Joe Shields Invitational 2024

Kremmling, CO

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ovando, Derek Summit High School
Szucs, Kurszan Steamboat Springs High School
Kottcamp, Nate Steamboat Springs High School
Andersen, Robert Summit High School
Sauceda Viniegra, Cesar Summit High School
Fitzgerald, Duke Steamboat Springs High School
Flemming, Braden Steamboat Springs High School
Baca, Alonso Summit High School
Story, Chase Clear Creek High School
Rochon, Kai Steamboat Springs High School
Bosgraaf, Reece Summit High School
Gonzalez, Marco Summit High School
Vaszily, Christopher Steamboat Springs High School
Klein, Max Summit High School
Richmond, Beckham-Doyle Summit High School
Bever, Eli 11.31 Steamboat Springs High School
Clark, Noah 11.36 Clear Creek High School
Probst, Joe 11.38 West Grand High School
Breigenzer, Quinn 11.46 Summit High School
Marr, Ryan 11.70 Gilpin County High School
Mullaly, Sean 11.83 Summit High School
Harvey, Merrell 11.84 Clear Creek High School
Waerlop, Vander 11.86 Summit High School
Susic, Tyler 11.87 Summit High School
Ginter, Logan 11.93 Clear Creek High School
Gonsholt, Dylan 12.00 Summit High School
Lake, Caiven 12.21 Eagle Valley High School
Medina, Matthew 12.26 Lake County High School
Montgomery, Seth 12.26 Summit High School
Worley, Weston 12.27 Steamboat Springs High School
Jaeger, Ivan 12.32 Eagle Valley High School
Burk, Mason 12.33 Steamboat Springs High School
Carle, Camden 12.37 Eagle Valley High School
Guerrero, Nathan 12.52 Clear Creek High School
Leeper, Nathan 12.65 Eagle Valley High School
Young, Jacob 12.68 Clear Creek High School
Horruitiner, Tiago 12.68 Eagle Valley High School
Church, Landon 12.80 Gilpin County High School
Martinez, Orlando 12.91 North Park High School
Pittington, Gavin 12.98 North Park High School
Taylor, Xander 13.00 Clear Creek High School
Caplan-Holdgrafer, Ocean 13.00 Clear Creek High School
North, Jordan 13.03 Middle Park High School
Hanssen, Ryan 13.06 Gilpin County High School
Johnson, Peyton 13.07 Hayden High School
DelliQuadri, Cash 13.28 Soroco High School
Lupinacci, Joseph 13.41 Clear Creek High School
Silva, Logan 13.50h Hayden High School
Martinski, Dylan 13.59 Middle Park High School
Windley, Noah 13.60 Clear Creek High School
Jackson, Gavin 13.69 West Grand High School
Zamora, Maliki 13.83 Soroco High School
Ripley, Landon 13.84 Soroco High School
Nelson, Lawrence 13.91 Hayden High School
Twiss, Braden 14.21 Eagle Valley High School
Lozano, Brandon 14.24 Soroco High School
Stroup, Brody 14.56 Soroco High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Probst, Joe 14.68 West Grand High School
Neeley, Wrigs 16.24 Steamboat Springs High School
Frei, Albert 18.38 Clear Creek High School
Leachman, Stran 20.64 West Grand High School
Trout, Wyatt 21.11 Soroco High School
Miller, Donovan 21.43 Clear Creek High School
Butler, John 21.69 West Grand High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Szucs, Kurszan Steamboat Springs High School
Almeida, Victor Summit High School
Morales, Patricio Eagle Valley High School
Russell, Luka Steamboat Springs High School
Rowan, Asher 4:45.72 Steamboat Springs High School
Caplan-Holdgrafer, Ocean 4:52.45 Clear Creek High School
Packert, Jack 4:56.80 Eagle Valley High School
Filmore, Jackson 4:57.40 Eagle Valley High School
Fallon, Owen 4:57.99 Summit High School
Clark, Nick 4:59.78 Soroco High School
Ramirez, Jaden 4:59.98 Clear Creek High School
Ratcliff, Dean 5:01.41 West Grand High School
Hagney, Michael 5:03.04 Steamboat Springs High School
Drever, Logan 5:07.01 Eagle Valley High School
Stowell, Gage 5:08.43 Eagle Valley High School
York, Sage 5:18.79 Middle Park High School
Winkel, Micah 5:20.60 Eagle Valley High School
Haffele, Logan 5:28.98 Eagle Valley High School
Knott, Xavier 5:42.96 Steamboat Springs High School
Damore, Miles 5:43.09 Steamboat Springs High School
