Runners Roost Invitational 2022

Brighton, CO

Runners Roost Invitational 2022 vs Runners Roost Invitational 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +51 437 386
Overall Average -4.63 27:36.82 27:41.44
1st-10th Place +21.39 18:49.83 18:28.44
1st-25th Place +6.22 19:36.11 19:29.89
1st-50th Place +2.99 20:27.88 20:24.89
1st-100th Place -9.36 21:28.80 21:38.16
Common Athletes -- -- 66
Ran Faster -34 16 50
Ran Season Best -1 -- 1
Average Time +1:21.34 25:48.23 24:26.89
Median Time +56.50 25:10.40 24:13.90
Middle 80% Times +1:21.98 25:29.95 24:07.97
Top 10% Times +30.54 19:48.76 19:18.21
Top 25% Times +41.35 20:56.79 20:15.43
Top 50% Times +1:01.95 22:21.73 21:19.78
Bottom 50% Times +1:40.73 29:14.72 27:34.00
Bottom 25% Times +2:01.01 31:58.32 29:57.31
Bottom 10% Times +2:21.33 35:01.21 32:39.89
Average Difference +1:21.34 -- --
Median Difference +2:23.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:17.55 -- --
Top 10% Difference +17.13 -- --
Top 50% Difference +50.94 -- --
Top 25% Difference +32.41 -- --
Top 50% Difference +50.94 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:51.74 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:55.78 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:09.83 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jonathan Trejo Fort Lupton High School +50.50 19:07.00 18:16.50
Nikolas Carrillo Frederick High School +58.60 19:25.10 18:26.50
Ocean Caplan-Holdgrafer Clear Creek High School -9.70 18:51.20 19:00.90
Emmanuel Dean DSST Cedar High School -35.60 19:19.10 19:54.70
Jonah Smith Thomas Jefferson High School +55.00 20:26.10 19:31.10
Myles Conant DSST Cedar High School +2:43.00 22:32.10 19:49.10
LeRoy Briggs Vista Peak High School +1:25.50 21:34.20 20:08.70
Jaden Ramirez Clear Creek High School +1:03.70 21:13.90 20:10.20
Zephyrus Schuessler Clear Creek High School +39.10 21:06.10 20:27.00
Kaleb Packer Eaglecrest High School +2.90 20:36.80 20:33.90
Evan Keppy Eaglecrest High School +13.90 21:02.10 20:48.20
Michael Corral Rascon Vista Peak High School -1.80 20:56.00 20:57.80
Finn Smith Eaglecrest High School +2:04.40 23:05.90 21:01.50
Ricardo Moreno Frederick High School +1:19.60 22:28.00 21:08.40
Rian Pugh Stargate High School -32.90 21:14.00 21:46.90
Landin Kemp Vista Peak High School +3:46.30 25:04.20 21:17.90
Bodhi Miera Thomas Jefferson High School +4:57.90 26:18.20 21:20.30
Peter Vanegas DSST Cedar High School +2:25.70 23:55.40 21:29.70
Ethan Jones Eaglecrest High School +26.00 21:56.50 21:30.50
Caleb Olson Frederick High School +1:45.10 23:19.50 21:34.40
Griffin Shaffer Stargate High School +2:49.80 24:36.80 21:47.00
Joseph Lupinacci Clear Creek High School +30.30 22:18.30 21:48.00
Ben Gerhardt Byers High School +1:06.10 22:54.60 21:48.50
Landon Hayson Vista Peak High School -37.10 21:58.90 22:36.00
Jacob Greene Stargate High School +52.90 23:05.10 22:12.20
Taren McKown Clear Creek High School +27.20 22:44.00 22:16.80
Matthew Stophel DSST Cedar High School +1:44.10 24:13.60 22:29.50
Jessica Ellinger Frederick High School +55.70 23:39.00 22:43.30
Nick Shevchuk Two Roads Charter High School -1:38.20 22:53.10 24:31.30
Luca DeJulio Frederick High School +2:23.80 25:17.50 22:53.70
Kaleb Schroeder Vista Peak High School +2:08.10 25:12.00 23:03.90
Samuel Weiser DSST Cedar High School +3:45.60 27:02.60 23:17.00
Nathanael Koo Stargate High School -1:01.10 23:22.70 24:23.80
Quincy Bowling Byers High School +1:22.10 25:10.40 23:48.30
Hayden Smith-Allen +17:10.20 41:04.50 23:54.30
Cayden Wardall Byers High School +14.00 24:27.90 24:13.90
Liam Walsh Stargate High School +54.20 25:18.10 24:23.90
Isaac Emmons Stargate High School +3:26.40 27:50.30 24:23.90
Elise Sankel Kent Denver School +4:18.60 28:47.10 24:28.50
Hayden Deschler DSST Cedar High School +1:05.70 25:36.70 24:31.00
Colt Owens Byers High School -4:32.90 24:31.40 29:04.30
Tristan Niemczyk DSST Cedar High School +5:44.90 30:21.60 24:36.70
Kent Luft Vista Peak High School -4:23.10 24:57.50 29:20.60
Anastasia Smith Vista Peak High School -12.20 25:01.10 25:13.30
Marcus Elrod Two Roads Charter High School +21.50 25:40.20 25:18.70
Noah Hodges Two Roads Charter High School +2:53.80 28:14.50 25:20.70
Evan Vigil Wray High School +4.00 25:26.50 25:22.50
Hailey Pollard Frederick High School +2:10.80 27:48.60 25:37.80
Izrael Gomez +6:32.00 32:14.00 25:42.00
Jacob Jackson Thomas Jefferson High School -4.90 26:06.60 26:11.50
Mcquaid Kelly Eaglecrest High School +2:43.80 28:51.90 26:08.10
Morgan Lindsey Kent Denver School +15.30 26:32.30 26:17.00
Evelyn Ivarie Wray High School +19.60 26:42.60 26:23.00
Daniel Braun Kent Denver School -56.90 27:18.80 28:15.70
Jaylin Van Voorst Clear Creek High School +1:37.80 29:34.90 27:57.10
Eliza MacLeay Vista Peak High School -2:12.40 28:13.10 30:25.50
Kendall Willis Frederick High School +3:01.60 31:16.40 28:14.80
Michaela Casey Byers High School +39.70 29:11.80 28:32.10
Sadie Halladay Eaglecrest High School +3:07.00 31:44.00 28:37.00
Olivia Moss DSST Cedar High School +1:04.90 29:41.90 28:37.00
Serena Kang DSST Cedar High School +4:50.30 33:27.40 28:37.10
Reilly Mikayla Eaglecrest High School +3:10.50 32:24.90 29:14.40
Julian Loma Westminster High School -2:48.40 30:38.80 33:27.20
Ailyn Garcia-Casillas +1:41.90 32:56.20 31:14.30
Elizabeth Zwerin Thomas Jefferson High School -1:19.50 35:57.60 37:17.10
Juliauna Bell Frederick High School -36.20 37:03.90 37:40.10