8 Ivy, Trevor 9 Discovery Ca 57.87 Event 35 Girls 400 Meter Dash Div. II (28) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Lewis, Braeden 9 Manitou Spri 1:14.84 3 Ochoa, Frida 9 Trinidad Hig 1:09.02 4 Van Oort, Jayde 12 Rye High Sch 1:03.03 5 Mack, Brooklyn 9 Manitou Spri 1:03.25 6 Traver, Bethann 11 Swink High S 1:08.76 7 Duffy, Chloe 9 Simla High S 1:16.02 8 Martinez, Alexis 11 Dolores Huer NT Heat 2 Prelims 2 Samuels, Morgan 9 Fowler High 1:14.74 3 Haefeli, Emilee 9 Del Norte Hi 1:09.94 4 Jones, Bailey 11 Del Norte Hi 1:03.03 5 Ambler, Laura 10 Rye High Sch 1:04.04 6 Montague, Kaelynn 9 Simla High S 1:08.50 7 Whitehead, Clara 11 Crowley Coun 1:17.54 8 Trujillo, Breanna 10 Dolores Huer NT Heat 3 Prelims 2 Likes, Taryn 12 La Junta Hig 1:14.69 3 Shaw, Elizabeth 9 Gunnison Hig 1:11.78 4 Hough, Rachel 12 Vanguard Sch 1:01.50 5 Milroy, Aubrey 11 Vanguard Sch 1:05.47 6 Walton, Miranda 10 Calhan High 1:07.88 7 Smith, Krystal 11 Florence Hig 1:21.93 8 Fry, Jade 9 Gunnison Hig NT Heat 4 Prelims 2 Serrano, Elena 10 Fowler High 1:14.31 3 Passarelli, Kaitlin 9 Hoehne High 1:13.85 4 Anderson, Sophia 10 Hoehne High 1:01.04 5 Gomez, Cameron 11 Trinidad Hig 1:05.79 6 Muniz, Crystal 10 Crowley Coun 1:07.81 7 Bergsma, Kailey 10 Calhan High 1:22.44 8 Francis, Sidney 9 Florence Hig 1:26.00 Event 36 Boys 400 Meter Dash Div. II (26) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Moreno, Jacob 10 Dolores Huer 1:02.44 3 Wren, Britt 10 Swink High S 59.27 4 Gard, Tyler 11 Vanguard Sch 52.74 5 Adamich, DeAndre 11 Gunnison Hig 52.91 6 Haefeli, Luke 11 Del Norte Hi 58.00 7 Hoffpauir, Josh 11 Trinidad Hig 1:04.82 Heat 2 Prelims 2 McCracken, Bryce 12 Crowley Coun 1:01.92 3 Hernandez, Adam 11 Del Norte Hi 1:00.12 4 Keul, Jared 10 Manitou Spri 52.54 5 Miller, Matthew 12 Florence Hig 53.20 6 Smith, Ben 10 Simla High S 57.85 7 Vigil, Matthew 9 Hoehne High 1:05.28 Heat 3 Prelims 2 Nagel, John 11 Manitou Spri 1:01.70 3 Kirkendall, Colton 10 Rye High Sch 1:00.60 4 Haugen, Kevin 12 La Junta Hig 51.24 5 Hurne, Anthony 12 Rye High Sch 54.78 6 Sharp, Brand 9 Fowler High 56.82 7 Garcia, Edward 12 Crowley Coun 1:06.14 8 Nylander, Tuomas 11 Swallows Cha NT Heat 4 Prelims 2 Ruiz, Andreas 9 Trinidad Hig 1:01.12 3 Willyard, Tyler 11 Calhan High 1:01.03 4 Hatton, Miles 11 Vanguard Sch 50.51 5 Torres, Noah 10 Florence Hig 55.78 6 Gilmore, Zane 12 Hoehne High 56.47 7 Winters, Matt 9 Swallows Cha 1:12.00 8 Unruh, Titus 9 Fowler High 1:12.82 Event 37 Girls 800 Meter Run Div. I (27) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3-1A Geibig, Alaina 11 Cheyenne Mou 2:43.58 7-1B Manguso, Elizabeth 12 Pueblo Cente 2:47.42 11-1C Herburger, Emily 9 Pueblo East 3:10.57 1-2A McMullen, Madison 9 Pine Creek H 2:40.50 5-2B Cassens, Chloe 9 Coronado Hig 2:44.22 9-2C Contreras, Madelyn 10 Fountain-For 2:58.00 13-2D Ross, Arianna 12 Discovery Ca 3:32.00 2-3A Perez, Janae 10 Fountain-For 2:42.43 6-3B Quereau, Grace 10 Sand Creek H 2:44.57 10-3C Nevels, Ashley 11 Pueblo East 2:58.34 4-4A Bertoldo, Kristen 11 Pueblo West 2:43.65 8-4B Jackson, Brielle 10 Pueblo Cente 2:57.13 12-4C Quintana, Delicia 9 Pueblo Count 3:13.72 Section 2 Timed Finals 3-1A Nelson, Chantey 10 Palmer High 2:22.96 7-1B Garrison, Lena 12 Pueblo Count 2:29.19 11-1C Babeu, Olivia 12 Coronado Hig 2:37.25 1-2A Kroeker, Kaleigh 12 Pine Creek H 2:18.73 5-2B Till, Aubrey 12 Canon City H 2:23.65 9-2C Rodrigues, Bethany 12 Widefield Hi 2:31.44 13-2D Mascarenas, Courtney 10 Pueblo South 2:40.13 2-3A Till, Katie 10 Canon City H 2:19.68 6-3B Barrier, Ava 12 Pueblo West 2:25.93 10-3C Druelinger, Tess 11 Palmer High 2:35.78 14-3D Khosla, Kaylene 11 Pueblo South 2:40.36 4-4A Corona, Brianna 12 Alamosa High 2:23.21 8-4B Tiona, Natalie 11 Mitchell Hig 2:30.96 12-4C Ubungen, Lianna 9 Discovery Ca 2:40.08 Event 38 Boys 800 Meter Run Div. I (37) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3-1A Richard, Daymion 9 Harrison Hig 2:19.44 7-1B Coulson, Jonah 10 Canon City H 2:21.84 11-1C Martinez, Josiah 12 Pueblo Cente 2:25.79 15-1D Robinson, Jared 9 Discovery Ca 2:30.63 1-2A Roth, Peyton 9 Pueblo Centr 2:16.57 5-2B Aguilar, Isaiah 9 Sand Creek H 2:20.00 9-2C Shepherd, Alec 12 Discovery Ca 2:25.07 13-2D Santillian, Jonathon 10 Harrison Hig 2:27.34 17-2E Archuleta, Bennett 10 Pueblo East 2:52.26 2-3A Martinez, Dustin 9 Pueblo East 2:16.61 6-3B Rahaman, Clay 10 Coronado Hig 2:20.07 10-3C Ward, Nakad 10 Mitchell Hig 2:25.59 14-3D Morgan, Eric 9 Pueblo Count 2:27.60 18-3E Munoz, Cole 9 Widefield Hi NT 4-4A Ochoa, Enrique 9 Pueblo South 2:20.00 8-4B Bryant, Quindell 10 Mitchell Hig 2:24.37 12-4C Schenk, William 10 Palmer High 2:26.07 16-4D Van Horn, Gavin 11 Palmer High 2:35.12 Section 2 Timed Finals 3-1A Rathmell, Cameron 11 Liberty High 1:59.18 7-1B Fox, Matthew 11 Cheyenne Mou 2:06.45 11-1C