Max Marr Spartan Classic (Cancelled) 2019

Berthoud, CO

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morales, Alex Yuma High School
Ruplinger, Rudy Middle Park High School
Demes, Max Middle Park High School
Ware, Jackson Stargate High School
Padilla, Isaiah Fort Lupton High School
Branon, Tommy Middle Park High School
Harris, Isaac 11.14 Sterling High School
Atwood, Alex 11.33 Fort Morgan High School
Harms, Darias 11.34 Simla High School
Moya, Donovan 11.46 Fort Morgan High School
Aragon, Alejandro 11.51 Eagle Valley High School
Mackeigan, Ian 11.67 Centaurus High School
King, Isaac 11.95 Liberty Common High School
Bondi, Thomas 11.96 Eagle Valley High School
McAleavy, Ethan 11.96 Centaurus High School
Garcia, Jesus 12.00h Fort Morgan High School
Carpenter, Joel 12.08 Simla High School
Miller, Jade 12.14 Briggsdale High School
Kleen, Justin 12.18 Liberty Common High School
Mosher, Jordan 12.21 Centaurus High School
Medina, Adrian 12.26 Fort Lupton High School
Faust, Ben 12.29 Eaton High School
Florez, Ethan 12.30 Eaton High School
Cope, Dylan 12.30 Sterling High School
Schleif, Dominik 12.33 Frederick High School
Powell, Dakota 12.56 Eaton High School
Mendoza, Victor 12.59 Yuma High School
Ayres, Parker 12.60h Frederick High School
Lauder, Nicholas 12.67 Eagle Valley High School
Branigan, Dante 12.81 Platte Canyon High School
Batzer, Evan 12.86 Platte Canyon High School
Alvarez, Chris 12.90 Laramie High School
Boyer, Darius 12.90h Platte Canyon High School
Newbill, Justyce 12.90h Sterling High School
Weitzman, Jack 12.91 Stargate High School
Kindvall, Thomas 12.98 Frederick High School
McDonnell, Graham 13.04 Stargate High School
Cox, Coy 13.11 Briggsdale High School
Mazerall, Coletin 13.12 Simla High School
Jaques, Grahm 13.31 Laramie High School
Morales, Luis 13.60 Fort Lupton High School
Zepeda, Chris 13.93 Laramie High School
Bauer, Vincent 13.96 Briggsdale High School
Goss, Ryan 14.11 Thompson Valley High School
Gordo, J 14.45 Yuma High School
Donnelly, Joe 14.50 Thompson Valley High School
Korthaus, Jacob 15.05 Thompson Valley High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sagrillo, Charley 15.03 Centaurus High School
Bracknell, Matthew 16.00h Platte Canyon High School
Cass, Jade 16.63 Pawnee High School
Hernandez, Tony 17.19 Eagle Valley High School
Tate, Beau 17.50 Yuma High School
Kuzov, Coal 17.59 Eaton High School
Albrandt, Brady 17.67 Sterling High School
Clark, Preston 17.83 Fort Lupton High School
Mosqueda, Gustavo 18.27 Yuma High School
Dill, Ty 19.01 Briggsdale High School
Sheanin, Benjamin 19.16 Centaurus High School
Gomez, Dominic 19.38 Skyview High School
Alvarez, Chris 19.59 Laramie High School
Fonseca, Jonathan 19.96 Skyview High School
Olam, Hawi 20.22 Skyview High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hosansky, Ben Centaurus High School
Couser, Cody Frederick High School
Sandoval-Castillo, Osiel Middle Park High School
Zeller, Micah 4:39.00 Laramie High School
Swingholm, Mason 4:40.34 Laramie High School
Morrissey, Luke 4:43.02 Eagle Valley High School
Conlon, Kyle 4:46.92 Berthoud High School
Gesick, Evan 4:49.13 Eaton High School
Howard, Mason 4:50.55 Simla High School
Parks, Braxton 4:52.73 Fort Morgan High School
Petersen, Brevik 4:55.13 Middle Park High School
Grewe, Matthew 4:58.48 Eagle Valley High School
Barber, Lucas 4:58.63 Liberty Common High School
Stein, Siler 4:58.89 Berthoud High School
Handwerker, Ben 4:59.04 Centaurus High School
Lenox, Aaron 5:03.90 Sterling High School
Berg, Kyle 5:05.58 Centaurus High School
Givens, Cole 5:08.06 Fort Morgan High School
Krueger, Collin 5:09.45 Laramie High School
Eggers, Jonathan 5:12.67 Berthoud High School
Firestone, Quint 5:15.22 Thompson Valley High School
Clark, Aiden 5:17.10 Liberty Common High School
Sanchez, Jose 5:17.96 Skyview High School
Williams, Hayden 5:18.95 Eagle Valley High School
Torres, Jorge 5:18.96 Fort Morgan High School
Garcia, Elezar 5:20.22 Skyview High School
Martinez, Stephen 5:22.83 Liberty Common High School
Stolte, Cooper 5:30.00h Stargate High School
Wilkins, Nick 5:30.00h Stargate High School
Hernandez, Adam 5:31.19 Sterling High School
Svela, Chase 5:31.37 Frederick High School
Micklo, Jonah 5:35.49 Thompson Valley High School
Sanchez, Anthony 5:35.83 Skyview High School
Boyce, Haken 5:36.27 Frederick High School
Paris, Matthew 5:36.99 Eaton High School
Valentine, Jace 5:45.60 Platte Canyon High School
Lawrence, Alex 5:47.52 Thompson Valley High School
Bailey, Ethan 5:48.50 Stargate High School
Wright, Jace 5:58.40 Sterling High School
Siefken, Jonathan 5:59.80 Middle Park High School
Krise, Braden 6:02.05 Briggsdale High School
Perrin, Charles 6:28.65 Yuma High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Landi, Jacopo Middle Park High School
Killpack, Conner Laramie High School
Branon, Tommy Middle Park High School
Harris, Isaac 22.60 Sterling High School
Atwood, Alex 22.90h Fort Morgan High School
Aragon, Alejandro 23.55 Eagle Valley High School
Chacon, Ryan 23.63 Frederick High School
Harms, Darias 23.83 Simla High School
Carpenter, Joel 24.11 Simla High School
Garcia, Jesus 24.42 Fort Morgan High School
Johnson, Jadon 24.67 Eaton High School
Miller, Jade 24.78 Briggsdale High School
