Thunder-Storm Invitational 2024

Pueblo, CO

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Athlete Entries

HS Boys 1,600 Meter Run 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Max 4:29.00 The Vanguard School
Snyder, Josh 4:36.67 Cheraw High School
DeLaCerda, Jeremiah 4:42.21 Alamosa High School
Villalba, Mario 4:43.47 Alamosa High School
Savelkoul, Isai 4:45.00 The Vanguard School
Morrison, Keaton 4:50.82 Widefield High School
Dokson, Tyler 4:55.69 Alamosa High School
Horyczun, Christopher 4:58.80 Mitchell High School
Maroney, David 5:01.54 Rye High School
Church, Owen 5:03.58 Palmer High School
Beltran, Cristobal 5:04.74 Pueblo East High School
Cummings, Sean 5:11.88 Pueblo Centennial High School
Cowett, Caleb 5:12.68 Del Norte High School
McKenney, Sean 5:13.07 Falcon High School
Stanley, Mason 5:14.36 Pueblo West High School
Stover, Mason 5:14.83 Custer County High School
Wallace, Isaac 5:21.02 Widefield High School
Sagona, Richard 5:21.82 Pueblo County High School
Frank, Riley 5:24.45 Falcon High School
Walsh, Gavin 5:26.65 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Mora, Brandon 5:26.66 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Lilevjen, Clarence 5:26.67 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Matta, Cruz 5:28.18 Del Norte High School
Crawford, Jarius 5:28.88 Mitchell High School
Blair, Dallin 5:29.51 Florence High School
Austin , Myles 5:30.26 Falcon High School
Cayton, Harper 5:32.60 Palmer High School
Pinon, Jose 5:32.95 Del Norte High School
Lenard, Mason 5:36.21 Canon City High School
Baker, Dylan 5:37.35 Widefield High School
Myler, Jacob 5:40.00h Mitchell High School
Blackhurst, Timmy 5:41.36 Rye High School
Mondragon, Xander 5:42.35 Pueblo West High School
Deshaies, Devin 5:46.56 Pueblo Central High School
Marquez, Joseph 5:48.39 Colorado Springs Christian Schoo
Arteaga-Ortega, Isaiah 5:49.99 Pueblo East High School
Nabeta, Quentin 5:52.50 James Irwin Charter High School
Escobado, Esequiel 5:54.92 Pueblo East High School
Cadena Guarda, Jonathan 5:55.16 Pueblo Central High School
Cummings, Sabastian 5:56.30 Pueblo Centennial High School
Chavez, Quentin 6:00.00 Hoehne High School
Siudyla, Justin 6:02.06 Rye High School
Hankins, Gage 6:04.86 Palmer High School
Benedetto, Logan 6:05.00h Pueblo Centennial High School
Ortiz, Emilio 6:05.99 Monte Vista High School
Mondragon, Darian 6:10.78 Las Animas High School
Livermont, Oliver 6:17.14 James Irwin Charter High School
Kirschner, Jaden 6:19.35 Woodland Park High School
Baca, Melecio 6:24.94 La Junta High School
Espinoza, Nehemiah 6:25.76 Monte Vista High School
McDougall, Charles 6:28.96 Sierra High School
Fuchs, Dillon 6:33.84 The Vanguard School
Lujan, Santiago 6:34.15 Sierra High School
Martinez, Josia 6:40 La Junta High School
Molter, John 6:53.74 Woodland Park High School
Montoya Mata, Luis 7:00.00h James Irwin Charter High School
Francis, Marcus 7:03.26 Sierra High School
Sanchez, Adrian 7:51.62 Pueblo Central High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 90 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alley, Braeden Monte Vista High School
Olas, Michael Colorado Springs Christian Schoo
Haessly, Drew Colorado Springs Christian Schoo
Bodie, Cole Woodland Park High School
Aichele, Silas Colorado Springs Christian Schoo
Howard, Caden Woodland Park High School
Lockett, Gavin 11.04 Pueblo West High School
James, Deshawn 11.47 Widefield High School
Lujan, Evan 11.47 Pueblo West High School
Reynolds, Lincoln 11.48 Sanford High School
Andrada, Brendon 11.51 Pueblo East High School
Horsey, Julian 11.55 Palmer High School
Moeller, Brayden 11.57 Alamosa High School
Reddick, Gavin 11.59 Canon City High School
Ray, Isaiah 11.64 Widefield High School
Tiggett, Angelo 11.65 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Johnson, Emerson 11.66 Widefield High School
Jackson, Brant 11.68 Alamosa High School
Bamesberger, Evan 11.74 Woodland Park High School
Diaz-Gonnzalez, Reyli 11.75 Pueblo County High School
Leyba, Chaz 11.77 Pueblo East High School
Hagans, Ethan 11.79 Pueblo West High School
Thorp, Carter 11.84 Falcon High School
Lewis, Dolphka 11.84 Pueblo East High School
Campbell, Jyden 11.84 Mitchell High School
Ademic, Jake 11.85 Canon City High School
Noonan, Jack 11.92 Monte Vista High School
Santana, Luis 11.93 Pomona High School
Barela, Chris 11.95 La Junta High School
Browne, Dominik 11.97 James Irwin Charter High School
White, Ian 12.08 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Halloran, Keegan 12.13 Crowley County High School
Shulz, Seth 12.13 Crowley County High School
Bell, Donaven 12.13 Crowley County High School
Ansu, Edward 12.17 Falcon High School
Renner, Brody 12.20h Pueblo Central High School
Wilson, DeArion 12.22 Palmer High School
Zamora, Nathan 12.26 Hoehne High School
Jimenez, Luciano 12.27 La Junta High School
Clifton Douglas, Jaelan 12.29 Sierra High School
Wilson, Deshaun 12.40 Sierra High School
Martinez, Marcus 12.40 Pomona High School
Filloon, Jaydan 12.40 Sierra High School
Martin, Dominic 12.41 Pomona High School
Wietzke, Adam 12.44 Swallows Charter Academy
Pitt, Makai 12.45 Palmer High School
Allyn, Jason 12.48 Pueblo County High School
Baca, Santana 12.51 Pueblo County High School
Negrini, Giovanni 12.53 Alamosa High School
Alvarado-Alanis, Gilberto 12.53 Hoehne High School
Richardson, Brandon 12.54 Custer County High School
Ceyrolles, Michael 12.56 Pueblo Centennial High School
Bachicha, Levon 12.59 Hoehne High School
Horton, James 12.60 Mitchell High School
Nevland, Kevin 12.60 Las Animas High School
Varner, Cody 12.61 Canon City High School
Ruth, Gage 12.65 Custer County High School
Moore, Luke 12.70 The Vanguard School
Cary, Kaden 12.75 Sanford High School
George, Josh 12.77 Rye High School
Jones, Donovan 12.78 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Annis, James 12.80 James Irwin Charter High School
Marhofer, Myles 12.80h Pueblo Central High School
Seifert, Jaxson 12.83 Florence High School
Adams, Daniel 12.88 Fowler High School
Gonzales, Alex 12.95 Monte Vista High School
Artman, Jadeon 12.99 Mitchell High School
Batulis, Ethan 13.03 Florence High School
Laubscher, Lucas 13.05 Falcon High School
Simpson, Kenny 13.05 Custer County High School
Bryant, Michael 13.10h Pueblo Central High School
Rodriguez, Avree 13.27 La Veta High School
Gomez, Caiden 13.37 Aguilar High School
Stahl, Salem 13.39 Florence High School
Bishop, Daulton 13.44 Pueblo Centennial High School
Trujillo, Jonathan 13.46 Swink High School
Poehlein, Adin 13.49 Rye High School
Matt, Owen 13.68 La Veta High School
Ford, Carter 13.71 Rye High School
Langarcia, Danny 13.72 Pueblo Centennial High School
Ware, Thomas 13.98 The Vanguard School
Wolgram, Ryden 13.99 Swallows Charter Academy
Herman, Jacob 13.99 Cheraw High School
Marquez, Zach 14.15 Aguilar High School
Mathes, Sheldon 14.16 Sanford High School
Doak, Kaden 14.20 Fowler High School
Klein, Derek 14.79 Fowler High School
Ridges, Jaylen 15.22 James Irwin Charter High School
Charo, Gabriel 15.60 Swallows Charter Academy
Bailey, Chris 16.92 La Veta High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Murrah, Andre Pueblo County High School
Cox, Leland Widefield High School
Knaus, Dylan 15.74 Falcon High School
Washington, Tate 16.47 Widefield High School
Mathews, Lance 16.76 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Reed, Amoz 16.91 Mitchell High School
Shea, Alexander 17.19 Falcon High School
Schoonover, Jack 17.31 The Vanguard School
Johnson, Joe 17.87 Woodland Park High School
Perez, Landyn 18.37 Pueblo West High School
Jiron, Kamrin 18.38 Palmer High School
Albu, Eric 18.39 Woodland Park High School
Estrada Garza, Adrian 18.40 Widefield High School
Jimenez, Michael 18.73 Pueblo Central High School
Montoya, Michael 18.94 Pueblo Central High School
Starcher, Will 19.57 Pueblo West High School
Benabides, Esais 19.61 Pueblo County High School
Bell, Donaven 19.65 Crowley County High School
Anderson, Blake 19.70 Pueblo County High School
Sawyer, Everett 20.32 Falcon High School
Stahl, Salem 20.64 Florence High School
Pavlicek, Noah 20.79 Canon City High School
Jones, Donovan 20.87 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Thielemier, Tyler 20.96 Pueblo Central High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 79 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Swazo, Bauer Pomona High School
Godwin, Sam Woodland Park High School
Martin, Dominic Pomona High School
Trujillo, Jonathan 0 Swink High School
Amos, Arvell 22.12 Palmer High School
Busby, Jathan 22.51 James Irwin Charter High School
Browne, Dominik 22.84 James Irwin Charter High School
Andrada, Brendon 23.27 Pueblo East High School
Reynolds, Lincoln 23.31 Sanford High School
Leyba, Chaz 23.71 Pueblo East High School
Thomas, Angelo 23.76 Widefield High School
Ray, Isaiah 23.87 Widefield High School
Thorp, Carter 23.89 Falcon High School
Knaus, Dylan 24.0 Falcon High School
Brown, Donte 24.07 La Junta High School
Franks, Elijah 24.07 Widefield High School
Reddick, Gavin 24.30 Canon City High School
Santana, Luis 24.35 Pomona High School
Bamesberger, Evan 24.42 Woodland Park High School
Noonan, Jack 24.50 Monte Vista High School
Tisdall, Dawson 24.55 Woodland Park High School
Haessly, Drew 24.66 Colorado Springs Christian Schoo
Goodloe, Elijah 24.71 Pueblo West High School
Aichele, Silas 24.78 Colorado Springs Christian Schoo
Adamson, Jett 25.00 Pueblo West High School
Baray, Diego 25.02 Pueblo East High School
Nunley, Dai Juan 25.07 Palmer High School
Roseman, Brock 25.16 Pueblo County High School
Martin, Isaiah 25.22 Palmer High School
Allyn, Jason 25.33 Pueblo County High School