Gablemann, Christian 10 Fountain-For 2:09.77 15-1D Fisher, Nicholas 11 Sand Creek H 2:13.08 19-1E Agenbroad, Stephen 10 Widefield Hi 2:16.04 1-2A Retzlaff, Zack 12 Pueblo West 1:55.87 5-2B Martinez, Oscar 10 Alamosa High 2:01.69 9-2C Ugianskis, Gavin 11 Cheyenne Mou 2:08.00 13-2D Reese, Austin 9 Pueblo Count 2:12.37 17-2E Vai, Nicholas 11 Coronado Hig 2:13.75 2-3A Quinn, Jack 12 Liberty High 1:57.55 6-3B Trigo, Jeremiah 12 Pueblo Cente 2:05.31 10-3C Trujillo, Brandon 12 Canon City H 2:08.99 14-3D Ramos, Colton 10 Pueblo West 2:12.92 18-3E Bernard, Ahmed 9 Fountain-For 2:14.10 4-4A Cody, Jacob 12 Pueblo South 1:59.23 8-4B Carroll, Kristian 12 Pine Creek H 2:07.27 12-4C Berlinger, Caleb 10 Alamosa High 2:10.00 16-4D Burns, Andrew 11 Pueblo Centr 2:13.46 Event 39 Girls 800 Meter Run Div. II (23) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3-1A Bartolo, Sam 11 Swink High S 3:00.33 7-1B Vallejos, Monique 9 Hoehne High 3:29.77 11-1C Francis, Sidney 9 Florence Hig NT 1-2A Imhof, Rachael 10 Calhan High 2:54.93 5-2B Smith, Krystal 11 Florence Hig 3:16.86 9-2C Patel, Aesha 9 Trinidad Hig 3:34.23 2-3A Aragon, Emily 10 Fowler High 2:58.83 6-3B Avis, Loretta 9 Trinidad Hig 3:28.28 10-3C Sanestevan, Giuliana 9 Dolores Huer NT 4-4A Vigil, Cameron 12 Dolores Huer 3:04.48 8-4B DeVore, Breann 10 Fowler High 3:30.75 Section 2 Timed Finals 3-1A Walton, Shaelyn 9 Hoehne High 2:32.65 7-1B Milroy, Aubrey 11 Vanguard Sch 2:38.62 11-1C Lee, Courtney 9 Calhan High 2:54.00 1-2A Mack, Brooklyn 9 Manitou Spri 2:27.38 5-2B Mansfield, Jenna 11 Rye High Sch 2:34.17 9-2C Anderson, Kaycee 12 Crowley Coun 2:49.41 2-3A Lucas, Hunter 12 Gunnison Hig 2:30.95 6-3B Lucas, Isabel 10 Gunnison Hig 2:36.17 10-3C Schwartz, Kaitlin 11 Crowley Coun 2:53.07 4-4A Smith, Jenny 11 Vanguard Sch 2:33.85 8-4B Rodriguez, Makayla 9 Rye High Sch 2:45.00 12-4C Clark, Hailey 9 Manitou Spri 2:54.56 Event 40 Boys 800 Meter Run Div. II (25) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3-1A Johnson, Sean 10 Florence Hig 2:40.00 7-1B Garcia, Edward 12 Crowley Coun 2:50.13 11-1C Pedragon, Axel 10 Trinidad Hig 2:57.33 1-2A Burkstaller, Luke 11 Swink High S 2:29.09 5-2B Alford, Cole 11 Florence Hig 2:42.65 9-2C Casus, Richard 10 Dolores Huer 2:54.97 2-3A Vigil, Matthew 9 Hoehne High 2:33.97 6-3B Wiebe, Mathew 10 Dolores Huer 2:47.20 10-3C Sandras, Carter 12 Manitou Spri 2:55.04 4-4A Kalashnik, Yan 12 Fowler High 2:40.10 8-4B Martin, Dillon 11 Swink High S 2:52.39 12-4C Long, Jonah 10 Fowler High 3:07.66 Section 2 Timed Finals 3-1A Mayo, Gage 11 La Junta Hig 2:05.36 7-1B Haefeli, Luke 11 Del Norte Hi 2:13.77 11-1C Apple, Jordan 9 Hoehne High 2:20.32 1-2A Hatton, Miles 11 Vanguard Sch 2:01.08 5-2B Adamich, DeAndre 11 Gunnison Hig 2:11.56 9-2C Watson, Brendan 12 Trinidad Hig 2:18.26 13-2D Miles, Nathaniel 12 Calhan High 2:28.23 2-3A Pagnotta, Corban 12 Rye High Sch 2:04.39 6-3B Mueller, Caleb 11 Gunnison Hig 2:12.41 10-3C Hernandez, Adam 11 Del Norte Hi 2:20.00 4-4A Lee, Andrew 12 Vanguard Sch 2:09.30 8-4B Villegas, Manuel 11 La Junta Hig 2:17.89 12-4C Harris, Collin 11 Rye High Sch 2:25.94 Event 41 Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Div. I (24) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 1 Olmstead, Jaelen 9 Pueblo Centr 1:01.17 2 Wood, Brylee 9 Pueblo South 56.77 3 Shetter, Sedona 10 Discovery Ca 52.58 4 Menegatti, MaLeigha 9 Pueblo West 47.02 5 Enderle, Elinor 10 Canon City H 48.77 6 Buckhaults, Alexis 10 Canon City H 52.48 7 Carter, De'ja 11 Fountain-For 57.21 8 Keator, Michelle 9 Pueblo Count 1:00.34 Heat 2 Prelims 1 Holder, Kylee 9 Pueblo Cente 1:01.21 2 Curry, Dameisha 10 Fountain-For 56.13 3 Pacheco, Megan 12 Sand Creek H 53.06 4 Brown, Marlee 11 Palmer High 46.17 5 Foster, Jordan 11 Pueblo West 50.15 6 Arhculeta-Trujillo, Jessica 10 Alamosa High 51.92 7 Whitley, Nicole 9 Coronado Hig 57.40 8 Schmitz, Gracyn 10 Discovery Ca 59.40 Heat 3 Prelims 1 Catuilli, Toni 9 Pueblo Centr 1:04.07 2 Whatley, Savanna 11 Widefield Hi 55.00 3 Abeyta, Dominique 11 Alamosa High 53.20 4 Howie, Mackenzie 12 Pine Creek H 43.45 5 Kelly, Asia-Marie 12 Pueblo East 50.40 6 Murberger, Lea 12 Pine Creek H 51.23 7 Waite, Minna 10 Pueblo South 57.51 8 Hillman, Destinee 9 Harrison Hig 58.02 Event 42 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Div. I (27) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Arellano, Coleby 9 Pueblo South 47.41 3 Hickerson, Micah 11 Discovery Ca 45.86 4 McCoy, Aaron 10 Canon City H 42.84 5 Mooring, Mason 10 Pueblo Count 43.34 6 Keller, Thomas 11 Alamosa High 45.76 7 Ashby, Jared 11 Pine Creek H 47.52 Heat 2 Prelims 2 Allen, Isaiah 10 Widefield Hi 47.40 3 Murray, Dyllan 9 Pueblo West 45.94 4 Garcia, Aaron 12 Pueblo Cente 42.62 5 Geschke, Jacob 12 Coronado Hig 43.97 6 Schmidt, Anthony 11 Fountain-For 45.54 7 Smith, Matthew 