Denver Public Schools League Meet 2022

Denver, CO

Denver Public Schools League Meet 2022 vs Denver Public Schools League Meet 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +169 378 209
Overall Average +1:22.34 24:16.98 22:54.64
1st-10th Place +16.87 16:49.20 16:32.33
1st-25th Place +40.94 17:35.95 16:55.01
1st-50th Place +40.96 18:24.60 17:43.64
1st-100th Place +22.16 19:25.13 19:02.97
Common Athletes -- -- 57
Ran Faster -35 11 46
Ran Season Best -- 5 5
Average Time +1:38.51 22:06.20 20:27.69
Median Time +1:33.60 21:17.00 19:43.40
Middle 80% Times +1:38.42 21:42.40 20:03.98
Top 10% Times +1:03.17 17:36.02 16:32.85
Top 25% Times +1:21.72 18:28.75 17:07.03
Top 50% Times +1:19.76 19:24.72 18:04.96
Bottom 50% Times +1:53.86 24:01.95 22:08.09
Bottom 25% Times +1:56.92 26:55.54 24:58.62
Bottom 10% Times +2:11.23 30:19.03 28:07.80
Average Difference +1:38.51 -- --
Median Difference +3:11.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:32.45 -- --
Top 10% Difference +50.68 -- --
Top 50% Difference +55.67 -- --
Top 25% Difference +48.92 -- --
Top 50% Difference +55.67 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:24.54 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:28.20 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:38.07 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jonas Scudamore Denver East High School +30.80 16:40.60 16:09.80
Ian Larkin Northfield High School +1:18.40 17:43.10 16:24.70
Henry Bennett Denver East High School +46.80 17:22.40 16:35.60
Jack Sheehan Northfield High School +22.80 17:04.00 16:41.20
Fisher Dannemiller Denver South High School +6:01.40 22:42.60 16:41.20
Isaiah Springer Denver East High School +3:27.20 20:11.80 16:44.60
Shane Larkin Northfield High School +1:13.70 18:14.40 17:00.70
Ben Brown Denver East High School +1:35.20 18:40.50 17:05.30
Owen Marsh Northfield High School +2:02.50 19:08.50 17:06.00
Neil Blackburn Northfield High School +3:08.50 20:17.60 17:09.10
Andrew Sands Denver South High School +2:05.10 19:33.90 17:28.80
Rosie Mucharsky Denver East High School +51.60 18:31.60 17:40.00
Abissa Ibrahim Hinkley High School +2:27.70 20:23.10 17:55.40
Luca McMurray George Washington High School +3:42.90 21:40.00 17:57.10
Leopold Doll Denver North High School +3:11.00 21:17.00 18:06.00
Jonah Smith Thomas Jefferson High School +1:15.00 19:25.10 18:10.10
Abraham Morginsky Denver East High School +1:13.40 19:37.20 18:23.80
Cyrus Campisi Denver South High School +5.50 18:45.90 18:40.40
Taylor Brown Denver South High School +1:24.60 20:07.60 18:43.00
Tobias Penner Denver East High School -16.90 18:45.80 19:02.70
Taylor Buese Northfield High School -33.70 18:58.70 19:32.40
Landin Kemp Vista Peak High School +3:47.80 22:48.80 19:01.00
Landon Hayson Vista Peak High School -1:34.90 19:07.10 20:42.00
Simon Chiguasuque Caicedo Rangeview High School -16.40 19:09.70 19:26.10
Ben Malgesini Denver North High School +3:09.90 22:24.10 19:14.20
Bodhi Miera Thomas Jefferson High School +4:23.20 23:40.20 19:17.00
Gabriel Kaliher Rangeview High School +7:31.30 26:53.10 19:21.80
Michael Corral Rascon Vista Peak High School +46.10 20:13.70 19:27.60
LeRoy Briggs Vista Peak High School +26.90 20:01.70 19:34.80
Julieta Ochoa Denver East High School +1:00.40 20:43.80 19:43.40
Jeremiah Cooney Rangeview High School +3:34.10 23:23.60 19:49.50
Giana Atkinson Northfield High School +37.00 20:33.10 19:56.10
Graysen Przybylski Denver North High School +15:47.50 35:48.90 20:01.40
Scout Chomas Denver East High School +22.80 20:25.50 20:02.70
Illias Gregory Rangeview High School +1:47.20 21:52.30 20:05.10
Violet Eleson George Washington High School -25.70 20:18.80 20:44.50
Wynn Rutberg Northfield High School +1:24.10 21:55.10 20:31.00
Ryan Burt Denver North High School -17.20 20:34.20 20:51.40
Piper Maurer Northfield High School +1:59.40 22:40.90 20:41.50
Lola Kinsella George Washington High School +6.20 21:00.40 20:54.20
Anja Framke Denver South High School +22.00 21:39.10 21:17.10
Delaney Whitney Northfield High School +1:38.10 23:17.00 21:38.90
Kate Taylor George Washington High School +1:02.00 22:58.40 21:56.40
Alexandra Molokin Denver South High School +1:35.20 23:32.30 21:57.10
Madison Poch George Washington High School +2:50.00 25:08.60 22:18.60
Juan Michael Smith-Pino Denver West High School +2:44.40 25:11.00 22:26.60
Anastasia Smith Vista Peak High School -26.50 22:42.90 23:09.40
Rosa Lawrence Denver South High School +2:07.10 25:02.80 22:55.70
Taryn Limke Denver North High School -1:49.70 22:58.80 24:48.50
Elliana Wright Rangeview High School +33.90 23:34.10 23:00.20
Avery Boughton Denver North High School +2:40.50 26:07.20 23:26.70
Eva Perak George Washington High School +13.90 24:55.70 24:41.80
Eliza MacLeay Vista Peak High School -2:08.20 25:25.20 27:33.40
Ellery McDaniel Denver North High School -1:49.60 25:29.00 27:18.60
Ailyn Garcia-Casillas +42.10 29:38.30 28:56.20
Dulce Aguilar Rangeview High School +3:52.20 33:14.70 29:22.50
Jesus Lozano -35.60 30:12.00 30:47.60