Jeffco Qualifier #1 2024

Lakewood, CO
Timing/Results Jeffco Track

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cantu, Noah Pomona High School
Thomas, Dylan Bear Creek High School
Hansen, Cash Golden High School
Johnson, Tavaris Lakewood High School
Pagano, Anthony Dakota Ridge High School
Herrera, Matthew Pomona High School
Altamirano Romero, Henry Bear Creek High School
Powell, Weston Golden High School
Schneider, Kordell Dakota Ridge High School
Koenig, Collin Lakewood High School
Christensen, Carter Dakota Ridge High School
Kwiatkowski, Mason Pomona High School
Brink, Jonathan Bear Creek High School
Matthews, Thatcher Golden High School
Silburn, Sam Lakewood High School
Hernandez, Randy Dakota Ridge High School
Moreno, Mason 11.06 Columbine High School
Snyder, Josh 11.13 Columbine High School
Snyder, Mark 11.25 Columbine High School
Henson, Brendon 11.72 Arvada West High School
Bobick, Ryan 11.78 Bear Creek High School
Couture, Andrew 11.94 Lakewood High School
Herbek, Ben 11.95 Valor Christian High School
O'Connor, Jackson 12.00 Valor Christian High School
Gonzalez, Ecko 12.01 Arvada West High School
Dixon, Zeke 12.17 Standley Lake High School
St. Louis, Carson 12.20 Valor Christian High School
Trinder, Sean 12.24 Arvada West High School
Copeland, Ian 12.29 Columbine High School
Ingram, Adrian 12.30 Standley Lake High School
Kurz, Jace 12.50 Valor Christian High School
Prioste, Noah 12.50 Standley Lake High School
Smith, Jacob 12.65 Standley Lake High School
Waterman, Sam 12.71 Golden High School
Mejia, Sebastian 13.00h Jefferson High School
Harris, Joshua 13.56 Arvada West High School
Torres, Manuel 14.00h Jefferson High School
Correa-Vega, Xavier 15.00h Jefferson High School
Cordes, Leo 17.76 Pomona High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Steele, Jacob Standley Lake High School
Monroe, Will Columbine High School
Ballard, Brayden Columbine High School
Geerts, Daniel 16.51 Standley Lake High School
Cain, Carson 16.99 Columbine High School
Sundbye, Jaydon 17.28 Arvada West High School
Stickel, Jebediah 17.36 Golden High School
Kaufman, Keegan 17.66 Bear Creek High School
Petrovic, Ogi 18.21 Lakewood High School
Miller, Jacob 18.41 Golden High School
Steele, James 18.64 Pomona High School
Delgado-Yoshimura, Joseph 18.91 Pomona High School
Horne, Tristen 19.10 Bear Creek High School
Apmann, Zachary 19.66 Standley Lake High School
Eneboe, Aiden 19.92 Standley Lake High School
Rich Carmona, Zion 20.64 Lakewood High School
Parcels, Dylan 20.72 Lakewood High School
Delgado-Yoshimura, Johnnie 22.00 Pomona High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jarrett, Donovan Arvada West High School
Foster, Asher Bear Creek High School
Fugelseth, Logan Dakota Ridge High School
Bennetts, Beau Pomona High School
Heston, Joshua Bear Creek High School
Shaklee, Cody Arvada West High School
Beneke, Lucas 4:45.82 Lakewood High School
Scott, Kylan 4:53.92 Bear Creek High School
Blaszkowski, Titus 5:03.33 Pomona High School
Buschke, Noah 5:13.80 Lakewood High School
Hamilton, Kaden 5:17.59 Lakewood High School
Horman, Matthew 5:20.00 Columbine High School
Griswold, John 5:21.20 Columbine High School
Mead, Dylan 5:27.81 Golden High School
Davison, Noah 5:28.57 Lakewood High School
Landry, Jack 5:30.03 Golden High School
Allin, Miles 5:30.99 Columbine High School
Bogaychuk, Daniel 5:39.85 Bear Creek High School
Schneider, John 5:42.41 Golden High School
Hermsen, Noah 5:43.35 Arvada West High School
Rowland, Montgomery 5:47.78 Dakota Ridge High School
Sheehan, Ethan 5:55.83 Dakota Ridge High School
Thorstad, Ian 5:57.96 Columbine High School
Koch, Sawyer 6:00.00h Standley Lake High School
Colm, Xander 6:07.00h Standley Lake High School
Rinehimer, Mason 6:11.67 Arvada West High School
Banke, Tyler 7:02.00h Standley Lake High School
Burton, Henry 8:00.00h Standley Lake High School
Rushton, Vincent 8:53.48 Dakota Ridge High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pieper, Gage Golden High School
