2017 Eagle Valley Invitational: Good To The Final Drop

With 100 meters to go, there were still five viable contenders for the girls crown.

On one glorious Saturday morning each September, the Gypsum Creek Golf Course finds its purpose in life as a cross country course. The rest of the year it toils to make a living as, well, a golf course. 

Among the enduring mysteries of life is this: more people will pay more money (a lot more money, in fact) to hit a little dimpled white ball around a place like Gypsum Creek Golf Course than to run around it. 

Deeper mysteries of life aside, a huge shout-out to Melinda Brandt, Eagle Valley High School, and the Gypsum community for making this to go-to cross country event on the Western Slope. 20 teams is an enormous cross country meet by Western Slope standards, and many of those teams have been coming for several years as one of the non-negotiable weekends on their schedule. 

If you've been there, it's not difficult to understand why.

We'll go to pages to tell the story of this year's Eagle Valley Cross Country Invitational (EVXCI). Click on Next for the story of the boys race.