Knighton, Dillon 25.34 Colorado Springs Christian Schoo
Clifton Douglas, Jaelan 25.36 Sierra High School
C'Debaca, Jacob 25.50h Pueblo Central High School
Negrini, Giovanni 25.52 Alamosa High School
Lozano, Jaret 25.61 Florence High School
Sanstad Arrieta, Ezekiel 25.78 Pueblo West High School
Oringdulph, Barrett 25.78 Pueblo County High School
Artman, Jadeon 25.90 Mitchell High School
Annis, James 25.91 James Irwin Charter High School
Silvey, Brody 25.93 Hoehne High School
Adams, Daniel 25.95 Fowler High School
Van Arnam, George 25.97 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Martinez, Liam 26.11 Pueblo Central High School
Pufpaff, Elijah 26.26 Falcon High School
Gonzales, Alex 26.27 Monte Vista High School
Richardson, Brandon 26.36 Custer County High School
Ruth, Gage 26.38 Custer County High School
Murray, Makhi 26.48 Sierra High School
Dent, Kris 26.48 Sierra High School
George, Josh 26.63 Rye High School
Seifert, Jaxson 26.76 Florence High School
Moore, Luke 26.76 The Vanguard School
Nunez, Duane 26.80h Pueblo Central High School
Terry, Bobby 26.93 Hoehne High School
Mora, Gabriel 27.46 Alamosa High School
Stokes, Cooper 27.56 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Obregon, Zain 27.58 Mitchell High School
Mowery, Michael 27.58 Mitchell High School
Malouff, William 27.61 Sanford High School
Mortensen, Koda 27.66 Sanford High School
Maestas, Devlan 27.76 Crowley County High School
Simpson, Kenny 27.85 Custer County High School
Hale, Miles 27.89 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Lambert, Jaxon 27.97 Crowley County High School
Batulis, Ethan 28.00h Florence High School
Trujillo, Mark 28.00h Crowley County High School
Ledford-Vigil, Damon 28.08 Del Norte High School
Cooper, Keenan 28.27 Canon City High School
Bachicha, Isaiah 28.98 Hoehne High School
Powell, Derek 29.79 Swink High School
Rouleau, Kale 30.37 Swink High School
Klein, Derek 30.96 Fowler High School
Phachala, Seki 31.02 Cheraw High School
Doak, Kaden 32.11 Fowler High School
Alley, Braeden 32.55 Monte Vista High School
Hollingsworth, Matthew 32.71 Alamosa High School
McCoy, Damian 32.99 Cheraw High School
Reece, Seth 34.50h Cheraw High School
Mandarano, Lorenzo 34.56 The Vanguard School
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HS Boys 3,200 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Villalba, Mario 10:01.15 Alamosa High School
Morrison, Keaton 10:15.52 Widefield High School
DeLaCerda, Jeremiah 10:17.57 Alamosa High School
Kipchumba, Shawn 10:36.80 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Horyczun, Christopher 10:40.87 Mitchell High School
Maroney, David 10:48.98 Rye High School
Ramirez, Ilbey 11:30.95 The Vanguard School
Frank, Riley 11:35.86 Falcon High School
Tisdall, Tristan 11:36.11 Woodland Park High School
Stover, Mason 11:36.20 Custer County High School
Bennetts, Beau 11:42.19 Pomona High School
Wallace, Isaac 11:42.37 Widefield High School
Kruckeberg, Bowen 11:42.38 Palmer High School
Nelson, Jose 11:58.18 Widefield High School
Sagona, Richard 12:08.06 Pueblo County High School
Cadena Guarda, Jonathan 12:12.26 Pueblo Central High School
Kreutzer, Mads 12:21.19 Del Norte High School
Phillips, Jaden 12:31.19 Widefield High School
Hendricksen, Colton 12:42.84 Rye High School
Peterson, Hyrum 12:48.83 Rye High School
Hernandez, Bryan 12:50.08 Alamosa High School
Lilevjen, Clarence 12:51.15 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Tomlinson, Tristan 12:55.92 James Irwin Charter High School
Foronda, Ethan 13:43.86 James Irwin Charter High School
Kirschner, Jaden 13:49.25 Woodland Park High School
Romero, Elijah 13:50.89 Pueblo East High School
Molter, John 14:13.84 Woodland Park High School
Bel, Andrew 9:48.33 Colorado Springs Christian Schoo
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Murrah, Andre Pueblo County High School
Howard, Caden Woodland Park High School
Peterson, Hyrum Rye High School
Marshall, Miles 42.65 La Junta High School
Washington, Tate 43.56 Widefield High School
Snyder, Josh 44.13 Cheraw High School
Kammrad, Tanner 44.37 Canon City High School
Estrada Garza, Adrian 44.77 Widefield High School
Conner, Clay 44.78 Pueblo West High School
Perez, Landyn 44.92 Pueblo West High School
Shea, Alexander 44.97 Falcon High School
Starcher, Will 45.34 Pueblo West High School
Colt, Sam 45.38 The Vanguard School
Williams, Brady 45.57 The Vanguard School
Hale, Miles 46.80 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Reed, Amoz 47.23 Mitchell High School
Jimenez, Michael 47.37 Pueblo Central High School
Johnson, Joe 47.43 Woodland Park High School
Jiron, Kamrin 47.74 Palmer High School
Schoonover, Jack 47.82 The Vanguard School
Albu, Eric 48.05 Woodland Park High School
Pavlicek, Noah 48.31 Canon City High School
Curlett, Caleb 48.49 Mitchell High School
Provost, Tim 48.96 Cheraw High School
Kindred, Deshawn 49.20 Pueblo East High School
Anderson, Blake 50.71 Pueblo County High School
Peairs, Kendrick 50.92 Pueblo Centennial High School
Thielemier, Tyler 51.00 Pueblo Central High School
Benabides, Esais 51.08 Pueblo County High School
Stokes, Cooper 52.00 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Terry, Bobby 52.98 Hoehne High School
Gardner, Adlai 53.44 Alamosa High School
Cox, Leland 53.99 Widefield High School
Mora, Brandon 54.18 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 85 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wolgram, Ryden Swallows Charter Academy
Jefferson, Rahiem Falcon High School
Marquez, Zach Aguilar High School
Chisholm, Freddrick Widefield High School
Trujillo, Mark 1.12 Crowley County High School
Kuhn, Hunter 1.12 Crowley County High School
Ledford-Vigil, Damon 1:00.21 Del Norte High School
Wilcox, Kingston 1:00.26 Alamosa High School
Ashley, Micha 1:00.60 Mitchell High School
Morris, Korahn 1:00.85 Pueblo East High School
Polomka, Max 1:00.92 Palmer High School
Ramos, Aiden 1:01.00h James Irwin Charter High School
Pacheco, Damien 1:01.43 Rye High School
Styles, Donta 1:01.56 Palmer High School
Bachicha, Isaiah 1:01.75 Hoehne High School
Garcia, Isaiah 1:01.79 Pueblo East High School
Tisdall, Tristan 1:01.93 Woodland Park High School
Cortez, Cameron 1:02.08 Aguilar High School
Oringdulph, Barrett 1:02.40 Pueblo County High School
Farney, Enoch 1:02.41 Rye High School
Willsey, Taityn 1:03.13 Swink High School
Bergseid, Curtis 1:03.46 Palmer High School
Rodriguez, Isiah 1:03.56 La Veta High School
VanZalinge, Wyatt 1:03.85 Del Norte High School
Banister, Scott 1:03.95 Las Animas High School
Dorado, Maddox 1:04.00 Canon City High School
Chavez, Chris 1:04.01 La Junta High School
Cordova, Ryan 1:04.02 Sanford High School
Tomlinson, Tristan 1:05.00h James Irwin Charter High School
Sinclair, Andrew 1:05.12 Pueblo Centennial High School
Lofgren, Marcelo 1:05.42 La Veta High School
Black, Aiden 1:05.49 Swallows Charter Academy
Roshek, Samuel 1:05.74 Woodland Park High School
Phachala, Seki 1:06.00h Cheraw High School
Hjelmstad, Isaac 1:06.24 Falcon High School
Ford, Aerik 1:06.27 Pueblo Centennial High School
Fasekas, Tyler 1:07.14 Cheraw High School
Foronda, Ethan 1:07.62 James Irwin Charter High School
Maestas, Devlan 1:08.25 Crowley County High School
Falk, O'Ryan 1:08.80 Florence High School
Nunez, Duane 1:09.28 Pueblo Central High School
Doak, Kaden 1:09.85 Fowler High School
Gomez, Caiden 1:10.38 Aguilar High School
Zamora, Tristan 1:12.96 Hoehne High School
Ware, Thomas 1:14.60 The Vanguard School
Howell, Daniel 1:32.83 Swink High School
Lockett, Gavin 51.26 Pueblo West High School
Weaver, Conner 51.94 Cheraw High School
Jackson, Brant 52.59 Alamosa High School
Moeller, Brayden 52.60h Alamosa High School
Kletke, Dustin 53.65 Canon City High School
Hobbs, Bruce 53.94 Pueblo West High School
Templin, Isaac 54.20 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
West, Shon 54.56 Pueblo Centennial High School
Reynolds, Lincoln 54.57 Sanford High School
Federico, Turner 54.71 Pomona High School
Vargues, Sayer 54.81 Pueblo County High School
Roseman, Brock 55.41 Pueblo County High School
Hagans, Ethan 55.60 Pueblo West High School
Dorsey, Lonnie 55.73 Widefield High School
Crawford, Emanuel 56.18 Mitchell High School
Nevland, Kevin 56.19 Las Animas High School
Martinez, Jamian 56.36 Monte Vista High School
Gonzales, Alex 56.57 Monte Vista High School
Montoya, Michael 56.60 Pueblo Central High School
Shannon, Beckett 56.87 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Moore, Luke 57.00 The Vanguard School
Christensen, Colby 57.25 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Toribio, Nathaniel 57.26 Sierra High School
Mondragon, Darian 57.29 Las Animas High School
Zamora, Cordae 57.35 Sierra High School
Auna, Aley 57.39 Falcon High School
Bachicha, Maurice 57.87 Hoehne High School
Wietzke, Adam 57.90 Swallows Charter Academy
Canty, Tucker 58.00 Sanford High School
Beck, Greg 58.03 Woodland Park High School
Markert, Cade 58.45 Pueblo East High School
Evans-Holley, Rhyland 58.50 Mitchell High School
Noonan, Jack 58.52 Monte Vista High School
Reneker, Seth 58.64 Sierra High School
Franks, Elijah 58.95 Widefield High School
Guzman, Isaiah 59.03 Rye High School
Knifong, Cale 59.34 Florence High School
Horrocks, Corbin 59.44 Del Norte High School
Bensko, Owen 59.46 Pueblo Central High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.68 Pueblo East High School
Relay Team A 44.71 Palmer High School
Relay Team A 45.05 Pueblo West High School
Relay Team A 45.07 La Junta High School
Relay Team A 45.41 Widefield High School
Relay Team A 45.50 Mitchell High School
Relay Team A 45.75 Pomona High School