Mudd, Andrew Lakewood High School
Scripps, Locke Valor Christian High School
Garica, Julian Pomona High School
Ilaoa, Matai Bear Creek High School
Hansen, Cash Golden High School
Gray, Isaah Lakewood High School
Ealy, Khai Valor Christian High School
Herrera, Matthew Pomona High School
Powell, Gavyn Bear Creek High School
Maynes, Breckin Dakota Ridge High School
St. Louis, Carson Valor Christian High School
Bogaychuk, Stan Bear Creek High School
Copeland, Ian Columbine High School
Navalany, Cameron Pomona High School
Johansen, James Arvada West High School
Cantu, Noah Pomona High School
Sadler, Nate Valor Christian High School
Koenig, Collin 22.92 Lakewood High School
Moreno, Mason 22.95 Columbine High School
Snyder, Mark 23.47 Columbine High School
McReynolds, Cullen 23.86 Arvada West High School
Reddinger, Thomas 25.07 Lakewood High School
Gonzalez, Ecko 25.14 Arvada West High School
Stubblefield, Landen 25.47 Dakota Ridge High School
Ingram, Adrian 25.63 Standley Lake High School
Smith, Jacob 25.78 Standley Lake High School
Schelhaas, Kai 25.81 Dakota Ridge High School
Anderson, Xander 25.98 Columbine High School
Seiffert, Evan 26.20 Standley Lake High School
Adjei, Daniel 26.28 Arvada West High School
Hernandez, Tristan 27.12 Bear Creek High School
Oviedo, Benny 27.51 Standley Lake High School
Waterman, Sam 27.86 Golden High School
Tucker, Kieran 32.02 Dakota Ridge High School
Torres, Manuel 40.00h Jefferson High School
Correa-Vega, Xavier 43.00h Jefferson High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Monroe, Will Columbine High School
Petrovic, Ogi Lakewood High School
Steele, Jacob Standley Lake High School
Ballard, Brayden Columbine High School
Hernandez, Vincent 42.07 Columbine High School
Cain, Carson 43.59 Columbine High School
Horne, Tristen 44.22 Bear Creek High School
Sundbye, Jaydon 44.30 Arvada West High School
Miller, Jacob 45.07 Golden High School
Apmann, Zachary 45.60 Standley Lake High School
Delgado-Yoshimura, Joseph 45.63 Pomona High School
Warren, Jonah 46.66 Lakewood High School
Kaufman, Keegan 46.94 Bear Creek High School
Steele, James 47.60 Pomona High School
Rich Carmona, Zion 47.64 Lakewood High School
Delabbio, Caleb 47.78 Bear Creek High School
Stickel, Jebediah 49.25 Golden High School
Delgado-Yoshimura, Johnnie 50.72 Pomona High School
Parcels, Dylan 51.25 Lakewood High School
Eneboe, Aiden 51.40 Standley Lake High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wong, Ethan Lakewood High School
Keim, Garrison Standley Lake High School
Palkki, Caleb Columbine High School
Briggs, Sam 10:37.17 Golden High School
Schneider, John 11:02.36 Golden High School
Allin, Sam 11:08.64 Columbine High School
Jones, Tyler 11:41.15 Lakewood High School
Griswold, John 11:41.23 Columbine High School
Bennetts, Beau 11:42.19 Pomona High School
Walker, Corbin 11:43.72 Columbine High School
Koch, Sawyer 13:59.00 Standley Lake High School
Smith, Kamdan 15:16.00 Standley Lake High School
Ramirez, Geno 15:16.00 Standley Lake High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wetterling, Nick Valor Christian High School
Houle, Jaydon Columbine High School
Brink, Jonathan Bear Creek High School
Powell, Weston Golden High School
Vahle, Gavin Dakota Ridge High School
Underkofler, Chase Valor Christian High School
Waterman, Sam Golden High School
Truax, Davis Columbine High School
Martin, Dominic Pomona High School
Hernandez, Randy Dakota Ridge High School
Baker, Joey Valor Christian High School
Fry, George Dakota Ridge High School
Adjei, Daniel 1:01.43 Arvada West High School
Johansen, James 1:03.52 Arvada West High School
Wilder, Tarik 1:04.07 Arvada West High School
Garcia, Alex 1:07.17 Bear Creek High School
Torres, Manuel 1:20.00h Jefferson High School
Correa-Vega, Xavier 1:30.00h Jefferson High School
Koenig, Collin 48.57 Lakewood High School
Reddinger, Thomas 50.93 Lakewood High School
Romero, Antonio 53.35 Pomona High School
Corbo, Ayden 53.72 Golden High School
McBride, George 53.92 Golden High School