Picking, Drew 5:43.28 Steamboat Springs High School
Davis, Andrew 5:44.27 Gilpin County High School
Phaf, Jens 5:52.02 Summit High School
Hagen, Harper 6:01.06 Middle Park High School
Madigan, Keaton 6:04.78 Steamboat Springs High School
Oliveras, Jensen 6:12.82 Steamboat Springs High School
Ramey, Donovan 6:21.90 Summit High School
Burns, Peyton 6:31.63 Middle Park High School
Hankes, Sonny 7:03.48 Steamboat Springs High School
Bushey, Benjamin 7:08.30 Gilpin County High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzalez, Marco Summit High School
Story, Chase Clear Creek High School
McCay, Michael Middle Park High School
Haffele, Logan Eagle Valley High School
Osborn, Parker Summit High School
Fallon, Owen Summit High School
Frithsen, Connor Steamboat Springs High School
Windley, Noah Clear Creek High School
Richmond, Beckham-Doyle Summit High School
Szucs, Kurszan Steamboat Springs High School
Harvey, Merrell Clear Creek High School
Drever, Logan Eagle Valley High School
Remeikis, Lukas Summit High School
Miller, Thomas Steamboat Springs High School
Susic, Tyler Summit High School
Baca, Alonso Summit High School
Miller, Donovan Clear Creek High School
Breigenzer, Quinn 22.96 Summit High School
Bever, Eli 23.42 Steamboat Springs High School
Carle, Camden 23.70 Eagle Valley High School
Ginter, Logan 24.11 Clear Creek High School
Gonsholt, Dylan 24.37 Summit High School
Andrew, Ryan 24.51 Steamboat Springs High School
McKown, Taren 24.66 Clear Creek High School
Nofsinger, Landon 24.86 Soroco High School
Rabesa, Jacen 24.97 Steamboat Springs High School
Burk, Mason 24.98 Steamboat Springs High School
Wyatt, Hudson 25.01 Eagle Valley High School
Jaeger, Ivan 25.07 Eagle Valley High School
DeMorat, Danek 25.43 Hayden High School
Horruitiner, Tiago 25.62 Eagle Valley High School
Medina, Matthew 25.73 Lake County High School
Worley, Weston 25.78 Steamboat Springs High School
Lake, Caiven 25.80 Eagle Valley High School
Melland, Colton 25.95 Steamboat Springs High School
Montgomery, Seth 25.99 Summit High School
Klein, Max 26.15 Summit High School
Waters, Owen 26.26 Soroco High School
Mullaly, Sean 26.38 Summit High School
Rochon, Kai 26.39 Steamboat Springs High School
Leeper, Nathan 26.39 Eagle Valley High School
Bosgraaf, Reece 26.42 Summit High School
Kron, Holden 26.44 Eagle Valley High School
Vaszily, Christopher 26.53 Steamboat Springs High School
Church, Landon 26.54 Gilpin County High School
DelliQuadri, Cash 26.68 Soroco High School
Young, Jacob 26.84 Clear Creek High School
Ovando, Derek 26.86 Summit High School
Andersen, Robert 26.94 Summit High School
Silva, Logan 27.00 Hayden High School
Guerrero, Nathan 27.13 Clear Creek High School
Lupinacci, Joseph 27.40 Clear Creek High School
Martinski, Dylan 27.77 Middle Park High School
Willis, Lane 27.80 Gilpin County High School
Frei, Albert 28.05 Clear Creek High School
Ripley, Landon 28.09 Soroco High School
North, Jordan 28.13 Middle Park High School
Jackson, Gavin 28.30 West Grand High School
Zamora, Maliki 29.13 Soroco High School
Twiss, Braden 29.22 Eagle Valley High School
Vannoy, Jesse 29.30 Hayden High School
Cornelison, Graham 29.47 North Park High School
Johnson, Justin 30.44 Gilpin County High School
Stroup, Brody 31.16 Soroco High School
Lozano, Brandon 31.88 Soroco High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schuessler, Zephyrus Clear Creek High School
Probst, Joe 40.38 West Grand High School
Neeley, Wrigs 41.75 Steamboat Springs High School
Miller, Thomas 49.55 Steamboat Springs High School
Trout, Wyatt 49.67 Soroco High School
Granillo, Nathanael 49.90 Lake County High School
Frei, Albert 50.04 Clear Creek High School
Leachman, Stran 51.54 West Grand High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oliveras, Jensen Steamboat Springs High School
Love, Malachi Summit High School
Robinson, Daniel Summit High School
Fallon, Owen 10:43.57 Summit High School
