Makin' My Christmas List...

Would it not be cool to see this event on a regular basis here in Colorado?

You know, as I stop to think about making a Christmas list for track and field/cross country here in Colorado, I have to admit we have things pretty good. Among the really cool things we have (many of which have come in recent years) are:

1. We have a state cross country meet where the number of teams qualifying now fits the course. Things were a lot less congested this year than in previous years.

2. We have a state track meet that advances the top individuals to state and showcases all classifications in a single event at a single venue.

3. We have FAT timing and wind gauges at every qualifying track meet.

4. We have timers who push out results very quickly. I've a hunch that, as a whole, Colorado gets results out faster than any other state.

5. We have, as a rule, wonderful fall weather for cross country.

6. We have a Nike regional that takes us to a place where everyone can get one last blast of warmth before winter settles in.

7. We live in a state that, at least relatively speaking, values fitness.

8. We have what might very well be the best organized and most broadly contested middle school state cross country meet in the nation.

Yes, sir, we do have it good here in Colorado.

That said, I still have some items on my Christmas list. I'm very thankful for what we have, but I see added value in the items below, too:

1. The javelin. Pretty please...

2. A collective brainstorm around the state the opens up an array of new soft-surface courses for cross country competition. I don't know that this is the be-all, end-all idea that solves all our problems, but a friend recently told me that the NCAA DI Nationals course in Terre Haute, IN, is laid over an old landfill. Hmmm..... Could we do that here in Colorado?

3. It doesn't have to be part of our state track meet, but I'd love to see a few opportunities for Colorado high school kids to get to run the steeplechase. Somehow, there has to be a way to make it happen. Maybe a steeplefest somewhere in the first week or two after state track?

4. Since the CHSCA All-State games are in Alamosa, I wish for managing entities to find a way to partner with their equivalents in New Mexico and create a Colorado vs. New Mexico event out of the cross country race. That might actually create enough interest to give this idea legs to run on.

5. The 400 meter hurdles! And not just in the summer.

6. An absolutely lights-out year of participation for 2A cross country in their first year of 6/4 scoring.

So, what's on your track and field/cross country wish list?