Relay Team A 46.45 Pueblo Centennial High School
Relay Team A 46.84 Woodland Park High School
Relay Team A 47.08 Pueblo County High School
Relay Team A 47.87 Hoehne High School
Relay Team A 48.02 Sierra High School
Relay Team A 48.04 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Relay Team A 48.12 Crowley County High School
Relay Team A 49.05 Pueblo Central High School
Relay Team A 49.74 Sanford High School
Relay Team A 49.84 James Irwin Charter High School
Relay Team A 50.75 Custer County High School
Relay Team A 52.45 Swink High School
Relay Team A 54.70h The Vanguard School
Relay Team A 57.64 Cheraw High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Falcon High School
Relay Team A 1:30.79 Pueblo East High School
Relay Team A 1:32.29 Widefield High School
Relay Team A 1:35.45 Canon City High School
Relay Team A 1:35.90 Mitchell High School
Relay Team A 1:36.06 Pueblo West High School
Relay Team A 1:36.68 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Relay Team A 1:36.87 Woodland Park High School
Relay Team A 1:37.12 Pomona High School
Relay Team A 1:37.93 Pueblo County High School
Relay Team A 1:38.79 Hoehne High School
Relay Team A 1:38.94 Pueblo Centennial High School
Relay Team A 1:39.55 Palmer High School
Relay Team A 1:39.83 Sierra High School
Relay Team A 1:44.03 Pueblo Central High School
Relay Team A 1:44.44 Sanford High School
Relay Team A 1:48.31 Florence High School
Relay Team A 1:49.33 Rye High School
Relay Team A 1:50.80 James Irwin Charter High School
Relay Team A 1:53.24 Swink High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:36.73 Pueblo West High School
Relay Team A 3:37.00h James Irwin Charter High School
Relay Team A 3:44.14 Woodland Park High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00h Cheraw High School
Relay Team A 3:46.67 Sierra High School
Relay Team A 3:46.76 Pueblo County High School
Relay Team A 3:50.33 Canon City High School
Relay Team A 3:50.95 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Relay Team A 3:52.37 Pueblo East High School
Relay Team A 3:53.95 Del Norte High School
Relay Team A 3:54.58 Widefield High School
Relay Team A 3:56.32 Falcon High School
Relay Team A 4:03.28 Monte Vista High School
Relay Team A 4:32.62 Hoehne High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Rye High School
Relay Team A 10:00.89 Canon City High School
Relay Team A 10:02.90 Pueblo Centennial High School
Relay Team A 10:30.00 La Junta High School
Relay Team A 10:38.40 Sierra High School
Relay Team A 10:48.55 Pueblo Central High School
Relay Team A 8:35.82 Pueblo West High School
Relay Team A 8:48.61 Woodland Park High School
Relay Team A 8:54.99 Falcon High School
Relay Team A 9:15.89 Pueblo East High School
Relay Team A 9:18.62 Pomona High School
Relay Team A 9:20.00h James Irwin Charter High School
Relay Team A 9:20.86 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Relay Team A 9:32.29 Widefield High School
Relay Team A 9:32.65 Del Norte High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 73 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blaszkowski, Titus Pomona High School
Cortez, Cameron Aguilar High School
Coleman, Blake 2:00.17 Falcon High School
Miller, Max 2:01.00 The Vanguard School
Bel, Andrew 2:05.51 Colorado Springs Christian Schoo
Russell, Levi 2:06.13 Pomona High School
Williams, Cody 2:07.93 Alamosa High School
Stokes, Nate 2:10.07 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Keaton, Caleb 2:10.75 Pomona High School
Church, Owen 2:11.01 Palmer High School
Blazis, Kynan 2:12.78 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Muser, Samuel 2:13.34 Falcon High School
Savelkoul, Isai 2:13.48 The Vanguard School
Evans-Holley, Rhyland 2:16.10 Mitchell High School
Fuerte, Heriberto 2:16.14 Widefield High School
Dokson, Tyler 2:16.38 Alamosa High School
Beltran, Cristobal 2:17.24 Pueblo East High School
Begley, Joseph 2:17.75 Woodland Park High School
McKenney, Sean 2:19.15 Falcon High School
Walden, Anthony 2:19.34 Widefield High School
Godwin, Benjamin 2:19.45 Woodland Park High School
Nevland, Kevin 2:21.13 Las Animas High School
Prahl, Landon 2:21.44 Woodland Park High School
Ramirez, Johnathan 2:22.87 Alamosa High School
Bachman, Robert 2:23.01 Custer County High School
Roth, Isaiah 2:23.75 Pueblo West High School
Vinson, Garrett 2:24.59 Swallows Charter Academy
Kreutzer, Mads 2:25.00 Del Norte High School
Glass, Noah 2:25.16 Widefield High School
Horrocks, Corbin 2:25.39 Del Norte High School
Quintana, Jacoby 2:28.90 Pueblo West High School
Sagona, Richard 2:29.25 Pueblo County High School
Reece, Joseph 2:30.00h Cheraw High School
Sisneros, Oakley 2:30.02 Monte Vista High School
Ford, Mason 2:30.66 Rye High School
Lambert, Jaxon 2:31.09 Crowley County High School
Blair, Dallin 2:32.12 Florence High School
Heslip, Izayah 2:32.36 Sierra High School
Riva, Andrew 2:32.61 Canon City High School
Newton, Miles 2:34.56 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Chavez, Quentin 2:35.00 Hoehne High School
Herman, Jacob 2:35.00h Cheraw High School
Aurrecoechea, Alessio 2:37.32 Canon City High School
Osorio, Ethan 2:38.19 Pueblo East High School
Nabeta, Quentin 2:39.30 James Irwin Charter High School
Godfrey, Coleton 2:40.00 Canon City High School
Mondragon, Darian 2:40.93 Las Animas High School
Chavez, Chris 2:42.16 La Junta High School
Hysten, Dj 2:42.48 Palmer High School
Blackhurst, Timmy 2:42.65 Rye High School
McCoy, Damian 2:44.18 Cheraw High School
Ortiz, Emilio 2:44.86 Monte Vista High School
Wills, Richard 2:45.18 Pueblo East High School
Miller, Kaulen 2:45.24 Sanford High School
Foronda, Ethan 2:45.62 James Irwin Charter High School
Marshall, Logan 2:46.54 Swink High School
Herrera, Donnie 2:50.19 Sierra High School
Lawson, Ken 2:50.28 Sierra High School
Espinoza, Nehemiah 2:50.33 Monte Vista High School
Snodgrass, Boyce 2:50.52 James Irwin Charter High School
VanZalinge, Wyatt 2:50.53 Del Norte High School
Saucedo, Alan 2:51.30 La Junta High School
Myler, Jacob 2:51.61 Mitchell High School
Ashley, Micha 2:51.61 Mitchell High School
Banister, Scott 2:55.00h Las Animas High School
Falk, O'Ryan 2:57.67 Florence High School
Kuhn, Hunter 2:58.76 Crowley County High School
Cadena Guarda, Jonathan 3:04.26 Pueblo Central High School
Nuss, Ezequiel 3:09.88 Florence High School
Blackhurst, Tommy 3:14.94 Rye High School
Deshaies, Devin 3:25.00h Pueblo Central High School
Sanchez, Adrian 3:26.37 Pueblo Central High School
Howell, Daniel 4:03.40 Swink High School
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HS Boys Discus 83 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Busetti, Gunner 156-11 Florence High School
Cain, Loghan 131-9 Pomona High School
Venegas, Ramon 127-0 Pueblo East High School
Montoya, Jace 126-9.5 Alamosa High School
Stroup, Colby 122-11 Pomona High School
Mackey, David 122-10 La Junta High School
Johnson, Mason 122-1 Woodland Park High School
Mungaray, Felipe 121-7 McClave High School
Hotel, Corey 119-9 Falcon High School
Hunter, Jacob 118-11 Falcon High School
Taylor, Alexander 116-0 James Irwin Charter High School
Sawyer, Micah 115-6 Canon City High School
Mayer, Caleb 113-2 Pueblo West High School
Freeman, Justus 112-6 Pueblo East High School
Turner, Wyatt 110-8 Canon City High School
Stangier, Jack 110-6 Pueblo County High School
Foxhoven, Morgan 109-10 La Junta High School
Cox, Nicholas 109-6 La Veta High School
Knezel, Connor 109-0 Hoehne High School
Crowder, Antonio 107-9 Pueblo East High School
Bak, Derick 107-6 Rye High School
Szakal, Ryan 104-10 Pueblo West High School
Bojorquez, Christopher 104-7 Pueblo Central High School
Galvan, Donovan 104-7 Pomona High School
Sepulveda, Jacob 104-6 Hoehne High School
Gilliam, Orion 104-4 Sierra High School
Ferguson, D'Andre 104-4 Sierra High School
Reece, Seth 104-4 Cheraw High School
Tolles, Zhay 103-8 Sierra High School
Romero, Tyler 103-7 La Junta High School
Martin, Carson 103-5 Widefield High School
Sanchez, Hulian 102-11 Pueblo Central High School
Garcia, Landon 102-8 Alamosa High School
Gabehart, Sumiya 101-9 Swink High School
Lujan, Diego 101-8 Hoehne High School
Tafoya, Mauricio 101-4 Aguilar High School
Robinson, Trey 100-11 Alamosa High School
Hess, Joseph 99-10 Florence High School
Gutierrez, Julian 98-5 McClave High School
Vasquez, Daniel 96-9 Pueblo Central High School
Holland, Brandon 96-4.5 Pueblo County High School
Buchanan, Ben 95-5 Swallows Charter Academy
Trujillo, Josh 93-5 Pueblo Centennial High School
Applegate, Nolan 92-2 Pueblo West High School
Guerra, Luis 92-1 Falcon High School
Santini, Nathan 88-9 Rye High School
Naranjo, JohnJake 87-6 Monte Vista High School
Head, Emmett 87-6 Palmer High School
Gomez, Ted 85-10 Pueblo County High School
Baker, Rylan 85-8 Rye High School
Hayhurst, Cyris 83-10 Widefield High School
Casuse, Gunnar 82-1 Swink High School
Gomez, Caiden 81-9 Aguilar High School
McNeal, Josiah 81-4 Widefield High School
Kent, Zackary 81-0 Crowley County High School
Hart, Gannon 80-4 Swink High School
Tesauro, Silas 80-2 Woodland Park High School
Calvin, Jesse 77-11 Palmer High School
Gilbert, Matthew 77-9 Canon City High School
Rambat, Logan 77-8 Fowler High School
Pierce, Keith 77-0 Del Norte High School
Keck, Bryce 75-3 Sanford High School
Quintana, Calvin 74-4 Del Norte High School
Maez, Ulices 71-8 Del Norte High School
Vasquez, Johnny 71-7 Mitchell High School
Rocha Pineda, Manuel 71-7 Mitchell High School
Gallegos, zachary 71-3 Monte Vista High School
Romero, Adrian 69-9 Pueblo Centennial High School
Corbin, Luke 69-3 Woodland Park High School
Ledbetter, Thomas 68-6 Cheraw High School
kammerdiener, Austin 64-3 Florence High School
