Jeffco Qualifier #5 2021

Lakewood, CO
Timing/Results Jeffco Track

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Young, Michael Lakewood High School
Minahan Pomering, Bennett Chatfield High School
Voigt, Aidan Evergreen High School
Stoehr, Sam Ralston Valley High School
Gaytan, Champ Bear Creek High School
Martinez, Robert Lakewood High School
Fox, Ethan Conifer High School
Gohman, Colin Evergreen High School
Garcia, Aaron Chatfield High School
Skidmore, Wyatt Ralston Valley High School
Nguyen, Evan Bear Creek High School
Hunt, Cole Conifer High School
Kuykendall, Parker Evergreen High School
Kling, David Chatfield High School
Jackson, Fulton Standley Lake High School
Lantzy, Sean Ralston Valley High School
Den, Alex Valor Christian High School
Misiewicz, Jacob Evergreen High School
LeVaughn, Hayden Ralston Valley High School
Williams, Asher Bear Creek High School
Schriever, Andrew 11.64h Standley Lake High School
Stout, Blake 11.75 Standley Lake High School
Schadler, Maximillian 11.75 Lakewood High School
Fahn, Larry 11.81 Littleton High School
Vega, Noah 12.04 Bear Creek High School
Bird, Ethan 12.06 Littleton High School
Ocasio, Jay 12.50 Valor Christian High School
Reddinger, Addison 12.52 Lakewood High School
Wickham, Shane 12.74 Conifer High School
Landers, Jay 12.78 Littleton High School
Chojnacki, Roman 12.80h Littleton High School
Algermissen, James 13.04 Valor Christian High School
Ahern, Luke 13.10 Valor Christian High School
Palmquist, Conor 13.50 Conifer High School
Clark, Ryan 14.03 Chatfield High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDonald, Tim Evergreen High School
Grotheer, Henry Lakewood High School
Trovinger, Zeb Chatfield High School
Bennett, Michael 14.97 Lakewood High School
Crosby, David 16.19 Standley Lake High School
Smith, Trenton 17.62 Lakewood High School
Oldroyd, Andrew 18.49 Chatfield High School
McDonald, Greg 18.73 Valor Christian High School
Nuno Lara, Xavier 18.93 Lakewood High School
Destefano, Paul 19.04 Conifer High School
Painter, Cutter 19.13 Chatfield High School
Rutherford, Jacob 20.00 Evergreen High School
Tiell, Korey 20.52 Chatfield High School
Lopez, Jaihdan 21.45 Ralston Valley High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Law, Camden Chatfield High School
Amori, Mark Lakewood High School
Bessette, Mason Chatfield High School
Graham, Cameron Littleton High School
Gacnik, Zack 4:30.00 Conifer High School
Moore, Evan 4:33.31 Littleton High School
Thompson, Clifton 4:34.57 Lakewood High School
Alahuhta, Topi 4:41.18 Conifer High School
Barwell, Oliver 4:45.97 Evergreen High School
VanWestrienen, Isaac 4:50.00 Conifer High School
Rios-Soto, Rodrigo 4:59 Bear Creek High School
Doty, Patrick 5:00.00 Conifer High School
Reddinger, Thomas 5:13.50 Lakewood High School
Brown, Cooper 5:15.48 Littleton High School
Brunken, Tyler 5:25 Bear Creek High School
Hamilton, Kaiden 5:26.11 Littleton High School
Farley, Aidan 5:41.32 Lakewood High School
Borchelt, Jack 5:44.56 Chatfield High School
Brandland, Adam 5:45.60 Chatfield High School
Zayonc, Nathan 6:00.00h Bear Creek High School
Brinkhoff, Kane 6:11.72 Evergreen High School
Fowler, Jaxon 6:31.93 Standley Lake High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peden, Santiago Evergreen High School
Stout, Blake Standley Lake High School
Gaytan, Champ Bear Creek High School
Young, Michael Lakewood High School
Jackson, Fulton Standley Lake High School
Trujillo, Ryan Ralston Valley High School
Mendoza, Emilio Bear Creek High School
Martinez, Robert Lakewood High School
Wickham, Blake Conifer High School
Bittner, Gabriel Evergreen High School
O'Dougherty, Noah Chatfield High School
Polliard, Nate Ralston Valley High School
Pacheco, Ezra Bear Creek High School
Wickham, Shane Conifer High School
Footer, Maxwell Evergreen High School