Wirtzfeld, James 54.68 Columbine High School
Mullen, Mason 55.78 Arvada West High School
Skach, Christian 58.17 Lakewood High School
Bogaychuk, Stan 58.27 Bear Creek High School
Smith, Jacob 58.77 Standley Lake High School
Federico, Turner 58.95 Pomona High School
Feiveson, Levi 59.07 Lakewood High School
Robertson, Owen 59.26 Dakota Ridge High School
Rosales, Adrian 59.51 Pomona High School
Dixon, Zeke 59.75 Standley Lake High School
Prioste, Noah 59.88 Standley Lake High School
Serlen, Asher 61.89 Standley Lake High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Bear Creek High School
Relay Team A Golden High School
Relay Team A 44.90 Standley Lake High School
Relay Team A 45.10 Arvada West High School
Relay Team A 45.46 Columbine High School
Relay Team A 46.00 Dakota Ridge High School
Relay Team A 47.12 Pomona High School
Relay Team A 47.50 Valor Christian High School
Relay Team A 48.44 Lakewood High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Columbine High School
Relay Team A Golden High School
Relay Team A 1:32.85 Standley Lake High School
Relay Team A 1:36.67 Arvada West High School
Relay Team A 1:37.82 Pomona High School
Relay Team A 1:44.00 Valor Christian High School
Relay Team A 1:46.51 Dakota Ridge High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Dakota Ridge High School
Relay Team A 3:39.78 Lakewood High School
Relay Team A 3:39.94 Pomona High School
Relay Team A 3:44.89 Standley Lake High School
Relay Team A 3:49.83 Golden High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Bear Creek High School
Relay Team A Columbine High School
Relay Team A 8:46.14 Golden High School
Relay Team A 9:06.29 Lakewood High School
Relay Team A 9:53.82 Standley Lake High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Casas, Andres Columbine High School
Finn, Adrien Dakota Ridge High School
Underkofler, Chase Valor Christian High School
Puckett, Clayton Arvada West High School
Casas, Manuel Columbine High School
Howard, Grayson Dakota Ridge High School
Torres, Manuel Jefferson High School
Lorenz, Calvin Pomona High School
Hamilton, Kaden Lakewood High School
Townsend, Evan Arvada West High School
Heston, Joshua Bear Creek High School
Alcorta, Brayden Arvada West High School
Correa-Vega, Xavier Jefferson High School
Pierzchala, Frankie Dakota Ridge High School
Cross, Joey Arvada West High School
Dyer, Corbin 2:00.63 Columbine High School
Gaines, Ryder 2:06.63 Lakewood High School
Russell, Levi 2:07.62 Pomona High School
Keaton, Caleb 2:13.19 Pomona High School
Bock, Owen 2:17.82 Lakewood High School
Vandermolen, Landon 2:21 Standley Lake High School
Reynolds, Nathan 2:21.06 Golden High School
Landry, Jack 2:22.15 Golden High School
Bowling, Tekele 2:27.07 Pomona High School
Mead, Dylan 2:28.36 Golden High School
Colm, Xander 2:30 Standley Lake High School
Sweetser II, Sam 2:32.07 Bear Creek High School
Buelow, Paxton 2:32.27 Lakewood High School
Gambone, Lucas 2:44.61 Bear Creek High School
Burton, Henry 3:00 Standley Lake High School
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HS Boys Discus 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Strickland, Montrey 159-9 Golden High School
Cain, Loghan 137-6.5 Pomona High School
Stroup, Colby 122-11 Pomona High School
Sattler, Elijah 113-4 Standley Lake High School
Peterson, Brayden 106-9 Columbine High School
Longsdorf, Donovan 106-2 Lakewood High School
Vigil, Vincent 104-8 Arvada West High School
Cowles, Carson 104-7 Standley Lake High School
Chesser, Brown 104-6 Golden High School
Quezada, Uriel 104-4 Lakewood High School
Galvan, Donovan 96-5 Pomona High School
Pacheco, E'Ian 91-3 Pomona High School
Russman, Joseph 86-6 Columbine High School
Carlin, Wiley 81-10 Golden High School
Misiewicz, Thomas 81-10 Lakewood High School
Halstead, Oliver 77-5 Standley Lake High School
Dufour, Luc 75-11 Standley Lake High School
Boyce, Trevor 64-5 Arvada West High School
Bussey, Quincy 61-0 Dakota Ridge High School
Hessel, Aiden 55-2 Arvada West High School