Deherrea, Xzavion 63-5 Monte Vista High School
Mathews, Quinn 62-0 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
McMurtree, Steven 60-5 Pueblo Centennial High School
Akins, William 59-11 Crowley County High School
Zumwalt, Casey 58-8 Cheraw High School
Zoerb-Orta, Caiden 55-0 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Kuhn, Hunter 55-0 Crowley County High School
Cooper, Hollis 52-7 Swallows Charter Academy
Montoya Mata, Luis 43-1 James Irwin Charter High School
Johnston, Noah Swallows Charter Academy
Marquez, Samuel Aguilar High School
Ordonez Martinez, Daryan Mitchell High School
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HS Boys High Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Turner, Wyatt 6-6 Canon City High School
Taylor, Alexander 6-2 James Irwin Charter High School
Browne, Dominik 6-1 James Irwin Charter High School
Brown, Donte 5-10 La Junta High School
Summers, Javin 5-9 Swink High School
Johnson, Joe 5-8 Woodland Park High School
West, Shon 5-8 Pueblo Centennial High School
Evans-Holley, Rhyland 5-7 Mitchell High School
Clark, Tanner 5-6 Pueblo East High School
Beltran, Xavier 5-6 Pueblo Central High School
Childress, Chalil 5-6 Pueblo West High School
Crawford, Emanuel 5-6 Mitchell High School
Hunter, Jacob 5-5 Falcon High School
McNeil, Malaki 5-5 Crowley County High School
Ortiz, Adam 5-4 Pueblo East High School
Padilla, Jayden 5-4 Pueblo East High School
Lane, Kamrin 5-4 Falcon High School
Wilcox, Kingston 5-4 Alamosa High School
Oringdulph, Barrett 5-4 Pueblo County High School
Lozano, Jaret 5-4 Florence High School
Adams, Daniel 5-4 Fowler High School
Reed, Trey 5-2 Woodland Park High School
Hernanez, Arturo 5-2 Widefield High School
Tucci, Luca 5-2 Pueblo County High School
Cesar, Britton 5-2 Pueblo County High School
Foucher, Nils 5-2 Swink High School
Willsey, Taityn 5-1 Swink High School
Filloon, Jaydan 5-1 Sierra High School
Evans, Tayvon 5-0 Pueblo Central High School
Klein, Derek 5-0 Fowler High School
Wilson, Deshaun 4-10 Sierra High School
Summeril, Ben 4-10 Woodland Park High School
Colt, Sam 4-9 The Vanguard School
Moscoso, Raul 4-8 Mitchell High School
Rodriguez, Isiah La Veta High School
Lofgren, Marcelo La Veta High School
Nevland, Kevin Las Animas High School
Banister, Scott Las Animas High School
White, JaMorrion Widefield High School
DeNova, Joel Widefield High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 73 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Templin, Isaac 21-11 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Reed, Kuron 21-4.5 Mitchell High School
Guzman, Isaiah 20-11 Rye High School
Bates, Aidan 20-7 Woodland Park High School
Dillaha, Terrell 20-6 Pueblo County High School
Barela, Josiah 20-1.75 Pueblo Central High School
Tiggett, Angelo 19-2 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
McFarland, Gabriel 19-0 Falcon High School
Hanrahan, Immanuel 18-10.75 Pueblo Centennial High School
McNeil, Malaki 18-10.25 Crowley County High School
Shannon, Beckett 18-9.25 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Lujan, Evan 18-8.25 Pueblo West High School
Williamson, Levi 18-5 Hoehne High School
Brown, Malachi 18-3.5 Sierra High School
Lozano, Jaret 18-2.5 Florence High School
Evans, Tayvon 18-2.25 Pueblo Central High School
Cafasso, JP 18-1.25 Pueblo County High School
Styles, Donta 18-0.5 Palmer High School
Bamesberger, Evan 18-0 Woodland Park High School
Horsey, Julian 18-0 Palmer High School
Mckinney, Micaiah 17-10.5 Woodland Park High School
Harms, Matthew 17-10.5 Canon City High School
Crawford, Emanuel 17-10 Mitchell High School
Williams, Chris 17-9.75 Sierra High School
Mutti, Schuyler 17-9 Palmer High School
DeNova, Joel 17-8.25 Widefield High School
Babb, Jonathan 17-8 Canon City High School
Hernanez, Arturo 17-6.75 Widefield High School
Mihelich, Ian 17-5.75 Pueblo Central High School
Summers, Javin 17-1.5 Swink High School
Foucher, Nils 17-0.5 Swink High School
Obregon, Zain 17-0 Mitchell High School
Halloran, Keegan 17-0 Crowley County High School
Shulz, Seth 17-0 Crowley County High School
Wietzke, Adam 16-11.5 Swallows Charter Academy
Johnson, Deandre 16-9.75 Pueblo East High School
Cortez, Cameron 16-9.75 Aguilar High School
Hernandez-Badillo, Francisco 16-9.25 Pueblo East High School
Waring, Shawn 16-9 La Junta High School
Seifert, Jaxson 16-9 Florence High School
Hjelmstad, Isaac 16-6 Falcon High School
Silvey, Brody 16-2 Hoehne High School
Black, Aiden 16-1.75 Swallows Charter Academy
Cesar, Britton 16-1.25 Pueblo County High School
Ruth, Gage 15-11.5 Custer County High School
Dent, Kris 15-10.5 Sierra High School
Adams, Daniel 15-8.5 Fowler High School
Driscoll, Caleb 15-6 James Irwin Charter High School
Willsey, Taityn 15-4 Swink High School
Peariso, Cole 15-2 Falcon High School
Terry, Bobby 15-2 Hoehne High School
Ford, Carter 15-0.75 Rye High School
Keck, Bryce 14-10 Sanford High School
Ware, Thomas 14-7 The Vanguard School
Cary, Kaden 14-06 Sanford High School
Peairs, Kendrick 14-4 Pueblo Centennial High School
Mandarano, Lorenzo 14-2 The Vanguard School
Mondragon, Darian 13-11 Las Animas High School
Kim, David 13-9 The Vanguard School
Miller, Kaulen 13-2 Sanford High School
McMurtree, Steven 12-11.5 Pueblo Centennial High School
Alley, Braeden 12-6.5 Monte Vista High School
Hollingsworth, Matthew 6-0 Alamosa High School
Rodriguez, Isiah La Veta High School
Rodriguez, Avree La Veta High School
Solis, Elijah McClave High School
Maggart, Haken McClave High School
Elam, Blake McClave High School
Allsworth, Dion Pueblo East High School
Bachman, Robert Custer County High School
Marquez, Zach Aguilar High School
Johnson, Mykel Widefield High School
Martinez, Josia La Junta High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maestas, Jesse 13-9 Alamosa High School
Ballam, Evan 12-9 Palmer High School
Sarmiento, Jonny 11-10 Woodland Park High School
Arnoldi, Ethan 11-6 Alamosa High School
Ledford-Vigil, Damon 10-9 Del Norte High School
Maize, Jonas 10-6 Pomona High School
Soell, Maxwell 9-0 Pueblo West High School
Wilkins, Tyson 8-10 Woodland Park High School
Ford, Zachariah 8-6 Pomona High School
VanZalinge, Wyatt 8-6 Del Norte High School
Vasquez, Johnny 8-0 Mitchell High School
Montoya, Jediah 7-2 Alamosa High School
Horrocks, Corbin 7-0 Del Norte High School
Roshek, Samuel 6-10 Woodland Park High School
Tucci, Luca Pueblo County High School
Murrah, Andre Pueblo County High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 88 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trujillo, Josh 44-9 Pueblo Centennial High School
Mayer, Caleb 44-7.5 Pueblo West High School
Busetti, Gunner 44-6 Florence High School
Applegate, Nolan 42-9 Pueblo West High School
Mungaray, Felipe 42-6 McClave High School
Hotel, Corey 42-3.25 Falcon High School
Celis-Alvarez, Erick 41-6 Alamosa High School
Cain, Loghan 41-4 Pomona High School
Foxhoven, Morgan 41-3.5 La Junta High School
Stangier, Jack 40-6 Pueblo County High School
Mackey, David 39-9 La Junta High School
Bachicha, Levon 39-9 Hoehne High School
Mallard, Kielan 39-2 McClave High School
Flores, Niko 38-7 Pueblo West High School
Bak, Derick 38-4 Rye High School
Venegas, Ramon 37-11 Pueblo East High School
Johnson, Mason 37-8 Woodland Park High School
Robinson, Trey 37-2.25 Alamosa High School
Gomez, Ted 37-2 Pueblo County High School
Taylor, Alexander 36-11.5 James Irwin Charter High School
Sawyer, Micah 36-4 Canon City High School
Lorenz, Mathius 35-8.5 Rye High School
Freeman, Justus 35-7.5 Pueblo East High School
Ferguson, D'Andre 35-7 Sierra High School
Sanchez, Hulian 35-6 Pueblo Central High School
Calvin, Jesse 35-1 Palmer High School
Gilispie, Alexander 35-0 Pueblo County High School
Galvan, Donovan 34-11.5 Pomona High School
Gilbert, Matthew 34-9 Canon City High School
Guerra, Luis 34-5.75 Falcon High School
Gutierrez, Julian 34-4 McClave High School
Tolles, Zhay 34-2.5 Sierra High School
Banister, Scott 33-11 Las Animas High School
Gabehart, Sumiya 33-7.75 Swink High School
Stroup, Colby 33-7.25 Pomona High School
Gilliam, Orion 33-5.25 Sierra High School
Garcia, Landon 33-3 Alamosa High School
Hess, Joseph 33-2 Florence High School
Rambat, Logan 33-1.5 Fowler High School
Marquez, Samuel 33-1 Aguilar High School
Tesauro, Silas 33-0 Woodland Park High School
Knezel, Connor 32-8.5 Hoehne High School
McNeal, Josiah 32-6.5 Widefield High School
Quintana, Calvin 32-6.5 Del Norte High School
Romero, Tyler 32-5 La Junta High School
Cornwell, Jace 32-5 Canon City High School
Gomez, Caiden 32-3 Aguilar High School
Crowder, Antonio 32-0 Pueblo East High School
Lujan, Diego 31-11 Hoehne High School
Corbin, Luke 31-5 Woodland Park High School
Garrison, Jake 31-5 Pueblo Central High School
Reece, Seth 31-3.5 Cheraw High School
David, Shane 31-3 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Martin, Carson 31-2.5 Widefield High School
Cox, Nicholas 31-2 La Veta High School
Romero, Adrian 31-1 Pueblo Centennial High School
Baker, Rylan 30-8 Rye High School
Kent, Zackary 30-5 Crowley County High School
Pierce, Keith 30-4.25 Del Norte High School
Maez, Ulices 30-2 Del Norte High School
Tafoya, Mauricio 30-1.5 Aguilar High School
Naranjo, JohnJake 30-1 Monte Vista High School
Shaffer, Damon 30-1 Florence High School
Stimmel, Logan 30-1 Pueblo Central High School
Hart, Gannon 29-11.5 Swink High School
Keck, Bryce 29-8.5 Sanford High School
McMurtree, Steven 29-8 Pueblo Centennial High School
Head, Emmett 29-3.5 Palmer High School
Zoerb-Orta, Caiden 29-3 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Casuse, Gunnar 29-2.5 Swink High School