Gliem, Xander 24.80h Fort Morgan High School
Lambertson, Luke 24.83 Briggsdale High School
Arroyo, Angel 25.04 Eaton High School
Cope, Dylan 25.06 Sterling High School
Johnson, Evan 25.07 Stargate High School
Gertner, Mason 25.10 Sterling High School
Wick, Dawson 25.16 Eaton High School
Meere, Griffin 25.40 Centaurus High School
Dahl, Austin 25.45 Laramie High School
Moser, Jesse 25.50 Eagle Valley High School
Blanco, Aiden 25.57 Yuma High School
Jackson, Amari 25.62 Centaurus High School
Branigan, Dante 25.64 Platte Canyon High School
Bondi, Thomas 25.68 Eagle Valley High School
Lintott, Jacob 25.77 Stargate High School
Schleif, Dominik 25.85 Frederick High School
Ware, Jackson 25.98 Stargate High School
Diaz, Bryan 26.55 Yuma High School
Sandoval-Castillo, Osiel 26.56 Middle Park High School
Welch, Joseph 26.60 Fort Lupton High School
Batzer, Evan 26.90 Platte Canyon High School
Ayres, Parker 27.00h Frederick High School
Cox, Coy 27.14 Briggsdale High School
Alvarez, Chris 27.42 Laramie High School
Nelson, Hayden 27.68 Centaurus High School
Boyer, Darius 29.61 Platte Canyon High School
Ortiz, Angel 29.92 Fort Lupton High School
Gordo, J 30.59 Yuma High School
Thieman, Nathan 34.03 Simla High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Elmore, Jax 1:01.40 Stargate High School
Duncan, Dalton 44.79 Eaton High School
Hernandez, Tony 45.18 Eagle Valley High School
Tate, Beau 45.40 Yuma High School
Sisneros, Joseph 45.62 Eaton High School
Mosqueda, Gustavo 45.82 Yuma High School
Albrandt, Brady 46.27 Sterling High School
Olam, Hawi 46.35 Skyview High School
Opatril, Ben 46.49 Middle Park High School
Gomez, Dominic 46.75 Skyview High School
Garza, Christopher 47.06 Simla High School
Clark, Preston 47.55 Fort Lupton High School
Sheanin, Benjamin 47.70 Centaurus High School
Kuzov, Coal 47.78 Eaton High School
Dill, Ty 48.93 Briggsdale High School
Cacciola, Logan 49.10 Pawnee High School
Bracknell, Matthew 52.0 Platte Canyon High School
Fonseca, Jonathan 52.98 Skyview High School
Knaub, Keaton 53.03 Sterling High School
Mund, Zach 53.86 Centaurus High School
Chase, Brandon 53.89 Sterling High School
Douglas, Kobe 54.03 Liberty Common High School
Roberts, Daniel 58.33 Centaurus High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cardoso, Brayden Frederick High School
Peden, Steve Laramie High School
Marquez, Antonio 10:21.42 Fort Lupton High School
Howard, Mason 10:26.47 Simla High School
Baker, Carter 10:28.48 Eagle Valley High School
Papadopolous, John 10:45.29 Eagle Valley High School
Miller, Ben 10:45.64 Liberty Common High School
Marquez, Robert 10:51.66 Centaurus High School
Nielsen, Gage 10:52.90 Eagle Valley High School
Hill, David 11:18.32 Liberty Common High School
Brown, Mateo 11:20.15 Skyview High School
Krueger, Collin 11:22.27 Laramie High School
Corona, Christian 11:23.29 Skyview High School
Miller, Bradley 11:23.81 Fort Morgan High School
Scarpella, Jadon 11:32.29 Liberty Common High School
Svela, Chase 11:38.42 Frederick High School
Hernandez, Adam 11:46.96 Sterling High School
Rittle, Ted 11:48.44 Laramie High School
Wright, Jace 11:50.00 Sterling High School
Torres, Jorge 11:50.00 Fort Morgan High School
Garcia, Elezar 11:56.53 Skyview High School
Boyce, Haken 11:57.45 Frederick High School
Freis-Levy, Harrison 12:18.53 Centaurus High School
Bailey, Ethan 12:28.71 Stargate High School
Wilkins, Nick 12:29.62 Stargate High School
Stolte, Cooper 12:30.00 Stargate High School
Valentine, Jace 12:50.04 Platte Canyon High School
Jenner, Liam 14:00.00 Centaurus High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Berry, Jackson Middle Park High School
McNulty, Gabriel Middle Park High School
Corral, Eduardo 1:00.92 Yuma High School
Vatti, Maheswara 1:01.31 Stargate High School
Lara, Yovani 1:01.36 Fort Morgan High School
Shiver, Blake 1:01.60 Thompson Valley High School
Holland, Blake 1:01.63 Fort Morgan High School
McCracken, Radek 1:01.98 Sterling High School
Roehrich, Connor 1:03.25 Thompson Valley High School
Celano, Christopher 1:03.36 Centaurus High School
Alexander, Conner 1:04.00 Centaurus High School
Retana, Uriel 1:04.89 Fort Lupton High School
Bucar, Trystan 1:05.36 Middle Park High School
Rosas, Angel 1:05.52 Sterling High School
Lauder, Nicholas 1:06.49 Eagle Valley High School
Terry, Gregory 1:07.03 Fort Lupton High School
Bauer, Vincent 1:17.64 Briggsdale High School
Chacon, Ryan 51.59 Frederick High School
King, Evan 53.88 Liberty Common High School
Long, Jacob 54.29 Yuma High School
Lambertson, Luke 54.77 Briggsdale High School
Dahl, Austin 55.15 Laramie High School
Hearon, Eric 55.73 Fort Lupton High School
Miller, Jade 55.97 Briggsdale High School
Hofer, Jacob 56.67 Stargate High School
Killpack, Conner 57.35 Laramie High School
Dwyer, Joey 57.35 Simla High School
Slatten, Jesse 57.76 Eaton High School
Bondi, Thomas 58.00h Eagle Valley High School
Contreras, Jackson 58.14 Eaton High School
Carrillo, Alexander 58.29 Frederick High School
Martin, Taylor 58.35 Eaton High School
Godfrey, Cooper 58.37 Yuma High School
Varra, Kyle 58.40 Centaurus High School
Colvin, Garrett 59.0h Frederick High School
Seward, Logan 59.42 Thompson Valley High School
McCracken, Jaxon 59.58 Sterling High School
Roling, Nathaniel 59.88 Stargate High School
