The teams won't all be the same as the last time there was a meet at Polson Ranch, but all the start line intensity will be back.
It's back.
And, if you ever attended any of the Castle View Sabercat Invitationals at Polson Ranch, especially the last two, you know that the number one problem to be fixed is the congested start. Alex Sarabia at Douglas County believes they have it fixed.
The number two problem to be fixed is the parking mess. Sarabia believes that, too, is fixed.
Evidently, a lot of folks believe him, judging by who all is pointing their buses at the meet.
The roster of teams reads like an amped-up list of many of the best teams in Colorado. We need to temper that a bit, though, with the realization that some of the schools coming are giving their varsity regulars a break after last weekend.
Among those not giving their varsity regulars a break, though, are Douglas County, Palmer Ridge, Chaparral, Rock Canyon, Dakota Ridge, Grandview, Denver South, Thompson Valley, D'Evelyn, Elizabeth, and The Classical Academy. And, if you're putting two and two together, you've already figured out that placer medals are going to be very hard to come by on Saturday morning.
Such is the stuff of great contests.
Rock Canyon's boys probably need the win most to get momentum back on their side. But, Dakota Ridge could be sniffing blood and circling in for the kill. Palmer Ridge had a bit of a break after Woodbridge and should be thinking opportunity here as well.
Let's face it, we could go down the list of the really good boys teams at this meet and come up with a reason why every one of them needs to show something here.
Chris Theodore has probably earned the nod as the race favorite here, but he may not even be completely safe from his own teammate, Easton Allred. There's a long list of other guys looking for top positions as well--guys like Connor Ohlson, Austin Vancil, Ryan Matson, David Fine, Dylan Schubert, Brock Helvey, Michael Long, Ryan Moen, Canaan Lamberth, Mason Norman, Lucas Jordan, and on down the list. I don't see Yonatan Kefle on the list of entries, or he would be mentioned here as well.
Nobody rides for free here.
Before the guys even take the course, though, the girls get their turn in the sun. Well, maybe the sun will poke out tomorrow morning. We'll have to see about that...
Arguably, the team favorites on the girls side come down between Palmer Ridge and Grandview. Both would love to start building a little October momentum with a big win here. And, both will have plenty to deal with in terms of high-end runners from other other teams breaking up their packs.
Favorites? Wow.
Well, maybe Isabella Prosceno and Kaitlyn Mercer to begin with. But, let's not forget about Lina Corrales, Kenadi Krueger, and--wait a minute!--I don't even want to start trying to list all of the top girls in this mix and risk leaving one or two out. Suffice it to say it's a very lengthy list.
Something has to break here, and it just might end up being the sound barrier.
You want to know how it all plays out? Be there!
If you can't be there, well, then check out the results, the photos, and the videos on Colorado Track XC. It should all be up by Saturday evening.