Blair, Zack 52-4 Golden High School
Hernandez, Jonah Bear Creek High School
Garcia, Keanu Bear Creek High School
Burgos, Nathan Bear Creek High School
Jay, Nickolas Dakota Ridge High School
Newman, Jimmy Dakota Ridge High School
Ochs, Luke Dakota Ridge High School
Solomon, Nathaniel Bear Creek High School
Earnest, Josiah Columbine High School
Steffen, Oliver Columbine High School
Silburn, Sam Lakewood High School
Leavitt, Preston Valor Christian High School
Gomez, Timothy Jefferson High School
Mejia, Sebastian Jefferson High School
Munos-Hinton, Anthony Jefferson High School
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HS Boys High Jump 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Geerts, Daniel 6-3 Standley Lake High School
Gardner, Daniel 5-11.5 Standley Lake High School
Serlen, Asher 5-10 Standley Lake High School
Woods, Connor 5-9 Arvada West High School
Moore, Jake 5-8 Golden High School
Dixon, Caiden 5-8 Dakota Ridge High School
Bobick, Ryan 5-7 Bear Creek High School
Bishop, Blake 5-6 Dakota Ridge High School
Miller, Jacob 5-4 Golden High School
Bogaychuk, Daniel 5-2 Bear Creek High School
Black, Jesse 5-2 Columbine High School
Schillie, Sam 5-0 Arvada West High School
Delgado-Yoshimura, Joseph 5-0 Pomona High School
Steele, James 5-0 Pomona High School
Reyes, Sebastian 5-0 Pomona High School
Leighton, Teagan 5-0 Standley Lake High School
Houle, Jaydon 5-0 Columbine High School
Pacheco, Ezra 4-10 Bear Creek High School
Wilder, Tarik 4-10 Arvada West High School
Armijo, Santiago 4-10 Lakewood High School
Brainard, Asher 4-10 Columbine High School
Fry, George 4-8 Dakota Ridge High School
Gregory, Seth 4-6 Dakota Ridge High School
Gonzales, Lucas 4-6 Columbine High School
Pedrioli, Alexander Bear Creek High School
Sadler, Nate Valor Christian High School
Lusche, Mason Arvada West High School
Delgado-Yoshimura, Johnnie Pomona High School
Scripps, Locke Valor Christian High School
Pieper, Gage Golden High School
Gray, Isaah Lakewood High School
Johnson, Tavaris Lakewood High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Jake 20-6 Golden High School
Gardner, Daniel 19-2 Standley Lake High School
Bobick, Ryan 18-5.75 Bear Creek High School
McMullin, Troy 18-4.5 Dakota Ridge High School
Pacheco, Ezra 18-3.75 Bear Creek High School
Nichols, Trevor 17-5 Arvada West High School
Hamill, Holden 17-4 Arvada West High School
Powell, Weston 17-2 Golden High School
Eneboe, Aiden 16-6.5 Standley Lake High School
Oviedo, Benny 15-3.5 Standley Lake High School
Molina, Jaydon 15-2 Pomona High School
Armijo, Santiago 14-9.5 Lakewood High School
Robertson, Owen 13-8.5 Dakota Ridge High School
Garica, Julian 13-7.5 Pomona High School
Diaz Vazquez, Hector 13-4 Pomona High School
Lucero, Javiontre 11-10.5 Lakewood High School
Thomas, Dylan Bear Creek High School
Seiffert, Evan Standley Lake High School
Martinez, Marcus Pomona High School
Stubblefield, Landen Dakota Ridge High School
Christensen, Carter Dakota Ridge High School
Larson, Andrew Valor Christian High School
Paschen, Jack Valor Christian High School
Altamirano Romero, Henry Bear Creek High School
Santisteban, Diego Lakewood High School
Sifuentes, Jean Carlo Lakewood High School
Metzger, Brayden Columbine High School
Le, Alvin Columbine High School
Pham, Winston Columbine High School
Harrington, Jonah Columbine High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maize, Jonas 9-6 Pomona High School
Stone, Ronan 9-0 Columbine High School
Ford, Zachariah 7-6 Pomona High School
Moreau, Teo 7-6 Golden High School
Royal, Tj 7-0 Standley Lake High School
Hernandez, Tristan 6-0 Bear Creek High School
Pieper, Gage Golden High School
Kurz, Cooper Valor Christian High School
Ealy, Khai Valor Christian High School
Keim, Garrison Standley Lake High School
Leighton, Teagan Standley Lake High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Strickland, Montrey 56-0.25 Golden High School
Vigil, Vincent 40-10 Arvada West High School
Chesser, Brown 39-9.5 Golden High School