Peters, Jude 12:08.86 Lake County High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Osborn, Parker Summit High School
Frithsen, Connor Steamboat Springs High School
Almeida, Victor Summit High School
Fitzgerald, Duke Steamboat Springs High School
Robinson, Daniel Summit High School
Bosgraaf, Reece Summit High School
Remeikis, Lukas Summit High School
Love, Malachi Summit High School
Silva, Logan 1:00.29 Hayden High School
DelliQuadri, Cash 1:00.78 Soroco High School
Lupinacci, Joseph 1:01.00 Clear Creek High School
Holloway, Connor 1:01.50 Gilpin County High School
Kron, Thornton 1:02.74 Eagle Valley High School
Story, Chase 1:02.80 Clear Creek High School
Johnson, Odin 1:02.88 Soroco High School
Peters, Jude 1:03.05 Lake County High School
Windley, Noah 1:04.88 Clear Creek High School
Hockley, Gabriel 1:04.94 Gilpin County High School
Klinzing, Mak 1:10.85 Soroco High School
Kottcamp, Nate 1:11.27 Steamboat Springs High School
Dismuke, Henry 1:13.02 Steamboat Springs High School
Dismuke, Alexander 1:14.76 Steamboat Springs High School
Flaherty, Jason 53.37 Eagle Valley High School
Nofsinger, Landon 54.38 Soroco High School
Peters, Jaren 55.59 Lake County High School
Ramirez, Jaden 56.84 Clear Creek High School
DeMorat, Danek 56.97 Hayden High School
Taylor, Xander 57.38 Clear Creek High School
Kron, Holden 58.00 Eagle Valley High School
Caplan-Holdgrafer, Ocean 58.36 Clear Creek High School
Melland, Colton 58.50 Steamboat Springs High School
Vaszily, Christopher 58.96 Steamboat Springs High School
Perez, Isaac 59.07 Soroco High School
Klein, Max 59.20 Summit High School
Rochon, Kai 59.26 Steamboat Springs High School
Schuessler, Zephyrus 59.95 Clear Creek High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 45.00 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 45.11 Summit High School
Relay Team B 45.11 Summit High School
Relay Team C 45.11 Summit High School
Relay Team A 46.15 Clear Creek High School
Relay Team A 46.51 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 46.83 Lake County High School
Relay Team A 47.84 Soroco High School
Relay Team A 49.00 West Grand High School
Relay Team A 49.75 Gilpin County High School
Relay Team A 50.16 Middle Park High School
Relay Team A 50.79 Hayden High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 1:33.54 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:33.54 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:33.95 Summit High School
Relay Team B 1:33.95 Summit High School
Relay Team C 1:33.95 Summit High School
Relay Team A 1:35.36 Clear Creek High School
Relay Team A 1:38.45 Lake County High School
Relay Team A 1:39.16 Soroco High School
Relay Team A 1:39.41 North Park High School
Relay Team A 1:41.81 Middle Park High School
Relay Team A 1:45.02 Gilpin County High School
Relay Team A 1:47.64 West Grand High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:27.66 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team B 3:27.66 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:32.32 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team B 3:32.32 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00 Summit High School
Relay Team A 3:45.19 West Grand High School
Relay Team B 3:50.00 Summit High School
Relay Team A 3:50.89 Middle Park High School
Relay Team A 3:51.38 Lake County High School
Relay Team A 3:54.47 North Park High School
Relay Team A 3:56.26 Clear Creek High School
Relay Team A 4:06.32 Gilpin County High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:25.70 Gilpin County High School
Relay Team A 8:02.85 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 9:09.36 Steamboat Springs High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Szucs, Kurszan Steamboat Springs High School
Nance, Quentin Steamboat Springs High School
Diamond, Hunter Lake County High School
Almeida, Victor Summit High School