Diaz, David 59.91 Fort Morgan High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Thompson Valley High School
Relay Team A Middle Park High School
Relay Team A 45.18 Fort Morgan High School
Relay Team A 45.41 Centaurus High School
Relay Team A 46.19 Skyview High School
Relay Team A 46.43 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 46.68 Yuma High School
Relay Team A 46.73 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 46.76 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 46.84 Simla High School
Relay Team A 48.41 Frederick High School
Relay Team A 48.74 Laramie High School
Relay Team A 49.04 Stargate High School
Relay Team A 50.00h Platte Canyon High School
Relay Team A 54.15 Fort Lupton High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Fort Lupton High School
Relay Team A 1:35.97 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 1:36.18 Fort Morgan High School
Relay Team A 1:36.30 Yuma High School
Relay Team A 1:36.93 Skyview High School
Relay Team A 1:37.80 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 1:39.24 Centaurus High School
Relay Team A 1:39.28 Frederick High School
Relay Team A 1:39.70 Simla High School
Relay Team A 1:44.22 Stargate High School
Relay Team A 1:48.47 Middle Park High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:38.46 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:40.77 Frederick High School
Relay Team A 3:41.11 Skyview High School
Relay Team A 3:44.49 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 3:45.05 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 3:48.28 Laramie High School
Relay Team A 3:51.20 Yuma High School
Relay Team A 3:54.56 Centaurus High School
Relay Team A 4:00.00 Fort Morgan High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:35.97 Yuma High School
Relay Team A 8:30.35 Laramie High School
Relay Team A 8:47.83 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 9:01.52 Stargate High School
Relay Team A 9:01.59 Frederick High School
Relay Team A 9:08.80 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 9:17.63 Fort Morgan High School
Relay Team A 9:18.77 Skyview High School
Relay Team A 9:31.69 Middle Park High School
Relay Team A 9:48.64 Thompson Valley High School
Relay Team A 9:53.38 Centaurus High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Escobar, Osman Yuma High School
Corona, Christian Skyview High School
Smith, Kailer Centaurus High School
Jacobs, Aidan Centaurus High School
Dean, Josh 2:01.03 Frederick High School
Swingholm, Mason 2:02.88 Laramie High School
Zeller, Micah 2:04.55 Laramie High School
Montague, Kelsey 2:04.90 Simla High School
Gesick, Evan 2:06.98 Eaton High School
Schroth, Wyatt 2:07.97 Frederick High School
Moser, Jesse 2:08.16 Eagle Valley High School
Marquez, Antonio 2:09.25 Fort Lupton High School
Bonfiglio Oswald, Matthew 2:10.56 Stargate High School
Lenox, Aaron 2:13.16 Sterling High School
Enriquez, Scott 2:13.23 Stargate High School
Hofer, Jacob 2:18.14 Stargate High School
Rhode, Luke 2:18.26 Fort Morgan High School
Garcia, Edwin 2:18.72 Fort Morgan High School
Petersen, Brevik 2:18.74 Middle Park High School
Guzman, Jonathan 2:19.28 Eagle Valley High School
Montes, Leo 2:20.83 Yuma High School
Lak, Dween 2:22.78 Skyview High School
Clark, Isaac 2:25.00 Liberty Common High School
Martinez, Aaron 2:26.10 Skyview High School
Mitcheltree, Stuart 2:26.41 Liberty Common High School
Campos, Joel 2:27.96 Fort Morgan High School
Burns, Xander 2:28.00h Sterling High School
Sotelo, Benjamin 2:28.30 Yuma High School
Paris, Matthew 2:29.17 Eaton High School
Workman, Alexander 2:29.83 Frederick High School
Sanders, Aaron 2:30.62 Middle Park High School
Bauer, Vincent 2:32.85 Briggsdale High School
Lam, Riley 2:33.72 Laramie High School
Stubner, Matthew 2:38.50 Centaurus High School
Dorlac, Owen 2:39.06 Liberty Common High School
Siefken, Jonathan 2:43.57 Middle Park High School
Duarte, Luis 2:45.77 Sterling High School
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HS Boys Discus 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pittman, Jace 160-2 Sterling High School
Kaiser, Reid 154-1 Sterling High School
Cone, Ian 148-4 Sterling High School
Reyolds, Daniel 133-4.5 Middle Park High School
McDonald, Tarren 131-6 Yuma High School
Self, Gavin 128-5 Frederick High School
Maravilla De La Cruz, Alex 127-2 Eaton High School
Schnug, Wyatt 121-7 Pawnee High School
Salazar, Matthew 118-0 Eaton High School
Stubbs, Eli 113-2 Thompson Valley High School
Martinez, Ben 105-4 Laramie High School
Hernandez, Chayanne 102-11.5 Centaurus High School
Fritzler, Henry 102-0 Eaton High School
Goeglein, Kyler 101-0 Yuma High School
Ebbs, Jaecob 97-0 Platte Canyon High School
Baldwin, Ethan 92-4 Thompson Valley High School
Dean, Michael 90-7 Platte Canyon High School
Becker, Jon 90-6 Fort Morgan High School
Remmich, Lane 89-9 Yuma High School
Zepeda, Chris 89-4 Laramie High School
Ogg, Michael 85-7 Fort Lupton High School
Matul Diaz, Jonathan 85-3 Fort Morgan High School
Ditlow, Shane 85-2.5 Centaurus High School
Giles, Keith 85-0 Platte Canyon High School
Chinone, Mike 84-7 Laramie High School
Almaraz Barrios, Jonathan 82-11 Eagle Valley High School
Mejia, Marco 82-11 Fort Morgan High School