Cain, Loghan 39-9 Pomona High School
Boyce, Trevor 37-9 Arvada West High School
Earnest, Josiah 34-5.5 Columbine High School
Cowles, Carson 34-2 Standley Lake High School
Galvan, Donovan 33-4.5 Pomona High School
Dufour, Luc 33-2.25 Standley Lake High School
Quezada, Uriel 33-0.5 Lakewood High School
Stroup, Colby 33-0 Pomona High School
Longsdorf, Donovan 32-7.75 Lakewood High School
Peterson, Brayden 32-0.75 Columbine High School
Sattler, Elijah 31-11 Standley Lake High School
Blair, Zack 30-0 Golden High School
Pacheco, E'Ian 29-6.5 Pomona High School
Sedlacek, Slyder 27-8.75 Lakewood High School
Garcia, Keanu 25-9 Bear Creek High School
Martin, Ben 23-11 Lakewood High School
Bussey, Quincy 20-8.25 Dakota Ridge High School
Burgos, Nathan Bear Creek High School
Hessel, Aiden Arvada West High School
Jay, Nickolas Dakota Ridge High School
Newman, Jimmy Dakota Ridge High School
Ochs, Luke Dakota Ridge High School
Weaver, Connor Standley Lake High School
Robinett, Jack Golden High School
Solomon, Nathaniel Bear Creek High School
Diekmann, Zaine Bear Creek High School
Russman, Joseph Columbine High School
Williams, Conan Columbine High School
Leavitt, Preston Valor Christian High School
Munos-Hinton, Anthony Jefferson High School
Torres-Mejia, Sebastian Jefferson High School
Gomez, Timothy Jefferson High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Jake 42-6.5 Golden High School
Pacheco, Ezra 40-2.5 Bear Creek High School
Nichols, Trevor 38-4.5 Arvada West High School
Stickel, Jebediah 37-6.25 Golden High School
Sanchez, Noah 37-3.5 Pomona High School
Houle, Jaydon 36-2 Columbine High School
Kwiatkowski, Mason 36-0.5 Pomona High School
Molina, Jaydon 35-11 Pomona High School
Oviedo, Benny 35-5.25 Standley Lake High School
Eneboe, Aiden 34-8.5 Standley Lake High School
Black, Jesse 30-5 Columbine High School
Ilaoa, Matai 29-6.5 Bear Creek High School
Seiffert, Evan Standley Lake High School
Leighton, Teagan Standley Lake High School
Le, Alvin Columbine High School
Black, Bradley Columbine High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Purvis, Evangeline Arvada West High School
Granbery, Charlie Bear Creek High School
Cook, Mersadie Columbine High School
Fehringer, Mary Lakewood High School
Raymond, Kaydence Bear Creek High School
Spence, Josie Dakota Ridge High School
Cheatham, Evelyn Golden High School
Esquibel, Dionna Columbine High School
Cotner, Quynn Dakota Ridge High School
Peterson, Daely Golden High School
Andrews, Avery Dakota Ridge High School
Kennedy, Marisol Lakewood High School
Titarenko, Sofia 12.66 Lakewood High School
Withman, Jocelyn 12.78 Arvada West High School
Trapp, Abigail 13.15 Golden High School
Cespedes, Aubri 13.70 Arvada West High School
Miner, Vivian 13.98 Lakewood High School
Croy, Rachel 14.11 Standley Lake High School
Olson, Alexis 14.14 Pomona High School
Moore, Cecilia 14.16 Arvada West High School
Hackney, Marin 14.26 Standley Lake High School
Paulson, Sofia 14.27 Valor Christian High School
Cedeno, Gabriella 14.38 Bear Creek High School
Enochs, Chloe 14.46 Standley Lake High School
Cabral, Ava 14.68 Pomona High School
Arenas, Avanay 15.47 Bear Creek High School
Finney, Carmen 15.50 Valor Christian High School
Kirby, Brynlee 15.80 Pomona High School
Mason, Nour 16.06 Columbine High School
Zaffree, Addison 16.18 Standley Lake High School
McCatty, Shayla 16.36 Columbine High School
Christianson, Hayleigh 16.48 Dakota Ridge High School
Garcia, Jennavie 17.11 Pomona High School
Daus, Abbey 19.47 Jefferson High School
Chuquihuaccha, Naomi 20.00h Jefferson High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watkins, Ella Pomona High School
Withman, Jocelyn 15.50 Arvada West High School
Frazer, Hannah 17.03 Pomona High School
Fuller, Ivy 17.58 Golden High School
McGinn, Meara 17.77 Standley Lake High School
Pye, Amaya 18.27 Pomona High School
McFall, Megan 18.70 Standley Lake High School
O'Connor, Brianna 19.40 Columbine High School
Davison, Mary 19.54 Lakewood High School
MacMillan, Maia 19.57 Golden High School