9 Coronado Hig 48.53 8 Mora, Jared 9 Pueblo Centr 56.84 Heat 3 Prelims 2 Green, Evan 11 Fountain-For 47.11 3 Brossett, Ben 10 Palmer High 46.06 4 Needham, Jon 12 Alamosa High 41.86 5 Ramos, Andrew 12 Pueblo South 44.73 6 Vigil, Carlos 10 Pueblo Cente 45.20 7 Gloria, Joey 9 Pueblo Centr 50.29 8 Livingston, Connor 9 Cheyenne Mou 55.00 Heat 4 Prelims 2 Nelson, Jermaine 12 Mitchell Hig 47.00 3 Nichols, Zane 10 Discovery Ca 46.64 4 Stringari, Trenton 12 Canon City H 38.20 5 Fuhr, Daniel 9 Pine Creek H 44.81 6 Bebow, Sam 11 Mitchell Hig 45.02 7 Hart, Isaac 9 Pueblo West 50.47 8 Thomas, Jeremy 10 Cheyenne Mou 54.39 Event 43 Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Div. II (13) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Miller, Courtney 10 Florence Hig 56.08 3 Shaffer, Anne 10 Calhan High 54.04 4 Vaughan, Tessa 10 Crowley Coun 50.88 5 Shrieves, Haley 10 Gunnison Hig 51.70 6 Anderson, Aspen 12 Hoehne High 52.83 7 Painter, Danielle 9 Swink High S 58.90 Heat 2 Prelims 2 Vaughan, Maia 12 Crowley Coun 55.10 3 Schiffer, Teyah 10 Fowler High 54.25 4 Finn, Taylor 11 Manitou Spri 47.47 5 Huss, Talyah 9 Manitou Spri 52.17 6 Johnson, Madi 9 Gunnison Hig 52.43 7 Willyard, Bethany 9 Calhan High 1:04.88 8 Bunker, Nicole 10 Florence Hig 1:32.94 Event 44 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Div. II (17) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Carver, William 9 Swallows Cha 56.00 3 Espinoza, Garron 11 La Junta Hig 47.33 4 Molter, Tyler 12 Hoehne High 43.28 5 Findley, Stefan 11 Swallows Cha 43.77 6 Hershey, Ty 10 Fowler High 47.07 7 McIntosh, Cole 11 Swink High S NT Heat 2 Prelims 2 Geringer, Canaan 9 Fowler High 51.61 3 Norman, Chase 11 Manitou Spri 47.89 4 Ferraro, Leo 11 Gunnison Hig 43.18 5 Green, Chance 12 Florence Hig 44.43 6 Sintas, Andrew 10 Vanguard Sch 45.99 7 Redner, Trey 9 Swink High S NT Heat 3 Prelims 2 Tubbs, Jon 11 Calhan High 48.69 3 Pfeifer, Cody 11 Calhan High 48.64 4 Hoffpauir, Joah 12 Trinidad Hig 42.53 5 Spangler, Leland 12 Manitou Spri 44.62 6 Muniz, Cruz 11 Crowley Coun 44.70 Event 45 Girls 3200 Meter Run Div. I (21) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Perez, Emily 12 Pueblo Cente 12:14.90 2 DeLaurell, Beth 11 Discovery Ca 12:25.60 3 Degolyer, Paige 11 Alamosa High 12:38.09 4 Kleven, Lauren 10 Pueblo South 12:38.39 5 McIntyre, Maddie 10 Palmer High 12:44.28 6 Mann, Allison 10 Liberty High 12:45.49 7 Khosla, Kaylene 11 Pueblo South 12:51.72 8 Muzzy, Elana 9 Coronado Hig 12:53.56 9 Powell, Bailey 11 Coronado Hig 12:58.38 10 Carter, René 11 Palmer High 12:59.10 11 Carroll, Emilie 11 Liberty High 13:02.63 12 Manguso, Elizabeth 12 Pueblo Cente 13:08.94 13 Lopez, Brittany 9 Alamosa High 13:10.44 14 Hee, Samantha 11 Discovery Ca 13:30.02 15 Ray, Sedona 9 Cheyenne Mou 13:30.26 16 Geibig, Alaina 11 Cheyenne Mou 13:31.15 17 Perez, Torie 9 Fountain-For 14:06.35 18 McMullen, Autumn 9 Pueblo West 14:42.28 19 Watson, Taylor 9 Fountain-For 15:13.85 20 Lambrecht, Emily 12 Canon City H NT 21 Moore, Drew 11 Canon City H NT Event 46 Boys 3200 Meter Run Div. I (33) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Egger, Adam 12 Coronado Hig 9:48.84 2 Keen, Jacob 12 Liberty High 9:58.00 3 DeLaCerda, Isaiah 10 Alamosa High 10:03.74 4 Ulibarri, Jericho 12 Alamosa High 10:12.09 5 Fox, Matthew 11 Cheyenne Mou 10:16.57 6 Walth, Ben 11 Palmer High 10:19.41 7 Walker, Dominic 12 Palmer High 10:20.58 8 Garcia, Nathan 10 Pueblo South 10:22.00 9 Wright, Scott 11 Pueblo South 10:23.00 10 Arbegast, Matthew 10 Widefield Hi 10:27.13 11 Dillon, Michael 12 Cheyenne Mou 10:27.90 12 Smith, Jamison 11 Canon City H 10:28.09 13 Mott, Chase 12 Coronado Hig 10:28.27 14 Williams, Christian 12 Fountain-For 10:43.08 15 Fisher, Nicholas 11 Sand Creek H 10:45.00 16 Munoz, Cole 9 Widefield Hi 10:46.47 17 Walrod, Austin 11 Pueblo West 10:48.38 18 Melton, McKennion 9 Liberty High 11:01.11 19 Shirley, Bryce 9 Pueblo West 11:01.22 20 Schramm, Matthew 10 Fountain-For 11:15.65 21 Clancy, Kyle 9 Discovery Ca 11:18.48 22 Regalado-Steig, Brandon 10 Pueblo Centr 11:23.59 23 Shampoe, Nick 9 Discovery Ca 11:36.62 24 Martinez, Josiah 12 Pueblo Cente 11:47.28 25 Niichel, Matt 11 Pueblo Count 11:57.44 26 Cruz, Weston 9 Pueblo Count 12:27.00 27 O'Rourke, Kyle 11 Canon City H 12:30.00 28 Kochenberger, Jack 11 Pueblo Centr 12:30.00 29 Roberts, Jeremy 10 Harrison Hig 12:48.35 30 Bayer, Brandon 12 Pueblo East 12:55.81 31 Yarberry, Brett 12 Pueblo East 13:34.87 32 Terry, Matt 9 Harrison Hig NT 33 Hughes, Kevin 9 Pueblo Cente NT Event 47 Girls 3200 Meter Run Div. II (9) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Berg, Taylor 11 Crowley Coun 12:49.64 2 Smith, Jenny 11 Vanguard Sch 13:04.50 3 Wiggin, Kali 9 Gunnison Hig 14:02.86 4 Mueller, Hannah 9 Gunnison Hig 14:08.46 5 Davidson, Kaitlyn 9 Manitou