Rye Thunderbolt Invitational 2021

Colorado City, CO

Rye Thunderbolt Invitational 2021 vs Rye Thunderbolt Invitational 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +14 109 95
Overall Average +38.68 26:07.58 25:28.89
1st-10th Place +35.80 19:40.63 19:04.83
1st-25th Place +28.83 20:45.10 20:16.28
1st-50th Place +35.72 22:15.37 21:39.65
1st-100th Place +1:03.86 25:16.31 24:12.45
Common Athletes -- -- 22
Ran Faster 6 14 8
Ran Season Best 1 1 --
Average Time -53.48 24:24.58 25:18.05
Median Time -2:54.80 23:33.40 26:28.20
Middle 80% Times -56.94 24:46.62 25:43.57
Top 10% Times -53.93 18:51.80 19:45.73
Top 25% Times -1:02.18 19:36.15 20:38.33
Top 50% Times -58.01 20:39.14 21:37.15
Bottom 50% Times -48.95 28:10.02 28:58.96
Bottom 25% Times +8.30 30:36.32 30:28.02
Bottom 10% Times +40.50 32:36.57 31:56.07
Average Difference -53.48 -- --
Median Difference -5:39.10 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:02.74 -- --
Top 10% Difference -19.13 -- --
Top 50% Difference -43.07 -- --
Top 25% Difference -57.68 -- --
Top 50% Difference -43.07 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:03.88 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +15.02 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +44.37 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ethan Conrad Pueblo County High School -2:27.20 18:27.00 20:54.20
Clayton McPherson Pueblo County High School +1.10 19:03.80 19:02.70
Dalton Avis Primero High School -52.70 19:04.60 19:57.30
Ethan Turner Pueblo County High School -1:27.30 20:10.30 21:37.60
Braden Springer Pueblo County High School -5.80 20:11.40 20:17.20
Malachi Miller Fountain Valley School of Colorado -2:51.00 20:39.80 23:30.80
Harrison Walter Custer County High School -5:39.10 20:49.10 26:28.20
Dalton Romero Antonito High School -54.20 21:06.80 22:01.00
Alex Apodaca Pueblo East High School -1:21.70 21:21.00 22:42.70
Jack Li Fountain Valley School of Colorado +44.30 22:52.90 22:08.60
Alina Bartosz Pueblo County High School +1:14.50 23:33.40 22:18.90
Jonah Carichner Custer County High School +6.20 23:23.80 23:17.60
Samantha Arevalo James Irwin Charter High School -2:36.20 24:58.00 27:34.20
Susannah Baxter Pueblo County High School -1:18.90 25:28.50 26:47.40
Joey Arnone Custer County High School -1:32.50 25:46.50 27:19.00
TyKyra Lancaster James Irwin Charter High School -2:06.10 26:25.90 28:32.00
Arianna Barraza James Irwin Charter High School -1:05.00 27:45.20 28:50.20
Jordan Avila Pueblo County High School +1:22.80 29:14.50 27:51.70
Tenzin Dothar Fountain Valley School of Colorado -1:00.80 28:48.50 29:49.30
Annie Zhang Fountain Valley School of Colorado +55.70 30:33.40 29:37.70
Abby Lin Fountain Valley School of Colorado +1:07.10 32:50.20 31:43.10
Christina Kirkland Rye High School +10.30 34:26.10 34:15.80