Ramirez, Jaden 2:06.23 Clear Creek High School
Caplan-Holdgrafer, Ocean 2:07.69 Clear Creek High School
Hagney, Michael 2:07.95 Steamboat Springs High School
Taylor, Xander 2:07.96 Clear Creek High School
Rowan, Asher 2:08.91 Steamboat Springs High School
Aguilar-Pineiro, Alejo 2:12.42 West Grand High School
Clark, Nick 2:13.68 Soroco High School
Stowell, Gage 2:14.12 Eagle Valley High School
Kron, Thornton 2:15.47 Eagle Valley High School
Filmore, Jackson 2:16.20 Eagle Valley High School
Packert, Jack 2:17.37 Eagle Valley High School
York, Sage 2:20.06 Middle Park High School
Frithsen, Connor 2:20.15 Steamboat Springs High School
Schuessler, Zephyrus 2:23.54 Clear Creek High School
Paxton, Taurean 2:24.82 Gilpin County High School
Miller, Donovan 2:26.14 Clear Creek High School
Perez, Isaac 2:31.93 Soroco High School
Phaf, Jens 2:36.90 Summit High School
Reade, Lucas 2:41.07 Middle Park High School
Robinson, Daniel 2:42.29 Summit High School
Johnson, Odin 2:42.35 Soroco High School
Klinzing, Mak 2:44.04 Soroco High School
Oliveras, Jensen 2:47.03 Steamboat Springs High School
Burns, Peyton 2:51.86 Middle Park High School
Ramey, Donovan 2:52.42 Summit High School
Ferrante, Paul 3:00.03 Gilpin County High School
Thomason, Cameron 3:25.15 Gilpin County High School
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HS Boys Discus 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Duksa, Dash 127-9 Soroco High School
Terryberry, Blake 125-8 West Grand High School
Bokol, Joseph 107-4 Eagle Valley High School
Dismuke, Henry 101-6 Steamboat Springs High School
Krupa, Iwo 99-9 Lake County High School
Sandoval, Brendan 99-2 Lake County High School
Glomboske, Gabe 98-9 Soroco High School
Macias, Luis 97-10 Lake County High School
Kirby, Beau 97-7 Eagle Valley High School
Mendoza, Sergio (Hondo) 96-3 Eagle Valley High School
Calvo, Antonio 96-0 Eagle Valley High School
Diamond, Hunter 94-10 Lake County High School
Frentress, Brody 92-10 Hayden High School
Berkley, Ari 92-0 Soroco High School
Peters, Jaren 86-10 Lake County High School
Ehman, Luke 86-3 Eagle Valley High School
Sechler, Mason 86-0 Gilpin County High School
Galarza, Victor 85-1 Lake County High School
Crane, Tony 84-5 Middle Park High School
Andino, Brayan 84-2 Eagle Valley High School
Armstrong, Aslan 84-1 Steamboat Springs High School
Leaghty, Luke 81-10 West Grand High School
Rivera, James 81-2 Summit High School
Cox, Damon 79-11 Lake County High School
Guerrero, Nathan 79-3 Clear Creek High School
Bartholomew, Kaden 71-4 Gilpin County High School
Lozano, Brandon 70-4 Soroco High School
Twiss, Braden 64-2.5 Eagle Valley High School
Burns, Braden 64-0 Middle Park High School
Sterkel, Michael 61-11 Lake County High School
Street, Max 58-7.5 Eagle Valley High School
Wilde, Seth 53-6 Eagle Valley High School
Dismuke, Alexander 50-3.5 Steamboat Springs High School
Stroup, Brody 49-5 Soroco High School
Trujillo, Mariano 45-3 Summit High School
Foley, Weston 44-6 Middle Park High School
Lukasiewicz, Maclain Summit High School
Young, Jacob Clear Creek High School
Rusher, Haaken Steamboat Springs High School
Ayers, Jason Lake County High School
Trujillo, Adam Lake County High School
Hall, Canaan Lake County High School
Granillo, Nathanael Lake County High School
Santiago, Jonathon Summit High School
Ripley, Landon Soroco High School
Zamora, Maliki Soroco High School
Johnson, Odin Soroco High School
Klinzing, Mak Soroco High School
Ferrante, Paul Gilpin County High School
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HS Boys High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kolb, Brandon 6-3 Steamboat Springs High School
Horruitiner, Tiago 5-10 Eagle Valley High School
Phelan, Aedan 5-9 Eagle Valley High School
Sterkel, Devyn 5-8 Lake County High School
Flaherty, Jason 5-8 Eagle Valley High School
Andrew, Ryan 5-5 Steamboat Springs High School