Spri 14:35.97 6 Skrzypek, Shea 11 Calhan High 14:54.25 7 Anderson, Lizzy 9 Manitou Spri 14:56.00 8 Dunwoody, Brittany 9 Calhan High 16:03.48 9 West, Jennie Ann 9 Swallows Cha NT Event 48 Boys 3200 Meter Run Div. II (11) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Wiens, Cooper 11 Gunnison Hig 10:06.29 2 Mayo, Gage 11 La Junta Hig 10:24.97 3 Vanderveer, Bryce 10 Manitou Spri 10:51.19 4 Mueller, Caleb 11 Gunnison Hig 10:58.33 5 Kelling, Slade 11 Vanguard Sch 11:01.79 6 Lovato, Nick 9 Vanguard Sch 11:21.40 7 Bauby, Michael 11 Florence Hig 11:23.25 8 Espinoza, Josiah 11 Del Norte Hi 11:55.88 9 Friedrich, Zach 11 Del Norte Hi 12:01.59 10 Segura, Daniel 9 Dolores Huer NT 11 Villegas, Manuel 11 La Junta Hig NT Event 49 Girls 800 Sprint Medley Div. I (14) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Mitchell High School 'A' 2:08.48 3 Discovery Canyon High School 'A' 2:07.41 4 Pueblo Centennial High School 'A' 2:02.66 5 Pueblo County High School 'A' 2:03.39 6 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 2:05.69 7 Pueblo Central High School 'A' 2:12.91 8 Pueblo South High School 'A' 2:14.10 Section 2 Timed Finals 2 Coronado High School 'A' 1:58.14 3 Canon City High School 'A' 1:56.38 4 Widefield High School 'A' 1:52.00 5 Palmer High School 'A' 1:52.27 6 Pueblo West High School 'A' 1:54.34 7 Pine Creek High School 'A' 1:58.50 8 Pueblo East High School 'A' 2:00.01 Event 50 Girls 800 Sprint Medley Div. II (10) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3 Rye High School 'A' NT 4 Gunnison High School 'A' 2:09.73 5 La Junta High School 'A' 2:12.59 6 Dolores Huerta Preparatory Sch 'A' 2:19.29 Section 2 Timed Finals 2 Trinidad High School 'A' 2:07.31 3 Simla High School 'A' 2:05.67 4 Manitou Springs High School 'A' 1:57.89 5 Swink High School 'A' 2:01.51 6 Del Norte High School 'A' 2:02.03 7 Calhan High School 'A' 2:08.54 Event 51 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Div. II (12) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Bunker, Nicole 10 Florence Hig 20.67 3 Painter, Danielle 9 Swink High S 19.73 4 Teetor, Savannah 9 Calhan High 17.28 5 Johnson, Madi 9 Gunnison Hig 17.52 6 Schiffer, Teyah 10 Fowler High 19.21 7 Arterrberry, Jordan 11 Swallows Cha 20.96 Heat 2 Prelims 2 Miller, Courtney 10 Florence Hig 20.42 3 Gallegos, Emily 10 Calhan High 19.85 4 Finn, Taylor 11 Manitou Spri 15.55 5 Mazzuca, Akyla 11 Gunnison Hig 18.09 6 Vaughan, Tessa 10 Crowley Coun 18.85 7 Doherty, Olivia 10 Manitou Spri 21.89 Event 52 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Div. I (23) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 1 Curry, Dameisha 10 Fountain-For 21.90 2 Keator, Michelle 9 Pueblo Count 20.78 3 Pacheco, Megan 12 Sand Creek H 17.92 4 Arhculeta-Trujillo, Jessica 10 Alamosa High 16.60 5 Lopez, Brianna 10 Palmer High 16.61 6 Whatley, Savanna 11 Widefield Hi 17.91 7 Whitley, Nicole 9 Coronado Hig 20.96 8 Olmstead, Jaelen 9 Pueblo Centr 21.81 Heat 2 Prelims 1 Murberger, Lea 12 Pine Creek H NT 2 Wood, Brylee 9 Pueblo South 20.65 3 Hillman, Destinee 9 Harrison Hig 18.00 4 Buckhaults, Alexis 10 Canon City H 16.03 5 Kelly, Asia-Marie 12 Pueblo East 16.84 6 Foster, Jordan 11 Pueblo West 17.33 7 Schmitz, Gracyn 10 Discovery Ca 21.05 8 Aguirre, Dori 11 Pueblo South 21.69 Heat 3 Prelims 2 Catuilli, Toni 9 Pueblo Centr 20.54 3 Grimmesey, Kiley 11 Pine Creek H 19.93 4 Brown, Marlee 11 Palmer High 14.80 5 Shetter, Sedona 10 Discovery Ca 17.21 6 Abeyta, Dominique 11 Alamosa High 17.26 7 Carter, De'ja 11 Fountain-For 21.07 8 Atencio, Ashton 9 Canon City H 21.54 Event 53 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Div. I (21) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Nichols, Zane 10 Discovery Ca 19.35 3 Keller, Thomas 11 Alamosa High 18.04 4 Portillos, Damario 10 Pine Creek H 16.87 5 Schmidt, Anthony 11 Fountain-For 17.00 6 Geschke, Jacob 12 Coronado Hig 17.79 7 Thomas, Jeremy 10 Cheyenne Mou 20.03 8 Gloria, Joey 9 Pueblo Centr NT Heat 2 Prelims 2 Green, Evan 11 Fountain-For 19.10 3 Fuhr, Daniel 9 Pine Creek H 18.66 4 McCoy, Aaron 10 Canon City H 16.35 5 Needham, Jon 12 Alamosa High 17.15 6 Allen, Isaiah 10 Widefield Hi 17.70 7 Livingston, Connor 9 Cheyenne Mou 20.10 8 Mora, Jared 9 Pueblo Centr 21.67 Heat 3 Prelims 2 Brossett, Ben 10 Palmer High 18.82 3 Felzien, Corey 10 Pueblo South 18.80 4 Stringari, Trenton 12 Canon City H 14.75 5 Hickerson, Micah 11 Discovery Ca 17.16 6 Murray, Dyllan 9 Pueblo West 17.37 7 Hart, Isaac 9 Pueblo West 20.48 8 Brown, Darien 10 Pueblo South 20.52 Event 54 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Div. II (16) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 1 Pfeifer, Cody 11 Calhan High 20.70 2 Sintas, Andrew 10 Vanguard Sch 18.26 3 Green, Chance 12 Florence Hig 17.80 4 Molter, Tyler 12 Hoehne High 16.03 