Thomas, Amirah 20.02 Bear Creek High School
Yocum, Lily 20.10 Arvada West High School
Almrabat, Marwa 20.73 Golden High School
Marshall, Lowri 21.46 Columbine High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Zoe Lakewood High School
Ladd, Bella Columbine High School
Gage, Annalea Lakewood High School
Dreyfuss, Nyla Columbine High School
Lindovski, Sienna Bear Creek High School
Flores, Katie Golden High School
Rosset, Lillian Arvada West High School
Kilian, Cami Columbine High School
Christensen, Sophia 5:18.94 Lakewood High School
Levy, Allison 5:37.41 Pomona High School
Halverson, Sophia 5:44.45 Golden High School
Bliss, Gracie 5:50.74 Pomona High School
Donovan, Allison 5:51.93 Bear Creek High School
Butchart, Leiana 6:08.47 Bear Creek High School
Christensen, Allisson 6:21.99 Lakewood High School
Kelley, Lucy 6:43.76 Arvada West High School
Jung, Isabelle 7:30 Standley Lake High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sandve, Julie Arvada West High School
Raymond, Kaydence Bear Creek High School
Spence, Josie Dakota Ridge High School
Speir, Taylor Columbine High School
Schuckenbrock, Emma Bear Creek High School
Jay, Lydia Dakota Ridge High School
Karasch, Kaelyn Columbine High School
Lozsi, Nicolette Arvada West High School
Garcia, Jennavie Pomona High School
Cotner, Quynn Dakota Ridge High School
Cheatham, Evelyn Golden High School
Benallo, Abigail Arvada West High School
Kirby, Brynlee Pomona High School
Andrews, Avery Dakota Ridge High School
Cook, Mersadie Columbine High School
Titarenko, Sofia 25.39 Lakewood High School
Trapp, Abigail 26.55 Golden High School
Withman, Jocelyn 28.12 Arvada West High School
Blankenship, Jordan 28.78 Valor Christian High School
Miner, Vivian 29.25 Lakewood High School
Hackney, Marin 29.57 Standley Lake High School
Brandon, Maya 29.73 Standley Lake High School
Croy, Rachel 29.90 Standley Lake High School
Enochs, Chloe 29.90 Standley Lake High School
Prutsman, Hanna 29.95 Valor Christian High School
Cedeno, Gabriella 30.23 Bear Creek High School
Thomas, Amirah 30.25 Bear Creek High School
Oliva, Jordan 30.54 Pomona High School
Finney, Carmen 31.25 Valor Christian High School
Lindland, Amanda 32.04 Lakewood High School
Almrabat, Maisam 32.12 Golden High School
Southall, Siena 32.26 Lakewood High School
Wilson, Leila 32.29 Pomona High School
Fuller, Ivy 33.52 Golden High School
Mason, Nour 34.09 Columbine High School
Chuquihuaccha, Naomi 40.00h Jefferson High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watkins, Ella Pomona High School
Pye, Amaya 49.97 Pomona High School
McFall, Megan 50.31 Standley Lake High School
Frazer, Hannah 50.89 Pomona High School
Kirimoto, Sara 51.20 Standley Lake High School
Brandon, Maya 52.22 Standley Lake High School
Davison, Mary 54.73 Lakewood High School
McGinn, Meara 55.65 Standley Lake High School
MacMillan, Maia 56.30 Golden High School
Almrabat, Marwa 59.07 Golden High School
Quesada, Aniela 59.88 Golden High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Christensen, Sophia 11:21.35 Lakewood High School
Douville, Kendall 12:18.15 Arvada West High School
Christensen, Novalie 12:48.64 Lakewood High School
Henderson, Elise 13:20.39 Lakewood High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Purvis, Evangeline Arvada West High School
Thomas, Amirah Bear Creek High School
Addy, Ava Dakota Ridge High School
Hiatt, Ella Bear Creek High School
Reeves, Elliott Columbine High School
Zaffree, Addison Standley Lake High School
Peterson, Daely Golden High School
Kilian, Cami Columbine High School
Hilliard, Riley Arvada West High School
Patino, Tatianna Bear Creek High School
Dame, Allison Dakota Ridge High School
Chavez, Abigail 1:01.43 Pomona High School
Matthews, Josephine 1:05.24 Golden High School
Prutsman, Hanna 1:06.50 Valor Christian High School
Henderson, Madison 1:07.14 Columbine High School
Abernethy, Stella 1:07.74 Standley Lake High School
Enochs, Chloe 1:09.20 Standley Lake High School