Kron, Holden 5-1 Eagle Valley High School
Miller, Donovan 5-1 Clear Creek High School
Waters, Owen 5-1 Soroco High School
North, Jordan 5-0 Middle Park High School
Payne, Brecken 4-11 Middle Park High School
Granillo, Nathanael 4-10 Lake County High School
Paxton, Taurean 4-5 Gilpin County High School
Gutierrez, Eduardo Summit High School
Rusher, Haaken Steamboat Springs High School
Ayers, Jason Lake County High School
Trujillo, Adam Lake County High School
Hockley, Gabriel Gilpin County High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kolb, Brandon 20-11.25 Steamboat Springs High School
Rochon, Kai 19-5.75 Steamboat Springs High School
Phelan, Aedan 19-0.75 Eagle Valley High School
Reyes, Chris 17-5.75 North Park High School
Watson, Jaden 17-3.5 Eagle Valley High School
McCay, Patrick 17-3 Middle Park High School
Lupinacci, Joseph 17-1.75 Clear Creek High School
Schuessler, Zephyrus 16-9 Clear Creek High School
Perez, Isaac 16-7.5 Soroco High School
DeMorat, Danek 16-6.75 Hayden High School
Church, Landon 16-5 Gilpin County High School
Trout, Wyatt 16-1.5 Soroco High School
Johnson, Peyton 16-1.25 Hayden High School
Ayers, Jason 15-10.5 Lake County High School
Young, Jacob 15-1.5 Clear Creek High School
Rusher, Haaken 14-8.5 Steamboat Springs High School
Cornelison, Graham 14-1.5 North Park High School
Vannoy, Jesse 13-10.5 Hayden High School
Krupa, Iwo 13-8.5 Lake County High School
Nelson, Lawrence 13-4.5 Hayden High School
Dismuke, Alexander 12-11.7 Steamboat Springs High School
Bushey, Benjamin 12-9.5 Gilpin County High School
Leaghty, Luke 12-7 West Grand High School
Damore, Miles 10-10.5 Steamboat Springs High School
Gutierrez, Eduardo Summit High School
Windley, Noah Clear Creek High School
Breigenzer, Quinn Summit High School
Flemming, Braden Steamboat Springs High School
Diamond, Hunter Lake County High School
Macias, Luis Lake County High School
Dudley, Brayden Soroco High School
Vaszily, Christopher Steamboat Springs High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Matthew 13-6 Lake County High School
Ayers, Jason 11-11 Lake County High School
Trujillo, Adam 11-9 Lake County High School
Sterkel, Devyn 11-9 Lake County High School
Edson, Kai 11-7 West Grand High School
Howe, Matthew 11-3 Eagle Valley High School
Krupa, Iwo 11-3 Lake County High School
Wood, Jaxon 11-3 Lake County High School
Murray, Owen 10-1 Eagle Valley High School
Benson, Bryce 9-9 Eagle Valley High School
Higbee, Zachary 9-0 Eagle Valley High School
Greene, Henry 8-3 Lake County High School
Reade, Lucas 8-0 Middle Park High School
Picking, Drew 7-2 Steamboat Springs High School
Milam, Dylan 7-0 Eagle Valley High School
Hankes, Sonny 6-2 Steamboat Springs High School
Butler, John West Grand High School
Fitzgerald, Duke Steamboat Springs High School
Kottcamp, Nate Steamboat Springs High School
Flemming, Braden Steamboat Springs High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Terryberry, Blake 43-7.5 West Grand High School
Eslich, Henry 41-7 Summit High School
Kirby, Beau 38-9 Eagle Valley High School
Duksa, Dash 37-4.5 Soroco High School
Mendoza, Sergio (Hondo) 36-7 Eagle Valley High School
Sechler, Mason 36-1 Gilpin County High School
Calvo, Antonio 35-8 Eagle Valley High School
Sauceda Viniegra, Cesar 34-11.75 Summit High School
Krupa, Iwo 34-5.5 Lake County High School
Sandoval, Brendan 34-4.25 Lake County High School
Berkley, Ari 33-1.25 Soroco High School
Leaghty, Luke 33-0.5 West Grand High School
Ripley, Landon 32-2 Soroco High School
Galarza, Victor 31-3.25 Lake County High School
Willis, Lane 31-3.25 Gilpin County High School
Crane, Tony 31-3 Middle Park High School
Bokol, Joseph 31-3 Eagle Valley High School
Diamond, Hunter 31-2 Lake County High School
Guerrero, Nathan 31-1 Clear Creek High School
Frentress, Brody 30-6 Hayden High School
Macias, Luis 30-1 Lake County High School
Bartholomew, Kaden 30-0 Gilpin County High School