Buchanan, Ben 28-8 Swallows Charter Academy
Rocha Pineda, Manuel 28-5 Mitchell High School
Ledbetter, Thomas 28-3 Cheraw High School
Zumwalt, Isaac 26-11.5 Cheraw High School
Ramos, Aiden 25-5.75 James Irwin Charter High School
Mathews, Quinn 25-3 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Gallegos, zachary 25-1 Monte Vista High School
Salazar, Joshua 25-0 Monte Vista High School
Kuhn, Hunter 24-10 Crowley County High School
Quintana, Arturo 24-8.5 Mitchell High School
Akins, William 21-7.75 Crowley County High School
Cordova, Ryan 20-6.5 Sanford High School
Montoya Mata, Luis 18-4.5 James Irwin Charter High School
Mathes, Sheldon 12-2 Sanford High School
Johnston, Noah Swallows Charter Academy
Cooper, Hollis Swallows Charter Academy
Higdon, Jacob Widefield High School
Ordonez Martinez, Daryan 0-0 Mitchell High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reed, Kuron 44-10.75 Mitchell High School
Guzman, Isaiah 42-6 Rye High School
Johnson, Emerson 40-8 Widefield High School
Bates, Aidan 40-1 Woodland Park High School
Martinez, Gasper 39-1 Palmer High School
Williamson, Levi 38-11.5 Hoehne High School
Nunley, Dai Juan 38-10.5 Palmer High School
Dillaha, Terrell 38-7 Pueblo County High School
Johnson, Deandre 37-7 Pueblo East High School
McNeil, Malaki 37-6 Crowley County High School
DeNova, Joel 37-3.5 Widefield High School
Cesar, Britton 37-0 Pueblo County High School
Knifong, Cale 36-9.75 Florence High School
Tucci, Luca 36-9 Pueblo County High School
Hernanez, Arturo 36-5 Widefield High School
Hunter, Jacob 36-3.5 Falcon High School
Brown, Malachi 36-3 Sierra High School
Williams, Brady 36-1 The Vanguard School
Mckinney, Micaiah 35-8 Woodland Park High School
Kindred, Deshawn 35-7 Pueblo East High School
Silvey, Brody 35-2 Hoehne High School
Hernandez-Badillo, Francisco 34-8 Pueblo East High School
Rouleau, Kale 34-7 Swink High School
Salazar, Tomas 34-7 Pueblo Central High School
Reed, Trey 34-3 Woodland Park High School
Waring, Shawn 34-0 La Junta High School
Mihelich, Ian 33-10 Pueblo Central High School
Lane, Kamrin 33-10 Falcon High School
Harrison-padilia, Dominik 33-9.5 Sierra High School
Ford, Mason 33-8.5 Rye High School
Ramirez, Ilbey 33-7 The Vanguard School
Babb, Jonathan 33-3.5 Canon City High School
Lagergren, Kyler 32-11.5 Swink High School
Klein, Derek 32-4 Fowler High School
DeYoung, Andrew 32-0 Pueblo Central High School
Martinez, Josia 31-8 La Junta High School
Ford, Carter 31-8 Rye High School
Donisthorpe, Brayden 30-10 Pueblo Centennial High School
Rouleau, Isaac 30-8.25 Swink High School
Canty, Tucker 30-7.25 Sanford High School
McMurtree, Steven 30-7 Pueblo Centennial High School
Doak, Kaden 27-7 Fowler High School
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HS Girls 1,600 Meter Run 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopez, Jisele La Junta High School
Abe, Kiaya Falcon High School
DeLaCerda, Sarah 4:55.95 Alamosa High School
Campos, Nadhia 5:04.42 The Vanguard School
Castillo, Madeline 5:21.19 Alamosa High School
McQuitty, Elizabeth 5:25.52 Alamosa High School
Calhoun, Kelsey 5:33.27 Palmer High School
Schroeder, Stella 5:34.60 Woodland Park High School
Perez, Isabel 5:41.64 The Vanguard School
Clifford, Marissa 5:50.14 James Irwin Charter High School
Suerdieck, Grace 5:54.36 Falcon High School
Cox, Pauline 5:54.36 Canon City High School
Krueger, Chennai 6:00.00 Pueblo West High School
Mikan, Gracie 6:04.00 Widefield High School
Baun, Kadence 6:08.38 Falcon High School
Edelen, Frannie 6:11.82 Del Norte High School
Alvarez, Alita 6:13.04 Palmer High School
Simshauser, Kaylee 6:18.39 Florence High School
Nelson, Ana 6:23.95 Widefield High School
Hopper, Elyvia 6:27.95 Canon City High School
Stein, Victoria 6:29.75 Woodland Park High School
Maurer, Hanna 6:37.32 Pueblo West High School
Herrin, Trinity 6:38.05 The Vanguard School
Snyder, Uliana 6:39.08 Pueblo County High School
Prieto, Anahy 6:40.00 Fowler High School
Garcia, Timay 6:40.00h Del Norte High School
Carter, Hannah 6:48.60 Pueblo County High School
Rosado, Eliariz 7:00.00h Mitchell High School
Szalay, Heather 7:00.30 Sierra High School
LaFountain, Stephanie 7:03.65 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Zubia, Olga 7:06.47 La Junta High School
Glass, Miranda 7:21.75 Widefield High School
Sandoval, Charlotte 7:23.60 Pueblo Centennial High School
Snyder, Adriel 7:25.34 Rye High School
Gonzales, Ella 7:25.67 Pueblo County High School
Estrada, Evelyn 7:29.05 La Junta High School
Wilson, Mary 7:43.02 James Irwin Charter High School
Najera, Zaidah 9:04.08 Sanford High School
Schwartz, Rose 9:08.04 Sanford High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 81 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cowan, Nina Pueblo East High School
Cordova, Haley Pueblo East High School
Kirkpatrick, Kiera 12.63 Pueblo West High School
Suazo, Jamie 13.19 Pueblo West High School
McNair, Tatyyanna 13.21 Palmer High School
Stein, Rebecca 13.21 The Vanguard School
Gonzales-Moore, KayLee 13.30 Alamosa High School
Little, Grace 13.34 James Irwin Charter High School
Hobson, Patritia 13.44 Sierra High School
Julien, Mecca 13.47 Widefield High School
King, Kailynn 13.55 Alamosa High School
Hampton, Hayden 13.59 Custer County High School
Whyte, Georgia 13.60 Sierra High School
Flores, Nadia 13.70h James Irwin Charter High School
O'Lear, Aibrean 13.72 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Mayo, Kinsley 13.74 La Junta High School
Malone, Zora 13.76 Pueblo County High School
Templin, Hannah 13.8 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Cooper-Washington, Kijana 13.86 Widefield High School
Marsh, Madison 13.89 Fowler High School
Benedetto, Elle 14.16 Pueblo Centennial High School
Gylling, Kasey 14.18 Sanford High School
Macarenas, Reminee 14.19 Monte Vista High School
Sanchez, Brooklyn 14.20 Palmer High School
Baca, Shanyla 14.24 Pueblo East High School
Morrow, Lilly 14.24 Pueblo West High School
Calvin, Evangaline 14.25 Palmer High School
Church, Callie 14.28 Florence High School
Quitano, Shayna 14.29 Falcon High School
Crowther, Abbey 14.36 Alamosa High School
Ambuul, Margaret 14.38 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Cooper, Juliana 14.39 Pueblo County High School
Willbanks, Roree 14.39 Las Animas High School
Pavasars-Gonzales, Izabella 14.4 The Vanguard School
SanRoman, Phoenix 14.40 Hoehne High School
Dasko, Mikenna 14.44 Hoehne High School
Shank, Reaghan 14.46 Custer County High School
Calderwood, Piper 14.5 Woodland Park High School
Hood, Lillian 14.5 Woodland Park High School
Bomgardner, Lily 14.50 Custer County High School
Knabenshue, Karlee 14.56 Swink High School
Mora, Angeleigha 14.61 Monte Vista High School
Salaam, Na'ila 14.76 James Irwin Charter High School
Kirwan, Sakura 14.80h The Vanguard School
Smith, Evie 14.83 Canon City High School
Talbott, Gracie 14.84 Florence High School
Gonzales, Marlie 14.90 La Junta High School
Miell, Brilyn 14.94 Cheraw High School
Uratani, Dallie 14.95 Fowler High School
Ford, Zoie 14.99 Pueblo Centennial High School
Caballero, Ava 15.00h Crowley County High School
Russell, Emma 15.00h Las Animas High School
Dominguez, Ashley 15.07 Sanford High School
Tam, Ming 15.16 Rye High School
D'esposito, Grace 15.16 La Veta High School
Cruz, Aria 15.27 Widefield High School
Dunich, Eva 15.30 Pueblo Central High School
Benage, Kylie 15.35 Falcon High School
Cantrell, Rayanne 15.57 Woodland Park High School
Wilkinson, Isabella 15.72 Mitchell High School
Johnson, Mia 15.77 La Junta High School
Ross, Emalee 15.82 Crowley County High School
Murietta, Nayeli 15.85 Monte Vista High School
Vigil, Isabella 15.87 La Veta High School
Guinane, Carolyn 16.0 Falcon High School
Blair, Tessa 16.00h Florence High School
Rafferty, Samantha 16.09 Crowley County High School
Egetenmeir, Ella 16.14 Aguilar High School
Anderson, Marissa 16.26 Mitchell High School
Peterson, Bella 16.53 Sanford High School
Chavez, Demery 16.70h Pueblo Central High School
Himmelberg, Kayla 16.72 Rye High School
Purfield, Katie 16.80h Pueblo Central High School
Torres, Briana 16.82 Sierra High School
Maez, Dani 16.94 Swallows Charter Academy
Bachicha, Aaliah 17.00 Hoehne High School
Lobatos, Latisha 17.11 Aguilar High School
Shadbolt, Jacelynn 17.30 Pueblo Centennial High School
Ourso, McKenzie 17.40 Fowler High School
Marriott, Kaia 17.61 La Veta High School
Ibarra-Hernandez, Cristal 18.12 Mitchell High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDaniel, Holly Sanford High School
Valdez, Layla Pueblo East High School
McDaniel, Kate Sanford High School
McCurry, Ceili 15.00h Crowley County High School
Falletta, Reagan 15.30 Pueblo East High School
Pounds, MaKenzee 16.35 La Junta High School
Fall, Aisha 17.06 Palmer High School
Like, Alyssa 17.15 Widefield High School
Allison, Dearie 17.20 Widefield High School
Nix, Keely 17.32 Florence High School
Melvin, Olivia 17.55 Pueblo West High School
George, Hailey 18.03 Rye High School
Berry, Kennedy 18.65 Palmer High School
Sanders, Aryana 18.98 Palmer High School
Willardson, Halle 19.03 Pueblo West High School
Cofer, Syvannah 19.10 Falcon High School
Williams, Averie 19.11 Pueblo County High School
Weeks, Cadence 19.45 Custer County High School
Gutierrez, Evie 19.66 Woodland Park High School
Shrontz, Emma 20.20 Pueblo Central High School
Lansdown, Abigail 20.61 Canon City High School
Bukuru, Elena 20.72 Sierra High School
Stucky, Kaliah 21 Monte Vista High School
Taylor, Mya 21.01 Widefield High School
Kincannon, Veronica 21.09 Monte Vista High School
Starr, Olivia 21.10 Woodland Park High School
Rabadi, Sarah 21.39 The Vanguard School