Williams, Asher Bear Creek High School
Yanett, Charles Chatfield High School
Palmquist, Conor Conifer High School
Rozeski, Elijah Ralston Valley High School
Schadler, Maximillian 24.09 Lakewood High School
Fahn, Larry 24.20 Littleton High School
Valdez, Gavin 24.82 Littleton High School
Ocasio, Jay 25.50 Valor Christian High School
Miller, Jameson 25.89 Ralston Valley High School
Ahern, Luke 26.01 Valor Christian High School
Landers, Jay 26.19 Littleton High School
Okorn, Lukas 26.33 Chatfield High School
Marshall, Howie 26.37 Littleton High School
Cook, Jackson 26.75 Conifer High School
Gellner, Holden 27.12 Chatfield High School
Ewert, Trevor 28.17 Valor Christian High School
Algermissen, James 28.39 Valor Christian High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roser, Cade Chatfield High School
Jones, Tyler Lakewood High School
Fox, Ethan Conifer High School
Murphy, Owen Standley Lake High School
Grotheer, Henry Lakewood High School
Silva, Tristan Evergreen High School
Bennett, Michael 38.60 Lakewood High School
Law, Kaeden 41.89 Chatfield High School
Crosby, David 42.62 Standley Lake High School
Destefano, Paul 46.53 Conifer High School
Rutherford, Jacob 46.69 Evergreen High School
Silva, Johnathon 47.43 Evergreen High School
Oldroyd, Andrew 48.93 Chatfield High School
Douglas, Jordan 49.92 Bear Creek High School
Lopez, Jaihdan 51.03 Ralston Valley High School
Hill, Ryan 52.21 Littleton High School
Davidson, Evan 52.79 Lakewood High School
Erickson, Taylor 53.97 Chatfield High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hanson, Rhys Conifer High School
Stickland, Josh Chatfield High School
Kraemer, Sean Evergreen High School
Hislop, William Conifer High School
Miller, Chayse Conifer High School
Jones, Tyler Lakewood High School
Andriola, Jack 11:15.02 Evergreen High School
Andriola, Ben 11:29.50 Evergreen High School
Gannon, Sawyer 11:41.68 Littleton High School
Peterson, Wiley 11:56 Bear Creek High School
Bogaychuk, Stan 12:30 Bear Creek High School
Yaun, Oscar 12:58.47 Conifer High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wickham, Blake Conifer High School
Paulin, Josh Ralston Valley High School
Thomas, John Evergreen High School
Garner, DeShawn Ralston Valley High School
Devigne, Jules Valor Christian High School
Prasad, Quentin Bear Creek High School
Heath, Sean Lakewood High School
Schuth, Burton Chatfield High School
Kelver, Max Ralston Valley High School
Mohler, Henry Valor Christian High School
Trovinger, Zeb Chatfield High School
Bird, Ethan 1:00.10h Littleton High School
Moga, Dylan 1:01.17 Ralston Valley High School
Chojnacki, Roman 1:01.75 Littleton High School
Curtis, Hunter 1:02.94 Standley Lake High School
Short, Declan 1:03.13 Lakewood High School
Bundgaard, Kellan 54.61 Standley Lake High School
Foster, Grant 54.63 Chatfield High School
Thompson, Clifton 55.27 Lakewood High School
Somoza, Anthony 56.07 Chatfield High School
Fojut, Jayden 56.60 Bear Creek High School
Swofford, Dane 56.64 Lakewood High School
Harinck, Harrison 57.74 Valor Christian High School
Lamey, Daniel 58.10h Littleton High School
Douglas, Jordan 59.42 Bear Creek High School
Fahn, Anthony 59.50h Littleton High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Conifer High School
Relay Team A 1:07.67 Lakewood High School
Relay Team A 45.24 Chatfield High School
Relay Team A 46.00h Valor Christian High School
Relay Team A 47.50h Ralston Valley High School
Relay Team A 47.57 Littleton High School
Relay Team A 48.00h Evergreen High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lakewood High School
Relay Team A Bear Creek High School
Relay Team A 1:37.28 Littleton High School
Relay Team A 1:37.58 Chatfield High School
Relay Team A 1:37.77 Standley Lake High School
