Allison Mann tries out the self-basting technique en route to winning a scorching 3200 in 11:34.97.
Lots of teams head to Pueblo in March. If you're going to find "warm" anywhere in Colorado in March, Pueblo is a great first place to look.
We found warm. And more. All of us.
Venerable Dutch Clark Stadium, fondly known as the Dutch Oven to those who've been around the block a few times, was home to about 20 teams and afternoon temperatures in the mid 80s on Saturday. Or at least those mid 80s constituted the official high temperature for Pueblo on Saturday. Things were a bit warmer on the eight lanes that surround the field turf of Dutch Clark Stadium.
You could run, but there was no place to hide.
The heat was welcomed, at least for a while, by sprinters, jumpers, and throwers, but eventually it beat down on everyone. And nobody was more beat down that those charged with running 1600s and 3200s. Long and triple jumpers had their own little slice of misery dealing with very dusty conditions in the pits.
Still, rising above it all was an impressive series of meet records and otherwise stunning performances.
READ: Top Performances of the Meet
VIEW: Image of the Meet
LOOK AHEAD: What's Next