Andino, Brayan 29-4 Eagle Valley High School
Armstrong, Aslan 27-0 Steamboat Springs High School
Street, Max 26-11 Eagle Valley High School
Burns, Braden 26-10 Middle Park High School
Cox, Damon 26-4.5 Lake County High School
Glomboske, Gabe 26-3.5 Soroco High School
Sterkel, Michael 26-2.5 Lake County High School
Ehman, Luke 26-1 Eagle Valley High School
Trujillo, Mariano 25-11.5 Summit High School
Nelson, Lawrence 25-0 Hayden High School
Lozano, Brandon 23-2.75 Soroco High School
Twiss, Braden 22-10 Eagle Valley High School
Stroup, Brody 22-8.25 Soroco High School
Wilde, Seth 22-7 Eagle Valley High School
Foley, Weston 20-11.5 Middle Park High School
McKie, Clayton Summit High School
Lukasiewicz, Maclain Summit High School
McCay, Patrick Middle Park High School
Dismuke, Alexander Steamboat Springs High School
Santiago, Jonathon Summit High School
Johnson, Odin Soroco High School
Klinzing, Mak Soroco High School
Zamora, Maliki Soroco High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kolb, Brandon 42-7 Steamboat Springs High School
Phelan, Aedan 39-0 Eagle Valley High School
Dudley, Brayden 38-6.5 Soroco High School
Johnson, Peyton 36-8.5 Hayden High School
Kron, Holden 36-3 Eagle Valley High School
Perez, Isaac 36-3 Soroco High School
Trout, Wyatt 35-3.5 Soroco High School
Martinski, Dylan 31-0.75 Middle Park High School
Cornelison, Graham 30-5 North Park High School
Nelson, Lawrence 29-6.5 Hayden High School
Frei, Albert 29-3 Clear Creek High School
Horruitiner, Tiago Eagle Valley High School
Flemming, Braden Steamboat Springs High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Heil, Madelyn Summit High School
Alexander, Kathleen Summit High School
Wolf, Charlotte Summit High School
Vail, Heaven West Grand High School
Lemus, Julian Summit High School
Corsette, Kira Summit High School
Adame, Marysol Summit High School
McKown, Sharlynne Clear Creek High School
Kuffner, Norah Summit High School
Flores, Averie Summit High School
Ryan, Tirzah Summit High School
Lucy, Autumn Clear Creek High School
Riberdy, Alena Summit High School
Symon, Reese Summit High School
Lechman, Sara 13.12 West Grand High School
Cade, Trinity 13.14 Clear Creek High School
Primus, Isabella 13.56 Clear Creek High School
Braun, Allie 13.69 Eagle Valley High School
Altwine, Abby 13.80 North Park High School
Sibson, Georgeanne 13.91 Steamboat Springs High School
Geiman, Ava 13.95 Eagle Valley High School
Meryhew, Jacey 14.01 Eagle Valley High School
Kleckler, Jenna 14.15 Hayden High School
Twiss, Kaitlyn 14.20 Eagle Valley High School
Almeida, Joanna 14.37 Soroco High School
Rushton, Anna 14.42 Soroco High School
Martin, Kambrey 14.46 Clear Creek High School
Freitag, Callie 14.48 West Grand High School
Thompson, Margo 14.50 Summit High School
Dudley, Rachelle 14.67 Soroco High School
Smith, Molly 14.67 Soroco High School
Martindale, Alyssa 14.73 Soroco High School
Gonzalez, Arianna 14.88 Lake County High School
Adrian, Mary 14.94 Soroco High School
Wall, Kenna 14.97 West Grand High School
Baldwin, Camilla 15.02 Eagle Valley High School
Bottomley, Eleonore 15.19 Clear Creek High School
Johnson, Elizabeth 15.44 Summit High School
Ginter, Kiera 15.44 Clear Creek High School
Hoffman, Cora 15.50 Steamboat Springs High School
Cranwell, Mia 15.54 Soroco High School
Amaya, Miranda 15.57 West Grand High School
Berke, Lindsay 15.57 Steamboat Springs High School
Van Voorst, Jaylin 15.67 Clear Creek High School
Estes, Peyton 15.69 Steamboat Springs High School
Lucy, Aubrey 15.87 Clear Creek High School
Hagburg, Harper 15.97 Summit High School
Evenson, Jaidda 16.05 Middle Park High School
Thomas, Grace 16.32 Eagle Valley High School
Rosas, Frida 16.33 Middle Park High School
Pond, Reesa 16.95 Steamboat Springs High School
Martinez, Sofia 16.95 Eagle Valley High School
Sandoval Castillo, Mariela 17.32 Middle Park High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Becker, Brynn Steamboat Springs High School