Oliva, Jordan 1:10.56 Pomona High School
Hackney, Marin 1:12.36 Standley Lake High School
Butler, Dylan 1:12.49 Columbine High School
Morton, Sydney 1:13.24 Lakewood High School
Benallo, Abigail 1:16.24 Arvada West High School
Chuquihuaccha, Naomi 1:35.00h Jefferson High School
Titarenko, Sofia 58.43 Lakewood High School
Trapp, Abigail 59.04 Golden High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Dakota Ridge High School
Relay Team A Bear Creek High School
Relay Team A 50.05 Columbine High School
Relay Team A 53.64 Arvada West High School
Relay Team A 54.94 Pomona High School
Relay Team A 56.05 Standley Lake High School
Relay Team A 57.70 Lakewood High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Bear Creek High School
Relay Team A 1:54.26 Arvada West High School
Relay Team A 1:57.08 Standley Lake High School
Relay Team A 2:04.34 Columbine High School
Relay Team A 2:04.57 Lakewood High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Columbine High School
Relay Team A 4:43.83 Golden High School
Relay Team A 4:44.59 Standley Lake High School
Relay Team A 4:55.59 Lakewood High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Columbine High School
Relay Team A 11:02.07 Golden High School
Relay Team A 11:50.33 Lakewood High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ibarra, Abi Columbine High School
Vessely, Elsa Golden High School
Lindovski, Sienna Bear Creek High School
Johnson, Palmer Arvada West High School
Christensen, Allisson Lakewood High School
Chuquihuaccha, Naomi Jefferson High School
Morton, Sydney Lakewood High School
Cassell, Lilian Arvada West High School
Buxton, Mackenzie 2:23.51 Golden High School
Butchart, Leiana 2:39.48 Bear Creek High School
Donovan, Allison 2:47.30 Bear Creek High School
Henderson, Madison 2:47.54 Columbine High School
Flores, Katie 2:48.81 Golden High School
Jackson, Dakota 2:55.03 Lakewood High School
Dreyfuss, Nyla 2:56.34 Columbine High School
Grooms, Harper 3:00.65 Lakewood High School
Ladd, Bella 3:02.35 Columbine High School
Stutzman, Jordain 3:03.58 Pomona High School
Jung, Isabelle 3:33 Standley Lake High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Pomona High School
Relay Team A 1:58.35 Columbine High School
Relay Team A 2:04.74 Standley Lake High School
Relay Team A 2:10.50 Arvada West High School
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HS Girls Discus 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bratton, Jayna 101-10 Pomona High School
Pearson, Malia 100-10 Pomona High School
Barker, Montana 95-11 Standley Lake High School
Ausman, Jailynn 87-10.75 Arvada West High School
Walter, Ella 83-5 Columbine High School
Lozsi, Nicolette 82-7.5 Arvada West High School
Johnson, Samantha 80-7 Bear Creek High School
Branch, Addie 80-0 Columbine High School
Segovia, Natalie 77-5.7 Bear Creek High School
Herzfeld, Aubrey 76-7 Columbine High School
Farr, Morgan 74-9 Arvada West High School
Waller, Kimber 74-7 Golden High School
Bender, Meghan 74-6 Pomona High School
Harcek, Sofia 70-8 Golden High School
Burton, Ashlyn 70-6 Standley Lake High School
Lucero, Marlee 69-8 Arvada West High School
Patino, Tatianna 66-7 Bear Creek High School
Russell, Brooke 65-4 Pomona High School
Cooley, Madeleine 61-4 Columbine High School
Sprague, Berlin 54-9 Lakewood High School
Minshull, Ella 51-1 Standley Lake High School
Daus, Abbey 45-11 Jefferson High School
Skanderbeg, Tiana 44-11 Dakota Ridge High School
Lostroh, Billie 34-6 Standley Lake High School
Jones, Anna Golden High School
Kozin, Clair Dakota Ridge High School
Miller, Danielle Dakota Ridge High School
Friesen, Emily Dakota Ridge High School
Butchart, Kira Bear Creek High School
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HS Girls High Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDonald, Elizabeth 4-11 Arvada West High School
Croy, Rachel 4-10 Standley Lake High School
Taormina, Kira 4-9 Arvada West High School
Johnson, Palmer 4-8 Arvada West High School
Martin, Sydney 4-6 Standley Lake High School