Relay Team A 1:49.00 Ralston Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:50.00h Evergreen High School
Relay Team A 1:50.00h Valor Christian High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lakewood High School
Relay Team A 3:43.81 Chatfield High School
Relay Team A 3:50.34 Standley Lake High School
Relay Team A 3:50.81 Littleton High School
Relay Team A 3:54.34 Conifer High School
Relay Team A 4:11.98 Bear Creek High School
Relay Team A 4:16.00 Ralston Valley High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:16.46 Lakewood High School
Relay Team A 8:59.57 Littleton High School
Relay Team A 9:38.32 Bear Creek High School
Relay Team A 9:47.70 Chatfield High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lazarus, Austin Chatfield High School
Hartman, Landon Evergreen High School
Miller, Chayse Conifer High School
Weber, Jack Chatfield High School
Tannenbaum, Luke Conifer High School
Footer, Zachary Evergreen High School
Plaehn, Aidan Conifer High School
Culig, Jacob 2:07.22 Bear Creek High School
Cormier, Iain 2:10.33 Evergreen High School
Ulrich, James 2:18.07 Conifer High School
Bowers, Nicholas 2:24.30 Chatfield High School
Brunken, Tyler 2:25 Bear Creek High School
Hamilton, Kaiden 2:30.47 Littleton High School
Graham, Cameron 2:32.50 Littleton High School
Peterson, Logan 2:33.24 Bear Creek High School
Palmer, Campbell 2:38.23 Valor Christian High School
Maez, Asante 2:39 Bear Creek High School
Kientz, Trevor 2:39.10 Chatfield High School
Fowler, Jaxon 2:56.39 Standley Lake High School
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HS Boys Discus 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
LaFore, Charles 121-3 Chatfield High School
Harris, Johnathon 106-10 Lakewood High School
Hannah, Robert 97-3 Standley Lake High School
Keith, Kaleb 95-7 Lakewood High School
Smith, Emerson 95-0 Littleton High School
Ayres, Sam 91-11 Chatfield High School
Hannah, Nathan 90-11 Standley Lake High School
Carter, Jake 86-0 Ralston Valley High School
Fowler, Jackson 80-11 Standley Lake High School
Schwartz, Alex 80-6 Ralston Valley High School
Segovia, Ryan 80-4 Bear Creek High School
Edwards, CJ 74-10 Standley Lake High School
Lafore, Jacob 74-5 Chatfield High School
McCullough, Jackson 73-3 Chatfield High School
Brown, Elan 70-8 Littleton High School
Whytock, Matthew 68-3 Bear Creek High School
Stearns, Steven 61-3 Bear Creek High School
Baker, Austin 59-8 Conifer High School
LeBlanc, Chris 59-8 Ralston Valley High School
Nicholas, Nash 57-3 Littleton High School
Aaen, Luka Evergreen High School
Misiewicz, Jacob Evergreen High School
McCarter-Arnold, Carson Evergreen High School
Dastur, Connor Conifer High School
Michael, Tanner Conifer High School
LeBlanc, Chase Ralston Valley High School
Henderson, Colton Bear Creek High School
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HS Boys High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bennett, Michael 5-8 Lakewood High School
Moster, Conner 5-7 Valor Christian High School
Packebush, Campbell 5-6 Chatfield High School
Pavol, Liam 5-4 Ralston Valley High School
Peterson, Logan 4-10 Bear Creek High School
McConnell, Garrett 4-10 Lakewood High School
Plichta, Jackson 4-8 Ralston Valley High School
Pacheco, Ezra 4-6 Bear Creek High School
Misiewicz, Jacob Evergreen High School
Muther, Thomas Lakewood High School
Thompson, Clifton Lakewood High School
Hunt, Cole Conifer High School
Hanson, Rhys Conifer High School
Donovan, Liam Conifer High School
Edwards, CJ Standley Lake High School
Stout, Blake Standley Lake High School
Jackson, Fulton Standley Lake High School
Donaldson, Calin Ralston Valley High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Swofford, Dane 18-2 Lakewood High School
Pavol, Liam 17-9.75 Ralston Valley High School
McConnell, Garrett 17-7.25 Lakewood High School