Drexler, Julia 21.44 The Vanguard School
Valdez, Janine 21.57 Canon City High School
Smith, Livia 21.68 La Junta High School
Banks, Haylo 21.99 James Irwin Charter High School
Aragon, Isabelle 22.00 La Junta High School
Copeland, Serenity 22.13 James Irwin Charter High School
Bristow, Grace 23.19 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Lynch, Seraphima 23.58 Pueblo Central High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 71 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Castro, Daylin Monte Vista High School
Childs, Brea 25.62 Widefield High School
Huber, Jessi 26.40h James Irwin Charter High School
Stein, Rebecca 27.08 The Vanguard School
Roebuck, Shetara 27.10 Sierra High School
Payne, Suraiya 27.22 Sierra High School
Julien, Mecca 27.80 Widefield High School
Christensen, Sara 27.91 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Fall, Aisha 28.09 Palmer High School
Onyejekwe, Nkechi 28.12 Pueblo West High School
Gonzales-Moore, KayLee 28.20 Alamosa High School
Cunningham, Kalia 28.43 Palmer High School
Johnson, Ajai 28.49 Sierra High School
Foster, Braylee 28.50 Hoehne High School
Myers, Rhea 28.54 Palmer High School
Pollock, Allison 28.61 James Irwin Charter High School
Davis, Asia 28.69 Widefield High School
Malone, Zora 28.82 Pueblo County High School
Falletta, Reagan 28.85 Pueblo East High School
George, Hailey 28.88 Rye High School
Coachman, Daneel 29.31 James Irwin Charter High School
Quitano, Shayna 29.45 Falcon High School
Thompson, Taryn 29.50 Pueblo West High School
Likes, McKenzie 29.78 Pueblo West High School
Ombasa, Blessing 29.84 Canon City High School
Cooper, Juliana 29.87 Pueblo County High School
Cantoria, Alessa 30.01 Hoehne High School
Abeyta, Myah 30.35 Pueblo East High School
Crowther, Abbey 30.51 Alamosa High School
Turner, Alexus 30.65 Florence High School
Hood, Lillian 30.73 Woodland Park High School
Baca, Shanyla 31.31 Pueblo East High School
Mott, Lola 31.50 Monte Vista High School
Talbott, Gracie 31.58 Florence High School
Waak, Bella 31.83 Woodland Park High School
Gonzales, Marlie 31.85 La Junta High School
Crosson, Sofia 32.00 Rye High School
Simshauser, Kaylee 32.00h Florence High School
Larsen, Emmorette 32.10 Woodland Park High School
Aragon, Isabelle 32.21 La Junta High School
Baumgardner, Elena 32.24 Monte Vista High School
Taggart, Larriana 32.64 Swink High School
Cathcart, Kriston 32.87 Canon City High School
Brown, Alexis 33.0 Falcon High School
Misurelli, Kyrah 33.05 Canon City High School
Benage, Kylie 33.10h Falcon High School
Brown, Leah 33.12 Fowler High School
Crowther, Claire 33.24 Sanford High School
Johnson, Mia 33.61 La Junta High School
Rafferty, Samantha 33.65 Crowley County High School
Caballero, Ava 33.78 Crowley County High School
Salazar, Edith 33.91 Alamosa High School
Romero, Jessica 33.91 Mitchell High School
Cunningham, Piper 34.00 Custer County High School
Demery, John-nya 34.39 Mitchell High School
Anderson, Marissa 34.42 Mitchell High School
Egetenmeir, Ella 34.61 Aguilar High School
Dunich, Eva 34.61 Pueblo Central High School
Ourso, McKenzie 34.69 Fowler High School
Johnson, Kacee 34.8 The Vanguard School
Peterson, Bella 34.95 Sanford High School
Medina, AJ 35.00h Crowley County High School
Martinez, Ireland 35.10h Pueblo Central High School
Bachicha, Aaliah 35.69 Hoehne High School
Jones, Layna 35.77 Custer County High School
Kirwan, Sakura 35.90h The Vanguard School
Purfield, Katie 36.20h Pueblo Central High School
Devine, Avalyn 37.01 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Crowther, Brecken 37.59 Sanford High School
Simpson, Chloe 39.43 Custer County High School
Ramirez-Actouka, Lily 39.51 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
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HS Girls 3,200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McQuitty, Elizabeth 11:06.53 Alamosa High School
Castillo, Madeline 11:19.56 Alamosa High School
Leisman, Jenea 12:12.41 Colorado Springs Christian Schoo
Suerdieck, Grace 12:26.15 Falcon High School
Edelen, Frannie 12:45.00 Del Norte High School
Ryden, Hazel 12:50.71 Palmer High School
Mikan, Gracie 12:51.09 Widefield High School
Morrell, Maggi 13:08.22 Widefield High School
Taylor, Danielle 13:09.89 Woodland Park High School
Nelson, Ana 13:25.91 Widefield High School
Langlois, Evolette 17:49.13 Swallows Charter Academy
Wietzke, Joanna 18:57.69 Swallows Charter Academy
Padilla, Makayla 19:24.63 Pueblo County High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDaniel, Kate Sanford High School
Castro, Daylin 1:01.46 Monte Vista High School
Small, Riley 1:01.75 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Taylor, Mya 1:02.26 Widefield High School
Page, Sophia 1:03.34 Pueblo East High School
Banks, Haylo 1:05.17 James Irwin Charter High School
LaFountain, Stephanie 1:07.01 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Starr, Olivia 1:07.42 Woodland Park High School
Valdez, Janine 1:08.12 Canon City High School
Stucky, Kaliah 1:09.39 Monte Vista High School
Lynch, Seraphima 1:13.42 Pueblo Central High School
Menegatti, Bradie 46.11 Pueblo West High School
Heersink, Lily 47.41 Alamosa High School
Falletta, Reagan 47.49 Pueblo East High School
Pearson, Kaitlyn 47.53 Swallows Charter Academy
Melvin, Olivia 48.09 Pueblo West High School
Fall, Aisha 49.03 Palmer High School
Bond, Delaney 49.57 Cheraw High School
Berry, Kennedy 51.31 Palmer High School
Like, Alyssa 52.14 Widefield High School
McDaniel, Holly 52.82 Sanford High School
George, Hailey 53.19 Rye High School
Crosson, Kaylah 53.22 Hoehne High School
DeHeart, Sara 53.51 Pueblo Centennial High School
Pounds, MaKenzee 53.90 La Junta High School
Ambuul, Aileen 54.23 Palmer High School
Cofer, Syvannah 54.56 Falcon High School
Nix, Keely 55.23 Florence High School
Drexler, Julia 55.69 The Vanguard School
Williams, Averie 57.01 Pueblo County High School
Barton, Adah 57.12 Pueblo Centennial High School
Rabadi, Sarah 57.44 The Vanguard School
John, Kamryn 57.91 Canon City High School
Lansdown, Abigail 57.95 Canon City High School
Meier, Hannah 59.40 James Irwin Charter High School
Gutierrez, Evie 59.41 Woodland Park High School
Shrontz, Emma 59.48 Pueblo Central High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Alexis Falcon High School
Stein, Rebecca 1:00.36 The Vanguard School
Hampton, Hayden 1:00.52 Custer County High School
Genard, Mae 1:03.87 Palmer High School
Mayo, Kinsley 1:04.09 La Junta High School
Malone, Zora 1:05.21 Pueblo County High School
Morrow, Lilly 1:05.27 Pueblo West High School
Nibert, Lily 1:05.33 Pueblo County High School
Miller, Erica 1:05.49 Sanford High School
Smith, Maddie 1:05.85 Pueblo County High School
Davis, Asia 1:05.86 Widefield High School
Jackson, Kathleen 1:08.24 Fowler High School
Gonzalez, Alicia 1:08.33 Alamosa High School
Page, Anna 1:08.45 Pueblo West High School
Miell, Adi 1:09.07 Cheraw High School
Pasillas, Dayana 1:09.54 Palmer High School
Ramsay, Katie 1:09.63 Falcon High School
Lewis, A'Jordanae 1:09.90 Alamosa High School
Miell, Crislyn 1:09.95 Cheraw High School
Taylor, Danielle 1:10.13 Woodland Park High School
Kirk, Ella 1:10.63 Falcon High School
Calderon, Tasheena 1:10.77 Pueblo Central High School
Tong, Hailey 1:11.00 Palmer High School
Pukajlo, Olivia 1:11.22 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Bomgardner, Lily 1:11.32 Custer County High School
D'esposito, Grace 1:11.76 La Veta High School
Bukuru, Elena 1:11.96 Sierra High School
Mott, Lola 1:12.68 Monte Vista High School
Manchego, Andrea 1:12.86 Florence High School
Munoz, Bianca 1:12.95 Crowley County High School
Sanders, Trinitiee 1:12.98 Sierra High School
Andrada, Ava 1:13.29 Pueblo East High School
Garcia, Timay 1:13.30 Del Norte High School
Fadenrecht, Tabitha 1:13.50 Swallows Charter Academy
Romero, Kayden 1:13.64 La Veta High School
Ludwig, Charley 1:13.66 Pueblo Central High School
Wilson, Analyce 1:13.72 Las Animas High School
Combee, Maybelene 1:13.94 Florence High School
Ford, Zoie 1:14.30 Pueblo Centennial High School
Misurelli, Kyrah 1:14.30 Canon City High School
Frazier, Aleesyah 1:14.48 Rye High School
Romero, Jessica 1:14.50h Mitchell High School
Leal, Katie 1:15.00 Pueblo West High School
Salazar, Edith 1:15.93 Alamosa High School
Copeland, Serenity 1:16.00h James Irwin Charter High School
Johnson, Kacee 1:16.7 The Vanguard School
Daniels, Allyson 1:17.71 Pueblo East High School
Mulay, Mia 1:17.77 Pueblo Centennial High School
Herrin, Trinity 1:17.8 The Vanguard School
Woods, Lorelai 1:17.96 Fowler High School
Kincannon, Veronica 1:19.01 Monte Vista High School
Pacheco, Isis 1:19.52 La Junta High School
O'Lear, Eilee 1:19.52 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Estrada, Evelyn 1:19.98 La Junta High School
White, Sarina 1:21.17 Canon City High School
Worthington, Lacey 1:22.04 Widefield High School
Larson, Pepper 1:22.24 Sanford High School
Garrison, Ozzira 1:22.75 Rye High School
Devine, Avalyn 1:24.72 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Gonzales, Jenna 1:26.32 Pueblo Centennial High School
Vigil, Ana 1:30.00h Crowley County High School
Peterson, Bella 1:30.24 Sanford High School
Farney, Aisha 1:43.19 Rye High School
Rall, Alissa 58.80 Canon City High School
Childs, Brea 58.93 Widefield High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Widefield High School
Relay Team A 1:00.84 Custer County High School
Relay Team A 1:01.88 Mitchell High School
Relay Team A 1:04.08 James Irwin Charter High School
Relay Team A 50.82 Sierra High School
Relay Team A 52.10 Pueblo East High School
Relay Team A 52.68 Palmer High School
Relay Team A 52.69 Pueblo Central High School