5 Wallace, Colt 12 Rye High Sch 16.15 6 Hoffpauir, Joah 12 Trinidad Hig 17.43 7 Muniz, Cruz 11 Crowley Coun 19.01 8 Sharp, Brand 9 Fowler High 19.71 Heat 2 Prelims 1 Carver, William 9 Swallows Cha 22.80 2 Norman, Chase 11 Manitou Spri 18.10 3 Findley, Stefan 11 Swallows Cha 18.07 4 Miller, Matthew 12 Florence Hig 15.78 5 Ferraro, Leo 11 Gunnison Hig 16.15 6 Thompson, Andy 12 Manitou Spri 17.30 7 Espinoza, Garron 11 La Junta Hig 19.45 8 Hershey, Ty 10 Fowler High 19.48 Event 55 Girls 100 Meter Dash Div. II (28) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Benedict, Taylor 11 Rye High Sch 15.40 3 Muniz, Crystal 10 Crowley Coun 14.47 4 Hirakata, Toki 10 Swink High S 13.64 5 Olguin, Shannon 11 Hoehne High 13.75 6 Ovnicek, Emily 9 Florence Hig 14.45 7 Vigil, Cameron 12 Dolores Huer 15.46 8 Campos, Cameo 9 La Junta Hig NT Heat 2 Prelims 2 Richardson, Katie 9 Rye High Sch 15.21 3 Maldonado, Takeesha 11 La Junta Hig 14.50 4 Gomez, Cameron 11 Trinidad Hig 13.54 5 Dugger, Amber 12 Calhan High 13.76 6 Brewer, Kylee 10 Crowley Coun 14.41 7 Samuels, Morgan 9 Fowler High 15.51 8 Lotrich, Kassidy 10 Fowler High 16.84 Heat 3 Prelims 2 Lancelot, Grace 9 Swallows Cha 15.10 3 Kaewjangwad, Pear 11 Swallows Cha 14.80 4 Guerin, Kyrah 12 Swink High S 12.90 5 Velasquez, Rhiannon 9 Del Norte Hi 14.02 6 Dimino, Deidre 11 Hoehne High 14.37 7 Robbins, Susie 12 Manitou Spri 15.55 8 Rivas, Erica 9 Simla High S 16.32 Heat 4 Prelims 2 Guerrieri, Amber 9 Gunnison Hig 15.09 3 Vigil, Gabi 9 Manitou Spri 14.80 4 Fuchs, Brittany 9 Calhan High 12.89 5 Rector, Jerraldawn 9 Simla High S 14.03 6 Ochoa, Frida 9 Trinidad Hig 14.09 7 Fitch, Bailey 10 Florence Hig 15.68 8 Trujillo, Breanna 10 Dolores Huer 15.98 Event 56 Boys 100 Meter Dash Div. II (30) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 1 Bandimere, Kaleb 11 Crowley Coun NT 2 Doss, Dillon 10 Fowler High 12.87 3 Simons, Josiah 11 Vanguard Sch 12.37 4 Murphy, Jack 12 Gunnison Hig 11.65 5 Thompson, Julius 11 Swallows Cha 11.70 6 Tuma, Dylan 10 Crowley Coun 12.31 7 Esquibel, Nick 11 Dolores Huer 13.05 8 Valdez-Barela, Jadon 12 Swink High S NT Heat 2 Prelims 1 Geringer, Canaan 9 Fowler High NT 2 Davis, Taylor 10 Gunnison Hig 12.71 3 Rivera, Antonio 11 Trinidad Hig 12.38 4 Findley, Stefan 11 Swallows Cha 11.30 5 Funk, Cody 11 Del Norte Hi 11.75 6 Davis, Adam 12 Hoehne High 12.23 7 Smith, Ben 10 Simla High S 13.30 8 Towner, Austin 11 Dolores Huer 15.67 Heat 3 Prelims 2 Abacan, Jeremy 11 Vanguard Sch 12.67 3 Furtado-Tom, Apela 10 La Junta Hig 12.55 4 Peterson, Malachi 12 Manitou Spri 11.18 5 Leggitt, Brent 12 Florence Hig 11.82 6 Palmer, Devon 12 Rye High Sch 12.17 7 Kneis, Mark 10 Calhan High 13.52 8 Koepke, Cody 9 Simla High S 15.49 Heat 4 Prelims 2 Kayganich, Jared 12 La Junta Hig 12.65 3 Goos, Will 9 Rye High Sch 12.61 4 Matt, Mueller 12 Del Norte Hi 11.05 5 Duran, Ethan 10 Trinidad Hig 12.08 6 Crank, Devin 12 Florence Hig 12.13 7 Plank, Ira 9 Hoehne High 13.97 8 Adame, Austin 12 Swink High S 14.07 Event 57 Girls 100 Meter Dash Div. I (32) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 1 Smith, Mara 9 Pueblo Cente 16.19 2 Clarke, Kara 10 Harrison Hig 14.56 3 Sheperd, Yvonne 11 Palmer High 13.75 4 Vines, Faith 12 Pine Creek H 13.03 5 Hall, Mya 9 Palmer High 13.06 6 Pontius, Karey 9 Canon City H 13.68 7 Ranson, Lauren 9 Pueblo Centr 14.91 8 Sebastain, Myrtha 10 Pueblo Cente 15.61 Heat 2 Prelims 1 Williams, Ayan 11 Mitchell Hig NT 2 Sanchez, Jordan 10 Pueblo West 14.50 3 Raio, Kelsey 11 Pueblo South 13.87 4 Register, Ashley 12 Harrison Hig 12.99 5 Meek, Hannah 10 Canon City H 13.06 6 Roumph, Chayse 9 Pueblo West 13.60 7 Hernandez, Emily 9 Fountain-For 15.05 8 Garcia, Moriyah 11 Pueblo East 15.40 Heat 3 Prelims 1 Mares, Noami 9 Pueblo Count NT 2 Gray, Chassidy 9 Sand Creek H 14.50 3 Jaramillo, Mary 10 Pueblo Count 13.93 4 Edmonds, Jordan 12 Widefield Hi 12.20 5 Kochen, Hannah 10 Pueblo South 13.10 6 Claytor, Mary 10 Discovery Ca 13.56 7 Martinez, Ryen 9 Pueblo East 15.16 8 Trujillo, Angelique 9 Pueblo Centr 15.33 Heat 4 Prelims 1 Longmire, Taliyah 9 Mitchell Hig NT 2 McAllister, Jenna 10 Sand Creek H 14.20 3 Watkins, Armani 12 Discovery Ca 14.15 4 Baron, Heide 11 Pine Creek H 12.19 5 Thomas, Carmen 10 Widefield Hi 13.43 6 Wayne, Elizabeth 11 Cheyenne Mou 13.50 7 Nicole, Oliviah 9 Fountain-For 15.21 8 Krager, Tessa 10 Coronado Hig 15.29 Event 58 Boys 100 Meter Dash Div. I (34) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Mendiaz, Tito 11 Pueblo Cente 12.33 3 Mulig, Lachlan 12 Sand Creek H 11.91 4 Pannunzio, Isiah 11 Pueblo South 11.50 5 Allbrandt, Dylan 11 Canon City H 11.56 6 Ramos, Dennis 11 Pueblo South 11.90 7 Gleeton, Gabe 11 Mitchell Hig 12.54 Heat 2 Prelims 2 Krizan, Chance 11 Sand Creek H 12.30 3 Wessemann, Scott 10 Widefield Hi 11.92 4 Thomas, Wyatt 11 Pueblo