Ritzmann, Kendra 4-4 Pomona High School
Quinn, Lilly 4-3 Golden High School
Frazer, Hannah 4-2 Pomona High School
Trammell, Macy 4-2 Columbine High School
Heath, Audrina 4-0 Dakota Ridge High School
Southall, Siena 4-0 Lakewood High School
Ernst, Meredith 4-0 Columbine High School
Marshall, Alexandra 4-0 Columbine High School
Russell, Oliva 4-0 Columbine High School
Brantley, Abbey Dakota Ridge High School
Palmer, Lily Dakota Ridge High School
Cheatham, Evelyn Golden High School
Lindland, Amanda Lakewood High School
Hewett, Lilly Lakewood High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ritzmann, Kendra 17-4 Pomona High School
Kirimoto, Sara 16-4.5 Standley Lake High School
Nicholas, Kaliea 14-10 Arvada West High School
Abernethy, Stella 14-7.25 Standley Lake High School
Ibarra, Abi 14-4 Columbine High School
Ernst, Meredith 14-0 Columbine High School
Cabral, Ava 13-11 Pomona High School
Quesada, Aniela 13-9.5 Golden High School
O'Connor, Brianna 13-7 Columbine High School
Trammell, Macy 13-1 Columbine High School
Olson, Alexis 13-0 Pomona High School
Taormina, Kira 12-9.5 Arvada West High School
Quinn, Lilly 12-8 Golden High School
Paulson, Sofia 12-6.5 Valor Christian High School
Wilson, Leila 12-0 Pomona High School
Burford, Sienna 10-1 Arvada West High School
Wandler, Julianna Arvada West High School
Bratten, Berlin Dakota Ridge High School
Dai, Sophia Lakewood High School
Pickle, Finley Lakewood High School
Rozales, Cali Lakewood High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blankenship, Jordan 11-5.75 Valor Christian High School
Kullman, Anastasia 10-0 Standley Lake High School
Taylor, Cove 8-6 Standley Lake High School
Grudle, Tessa 7-8 Standley Lake High School
Hall, Quinn 7-2 Golden High School
Olson, Alexis 7-0 Pomona High School
Siers, Mia 6-8 Valor Christian High School
Sutton, Amber 6-6 Dakota Ridge High School
Frank, Bailey 6-0 Columbine High School
Beverly, Aleah Valor Christian High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ausman, Jailynn 32-8 Arvada West High School
Branch, Addie 31-4.5 Columbine High School
Bratton, Jayna 30-4.25 Pomona High School
Pearson, Malia 30-0.25 Pomona High School
Johnson, Samantha 28-10.25 Bear Creek High School
Bender, Meghan 28-8 Pomona High School
Segovia, Natalie 28-7.25 Bear Creek High School
Walter, Ella 28-3.75 Columbine High School
Barker, Montana 27-11.75 Standley Lake High School
Farr, Morgan 27-1 Arvada West High School
Lozsi, Nicolette 26-5 Arvada West High School
Hertz, Emma 25-4 Columbine High School
Patino, Tatianna 25-3 Bear Creek High School
Kozin, Clair 24-5 Dakota Ridge High School
Waller, Kimber 24-4.75 Golden High School
Russell, Brooke 23-3.5 Pomona High School
Jones, Anna 21-0 Golden High School
Daus, Abbey 20-9 Jefferson High School
Lucero, Marlee 20-8 Arvada West High School
Burton, Ashlyn 18-11 Standley Lake High School
Lostroh, Billie 17-11 Standley Lake High School
Sprague, Berlin 17-1.25 Lakewood High School
Minshull, Ella 16-2.25 Standley Lake High School
Harcek, Sofia Golden High School
Miller, Danielle Dakota Ridge High School
Friesen, Emily Dakota Ridge High School
Butchart, Kira Bear Creek High School
Wood, Avery Columbine High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Forbes, Kailani 37-1 Columbine High School
Ritzmann, Kendra 35-5 Pomona High School
Kirimoto, Sara 35-4.75 Standley Lake High School
Pye, Amaya 32-7 Pomona High School
Nicholas, Kaliea 31-6 Arvada West High School
Abernethy, Stella 31-3 Standley Lake High School
Wood, Avery 30-3 Columbine High School
Cabral, Ava 30-2 Pomona High School
Petz, Layla 29-8.25 Arvada West High School
Ernst, Meredith 29-7 Columbine High School
Russell, Oliva 28-1 Columbine High School
Quesada, Aniela 27-2.5 Golden High School
Wilson, Leila 26-4 Pomona High School
Yocum, Lily Arvada West High School
Kullman, Anastasia Standley Lake High School
Brandon, Maya Standley Lake High School
Waples, Elizabeth Lakewood High School
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