Williams, Kate Summit High School
Heil, Madelyn Summit High School
Corsette, Kira Summit High School
Almeida, Joanna 17.08 Soroco High School
Eller, Wendy 19.82 West Grand High School
Sessions, Jenna 19.94 North Park High School
Lipscomb, Liz 19.94 Steamboat Springs High School
Riberdy, Alena 20.49 Summit High School
McKown, Sharlynne 20.54 Clear Creek High School
VanBemmelen, Allison 20.76 Middle Park High School
Kuffner, Norah 21.16 Summit High School
Hale, Hanna 21.71 Steamboat Springs High School
Hast, Gracie 21.76 West Grand High School
Ryan, Tirzah 22.20 Summit High School
McBride, Lindsey 22.43 Summit High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harmala, Aila Summit High School
Speckman, Isabella Lake County High School
Lobec, Gigi Steamboat Springs High School
Jaconetta, Lupita 5:55.91 Soroco High School
Light, Novella 6:01.52 Steamboat Springs High School
Boomer, Kylee 6:15.48 Middle Park High School
Fisher, Evie 6:18.18 Steamboat Springs High School
Jackson, Claire 6:19.78 Summit High School
Yeiser, Morgan 6:25.40 Steamboat Springs High School
Sleeper, Bell 6:29.85 Clear Creek High School
Ellison, Lila 6:31.42 Summit High School
Leffler, Darby 6:33.03 Summit High School
Amaya, Evelyn 6:34.04 West Grand High School
Hast, Gracie 6:42.51 West Grand High School
Van Voorst, Jaylin 6:57.20 Clear Creek High School
Packert, McKinley 7:30.19 Eagle Valley High School
Teehee, Makalah 7:36.26 Eagle Valley High School
Belden, Riley 7:46.10 Eagle Valley High School
North, Cara 8:07.15 Clear Creek High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flores, Averie Summit High School
Alexander, Kathleen Summit High School
Riberdy, Alena Summit High School
Lucy, Autumn Clear Creek High School
Heil, Madelyn Summit High School
Hale, Hanna Steamboat Springs High School
Corsette, Kira Summit High School
Symon, Reese Summit High School
Bottomley, Eleonore Clear Creek High School
Lemus, Julian Summit High School
Kuffner, Norah Summit High School
Adame, Marysol Summit High School
Ryan, Tirzah Summit High School
Spiewak, Morgan Middle Park High School
McBride, Lindsey Summit High School
Loomis, Antigone 27.81 Steamboat Springs High School
Harris, Ella 28.71 Hayden High School
Primus, Isabella 28.77 Clear Creek High School
Geiman, Ava 28.91 Eagle Valley High School
Altwine, Abby 28.93 North Park High School
Westenfelder, Gracin 29.25 Eagle Valley High School
Martindale, Alyssa 29.48 Soroco High School
Dudley, Rachelle 29.82 Soroco High School
Sessions, Jenna 29.89 North Park High School
Webster, Sydney 29.90 Eagle Valley High School
Adrian, Mary 29.93 Soroco High School
Wehmeyer, Jillian 30.00 Middle Park High School
Martin, Kambrey 30.02 Clear Creek High School
Smith, Molly 30.06 Soroco High School
Ginter, Kiera 30.36 Clear Creek High School
Gonzalez, Arianna 30.39 Lake County High School
Bennett-Manke, Aspen 30.42 Steamboat Springs High School
Baldwin, Camilla 30.48 Eagle Valley High School
Freitag, Callie 30.49 West Grand High School
Cranwell, Mia 30.52 Soroco High School
Thompson, Margo 30.57 Summit High School
Ludwig, Natalia 30.74 Middle Park High School
Rushton, Anna 30.84 Soroco High School
Amaya, Miranda 30.93 West Grand High School
Bumgardner, Anna 31.00 Eagle Valley High School
Goodson-Cutler, Mia 31.03 Steamboat Springs High School
Almeida, Joanna 31.40 Soroco High School
Nelson, Zoe 31.58 Summit High School
Mandle, Fiona 32.83 Steamboat Springs High School
Hagburg, Harper 32.91 Summit High School
Evenson, Jaidda 33.22 Middle Park High School
Estes, Peyton 33.29 Steamboat Springs High School
Johnson, Elizabeth 33.44 Summit High School
Rosas, Frida 33.70 Middle Park High School
Truitt, Lily 34.17 Soroco High School
Lucy, Aubrey 35.64 Clear Creek High School
Martinez, Sofia 36.91 Eagle Valley High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Berke, Lindsay Steamboat Springs High School