Centr 11.44 5 Davis, Justin 11 Harrison Hig 11.59 6 RuFran, Adonis 10 Palmer High 11.85 7 Evans, Jordan 9 Coronado Hig 12.61 8 Benavidez, Sebastian 9 Pueblo East NT Heat 3 Prelims 2 Watkins, Sterling 10 Discovery Ca 12.24 3 Lucero, Xavier 11 Pueblo West 11.92 4 Micci, Austin 12 Coronado Hig 11.42 5 Eurek, Aaron 10 Palmer High 11.59 6 Foster, Xavier 12 Pine Creek H 11.82 7 Davis, Isaac 10 Mitchell Hig 12.70 8 Meier, Sean 9 Pueblo Count 13.80 Heat 4 Prelims 2 Parker, Vincent 12 Pueblo Cente 12.13 3 Bonner, John 10 Discovery Ca 11.97 4 Turner, Tyrin 11 Pueblo Centr 11.36 5 Counts, Nicholas 10 Pine Creek H 11.61 6 McClaugherty, Mason 12 Canon City H 11.79 7 Euler, Pearce 9 Cheyenne Mou 12.74 8 Mathis, Craig 10 Fountain-For 13.67 Heat 5 Prelims 2 Reyes, Adonnis 9 Pueblo Count 12.01 3 Harter, Glenn 12 Cheyenne Mou 11.99 4 Gloor, Josh 12 Widefield Hi 11.18 5 Nash, Frankie 9 Pueblo West 11.72 6 Jacquez, Nick 11 Harrison Hig 11.73 7 Donnell, Eric 9 Fountain-For 12.99 8 Huang, Yi 10 Pueblo East 13.12 Event 59 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Div. II (11) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3 Trinidad High School 'A' 1:01.89 4 La Junta High School 'A' 58.39 5 Fowler High School 'A' 59.83 6 Crowley County High School 'A' 1:00.89 Section 2 Timed Finals 2 Hoehne High School 'A' 56.17 3 Swink High School 'A' 56.11 4 Manitou Springs High School 'A' 53.25 5 Del Norte High School 'A' 53.91 6 Calhan High School 'A' 54.02 7 Simla High School 'A' 56.51 8 Gunnison High School 'A' 56.83 Event 60 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Div. II (14) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Fowler High School 'A' 51.91 3 Swink High School 'A' 50.72 4 La Junta High School 'A' 48.33 5 Crowley County High School 'A' 49.61 6 Calhan High School 'A' 49.81 7 Dolores Huerta Preparatory Sch 'A' 53.93 8 Rye High School 'A' NT Section 2 Timed Finals 2 Del Norte High School 'A' 47.16 3 Hoehne High School 'A' 46.96 4 Manitou Springs High School 'A' 45.11 5 Trinidad High School 'A' 46.09 6 Gunnison High School 'A' 46.88 7 Vanguard School, The 'A' 47.78 8 Florence High School 'A' 48.06 Event 61 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Div. I (17) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 4 Mitchell High School 'A' 58.25 5 Pueblo Central High School 'A' 1:00.57 6 Coronado High School 'A' NT Section 2 Timed Finals 2 Pueblo Centennial High School 'A' 55.53 3 Harrison High School 'A' 55.00 4 Canon City High School 'A' 54.15 5 Alamosa High School 'A' 54.81 6 Pueblo County High School 'A' 54.92 7 Discovery Canyon High School 'A' 55.59 8 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 55.82 Section 3 Timed Finals 2 Pueblo West High School 'A' 53.09 3 Pine Creek High School 'A' 51.50 4 Widefield High School 'A' 50.64 5 Sand Creek High School 'A' 50.93 6 Pueblo South High School 'A' 51.37 7 Palmer High School 'A' 53.74 8 Pueblo East High School 'A' 53.78 Event 62 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Div. I (16) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Mitchell High School 'A' 48.02 2 Discovery Canyon High School 'A' 47.09 3 Pueblo County High School 'A' 46.89 4 Palmer High School 'A' 45.80 5 Pueblo Central High School 'A' 45.86 6 Alamosa High School 'A' 46.47 7 Pueblo East High School 'A' 47.37 8 Sand Creek High School 'A' 47.92 Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Pueblo West High School 'A' 44.91 2 Coronado High School 'A' 44.62 3 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 44.47 4 Pueblo South High School 'A' 44.13 5 Widefield High School 'A' 44.31 6 Harrison High School 'A' 44.43 7 Canon City High School 'A' 44.69 8 Pueblo Centennial High School 'A' 44.80 Event 63 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Div. II (5) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Calhan High School 'A' 4:43.66 3 Gunnison High School 'A' 4:43.18 4 Hoehne High School 'A' 4:21.93 5 Rye High School 'A' 4:24.33 6 Manitou Springs High School 'A' 4:42.00 Event 64 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Div. II (9) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 4 Rye High School 'A' 3:58.22 5 Calhan High School 'A' 4:01.10 6 Florence High School 'A' 4:47.57 Section 2 Timed Finals 2 La Junta High School 'A' 3:47.62 3 Hoehne High School 'A' 3:47.61 4 Vanguard School, The 'A' 3:36.40 5 Trinidad High School 'A' 3:42.12 6 Gunnison High School 'A' 3:44.03 7 Manitou Springs High School 'A' 3:50.24 Event 65 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Div. I (14) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Pueblo South High School 'A' 5:00.00 3 Discovery Canyon High School 'A' 4:42.70 4 Coronado High School 'A' 4:31.58 5 Liberty High School 'A' 4:38.32 6 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 