Jackson, Evan 17-7 Littleton High School
Valdez, Gavin 17-6 Littleton High School
Bird, Ethan 17-1 Littleton High School
Clark, Ryan 17-0 Chatfield High School
Jackson, Fulton 17-0 Standley Lake High School
Minahan Pomering, Bennett 16-8 Chatfield High School
Fahn, Larry 16-8 Littleton High School
Myers, Dagan 16-6.5 Chatfield High School
Stout, Blake 16-5 Standley Lake High School
Plichta, Jackson 16-3.75 Ralston Valley High School
Fitzsimmons, Preston 15-4 Valor Christian High School
Kling, David 15-4 Chatfield High School
Cook, Jackson 15-3 Conifer High School
Hunt, Cole 14-9 Conifer High School
Maez, Asante 14-3 Bear Creek High School
Mouhanna, Marc 13-0.5 Bear Creek High School
Donaldson, Calin 11-9 Ralston Valley High School
Donovan, Liam 11-8 Conifer High School
Gallegos, Chase Lakewood High School
Muther, Thomas Lakewood High School
Edwards, CJ Standley Lake High School
Voigt, Aidan Evergreen High School
Garner, DeShawn Ralston Valley High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marshall, Howie 10-0 Littleton High School
Kardas, Spencer 7-0 Chatfield High School
Fowler, Jackson 6-0 Standley Lake High School
Fowler, Jaxon 6-0 Standley Lake High School
Nobel-Rudolph, Liam Lakewood High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Packebush, Campbell 45-0.5 Chatfield High School
LaFore, Charles 40-3.5 Chatfield High School
Harris, Johnathon 39-8 Lakewood High School
Segovia, Ryan 37-4.25 Bear Creek High School
McCullough, Jackson 36-5.75 Chatfield High School
Smith, Emerson 35-1 Littleton High School
Keith, Kaleb 33-6 Lakewood High School
Ayres, Sam 33-1.5 Chatfield High School
Dastur, Connor 31-1.25 Conifer High School
Brown, Elan 30-9 Littleton High School
Hannah, Robert 29-1.5 Standley Lake High School
Figg, Carter 28-8.5 Ralston Valley High School
Fowler, Jackson 28-7 Standley Lake High School
Whytock, Matthew 28-5.5 Bear Creek High School
Baker, Austin 28-5.5 Conifer High School
Shing, Michael 27-10 Ralston Valley High School
Edwards, CJ 26-7 Standley Lake High School
Huffman, Jacob 25-8.5 Ralston Valley High School
Hannah, Nathan 24-11 Standley Lake High School
Nicholas, Nash 24-2 Littleton High School
LeBlanc, Chase 22-11 Ralston Valley High School
Stearns, Steven 15-10 Bear Creek High School
Aaen, Luka Evergreen High School
Misiewicz, Jacob Evergreen High School
McCarter-Arnold, Carson Evergreen High School
Michael, Tanner Conifer High School
Henderson, Colton Bear Creek High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Swofford, Dane 41-0.75 Lakewood High School
McConnell, Garrett 39-1.25 Lakewood High School
Pavol, Liam 35-9 Ralston Valley High School
Muther, Thomas 35-7.75 Lakewood High School
Ocasio, Ethan 35-1.5 Valor Christian High School
Brown, Derrick 34-11.25 Chatfield High School
Fitzsimmons, Preston 34-4 Valor Christian High School
Allen, Brody 32-4.75 Chatfield High School
Weiner, Torrey 30-8.5 Lakewood High School
Pacheco, Ezra 30-3.5 Bear Creek High School
Minahan Pomering, Bennett 28-8.25 Chatfield High School
Donaldson, Calin 25-7 Ralston Valley High School
Hunt, Cole Conifer High School
Donovan, Liam Conifer High School
Reed, Caleb Chatfield High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Norlander, Angelica Evergreen High School
Charvat, Kate Conifer High School
Soto, Karla Lakewood High School
St. Bernard, Claire Bear Creek High School
Stansberry, Shea Evergreen High School
Sweeney, Claire Lakewood High School
Parks, Avery Conifer High School
Auld, Jasmine Chatfield High School
Middleton, Emma Evergreen High School
Grudle, Tessa Standley Lake High School
Kim, Isabella Lakewood High School
Carlston, Kate Ralston Valley High School
Pigati, Caroline Bear Creek High School
Provencal, Casia 12.20 Ralston Valley High School
Shepard, Peyton 12.53 Chatfield High School
