Patriot League Cross Country Meet 2008

Lyons, CO

Patriot League Cross Country Meet 2008 vs Patriot League Cross Country Meet 2009

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -7 165 172
Overall Average +6.04 21:57.21 21:51.17
1st-10th Place -32.30 17:03.80 17:36.10
1st-25th Place -12.04 17:56.72 18:08.76
1st-50th Place +1.88 18:44.50 18:42.62
1st-100th Place +10.55 19:56.09 19:45.54
Common Athletes -- -- 62
Ran Faster -26 18 44
Ran Season Best -- 62 62
Average Time +27.26 21:16.27 20:49.02
Median Time +47.00 21:23.00 20:36.00
Middle 80% Times +31.12 21:20.52 20:49.40
Top 10% Times +24.43 17:47.43 17:23.00
Top 25% Times +38.19 18:47.25 18:09.06
Top 50% Times +40.90 19:38.48 18:57.58
Bottom 50% Times +13.61 22:54.06 22:40.45
Bottom 25% Times -9.81 23:52.56 24:02.38
Bottom 10% Times -6.29 25:05.29 25:11.57
Average Difference +27.26 -- --
Median Difference +2:41.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +34.72 -- --
Top 10% Difference +11.86 -- --
Top 50% Difference +34.00 -- --
Top 25% Difference +31.31 -- --
Top 50% Difference +34.00 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +20.52 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -8.38 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -29.14 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Amos Bowen Brush High School +12.00 16:07.00 15:55.00
Dylan Donohoe Lyons High School +23.00 16:50.00 16:27.00
Zach Pfeifer Lyons High School +16.00 17:47.00 17:31.00
Bryan Devore Eaton High School -18.00 17:32.00 17:50.00
Isaac Alegria Platte Valley High School +40.00 18:36.00 17:56.00
Greg Mares Brush High School +2:02.00 20:00.00 17:58.00
Gareth Hyde Erie High School +1:23.00 19:27.00 18:04.00
Brandon Fritz Eaton High School +1:27.00 19:37.00 18:10.00
Chris Buhler University High School +24.00 18:45.00 18:21.00
Derek Zuniga Brush High School +36.00 19:11.00 18:35.00
Alex Breen University High School +1:54.00 20:34.00 18:40.00
Sean Flynn Lyons High School +2:41.00 21:23.00 18:42.00
David Richardson Platte Valley High School -14.00 18:55.00 19:09.00
Cash Merritt Eaton High School +23.00 19:21.00 18:58.00
Chris Smith Lyons High School +40.00 19:38.00 18:58.00
Jordan Perkins University High School +1:34.00 20:45.00 19:11.00
Kelton Lightfoot University High School +1:05.00 20:25.00 19:20.00
Kim Hansen Estes Park High School +33.00 19:55.00 19:22.00
Sam Kennedy Erie High School +1:26.00 20:48.00 19:22.00
Keith Albertson Lyons High School +1:12.00 20:37.00 19:25.00
Melissa Roberts Lyons High School -7.00 19:26.00 19:33.00
Nick Mcnulty Lyons High School +1:34.00 21:02.00 19:28.00
Beth Jones Eaton High School -27.00 19:33.00 20:00.00
David Gamble Estes Park High School +58.00 20:34.00 19:36.00
Jacob Vahlenkamp Lyons High School +9.00 20:01.00 19:52.00
Aaron Gustafson Eaton High School +1.00 19:56.00 19:55.00
David Krier University High School +1:39.00 21:35.00 19:56.00
Sarah Goss Brush High School -12.00 20:01.00 20:13.00
Victoria Milano Brush High School -36.00 20:08.00 20:44.00
Brian Williamson Platte Valley High School +1:07.00 21:24.00 20:17.00
Chelsea Weitzel Estes Park High School +23.00 20:51.00 20:28.00
David Shoemaker University High School +1:59.00 22:32.00 20:33.00
Michael Quedenfeld Weld Central High School -2.00 20:34.00 20:36.00
Codee Pfleiderer Platte Valley High School +7.00 20:57.00 20:50.00
Chris Kruidenier Eaton High School +58.00 21:49.00 20:51.00
Hannah Koschnitzke Estes Park High School +8.00 21:00.00 20:52.00
Ariel Andrews Yuma High School +3:20.00 24:19.00 20:59.00
Fernando Carrillo Brush High School +31.00 21:31.00 21:00.00
Michelle Mcquinn Estes Park High School +1:28.00 22:39.00 21:11.00
Shelby Brow Erie High School +14.00 21:28.00 21:14.00
Mekenzie Atkins Erie High School +1:14.00 22:33.00 21:19.00
Molly Swanson Estes Park High School +44.00 22:06.00 21:22.00
Carmen Laing Estes Park High School +34.00 22:05.00 21:31.00
Bridget Sutton Erie High School -2.00 21:38.00 21:40.00
Katy Faulkner University High School +8.00 22:01.00 21:53.00
April Strohauer University High School -1:29.00 21:58.00 23:27.00
Katie Cyr Brush High School -15.00 21:59.00 22:14.00
Megan Leahy Erie High School -1:00.00 22:02.00 23:02.00
Eric Gill Eaton High School +1:09.00 23:25.00 22:16.00
Sydney Otto University High School +1:46.00 24:07.00 22:21.00
Jill Mertens Brush High School -10.00 22:24.00 22:34.00
Liria Gutierrez Strasburg High School -56.00 22:38.00 23:34.00
Tera Lyons Strasburg High School -1:51.00 22:42.00 24:33.00
Amber Strohauer University High School -44.00 22:44.00 23:28.00
Lauren Shoop Eaton High School -1:09.00 22:51.00 24:00.00
Haley Mckee Erie High School -1:50.00 22:57.00 24:47.00
Bev Minard Estes Park High School +13.00 23:55.00 23:42.00
Taylor Hagler University High School +36.00 24:29.00 23:53.00
Erika Loya Eaton High School +32.00 25:10.00 24:38.00
Erika Holton Erie High School -1:20.00 24:55.00 26:15.00
Rene Post Weld Central High School +16.00 25:47.00 25:31.00
Maddie Kemme University High School +13.00 26:50.00 26:37.00