Relay Team A 53.20 Pueblo West High School
Relay Team A 54.70h The Vanguard School
Relay Team A 54.94 Pomona High School
Relay Team A 55.00 Swallows Charter Academy
Relay Team A 55.19 Fowler High School
Relay Team A 55.50 Hoehne High School
Relay Team A 55.54 Woodland Park High School
Relay Team A 55.74 Sanford High School
Relay Team A 55.77 Pueblo County High School
Relay Team A 55.94 Monte Vista High School
Relay Team A 57.65 Swink High School
Relay Team A 58.59 Canon City High School
Relay Team A 58.69 Pueblo Centennial High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:49.47 Widefield High School
Relay Team A 1:50.44 Pueblo East High School
Relay Team A 1:50.83 Pueblo West High School
Relay Team A 1:51.15 James Irwin Charter High School
Relay Team A 1:51.16 Sierra High School
Relay Team A 1:52.32 Palmer High School
Relay Team A 1:54.25 Pueblo County High School
Relay Team A 1:54.74 Hoehne High School
Relay Team A 2:00.00h Crowley County High School
Relay Team A 2:00.13 Monte Vista High School
Relay Team A 2:00.31 Fowler High School
Relay Team A 2:00.79 Florence High School
Relay Team A 2:02.23 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Relay Team A 2:06.55 Sanford High School
Relay Team A 2:11.37 Rye High School
Relay Team A 2:11.83 Las Animas High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Woodland Park High School
Relay Team A 4:20.70 Pueblo West High School
Relay Team A 4:29.00h James Irwin Charter High School
Relay Team A 4:33.16 Custer County High School
Relay Team A 4:35.00h Cheraw High School
Relay Team A 4:37.75 Hoehne High School
Relay Team A 4:43.74 Widefield High School
Relay Team A 4:45.70 Falcon High School
Relay Team A 4:50.00h Pueblo Central High School
Relay Team A 4:57.70 Pueblo County High School
Relay Team A 5:08.22 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Relay Team A 5:22.59 Monte Vista High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:40.31 Falcon High School
Relay Team A 11:08.63 Widefield High School
Relay Team A 11:25.36 Fowler High School
Relay Team A 11:57.34 Pueblo County High School
Relay Team A 12:32.29 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Relay Team A 13:00.00 Hoehne High School
Relay Team A 13:00.00 Las Animas High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kincannon, Veronica Monte Vista High School
DeLaCerda, Sarah 2:14.06 Alamosa High School
Sheridan, Olivia 2:22.13 Palmer High School
Campos, Nadhia 2:24.00 The Vanguard School
Leisman, Jenea 2:28.28 Colorado Springs Christian Schoo
Jackson, Roxanne 2:31.09 Fowler High School
Massey, Reagan 2:32.55 Falcon High School
Till, Alexi 2:35.0 Canon City High School
Perez, Isabel 2:37.62 The Vanguard School
Westberg, Malena 2:39.12 Widefield High School
Mikan, Gracie 2:39.27 Widefield High School
Cisneros, Danica 2:39.29 Falcon High School
Edelen, Frannie 2:42.78 Del Norte High School
Gutierrez, Ellegra 2:42.87 Hoehne High School
Musso, Hope 2:42.90 Pueblo County High School
Abe, Kiaya 2:44.26 Falcon High School
Gifford, Victoria 2:46.31 Alamosa High School
Morrell, Maggi 2:47.65 Widefield High School
Krueger, Chennai 2:47.94 Pueblo West High School
Kottenstette, Ella 2:50.00h Swallows Charter Academy
Aguilar, Aulany 2:50.16 Palmer High School
Doering, Cadence 2:50.34 Hoehne High School
Miller, Erica 2:50.69 Sanford High School
Ludwig, Charley 2:50.74 Pueblo Central High School
Maurer, Hanna 2:51.78 Pueblo West High School
Pasillas, Dayana 2:51.97 Palmer High School
Shannon, Piper 2:52.17 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Taggart, Larriana 2:54.58 Swink High School
Adams, Abigail 2:54.67 Alamosa High School
Gibson, Juliana 2:55.79 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Prieto, Anahy 2:56.80 Fowler High School
Mendoza, Mia 2:57.71 Swink High School
Snyder, Adriel 3:00 Rye High School
Rosado, Eliariz 3:00.00h Mitchell High School
Miell, Brilyn 3:01.00h Cheraw High School
Calderon, Tasheena 3:01.24 Pueblo Central High School
Borrego, Laura 3:05.27 Hoehne High School
Carter, Hannah 3:05.27 Pueblo County High School
Szalay, Heather 3:05.84 Sierra High School
Garcia, Timay 3:06.47 Del Norte High School
Snyder, Uliana 3:06.53 Pueblo County High School
Anderson, Larkin 3:08.16 Crowley County High School
Sanders, Trinitiee 3:08.73 Sierra High School
Bates, Jordan 3:08.76 Fowler High School
Tam, Ming 3:10.00h Rye High School
Trujillo, Izabell 3:15.70 Las Animas High School
Combee, Maybelene 3:17.45 Florence High School
Manchego, Andrea 3:20.55 Florence High School
Frater, Mia 3:24.34 Woodland Park High School
Mahakusol, Gale 3:26.23 La Junta High School
Medina, AJ 3:29.24 Crowley County High School
Wilson, Mary 3:36.59 James Irwin Charter High School
Nabeta, Elizabeth 3:36.87 James Irwin Charter High School
Brusuelas, Emily 3:39.98 Swink High School
Najera, Zaidah 3:41.74 Sanford High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:54.76 James Irwin Charter High School
Relay Team A 1:55.80 Sierra High School
Relay Team A 1:56.10 Pomona High School
Relay Team A 1:59.18 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Relay Team A 1:59.94 Hoehne High School
Relay Team A 2:00.46 Sanford High School
Relay Team A 2:01.22 Palmer High School
Relay Team A 2:02.00h Cheraw High School
Relay Team A 2:02.92 Pueblo County High School
Relay Team A 2:04.52 Canon City High School
Relay Team A 2:07.03 Pueblo Centennial High School
Relay Team A 2:07.61 Monte Vista High School
Relay Team A 2:10.37 Swink High School
Relay Team A 2:10.64 Pueblo West High School
Relay Team A 2:13.47 Fowler High School
Relay Team A 2:13.93 Crowley County High School
Relay Team A 2:14.45 Pueblo Central High School
Relay Team A 2:16.43 Rye High School
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HS Girls Discus 77 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kohn, Jaedyn 116-11 Woodland Park High School
Macias, Julissa 113-2 Pueblo East High School
Pearson, Malia 107-11 Pomona High School
Ramos, Janelle 102-11 Hoehne High School
Heberlie, Charlotte 98-6 Swink High School
Harris, Kieran 97-4 Cheraw High School
Boehm, Kaidence 96-9 Alamosa High School
Bates, Jaslyn 96-0 Fowler High School
Melgoza, Emily 95-7 McClave High School
Bratton, Jayna 95-2 Pomona High School
House, Julia 92-5 Pueblo West High School
Rosales, Ysabelle 91-10.5 Pueblo East High School
Hunter, Alexis 91-0 Falcon High School
Newitt, Jaklyn 89-2 Rye High School
Carochi, Antonette 88-8 Canon City High School
Bonifas, Jhoanna 88-6 Sierra High School
Marx, Josslyn 88-2 La Junta High School
Huner, Clara 86-7 Fowler High School
Conforti, Alyson 84-3 La Junta High School
Smith, Ellie 84-0 Canon City High School
Henderhan, Hannah 83-9.5 Monte Vista High School
Osborne, Gracie 83-5 Fowler High School
Moran, Avery 81-9 Pomona High School
Varner, Emmyle 80-6 Rye High School
Turner, Jaimey 80-4 Sanford High School
Padilla, Makayla 80-0 Pueblo County High School
Sandoval, Maliyah 78-3 Pueblo Central High School
Yochum, Shaelyn 78-1 Cheraw High School
Howard, Isabella 76-8 Falcon High School
Heasley, Madison 76-6 Rye High School
Meredith, Maraliese 76-5 Falcon High School
Gearhart, Brylee 75-9 La Junta High School
Minor, Maleah 75-4.5 Pueblo Centennial High School
Sandoval, Aunalise 75-0 Pueblo East High School
Carochi, Domiana 75-0 Canon City High School
Rogers, Jacklyn 74-9 Hoehne High School
Henderhan, Madison 70-10 Monte Vista High School
Willhite, Harleigh 70-9 Woodland Park High School
Schwartz, Sarah 70-2 Sanford High School
Samora, Laila 68-10 Widefield High School
Lobatos, Latisha 68-9 Aguilar High School
Kautoke, Feivalani 68-7 James Irwin Charter High School
Herrin, Trinity 68-0 The Vanguard School
Rabadi, Sarah 66-11 The Vanguard School
Anaya, Bella 66-6 Swallows Charter Academy
Nganga, Kenya 64-7 James Irwin Charter High School
Jordan, Shea 63-10 Alamosa High School
Tennant, Elaine 63-6 Pueblo Central High School
Medina, Anelise 62-11 Pueblo Centennial High School
Boehm, Brooklyn 62-5 Alamosa High School
Savala, Angel 62-5 Palmer High School
Melvin, Ariyana 62-3 Mitchell High School
Tennant, Sylvia 62-2 Pueblo Central High School
Zamora, Helen 60-9 Sierra High School
Lopez, Savannah 57-1 James Irwin Charter High School
Wilson, Kaelin 56-10 Woodland Park High School
Millirons, Jillian 56-4 Pueblo West High School
Alvarado-Alanis, Isdaly 56-3 Hoehne High School
Murphy, Jayla 55-7 Swink High School
Lane, Lilly 55-7 Las Animas High School
Sides, Alexandra 54-0 Palmer High School
McCarthy, Kierstin 49-10 Pueblo County High School
Jacquez, Deija 48-3 Monte Vista High School
McNeil, Tanzeniah 46-8 Crowley County High School
Brusuelas, Emily 45-10 Swink High School
McCurley, Haley 44-11 Florence High School
Cordova , Ashley 44-4 Sierra High School
Saiz, Juliette 44-0 Palmer High School
Bristow, Grace 43-11 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Wolfe-Fuentes, Kaylee 42-6.5 Pueblo County High School
Chairez, Thalia 40-0 Crowley County High School
Griffin, Alexa 39-0 Mitchell High School
Epps, Delilah 36-6 Mitchell High School
Vigil, Ana 30-0 Crowley County High School
Shankland, Grace 26-9 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Girton, Katie Swallows Charter Academy
Williamson, Kris Swallows Charter Academy
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HS Girls High Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Menegatti, Bradie 5-9 Pueblo West High School
Turner, Alexus 5-1 Florence High School
Foster, Braylee 5-0 Hoehne High School
Gilmore, Kya 4-10 Pueblo West High School
Pearson, Kailey 4-9 Swallows Charter Academy
Lambert, Rylee 4-9 Pueblo West High School