Strom, Emma 12.87 Chatfield High School
DiPaola, Dakota 13.30 Chatfield High School
Kalahar, Chloe 13.36 Littleton High School
Faberowski, Alyssa 13.40 Valor Christian High School
Sowell, Naleia 13.79 Bear Creek High School
Olguin, Joy 13.91 Lakewood High School
Varga, Madison 13.93 Standley Lake High School
Skidmore, Jessie 14.29 Ralston Valley High School
Kougl, Sierra 14.51 Ralston Valley High School
Hackney, Marin 14.74 Standley Lake High School
Holt, Hannah 14.79 Conifer High School
Lersch, Kirsten 14.80 Valor Christian High School
Vernon, Ashley 14.92 Standley Lake High School
Capps, Jalen 15.37 Littleton High School
Coppage, Tida 15.56 Bear Creek High School
Bonham, Forellen 15.82 Conifer High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grudle, Tessa Standley Lake High School
Deutsch, Alexa Chatfield High School
Provencal, Casia 14.88 Ralston Valley High School
Long, Ashley 17.24 Chatfield High School
Hubbell, Amelia 17.27 Chatfield High School
Jermano, Anna 18.63 Evergreen High School
Kougl, Sierra 18.85 Ralston Valley High School
Tolman, Coral 19.23 Standley Lake High School
Koerner, Jenna 19.44 Lakewood High School
Pride, Kira 20.74 Ralston Valley High School
Karpinski, Marissa 20.84 Lakewood High School
Lucas, Carioline 21.58 Ralston Valley High School
Wright, Elsa 25.51 Lakewood High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crownholm, Kiley Evergreen High School
Gacnik, Erin Conifer High School
Scott, Camryn Chatfield High School
Seevers, Ella Conifer High School
Sand, Lauren Standley Lake High School
Machemer, Paige 5:39.99 Lakewood High School
Pullar, Kenzie 6:01.00h Littleton High School
Kasparek, Michelle 6:14.49 Chatfield High School
Cook, Chloe 6:15.00h Chatfield High School
Newman, Hanna 6:27.81 Lakewood High School
May, Catherine 6:35.88 Littleton High School
Butchart, Leiana 6:49 Bear Creek High School
Fairfield, Kelly 6:51.28 Evergreen High School
Kirimoto, Sara 7:02.79 Standley Lake High School
Peesel, Zoe 7:19.56 Conifer High School
Flageolle, Audrey 8:00 Bear Creek High School
Young, Ariel 8:00.00h Bear Creek High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Jacquelyn Bear Creek High School
Charvat, Kate Conifer High School
Schwanitz, Gillian Littleton High School
Flowers, Emma Evergreen High School
Hilaiel, Sophia Littleton High School
Sweeney, Claire Lakewood High School
Lucas, Carioline Ralston Valley High School
Coria-Lopez, Andrea Bear Creek High School
Vangels, Olivia Chatfield High School
Velapoldi, Lily Ralston Valley High School
DuVall, Hannah Standley Lake High School
Capps, Jalen Littleton High School
Zartman, Zoe Lakewood High School
Strom, Emma 26.72 Chatfield High School
Emmerson, Chelsie 27.41 Standley Lake High School
DiPaola, Dakota 27.50h Chatfield High School
Hobart, Margaret 27.99 Chatfield High School
Kalahar, Chloe 28.50 Littleton High School
Faberowski, Alyssa 29.00 Valor Christian High School
Morrill, Caitlyn 29.15 Evergreen High School
Donoho, Jaclyn 29.59 Evergreen High School
Rothert, Hailey 29.62 Ralston Valley High School
Hunziker, Trinity 29.75 Standley Lake High School
Vanderzee, Sydney 29.80 Evergreen High School
Varga, Madison 29.94 Standley Lake High School
Sowell, Naleia 30.27 Bear Creek High School
Holt, Hannah 30.43 Conifer High School
Hall, Lauryn 30.65 Valor Christian High School
Stanton, Kaylee 31.53 Bear Creek High School
Carlston, Kate 32.79 Ralston Valley High School
Bonham, Forellen 33.02 Conifer High School
Parks, Avery 33.71 Conifer High School
Bane, Stella 35.17 Lakewood High School
Lowe, Evyn 35.32 Lakewood High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Steinberg, Tatum Evergreen High School
Deutsch, Alexa Chatfield High School
Pool, Ashley Evergreen High School
Velapoldi, Lily Ralston Valley High School
Karpinski, Marissa 1:00.16 Lakewood High School