Lehman, Reese 80-8 Frederick High School
Aragon, Jacob 70-0 Frederick High School
Vittorio, Dominic 69-8.5 Thompson Valley High School
Andres, Alfredo 69-4 Fort Lupton High School
Skillett, Erik 65-5 Fort Lupton High School
Farmer, Scotland 63-0 Eagle Valley High School
Dill, Ty 61-9 Briggsdale High School
Armstrong, Kaden 58-9 Stargate High School
Cooper, Jack 51-8.5 Stargate High School
Jung, Noah 47-5 Stargate High School
Kirwan, Cameron Middle Park High School
Cass, Jade Pawnee High School
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HS Boys High Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cass, Jade 6-7 Pawnee High School
Koonce, Owen 6-6 Centaurus High School
Frank, Jayson 6-4 Sterling High School
Newbill, Justyce 6-1 Sterling High School
Carver, Aidan 5-10 Middle Park High School
Sugianto, Asher 5-8.5 Centaurus High School
Swain, Maliek 5-8.5 Centaurus High School
DeYoung, Max 5-8 Laramie High School
Kuzov, Coal 5-8 Eaton High School
Dwyer, Joey 5-7 Simla High School
Gaddam, Manyu 5-6 Stargate High School
Morris, Aidan 5-6 Laramie High School
Adair, Janson 5-6 Laramie High School
Hanna, Akram 5-5 Middle Park High School
Knaub, Kole 5-5 Sterling High School
Arroyo, Angel 5-4 Eaton High School
Marquez, Antonio 5-4 Fort Lupton High School
Clark, Ryan 5-4 Fort Morgan High School
Hearon, Eric 5-2.5 Fort Lupton High School
Dobson, Steven 5-2 Stargate High School
Batzer, Evan 5-2 Platte Canyon High School
Colvin, Garrett 5-0 Frederick High School
Slatten, Jesse 4-10 Eaton High School
Gutierrez, Ricardo Frederick High School
Demes, Max Middle Park High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grable, Scott 22-5 Eaton High School
Sugianto, Asher 21-9 Centaurus High School
Mendoza, Victor 21-5 Yuma High School
Castillo, Miguel 20-11.5 Eagle Valley High School
Cass, Jade 20-9 Pawnee High School
Frank, Jayson 20-8 Sterling High School
Swain, Maliek 20-4.5 Centaurus High School
Shalla, Colton 19-10 Sterling High School
Judd, Travis 19-6 Laramie High School
DeYoung, Max 19-3.5 Laramie High School
Mosher, Jordan 19-1.75 Centaurus High School
Hofmeister, Derek 19-0 Berthoud High School
Hulsey, Nathaniel 18-7.75 Berthoud High School
Killpack, Conner 18-5 Laramie High School
Oseguera, Marcos 18-3 Eagle Valley High School
Knaub, Kole 18-1.5 Sterling High School
Garza, Christopher 18-0.75 Simla High School
Hearon, Eric 17-10.5 Fort Lupton High School
Tate, Beau 17-9.5 Yuma High School
Cacciola, Logan 17-6 Pawnee High School
Montague, Kelsey 17-5 Simla High School
Flores, Angel 17-4 Fort Morgan High School
Morales, Alex 17-2.5 Yuma High School
Kraljic, Eli 16-9 Berthoud High School
Welch, Joseph 16-8 Fort Lupton High School
Sigala, Angel 16-5.5 Frederick High School
Brumley, Kyle 16-0.5 Middle Park High School
Dobson, Steven 15-10.75 Stargate High School
Long, Riley 15-6 Stargate High School
Weitzman, Jack 15-5.5 Stargate High School
Gutierrez, Ricardo 15-0 Frederick High School
Ruplinger, Rudy 14-6.5 Middle Park High School
Krise, Braden 14-3.5 Briggsdale High School
Ortiz Vasquez, Angel 14-0 Fort Lupton High School
Bucar, Trystan 12-5.5 Middle Park High School
Thieman, Nathan 12-2 Simla High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Oliver 14-6 Eagle Valley High School
Daniels, Holden 14-6 Eagle Valley High School
Daubs, Ethan 14-1 Eagle Valley High School
Chrisman, Jake 13-5 Yuma High School
Morris, Aidan 12-10 Laramie High School
Hicklin, Spencer 12-1 Liberty Common High School
Skerjanec, Liam 12-0 Sterling High School
Burns, Xander 11-1 Sterling High School
McCracken, Jaxon 11-0 Sterling High School
Smith, Braden 10-11 Yuma High School
Contreras, Jackson 10-10 Eaton High School
Jaques, Grahm 10-10 Laramie High School
Schatz, Benji 10-6 Centaurus High School
Ell, Becker 10-2 Thompson Valley High School
Cooper, Kail 10-0 Yuma High School
Zacharius, Carson 9-6 Eaton High School
Mund, Zach 9-0 Centaurus High School
Hanna, Akram 8-8 Middle Park High School
Brumley, Kyle 8-1 Middle Park High School
Renfroe, Derek 7-0 Eaton High School
Couser, Cody 7-0 Frederick High School
Lee, Dawson 7-0 Frederick High School
Colvin, Garrett 7-0 Frederick High School
Siegel, Ariel 7-0 Thompson Valley High School
Bucar, Trystan Middle Park High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pittman, Jace 46-3 Sterling High School
Kaiser, Reid 46-0 Sterling High School
Fritzler, Henry 43-7.25 Eaton High School
Cone, Ian 42-0 Sterling High School
McDonald, Tarren 41-6.25 Yuma High School
Maravilla De La Cruz, Alex 41-3 Eaton High School
Stubbs, Eli 40-1.5 Thompson Valley High School
Reyolds, Daniel 39-9 Middle Park High School
Becker, Jon 38-11.25 Fort Morgan High School
Self, Gavin 38-6.5 Frederick High School
Schnug, Wyatt 37-3 Pawnee High School
Vanecek, Ethan 37-3 Eaton High School
Ditlow, Shane 35-9 Centaurus High School
Hernandez, Chayanne 35-8 Centaurus High School
Ebbs, Jaecob 34-2 Platte Canyon High School
Goeglein, Kyler 34-1 Yuma High School
Zepeda, Chris 33-11.75 Laramie High School
Dean, Michael 33-6 Platte Canyon High School
Martinez, Ben 32-9 Laramie High School
Vittorio, Dominic 32-0 Thompson Valley High School
Giles, Keith 32-0 Platte Canyon High School
Almaraz Barrios, Jonathan 31-5.5 Eagle Valley High School