4:42.67 7 Pueblo East High School 'A' 5:08.09 8 Mitchell High School 'A' 5:16.39 Section 2 Timed Finals 2 Canon City High School 'A' 4:27.05 3 Palmer High School 'A' 4:24.96 4 Alamosa High School 'A' 4:14.27 5 Pine Creek High School 'A' 4:20.50 6 Pueblo West High School 'A' 4:21.43 7 Pueblo Centennial High School 'A' 4:27.92 8 Widefield High School 'A' 4:31.00 Event 66 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Div. I (17) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 4 Mitchell High School 'A' 3:50.80 5 Pueblo Central High School 'A' 3:51.50 6 Discovery Canyon High School 'A' 3:54.80 Section 2 Timed Finals 2 Pueblo East High School 'A' 3:47.42 3 Coronado High School 'A' 3:47.39 4 Alamosa High School 'A' 3:43.18 5 Pueblo County High School 'A' 3:45.90 6 Canon City High School 'A' 3:47.20 7 Sand Creek High School 'A' 3:47.57 8 Harrison High School 'A' 3:48.57 Section 3 Timed Finals 2 Widefield High School 'A' 3:38.43 3 Pueblo Centennial High School 'A' 3:37.73 4 Pueblo South High School 'A' 3:31.09 5 Pueblo West High School 'A' 3:32.10 6 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 3:36.68 7 Palmer High School 'A' 3:38.51 8 Pine Creek High School 'A' 3:40.84 Event 67 Girls 200 Meter Dash Div. I (33) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Long, Anastacia 10 Mitchell Hig 35.30 3 Claytor, Mary 10 Discovery Ca 29.05 4 Vines, Faith 12 Pine Creek H 26.66 5 Kochen, Hannah 10 Pueblo South 26.70 6 Ryan, Marie 12 Cheyenne Mou 28.65 7 Cheyney, Ciara 9 Mitchell Hig 35.38 Heat 2 Prelims 2 Rodrigues, Amanda 10 Pueblo East 33.45 3 Peters, Leilani 12 Pueblo West 29.64 4 Register, Ashley 12 Harrison Hig 26.61 5 Wayne, Elizabeth 11 Cheyenne Mou 27.33 6 Belport, Bethany 12 Pueblo South 28.50 7 Ware, Alexa 9 Harrison Hig NT Heat 3 Prelims 2 Gladbach, Alise 9 Pueblo Cente 33.21 3 Smith, Eboni 10 Fountain-For 30.17 4 Glover, Dejah 10 Sand Creek H 26.46 5 Burney, Taliah 11 Palmer High 27.51 6 Lontine, Shaleena 10 Pueblo West 28.13 7 Pontius, Karey 9 Canon City H NT 8 Ruybal, Cierra 9 Pueblo Centr NT Heat 4 Prelims 2 Sebastain, Myrtha 10 Pueblo Cente 32.96 3 Love, Thyra 9 Fountain-For 30.20 4 Jordan, Jalen 11 Palmer High 26.24 5 Gouty, Keyonna 12 Sand Creek H 27.68 6 Dutton, Taylor 9 Coronado Hig 28.00 7 Johnson, Shynesti 9 Widefield Hi NT 8 Garcia, Moriyah 11 Pueblo East NT Heat 5 Prelims 2 Ranson, Lauren 9 Pueblo Centr 30.38 3 Smith, Kiahna 10 Discovery Ca 30.21 4 Howie, Mackenzie 12 Pine Creek H 24.96 5 Scott, Diana 11 Widefield Hi 27.78 6 Smith, Jeanine 10 Coronado Hig 27.92 7 Jaramillo, Mary 10 Pueblo Count NT 8 Valentine, Riley 12 Canon City H NT Event 68 Boys 200 Meter Dash Div. I (36) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 1 Fresquez, Raymond 10 Pueblo East NT 2 Callins, Ryan 11 Sand Creek H 24.92 3 Tivis, Isaiah 11 Harrison Hig 24.10 4 Micci, Austin 12 Coronado Hig 23.25 5 Boykin, Markez 11 Harrison Hig 23.28 6 Arrington, Marquis 11 Coronado Hig 23.98 7 Barnhart, Scott 10 Discovery Ca 25.08 8 Martinez, Aaron 12 Alamosa High 27.72 Heat 2 Prelims 2 Miranda, Caleb 12 Pueblo Cente 24.84 3 Lyon, Jalen 9 Fountain-For 24.34 4 Counts, Nicholas 10 Pine Creek H 23.21 5 Johnson, Maleek 11 Pueblo South 23.50 6 Wills, Kaden 12 Pueblo West 23.89 7 Garcia, Ryan 12 Alamosa High 25.25 8 Shue, Jt 10 Pueblo Count 27.08 Heat 3 Prelims 2 Stowers, Frankie 11 Sand Creek H 24.80 3 Hernandez, Daries 11 Pueblo South 24.40 4 Turner, Tyrin 11 Pueblo Centr 23.11 5 Sullivan, Dacian 10 Canon City H 23.62 6 Harter, Glenn 12 Cheyenne Mou 23.88 7 Vigil, Carlos 10 Pueblo Cente 25.29 8 Morgan, Eric 9 Pueblo Count 26.95 Heat 4 Prelims 2 Bachicha, Isaiah 11 Pueblo East 24.73 3 Ugianskis, Gavin 11 Cheyenne Mou 24.50 4 Thomas, Wyatt 11 Pueblo Centr 22.97 5 Ritter, Deondre 9 Fountain-For 23.70 6 McClaugherty, Mason 12 Canon City H 23.84 7 Siffert, T.J. 11 Palmer High 25.30 8 Gleeton, Gabe 11 Mitchell Hig 26.25 Heat 5 Prelims 2 Grassi, Anthony 10 Palmer High 24.67 3 Bonner, John 10 Discovery Ca 24.54 4 Gloor, Josh 12 Widefield Hi 22.14 5 Wentzel, Anthony 12 Widefield Hi 23.76 6 Sarti, Jake 12 Pueblo West 23.77 7 Headley, Myles 10 Pine Creek H 25.45 8 Valadez, Marko 11 Mitchell Hig 25.50 Event 69 Girls 200 Meter Dash Div. II (29) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 1 Grinstead, Aubree 9 Swallows Cha NT 2 Serrano, Elena 10 Fowler High 33.16 3 Prescott, Nia 11 Rye High Sch 30.07 4 Sanchez, Josie 11 Del Norte Hi 26.98 5 Hough, Rachel 12 Vanguard Sch 27.25 6 Barrett, Becca 12 Crowley Coun 29.95 7 Samuels, Morgan 9 Fowler High 33.27 8 Shaw, Elizabeth 9 Gunnison Hig NT Heat 2 Prelims 2 Propernick, Bailey 9 Gunnison Hig 32.83 3 King, January 9 La Junta Hig 30.12 4 Anderson, Sophia 10 Hoehne High 26.93 5 Teetor, Savannah 9 Calhan High 28.50 6 Olguin, Shannon 11 Hoehne High 29.44 