Vanderzee, Sydney 47.36 Evergreen High School
Provencal, Casia 47.77 Ralston Valley High School
Hubbell, Amelia 48.73 Chatfield High School
Long, Ashley 52.97 Chatfield High School
Koerner, Jenna 53.81 Lakewood High School
Jermano, Anna 53.95 Evergreen High School
Lucas, Carioline 56.45 Ralston Valley High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
VanWestrienen, Audrey Conifer High School
Reed, Ashlyn Chatfield High School
Newman, Hanna Lakewood High School
Wageman, Joelle Conifer High School
Tucker, Reese 11:20.00 Chatfield High School
Hanson, Katherine 12:53.46 Chatfield High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lohman, Taylor Chatfield High School
Rothgeb, Kathryn Evergreen High School
Jack, Taylor Standley Lake High School
Oppenlander, Sophia Chatfield High School
Emmerson, Chelsie 1:02.51 Standley Lake High School
Abernethy, Sophia 1:05.00 Standley Lake High School
Taylor, Lindsey 1:05.89 Chatfield High School
Rothert, Hailey 1:07.00h Ralston Valley High School
Pullar, Kenzie 1:07.84 Littleton High School
Kitzman, Elodie 1:08.33 Bear Creek High School
Skidmore, Jessie 1:08.87 Ralston Valley High School
Haas, Mikaela 1:09.50 Lakewood High School
Webb, Aspen 1:11.12 Chatfield High School
Hilaiel, Sophia 1:11.46 Littleton High School
Zartman, Zoe 1:17.63 Lakewood High School
Wehr, Danica 1:26.62 Conifer High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lakewood High School
Relay Team A Conifer High School
Relay Team A 50.00h Chatfield High School
Relay Team A 52.64 Standley Lake High School
Relay Team A 55.00h Evergreen High School
Relay Team A 58.90h Ralston Valley High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lakewood High School
Relay Team A Ralston Valley High School
Relay Team A Chatfield High School
Relay Team A 2:00.79 Littleton High School
Relay Team A 2:02.44 Bear Creek High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lakewood High School
Relay Team A Conifer High School
Relay Team A 4:15.00 Standley Lake High School
Relay Team A 4:50.09 Chatfield High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Chatfield High School
Relay Team A Bear Creek High School
Relay Team A 10:00.00 Evergreen High School
Relay Team A 11:33.14 Littleton High School
Relay Team A 11:35.03 Lakewood High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hendrix, Darby Lakewood High School
Brandland, Jordan Chatfield High School
Young, Ariel Bear Creek High School
Shaver, Samantha Conifer High School
Rosene, Kendra Chatfield High School
Ashby, Katherine Evergreen High School
Sand, Lauren Standley Lake High School
Stewart, Louise Evergreen High School
Allen, Sarah 2:20.71 Evergreen High School
Anderson, Elizabeth 2:35.98 Chatfield High School
Jack, Taylor 2:46.14 Standley Lake High School
White, Lane 2:52.76 Lakewood High School
Wanoskia, Tairia 3:00 Bear Creek High School
Wright, Faith 3:00.54 Valor Christian High School
May, Catherine 3:03.14 Littleton High School
Burns, Holly 3:03.21 Littleton High School
Montoya, Scarlett 3:03.30h Littleton High School
Kirimoto, Sara 3:03.32 Standley Lake High School
Lazarus, Simona 3:06.09 Chatfield High School
Sauceda, Nevaeh 3:30 Bear Creek High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lakewood High School
Relay Team A Ralston Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:54.07 Chatfield High School
Relay Team A 1:56.28 Standley Lake High School
Relay Team A 2:20.00h Evergreen High School
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HS Girls Discus 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Westfall, Riley 94-5 Chatfield High School
Rohlman, Avery 73-3 Chatfield High School
Clark, Isabella 67-11 Lakewood High School
Bird, Margaret 64-10 Littleton High School
Wilden, Dakota 64-5 Lakewood High School