Remmich, Lane 31-2.5 Yuma High School
Baldwin, Ethan 30-4.5 Thompson Valley High School
Chinone, Mike 30-1.75 Laramie High School
Lehman, Reese 29-4.5 Frederick High School
Farmer, Scotland 29-3.5 Eagle Valley High School
Cooper, Jack 28-7.5 Stargate High School
Retana, Uriel 28-7 Fort Lupton High School
Skillett, Erik 28-7 Fort Lupton High School
Cortez, Jose 28-3.5 Centaurus High School
Aragon, Jacob 28-1 Frederick High School
Hernandez, Jose 27-11 Fort Morgan High School
Mejia, Marco 27-10 Fort Morgan High School
Andres, Alfredo 23-8 Fort Lupton High School
Grado, Brandon 22-7 Eagle Valley High School
Armstrong, Kaden 20-0.5 Stargate High School
Jung, Noah 18-10 Stargate High School
Kirwan, Cameron Middle Park High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shalla, Colton 44-5 Sterling High School
Mendoza, Victor 43-8 Yuma High School
Myers, Tucker 42-1 Sterling High School
Grable, Scott 41-11.5 Eaton High School
Montague, Kelsey 41-8.75 Simla High School
Judd, Travis 40-6 Laramie High School
Castillo, Miguel 39-10 Eagle Valley High School
Wecker, Ryan 39-7.5 Sterling High School
Robinson, Clay 39-6.5 Yuma High School
Visger, Dawson 39-0 Berthoud High School
Clark, Ryan 39-0 Fort Morgan High School
Wick, Dawson 38-1 Eaton High School
Mosher, Jordan 37-10.5 Centaurus High School
Oseguera, Marcos 37-8.5 Eagle Valley High School
Mazerall, Coletin 37-3.5 Simla High School
Contreras, Jackson 37-2.5 Eaton High School
Phipps, Shawn 36-8.5 Berthoud High School
DeYoung, Max 36-3 Laramie High School
Adair, Janson 36-2.75 Laramie High School
Eyring, Creighton 36-0 Yuma High School
Bilevicius, Aironas 35-11.75 Middle Park High School
Cacciola, Logan 35-11 Pawnee High School
Lowe, Jacob 34-11 Frederick High School
Kirwan, Cameron 34-1 Middle Park High School
Weitzman, Jack 34-0.5 Stargate High School
Marks, Kellen 33-10.5 Berthoud High School
Fase, Alex 33-5 Centaurus High School
Radney, John 33-1 Centaurus High School
Long, Riley 33-0 Stargate High School
Bucar, Trystan 30-11.5 Middle Park High School
Dobson, Steven 30-0 Stargate High School
Retana, Uriel 29-3 Fort Lupton High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Sierra Simla High School
Kauber, Cate Middle Park High School
Hauer, Lainee 12.51 Eaton High School
Johnson, Emmy 12.66 Laramie High School
Dibonas, Emily 12.95 Stargate High School
Dikken, Emma 13.17 Platte Canyon High School
King, Rachel 13.20 Laramie High School
Garcia, Julissa 13.31 Yuma High School
Ehlers, Ryanne 13.38 Eaton High School
Harms, Holly 13.50 Middle Park High School
Kissler, Rebekah 13.70 Fort Lupton High School
Renner, Shaylyn 13.75 Eaton High School
Kissler, Elizabeth 13.83 Fort Lupton High School
Acevedo, Francine 13.87 Fort Morgan High School
Miller, Elsie 14.0 Liberty Common High School
Miller, Bella 14.0 Liberty Common High School
Walton, Angelina 14.00h Liberty Common High School
Carle, Tayah 14.04 Eagle Valley High School
Turner, Arabella 14.09 Eagle Valley High School
Hamacher, Kegan 14.10 Simla High School
Clapp, Elli 14.24 Frederick High School
Young, Tayler 14.29 Fort Morgan High School
Boyer, Sarah 14.56 Centaurus High School
Fuentes, Gabrielle 14.57 Platte Canyon High School
Chambers, Serria 14.66 Yuma High School
Moya, Krystalena 14.70h Fort Morgan High School
Duzenack, Jordan 14.75 Thompson Valley High School
Baird, Isabella 14.75 Stargate High School
Rollins, Emily 14.75 Thompson Valley High School
Mares, Kyla 14.83 Frederick High School
Koeller, Rachel 14.90 Centaurus High School
Lutz, Halle 14.91 Simla High School
Everhart, Ariah 15.04 Frederick High School
Holloway, Mackenzie 15.08 Briggsdale High School
Pearce, Mia 15.41 Laramie High School
Murphy, Alex 15.46 Thompson Valley High School
Meere, Josie 15.74 Centaurus High School
Donoho, Talia 15.79 Briggsdale High School
Fiscus, Hannah 16.42 Briggsdale High School
Exposito Gomez, Maria 16.50 Sterling High School
Rattanamas, Apitsada 17.27 Sterling High School
Dash, Anika 18.98 Stargate High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gardner, Taylor 15.95 Laramie High School
Book, Tristin 16.43 Eagle Valley High School
Johnson, Emilie 17.06 Stargate High School
Adams, Catelyn 17.86 Eaton High School
Weichel, Allyson 17.86 Eaton High School
Coleman, Melia 18.58 Fort Lupton High School
Mays, Charlie 18.74 Eagle Valley High School
Shroll, Taylor 18.79 Eagle Valley High School
Biener, Kira 18.99 Centaurus High School
Turpen, Courtney 19.05 Laramie High School
Zrubek, Megan 19.21 Frederick High School
Swenson, Lauren 19.36 Frederick High School
Underwood, Lindsay 19.40 Centaurus High School
Fox, Alison 19.58 Middle Park High School
Dimeo, Jaden 19.61 Platte Canyon High School
Clise , Olivia 20.34 Fort Morgan High School
Krise, Kylie 20.45 Briggsdale High School
Yocom, Tristan 20.47 Sterling High School
Gilliland, Sandy 20.66 Yuma High School
Berg, Emma 20.72 Sterling High School
Holzwarth, Shannon 21.19 Middle Park High School
Campbell, Kimberley 22.29 Fort Lupton High School
McFarland, Adi 22.29 Liberty Common High School
Rasco, Bethany 22.64 Simla High School
Perez, Dyhlani 22.70 Yuma High School
Dobao Garcia, Antia 23.05 Sterling High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cimino, Katelyn Middle Park High School
