Meet Information
Rankings Meet
A meet start the season which includes varsity spots. Please contact me to if you are interested attending or have any questions.
Cristina Fox
*****Pole Vault will be determine closer to time *********
Schedule will be ran as normal with 4 entries. The field events will have seated flights. The long jump, triple jump, shot and discus will have 4 attempts, no finals!
To keep this meet reasonably price, we ask teams participating to assist running an event. If there is a particular event to run that fits your teams needs, please email Cristina Fox.
Coaches Meeting at 12:30pm
Registration help:
Entry Fee: $140 per School
$75 per boys only
$75 per Girls only
Payments Send Check to Thornton High School
Attention: Track and Field
9351 N Washington St
Thornton, Co 80299
A meet start the season which includes varsity spots. Please contact me to if you are interested attending or have any questions.
Cristina Fox
*****Pole Vault will be determine closer to time *********
Schedule will be ran as normal with 4 entries. The field events will have seated flights. The long jump, triple jump, shot and discus will have 4 attempts, no finals!
To keep this meet reasonably price, we ask teams participating to assist running an event. If there is a particular event to run that fits your teams needs, please email Cristina Fox.
Coaches Meeting at 12:30pm
Registration help:
Entry Fee: $140 per School
$75 per boys only
$75 per Girls only
Payments Send Check to Thornton High School
Attention: Track and Field
9351 N Washington St
Thornton, Co 80299