7 Duffy, Chloe 9 Simla High S 33.50 8 Metzger, Courtney 9 La Junta Hig NT Heat 3 Prelims 2 Fitch, Bailey 10 Florence Hig 32.00 3 Traver, Bethann 11 Swink High S 30.54 4 Fuchs, Brittany 9 Calhan High 26.49 5 Baudino, Kylie 9 Rye High Sch 28.55 6 Haefeli, Emilee 9 Del Norte Hi 29.39 7 Guzzo, Jesslyn 9 Trinidad Hig 34.45 8 Chavez, Larissa 9 Dolores Huer NT Heat 4 Prelims 2 Dudley, Ashtyn 10 Florence Hig 31.30 3 Brewer, Kylee 10 Crowley Coun 30.76 4 Guerin, Kyrah 12 Swink High S 26.26 5 Gomez, Cameron 11 Trinidad Hig 29.17 6 Kaewjangwad, Pear 11 Swallows Cha 29.20 7 Rivas, Erica 9 Simla High S 34.47 8 Trujillo, Breanna 10 Dolores Huer 34.54 Event 70 Boys 200 Meter Dash Div. II (30) =============================================================================== Name Year School Seed =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 1 Unruh, Titus 9 Fowler High 31.79 2 Davis, Taylor 10 Gunnison Hig 26.57 3 Sharp, Brand 9 Fowler High 25.26 4 Tovar, Luke 10 Gunnison Hig 24.15 5 Bombardier, Jared 12 Florence Hig 24.30 6 Simons, Josiah 11 Vanguard Sch 25.20 7 Stafford-Mazerall, Marcus 10 Simla High S 26.80 8 Crawford, James 10 Florence Hig 29.83 Heat 2 Prelims 1 Furtado-Tom, Apela 10 La Junta Hig NT 2 Ross, Herman 12 Crowley Coun 26.48 3 Palmer, Devon 12 Rye High Sch 25.33 4 Thompson, Julius 11 Swallows Cha 24.00 5 Davis, Adam 12 Hoehne High 24.57 6 Funk, Cody 11 Del Norte Hi 24.98 7 Esquibel, Nick 11 Dolores Huer 27.20 8 Plank, Ira 9 Hoehne High 29.59 Heat 3 Prelims 2 Kayganich, Jared 12 La Junta Hig 26.09 3 Bowman, Thomas 11 Trinidad Hig 25.35 4 Nylander, Tuomas 11 Swallows Cha 23.50 5 Thompson, Andy 12 Manitou Spri 24.60 6 Matt, Mueller 12 Del Norte Hi 24.71 7 Kneis, Mark 10 Calhan High 27.28 8 Adame, Austin 12 Swink High S 28.85 Heat 4 Prelims 2 Tuma, Dylan 10 Crowley Coun 26.00 3 Fuchs, Caleb 9 Calhan High 25.83 4 Peterson, Malachi 12 Manitou Spri 22.80 5 Lee, Andrew 12 Vanguard Sch 24.66 6 Paradiso, Josh 12 Trinidad Hig 24.71 7 Sutton, Drennan 10 Rye High Sch 27.35 8 Smith, Tim 10 Simla High S 27.40 Event 71 Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Div. I (15) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Discovery Canyon High School 'A' 2:00.01 3 Sand Creek High School 'A' 2:00.00 4 Pueblo East High School 'A' 1:56.79 5 Canon City High School 'A' 1:58.06 6 Pueblo Centennial High School 'A' 1:58.44 7 Mitchell High School 'A' 2:05.12 8 Coronado High School 'A' 2:05.60 Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Harrison High School 'A' 1:56.55 2 Alamosa High School 'A' 1:53.09 3 Palmer High School 'A' 1:51.14 4 Pine Creek High School 'A' 1:46.50 5 Widefield High School 'A' 1:47.45 6 Pueblo South High School 'A' 1:48.61 7 Pueblo West High School 'A' 1:53.24 8 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 1:56.35 Event 72 Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Div. I (16) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Discovery Canyon High School 'A' 1:42.11 2 Coronado High School 'A' 1:39.05 3 Sand Creek High School 'A' 1:39.02 4 Pueblo East High School 'A' 1:37.62 5 Palmer High School 'A' 1:37.88 6 Mitchell High School 'A' 1:38.94 7 Alamosa High School 'A' 1:39.08 8 Pueblo Central High School 'A' 1:39.31 Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Canon City High School 'A' 1:37.58 2 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 1:35.56 3 Pueblo West High School 'A' 1:35.36 4 Widefield High School 'A' 1:31.75 5 Pueblo South High School 'A' 1:32.46 6 Harrison High School 'A' 1:32.60 7 Pueblo County High School 'A' 1:36.34 8 Pueblo Centennial High School 'A' 1:36.54 Event 73 Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Div. II (9) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 4 Gunnison High School 'A' 2:04.53 5 Crowley County High School 'A' 2:06.43 6 Rye High School 'A' NT Section 2 Timed Finals 2 Simla High School 'A' 2:03.15 3 Vanguard School, The 'A' 1:59.66 4 Manitou Springs High School 'A' 1:50.29 5 Del Norte High School 'A' 1:54.25 6 Calhan High School 'A' 1:55.00 7 La Junta High School 'A' 2:03.88 Event 74 Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Div. II (14) =============================================================================== School Seed =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Crowley County High School 'A' NT 3 Dolores Huerta Preparatory Sch 'A' 1:58.18 4 Calhan High School 'A' 1:45.30 5 Fowler High School 'A' 1:48.12 6 Simla High School 'A' 1:54.26 7 Rye High School 'A' NT 8 Swink High School 'A' NT Section 2 Timed Finals 2 Trinidad High School 'A' 1:37.71 3 Florence High School 'A' 1:36.57 4 Manitou Springs High School 'A' 1:33.03 5 Gunnison High School 'A' 1:34.54 6 Vanguard School, The 'A' 1:36.50 7 Del Norte High School 'A' 1:41.18 8 La Junta High School 'A' 1:42.66