Trail, Madison Middle Park High School
Whitman, Abigail 5:16.82 Laramie High School
Berendsen, Carey 5:42.11 Laramie High School
Blach, Shelby 5:49.88 Yuma High School
Vogel, Kiana 5:53.96 Sterling High School
Morrison, Lily 6:02.09 Liberty Common High School
Maddocks, Haley 6:05.01 Centaurus High School
Richardson, Cecilia 6:11.25 Simla High School
Sundberg, Emma 6:17.37 Centaurus High School
Friesen, Cameryn 6:20.74 Middle Park High School
Gomez, Kaitlyn 6:24.17 Eaton High School
Schenck, Maddlyne 6:24.21 Eagle Valley High School
Hamari, Eleigha 6:29.42 Platte Canyon High School
Schwartz, Mikayla 6:30.00h Eaton High School
Bonfiglio Oswald, Samantha 6:38.03 Stargate High School
Kitterman, Ilese 6:41.84 Platte Canyon High School
Miller, Katleyn 6:42.85 Laramie High School
Campbell, Kimberley 6:43.49 Fort Lupton High School
Bryan, Lucia 6:47.00 Eagle Valley High School
Friesen, Taylor 6:58.14 Liberty Common High School
Wagner, Sydney 7:09.28 Platte Canyon High School
Schiffner, Joline 7:18.93 Simla High School
Rasco, Bethany 7:26.89 Simla High School
Maker, Sarah 7:59.01 Sterling High School
Hester, Anna 8:08.01 Sterling High School
Flores, Araceli 8:31.81 Yuma High School
Dechant, Kennedy 8:53.75 Stargate High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kauber, Cate Middle Park High School
Negrey, Riley 26.51 Centaurus High School
King, Rachel 26.92 Laramie High School
Dibonas, Emily 27.12 Stargate High School
Dikken, Emma 27.27 Platte Canyon High School
Cavaliero, Kaikea 28.14 Eagle Valley High School
Young, Tayler 28.22 Fort Morgan High School
Harms, Holly 28.35 Middle Park High School
Vasquez, Kayla 28.93 Laramie High School
Jurgens, Gigi 28.93 Liberty Common High School
Kissler, Elizabeth 29.17 Fort Lupton High School
Acevedo, Francine 29.41 Fort Morgan High School
Bingham, Ashlyn 29.42 Laramie High School
Morrison, Lily 29.50 Liberty Common High School
Ramirez, Diana 29.61 Eagle Valley High School
Bauer, Jillian 29.87 Briggsdale High School
Clapp, Elli 30.00 Frederick High School
Carle, Tayah 30.01 Eagle Valley High School
Coleman, Melia 30.04 Fort Lupton High School
Borowski, Lottie 30.21 Platte Canyon High School
Hewitt, Isabella 30.38 Frederick High School
Moya, Krystalena 30.50h Fort Morgan High School
Wrona, Katie 30.60 Liberty Common High School
Lantermans, Emily 30.62 Middle Park High School
Gilliland, Sandy 30.76 Yuma High School
Metzgar, Teya 30.76 Simla High School
Mares, Kyla 30.93 Frederick High School
Oramas, Cheyenne 31.22 Platte Canyon High School
Longoria, Emma 31.41 Centaurus High School
Carlson, Corinne 32.61 Centaurus High School
Exposito Gomez, Maria 32.84 Sterling High School
Dobao Garcia, Antia 33.20h Sterling High School
Wallerstedt, Zoe 34.38 Simla High School
Estrada, Ximena 35.28 Yuma High School
Rattanamas, Apitsada 36.90 Sterling High School
Petramala, Isabella 37.99 Stargate High School
Dash, Anika 39.62 Stargate High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clise , Olivia 1:00.52 Fort Morgan High School
Holzwarth, Shannon 1:03.00 Middle Park High School
Cimino, Katelyn 1:03.11 Middle Park High School
Rasco, Bethany 1:03.60 Simla High School
Rector, Kaitlyn 1:03.97 Simla High School
Perez, Dyhlani 1:06.78 Yuma High School
Johnson, Emmy 45.66 Laramie High School
Johnson, Emilie 47.86 Stargate High School
Weichel, Allyson 49.58 Eaton High School
Biener, Kira 52.10 Centaurus High School
Adams, Catelyn 53.58 Eaton High School
Yocom, Tristan 54.82 Sterling High School
Shroll, Taylor 55.46 Eagle Valley High School
Zrubek, Megan 56.03 Frederick High School
Turpen, Courtney 56.32 Laramie High School
Mays, Charlie 57.11 Eagle Valley High School
Fox, Alison 58.47 Middle Park High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Berryhill, Libby 12:18.00 Laramie High School
Berendsen, Carey 12:24.00 Laramie High School
Macdonald, Allison 13:10.83 Centaurus High School
Warnecke, Taylor 13:21.01 Simla High School
Richardson, Cecilia 13:28.11 Simla High School
Kauffman, Bryanna 13:34.89 Liberty Common High School
Hoskins, Eva 13:52.38 Liberty Common High School
Friesen, Cameryn 14:04.12 Middle Park High School
Kitterman, Ilese 14:41.82 Platte Canyon High School
Pena, Dayana 15:00.00 Eaton High School
Cimino, Katelyn 16:32.71 Middle Park High School
Wagner, Sydney 16:34.80 Platte Canyon High School
Doughty, Rebecca 16:38.57 Eaton High School
Carlson, Sydney 17:37.32 Eaton High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sundberg, Emma Centaurus High School
Friesen, Hayley Middle Park High School
Hewitt, Michela 1:00.39 Frederick High School
Saltz, Julia 1:05 Centaurus High School
Minton, Remy 1:05.45 Liberty Common High School
Barker, Elizabeth 1:05.58 Middle Park High School
Cavaliero, Kaikea 1:06.23 Eagle Valley High School
Stoncius, Selena 1:06.24 Middle Park High School
Borlovan, Abby 1:07 Centaurus High School
Bauer, Jillian 1:07.46 Briggsdale High School
Ramirez, Diana 1:08.32 Eagle Valley High School
Watson, Ondra 1:09.05 Laramie High School
Quinonez, Autum 1:10.06 Frederick High School
Everhart, Ariah 1:12.00h Frederick High School
Hamacher, Kegan 1:12.81 Simla High School
Fritzler, Jenna 1:14.00 Fort Morgan High School
Lee, Sierra 1:15.23 Simla High School
Nipple, Natalie 1:16.32 Simla High School