Ciccarelli, Toni 4-8 Woodland Park High School
Calderwood, Piper 4-8 Woodland Park High School
Leyba, Olivia 4-8 Pueblo County High School
Rusher, Alexis 4-7 Crowley County High School
Pounds, MaKenzee 4-6 La Junta High School
Woods, Lorelai 4-6 Fowler High School
Rodriguez, Roxie 4-5 Pueblo Centennial High School
Aragon, Isabelle 4-4 La Junta High School
Crosson, Kaylah 4-4 Hoehne High School
Larsen, Emmorette 4-4 Woodland Park High School
Church, Callie 4-4 Florence High School
Hunter, Alexis 4-2 Falcon High School
Romero, Jessica 4-2 Mitchell High School
Wilkinson, Isabella 4-2 Mitchell High School
Chavez, Demery 4-0 Pueblo Central High School
Purfield, Katie 4-0 Pueblo Central High School
Pratt, Lillie 3-10 Pueblo Central High School
Pharr, Isabella 3-8 Fowler High School
Jones, Layna Custer County High School
Kleven, Brooklyn Swallows Charter Academy
Sanders, Trinitiee Sierra High School
Torres, Briana Sierra High School
Precht, Brooke Widefield High School
Edmonds, Olivia Widefield High School
Booth, Olivia Widefield High School
Back to Top

HS Girls Long Jump 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pearson, Kaitlyn 17-6 Swallows Charter Academy
McCray, Arianna 16-8.5 Mitchell High School
John, Tamia 16-7 Mitchell High School
Onyejekwe, Nkechi 16-5 Pueblo West High School
Edmonds, Olivia 16-2 Widefield High School
Ambuul, Margaret 15-9.5 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
McDaniel, Holly 15-3.25 Sanford High School
George, Hailey 15-3 Rye High School
McNair, Tatyyanna 15-3 Palmer High School
Church, Callie 15-2 Florence High School
Crowther, Claire 15-1.5 Sanford High School
Myers, Rhea 15-1 Palmer High School
Marsh, Madison 15-1 Fowler High School
Hand, Kielyn 14-10 Canon City High School
Cordova, Haley 14-8.5 Pueblo East High School
Leyba, Olivia 14-8 Pueblo County High School
Shank, Reaghan 14-7.75 Custer County High School
Gonzalez, Alicia 14-7.5 Alamosa High School
Hood, Lillian 14-5.5 Woodland Park High School
McDaniel, Kate 14-5 Sanford High School
Himmelberg, Kendall 14-5 Rye High School
Castro, Karsyn 14-4.5 Pueblo Central High School
Jackson, Kathleen 14-4 Fowler High School
Hutcheson, Taya 14-3.75 Rye High School
Hart, Adalynn 14-2.5 Swink High School
Lewis, A'Jordanae 14-1.25 Alamosa High School
Weeks, Cadence 14-0.5 Custer County High School
Waak, Bella 13-11 Woodland Park High School
Welsby, Hadli 13-10.5 Pueblo Central High School
Rowe, Brailey 13-10.25 Pueblo East High School
Salazar, Edith 13-9 Alamosa High School
Glenn, Tylee 13-8.75 Pueblo County High School
Willbanks, Roree 13-8.5 Las Animas High School
Pavasars-Gonzales, Izabella 13-7.5 The Vanguard School
D'esposito, Grace 13-7.5 La Veta High School
Coachman, Daneel 13-7 James Irwin Charter High School
O'Lear, Aibrean 13-5.25 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Rey, Miya 13-4.5 Crowley County High School
Blair, Tessa 13-4.25 Florence High School
Cantrell, Rayanne 13-4 Woodland Park High School
Rodriguez, Roxie 13-3 Pueblo Centennial High School
Medina, AJ 13-0 Crowley County High School
Simshauser, Kaylee 13-0 Florence High School
Koppisch, Tikva 12-7 The Vanguard School
Kleven, Brooklyn 12-6.5 Swallows Charter Academy
Forner, Page 12-6 Pueblo County High School
Vigil, Isabella 12-5.2 La Veta High School
Vigil, Ana 12-0 Crowley County High School
Black, Taylee 11-6 Falcon High School
Russell, Emma 11-5 Las Animas High School
Martinez, Ireland 11-5 Pueblo Central High School
Bukuru, Elena 10-11.5 Sierra High School
Perez, Lorena 10-8 Palmer High School
Knabenshue, Karlee 10-5.5 Swink High School
Cunningham, Piper 10-0 Custer County High School
Brown, Leah 9-11 Fowler High School
Wilson, Analyce 9-8.75 Las Animas High School
Stucky, Kaliah Monte Vista High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harrison, Sylvie 11-11.75 Palmer High School
Black, Sydney 9-8 Palmer High School
Ruzich, Kyla 7-4 Pueblo County High School
Koury, Kamille 7-1 Pueblo West High School
Calderwood, Piper 6-10 Woodland Park High School
Gutierrez, Evie 6-9 Woodland Park High School
Lehmkuhl, Kinsleigh 6-7 Woodland Park High School
Parks, Addison 5-6 Pueblo West High School
Garcia, Timay 5-0 Del Norte High School
Thompson, Taryn 5-0 Pueblo West High School
D'esposito, Grace La Veta High School
Vigil, Isabella La Veta High School
Back to Top

HS Girls Shot Put 76 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kohn, Jaedyn 37-5 Woodland Park High School
Heberlie, Charlotte 35-5.5 Swink High School
Ramos, Janelle 34-11 Hoehne High School
Melgoza, Emily 34-1.75 McClave High School
Harris, Kieran 33-5 Cheraw High School
Boehm, Kaidence 32-11.5 Alamosa High School
Sandoval, Maliyah 32-5.5 Pueblo Central High School
Macias, Julissa 32-0 Pueblo East High School
Meredith, Maraliese 31-7.5 Falcon High School
Newitt, Jaklyn 31-4 Rye High School
Howard, Isabella 31-2 Falcon High School
Smith, Ellie 31-1.5 Canon City High School
Pearson, Malia 31-0 Pomona High School
Bratton, Jayna 31-0 Pomona High School
Carochi, Antonette 30-10.5 Canon City High School
Osborne, Gracie 30-5.25 Fowler High School
Bates, Jaslyn 30-3 Fowler High School
Huner, Clara 30-1.25 Fowler High School
McNeil, Tanzeniah 29-10 Crowley County High School
Carochi, Domiana 28-7 Canon City High School
Boehm, Brooklyn 28-2 Alamosa High School
Lane, Lilly 28-0.75 Las Animas High School
Rusher, Alexis 28-0.5 Crowley County High School
Yochum, Shaelyn 27-10.25 Cheraw High School
Bonifas, Jhoanna 27-8.5 Sierra High School
Gearhart, Brylee 27-7.5 La Junta High School
Kautoke, Feivalani 27-6.5 James Irwin Charter High School
Varner, Emmyle 27-4 Rye High School
Henderhan, Madison 27-2 Monte Vista High School
Henderhan, Hannah 26-9.5 Monte Vista High School
Rosales, Ysabelle 26-7.5 Pueblo East High School
Minor, Maleah 26-7 Pueblo Centennial High School
O'Lear, Eilee 26-4.5 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
House, Julia 26-4 Pueblo West High School
Turner, Jaimey 25-10.5 Sanford High School
Anaya, Bella 25-10 Swallows Charter Academy
Heasley, Madison 25-9 Rye High School
Sides, Alexandra 25-6.5 Palmer High School
Tennant, Sylvia 25-2 Pueblo Central High School
Castillo, Olivia 24-11.7 Alamosa High School
Peterson, Corigann 24-8 Swallows Charter Academy
Conforti, Alyson 24-3 La Junta High School
Tennant, Elaine 24-2 Pueblo Central High School
McCarthy, Kierstin 24-1 Pueblo County High School
Wilson, Kaelin 24-0.5 Woodland Park High School
Schwartz, Sarah 24-0 Sanford High School
Otero, Araceli 23-10.75 Pueblo County High School
Marx, Josslyn 23-10 La Junta High School
Lobatos, Latisha 23-10 Aguilar High School
Rogers, Jacklyn 23-4.5 Hoehne High School
Samora, Laila 23-4 Widefield High School
Willhite, Harleigh 23-2.5 Woodland Park High School
Millirons, Jillian 22-8.5 Pueblo West High School
Medina, Anelise 22-2 Pueblo Centennial High School
Cordova , Ashley 22-0.5 Sierra High School
Moran, Avery 22-0 Pomona High School
Reed, Stella 21-8 James Irwin Charter High School
Melvin, Ariyana 21-5.5 Mitchell High School
Trujillo, Izabell 21-1.25 Las Animas High School
Savala, Angel 21-1 Palmer High School
McCurley, Haley 21-0.5 Florence High School
Mestas, Brett 20-10 Pueblo County High School
Epps, Delilah 20-7 Mitchell High School
Zamora, Helen 19-11 Sierra High School
Saiz, Juliette 19-6.75 Palmer High School
Sandoval, Aunalise 19-6 Pueblo East High School
Bristow, Grace 19-5.75 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Furia, Kami 18-7.5 Hoehne High School
Chairez, Thalia 17-9 Crowley County High School
Brusuelas, Emily 17-7 Swink High School
Murphy, Jayla 16-11 Swink High School
Jacquez, Deija 15-6 Monte Vista High School
Maldonado, Angelique 14-7.5 James Irwin Charter High School
Griffin, Alexa 13-4.5 Mitchell High School
Shankland, Grace 12-11 Thomas Maclaren Charter School
Williamson, Kris Swallows Charter Academy
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HS Girls Triple Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
John, Tamia 35-3 Mitchell High School
Allison, Dearie 34-9.5 Widefield High School
McDaniel, Holly 34-1 Sanford High School
McCray, Arianna 32-6.5 Mitchell High School
Leyba, Olivia 32-0.5 Pueblo County High School
Johnson, Maci 31-10 Pueblo County High School
Himmelberg, Kendall 31-0.5 Rye High School
Hampton, Hayden 30-7 Custer County High School
Murietta, Nayeli 30-7 Monte Vista High School
Cooper-Washington, Kijana 30-6 Widefield High School
Hutcheson, Taya 30-4 Rye High School
Tong, Hailey 30-3 Palmer High School
Hand, Kielyn 30-1.5 Canon City High School
Larsen, Emmorette 29-11 Woodland Park High School
Flores, Nadia 29-7 James Irwin Charter High School
Crowther, Brecken 29-3 Sanford High School
Rodriguez, Roxie 28-10.5 Pueblo Centennial High School
Black, Taylee 28-4.75 Falcon High School
Welsby, Hadli 28-4 Pueblo Central High School
Baumgardner, Elena 28-3 Monte Vista High School
Alvarez, Syriah 28-2.5 Fowler High School
Pasillas, Dayana 28-1 Palmer High School
Bomgardner, Lily 28-1 Custer County High School
Storm, Emma 27-9.5 Swallows Charter Academy
Wietzke, Joanna 27-0 Swallows Charter Academy
Forner, Page 26-8 Pueblo County High School
Heberlie, Charlotte 26-6 Swink High School
Macarenas, Reminee 26-5 Monte Vista High School
Cantrell, Rayanne 26-3.5 Woodland Park High School
Hunter, Alexis 25-11.5 Falcon High School
Jones, Layna 24-9 Custer County High School
Martinez, Ireland 21-0 Pueblo Central High School
Pavasars-Gonzales, Izabella 19-6 The Vanguard School
Koppisch, Tikva 17-8 The Vanguard School
Vallejos, Addison McClave High School
Menegatti, Bradie 0-0 Pueblo West High School
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