Knight, Ava 62-8 Ralston Valley High School
Sheffield, Jayla 61-2 Littleton High School
Jones, Zoe 56-10 Ralston Valley High School
Skidmore, Jessie 56-7 Ralston Valley High School
Burton, Miranda 45-7 Littleton High School
Scott, Camryn 45-1 Chatfield High School
Lewis, Camille 41-2 Chatfield High School
Thornton, Sarah 39-3 Standley Lake High School
Burton, Ashlyn 32-8 Standley Lake High School
Day, Maggie Evergreen High School
Antokhin, Ayalnesh Lakewood High School
Holdren, Avery Lakewood High School
McCarthy, Isabella Standley Lake High School
Feir, Addalyn Ralston Valley High School
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HS Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Donoho, Jaclyn 5-0 Evergreen High School
Hall, Jada 4-8 Lakewood High School
Tacha, Augden 4-8 Ralston Valley High School
Hall, Lauryn 4-4 Valor Christian High School
DuVall, Hannah 4-4 Standley Lake High School
McConnell, McKenzie 4-2 Conifer High School
Deranleau, Camille 4-2 Conifer High School
Wehr, Danica Conifer High School
Parks, Avery Conifer High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pride, Kira 14-8 Ralston Valley High School
Hilaiel, Sophia 13-7.25 Littleton High School
Tacha, Augden 13-2.5 Ralston Valley High School
Capps, Jalen 13-1.75 Littleton High School
Skidmore, Lillian 12-10 Lakewood High School
Vangels, Olivia 12-6.5 Chatfield High School
Pigati, Caroline 12-6 Bear Creek High School
McConnell, McKenzie 12-5 Conifer High School
Sowell, Naleia 12-2.5 Bear Creek High School
Stanton, Kaylee 12-2.5 Bear Creek High School
Velapoldi, Lily 12-2 Ralston Valley High School
Deranleau, Camille 12-1 Conifer High School
Kougl, Sierra 11-10 Ralston Valley High School
Abernethy, Stella 11-9 Standley Lake High School
Thornton, Sarah 11-9 Standley Lake High School
Hernandez, Alexis 11-0 Lakewood High School
Barker, Montana 11-0 Standley Lake High School
Thompson, Kiera Lakewood High School
Grosskreuz, Tiana Lakewood High School
Parks, Avery Conifer High School
Wehr, Danica Conifer High School
Auld, Jasmine Chatfield High School
Deutsch, Alexa Chatfield High School
Grudle, Tessa Standley Lake High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Abernethy, Sophia 8-7 Standley Lake High School
Tolman, Coral 7-6 Standley Lake High School
Schwanitz, Gillian 7-0 Littleton High School
Grosskreuz, Tiana Lakewood High School
Barker, Montana Standley Lake High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Westfall, Riley 28-1.5 Chatfield High School
Rohlman, Avery 26-2 Chatfield High School
Clark, Isabella 25-4 Lakewood High School
Bird, Margaret 21-11 Littleton High School
Sheffield, Jayla 21-8 Littleton High School
Jones, Zoe 20-6.5 Ralston Valley High School
Scott, Camryn 18-4 Chatfield High School
Holdren, Avery 18-3.5 Lakewood High School
Lewis, Camille 18-3 Chatfield High School
McCarthy, Isabella 17-11.5 Standley Lake High School
Burton, Miranda 17-6 Littleton High School
Fletcher, Autumn 16-10 Ralston Valley High School
Thornton, Sarah 15-11.25 Standley Lake High School
Nitta, Keelyn 14-9 Ralston Valley High School
Burton, Ashlyn 11-2.75 Standley Lake High School
Day, Maggie Evergreen High School
Davis, Autumn Lakewood High School
Dempsey, Margaux Lakewood High School
Feir, Addalyn Ralston Valley High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kougl, Sierra 30-6.5 Ralston Valley High School
Skidmore, Lillian 29-9.75 Lakewood High School
Tacha, Augden 28-5.75 Ralston Valley High School
Abernethy, Stella 26-0.25 Standley Lake High School
Grosskreuz, Tiana Lakewood High School
McConnell, McKenzie Conifer High School
Deranleau, Camille Conifer High School
DuVall, Hannah Standley Lake High School
Thornton, Sarah Standley Lake High School
Barker, Montana Standley Lake High School
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