Luack, Allie 1:18.52 Fort Morgan High School
Serna, Diana 1:18.52 Fort Morgan High School
Estrada, Ximena 1:19.39 Yuma High School
Gardner, Alyson 1:19.72 Yuma High School
Petramala, Isabella 1:36.29 Stargate High School
Horn, Nina 1:40.37 Yuma High School
Berryhill, Libby 65 Laramie High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Middle Park High School
Relay Team A 1:03.58 Briggsdale High School
Relay Team A 51.92 Yuma High School
Relay Team A 52.56 Laramie High School
Relay Team A 52.59 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 53.71 Platte Canyon High School
Relay Team A 54.00 Liberty Common High School
Relay Team A 54.40 Centaurus High School
Relay Team A 55.50 Fort Morgan High School
Relay Team A 57.20 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 57.95 Simla High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:48.69 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 1:49.25 Yuma High School
Relay Team A 1:53.95 Laramie High School
Relay Team A 1:55.00h Platte Canyon High School
Relay Team A 1:56.78 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 1:59.94 Fort Morgan High School
Relay Team A 2:00.00h Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 2:00.55 Middle Park High School
Relay Team A 2:02.28 Frederick High School
Relay Team A 2:08.91 Simla High School
Relay Team A 2:11.14 Centaurus High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:29.85 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 4:30.71 Liberty Common High School
Relay Team A 4:31.32 Laramie High School
Relay Team A 4:36.54 Centaurus High School
Relay Team A 4:41.31 Frederick High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:17.86 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 11:22.97 Middle Park High School
Relay Team A 11:37.64 Simla High School
Relay Team A 11:39.40 Yuma High School
Relay Team A 12:16.43 Stargate High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shoales, Seneca Laramie High School
Montes, Leslie Yuma High School
Miller, Katleyn Laramie High School
Whitman, Abigail 2:15.46 Laramie High School
Hewitt, Michela 2:24.15 Frederick High School
Calvo, Brooke 2:26.95 Centaurus High School
Arteaga, Elena 2:28.00h Fort Morgan High School
O'Malley, Audrey 2:30.79 Centaurus High School
Schenck, Maddlyne 2:32.66 Eagle Valley High School
Armstrong, Grace 2:32.84 Centaurus High School
Vogel, Kiana 2:38.39 Sterling High School
Trail, Katie 2:39.58 Middle Park High School
Schwartz, Mikayla 2:39.84 Eaton High School
Bryan, Lucia 2:45.14 Eagle Valley High School
Dibonas, Ashley 2:45.66 Stargate High School
Howard, Ashlynn 2:46.95 Simla High School
Hamari, Eleigha 2:48.99 Platte Canyon High School
Day, Lucy 2:49.51 Yuma High School
Cormican, Leah 2:53.81 Middle Park High School
Engelhardt, Darby 2:55.75 Stargate High School
Trail, Madison 2:58.65 Middle Park High School
Campbell, Kimberley 3:00.05 Fort Lupton High School
Nipple, Natalie 3:04.64 Simla High School
Schiffner, Joline 3:09.83 Simla High School
Kindsfater, Julie 3:10.81 Liberty Common High School
Eyring, Kinley 3:15.90 Yuma High School
Langford, Paige 3:47.68 Liberty Common High School
Dechant, Kennedy 4:06.52 Stargate High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:55.00 Yuma High School
Relay Team A 1:57.26 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 2:00.95 Middle Park High School
Relay Team A 2:01.52 Laramie High School
Relay Team A 2:01.70 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 2:06.89 Frederick High School
Relay Team A 2:08.09 Simla High School
Relay Team A 2:08.54 Fort Morgan High School
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HS Girls Discus 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brower, Alexis 116-9 Sterling High School
Purcell, Leilani 103-2 Frederick High School
Hobbs, Allie 102-11 Eaton High School
Givens, Rylee 100-3 Fort Morgan High School
Sagapolulete, Jette 99-4 Frederick High School
Peters, Anna 97-1 Middle Park High School
Kaiser, Mallory 95-7 Sterling High School
Renner, Dawn 94-10 Eaton High School
Renner, Shaylyn 90-10 Eaton High School
Brinegar, Emily 88-11 Laramie High School
Leitner, Lauren 88-9 Frederick High School
Buss, Corinne 88-08 Laramie High School
Wells, Samantha 85-8 Yuma High School
Sotomayor, Delaney 84-8 Simla High School
Fiscus, Hannah 80-11 Briggsdale High School
Mai, Elizabeth 79-10 Fort Morgan High School
Cline, Missy 75-11 Pawnee High School
Sullivan, Jade 73-10 Briggsdale High School
Shaver, Amber 71-5 Fort Morgan High School
Ellis, Erin 70-3 Pawnee High School
Santos, Gabriella 65-8 Sterling High School
Butler, Angelina 63-7 Middle Park High School
DeLisle, Madison 60-0 Platte Canyon High School
Rollins, Emily 59-8 Thompson Valley High School
Ward, Kaylee 57-8 Thompson Valley High School
Murphy, Alex 51-11 Thompson Valley High School
Brammer, Kylee 48-0 Middle Park High School
Kenneday, Caitlyn 47-0 Simla High School
Braun, Macey 47-0 Simla High School
Underwood, Lindsay Centaurus High School
Donoho, Talia Briggsdale High School
Baird, Isabella Stargate High School
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HS Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pelton, Destiny 5-0 Fort Morgan High School
Cheesman, Cassidy 4-10 Centaurus High School
Duzenack, Jordan 4-9 Thompson Valley High School
Stucky, Alexis 4-8 Laramie High School
Shaw, Morgan 4-7 Middle Park High School
Carvalho, Katharine 4-7 Centaurus High School
Gardner, Kaylee 4-6 Laramie High School
Janssen, Tessa 4-6 Eaton High School
Henry, Sydney 4-6 Sterling High School
Gilliland, Sandy 4-5 Yuma High School
Dibonas, Ashley 4-4 Stargate High School
Borowski, Lottie 4-4 Platte Canyon High School
Anderson, Miriam 4-2 Stargate High School
Lee, Sierra 4-1 Simla High School
Negrey, Riley Centaurus High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ehlers, Ryanne 17-9.5 Eaton High School
Negrey, Riley 17-5.5 Centaurus High School
Hauer, Lainee 17-2 Eaton High School
Gardner, Taylor 16-9.25 Laramie High School
Bailey, Alyssa 16-9 Berthoud High School
Cheesman, Cassidy 16-8 Centaurus High School
Sanchez, Aubry 15-11.5 Laramie High School
Robinson, Cody 15-11.5 Yuma High School
Dibonas, Emily 15-9.5 Stargate High School
Pepper, Hailey 15-8.5 Berthoud High School
Seelye, Morgan 15-8.25 Sterling High School
Davidson, Anndee 15-4.5 Berthoud High School
Jarnagin, Jenni 15-3 Eaton High School
Johnson, Emilie 15-2.75 Stargate High School
Shaw, Morgan 15-2.5 Middle Park High School
Carbajal, Yanitza 15-2 Eagle Valley High School
Baird, Isabella 15-1 Stargate High School
Grover, Hannah 14-8 Platte Canyon High School
Taylor, Lynnea 14-8 Laramie High School
Chambers, Serria 13-11.5 Yuma High School
Henry, Sydney 13-11 Sterling High School
Turner, Arabella 13-10.75 Eagle Valley High School
Kissler, Elizabeth 13-9 Fort Lupton High School
Gilliland, Sandy 13-9 Yuma High School
Fritzler, Elise 13-0 Fort Morgan High School
Fritzler, Jenna 13-0 Fort Morgan High School
Lutz, Halle 12-11.5 Simla High School
Holloway, Mackenzie 12-10.5 Briggsdale High School
Dimeo, Jaden 12-10.25 Platte Canyon High School
Wright, Aubrey 12-5 Sterling High School
Torrez, Alexis 12-3.75 Frederick High School
Hamacher, Kegan 12-0 Simla High School
Wallerstedt, Zoe 10-6 Simla High School
DeLisle, Madison Platte Canyon High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sanchez, Aubry 11-0 Laramie High School
Biener, Kira 10-6 Centaurus High School
Johnson, Emilie 8-10 Stargate High School
Lovely, Hannah 8-9 Liberty Common High School
Alsup, Maggie 8-6 Sterling High School
Jarnagin, Jenni 7-6 Eaton High School
Oramas, Cheyenne 7-6 Platte Canyon High School
Mitchek, Lauren 7-1 Sterling High School
Underwood, Lindsay 7-0 Centaurus High School
Duran, Fatima 7-0 Yuma High School
Zrubek, Megan 6-8 Frederick High School
Berg, Emma 6-0 Sterling High School
Swenson, Lauren 6-0 Frederick High School
Justice, Kylla 5-6 Thompson Valley High School
Ibarbia, Nerea 5-0 Frederick High School
Mckinley, Anna Laramie High School
Hepworth, Gillian Liberty Common High School
Perez, Dyhlani Yuma High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hobbs, Allie 36-9 Eaton High School
Purcell, Leilani 33-2.5 Frederick High School
Brower, Alexis 33-1 Sterling High School
Jarnagin, Janae 32-6.75 Eaton High School
Rector, Kaitlyn 31-6.5 Simla High School
Buss, Corinne 31-0 Laramie High School
Carvalho, Katharine 30-9.5 Centaurus High School
Richardson, Ema 30-8 Yuma High School
Sullivan, Jade 29-11.5 Briggsdale High School
Kaiser, Mallory 29-5 Sterling High School
Sotomayor, Delaney 29-3 Simla High School
Brinegar, Emily 28-7 Laramie High School
Renner, Dawn 28-0 Eaton High School
Peters, Anna 27-11.5 Middle Park High School
Mai, Elizabeth 27-3.25 Fort Morgan High School
Donoho, Talia 27-0.5 Briggsdale High School
Wecker, Ashley 26-2 Sterling High School
Braun, Macey 26-0 Simla High School
Leitner, Lauren 25-6.75 Frederick High School
Fiscus, Hannah 25-6.5 Briggsdale High School
Ellis, Erin 24-7.25 Pawnee High School
Murphy, Alex 24-5.25 Thompson Valley High School
Rollins, Emily 24-2 Thompson Valley High School
Ward, Kaylee 24-0.5 Thompson Valley High School
Cline, Missy 24-0 Pawnee High School
Givens, Rylee 23-11.5 Fort Morgan High School
Butler, Angelina 23-8.25 Middle Park High School
Baird, Isabella 22-3 Stargate High School
Fuentes, Gabrielle 22-0 Platte Canyon High School
Arroyo, Aileen 21-9 Frederick High School
Shaver, Amber 21-7 Fort Morgan High School
Brammer, Kylee 20-4.5 Middle Park High School
DeLisle, Madison 20-0 Platte Canyon High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cheesman, Cassidy 36-5 Centaurus High School
Allen, Valarie 35-1 Sterling High School
Hewitt, Michela 35-0 Frederick High School
Milan, McKayla 33-3.75 Berthoud High School
Nissen, Logan 33-0 Berthoud High School
Seelye, Morgan 32-10 Sterling High School
Carbajal, Yanitza 32-8 Eagle Valley High School
Davidson, Anndee 32-3 Berthoud High School
Rios, Emerie 32-1 Sterling High School
Bingham, Ashlyn 31-11.25 Laramie High School
Richardson, Ema 31-6.5 Yuma High School
Trail, Katie 31-6.5 Middle Park High School
Rector, Kaitlyn 30-11.5 Simla High School
Stucky, Alexis 30-6 Laramie High School
Vasquez, Kayla 30-3 Laramie High School
Turner, Arabella 28-5.75 Eagle Valley High School
Grover, Hannah 28-3 Platte Canyon High School
Hewitt, Isabella 26-10 Frederick High School
Kissler, Rebekah 26-1.5 Fort Lupton High School
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