Goodson-Cutler, Mia 1:01.45 Steamboat Springs High School
Truitt, Lily 1:02.93 Soroco High School
Hale, Hanna 1:03.60 Steamboat Springs High School
Speckman, Isabella 1:05.29 Lake County High School
Shreeve, Zakia 46.28 Eagle Valley High School
Brueck, Lillian 48.54 Eagle Valley High School
Lipscomb, Liz 53.04 Steamboat Springs High School
Martindale, Alyssa 55.75 Soroco High School
Eller, Wendy 55.85 West Grand High School
Riberdy, Alena 58.77 Summit High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harmala, Aila Summit High School
Hufford, Lillian West Grand High School
Pollack, Tovah Eagle Valley High School
Jackson, Cora 14:19.41 Summit High School
Amaya, Evelyn 14:41.95 West Grand High School
Sleeper, Bell 15:28.51 Clear Creek High School
North, Cara 16:42.53 Clear Creek High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flores, Averie Summit High School
Hagburg, Harper Summit High School
Packert, McKinley Eagle Valley High School
Symon, Reese Summit High School
Belden, Riley Eagle Valley High School
Adame, Marysol Summit High School
Alexander, Kathleen Summit High School
Oslowski, Ayla 1:01.27 Steamboat Springs High School
Warnke, Whitney 1:03.37 Steamboat Springs High School
Harris, Ella 1:05.10 Hayden High School
Holmes, Jocelyn 1:06.98 West Grand High School
Webster, Sydney 1:07.42 Eagle Valley High School
Jackson, Claire 1:07.75 Summit High School
Meryhew, Jacey 1:08.31 Eagle Valley High School
Nelson, Zoe 1:08.34 Summit High School
Amaya, Evelyn 1:11.06 West Grand High School
Smith, Molly 1:11.31 Soroco High School
Van Voorst, Jaylin 1:16.76 Clear Creek High School
Bunch, Grace 1:18.84 Lake County High School
Truitt, Lily 1:19.89 Soroco High School
Lucy, Aubrey 1:21.28 Clear Creek High School
Lucy, Autumn 1:25.49 Clear Creek High School
North, Cara 1:37.69 Clear Creek High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 50.62 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 52.27 West Grand High School
Relay Team A 54.00 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team B 55.75 West Grand High School
Relay Team A 55.85 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team B 55.85 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 58.51 Middle Park High School
Relay Team A 58.64 Summit High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:50.60 West Grand High School
Relay Team B 1:55.10 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:55.10 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:55.23 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team B 1:55.23 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:55.91 Clear Creek High School
Relay Team A 1:56.88 Middle Park High School
Relay Team B 1:58.35 West Grand High School
Relay Team A 2:01.86 Summit High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:19.26 West Grand High School
Relay Team A 4:25.00 Summit High School
Relay Team B 4:26.00 Summit High School
Relay Team A 4:28.24 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team B 4:28.24 Steamboat Springs High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:13.46 Steamboat Springs High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harmala, Aila Summit High School
Alexander, Kathleen Summit High School
Gonzales, Janie 2:42.94 Steamboat Springs High School
DeTrolio, Sydney 2:43.16 Eagle Valley High School
Leffler, Darby 2:45.29 Summit High School
Jackson, Claire 2:46.39 Summit High School
Jaconetta, Lupita 2:47.09 Soroco High School
Yeiser, Morgan 2:47.82 Steamboat Springs High School
Schlim, Taryn 2:50.03 Hayden High School
Bunch, Grace 2:54.45 Lake County High School
Fisher, Evie 2:56.71 Steamboat Springs High School
Van Voorst, Jaylin 2:56.77 Clear Creek High School
Sleeper, Bell 2:57.54 Clear Creek High School
Hast, Gracie 2:59.69 West Grand High School
Bottomley, Eleonore 3:00.00 Clear Creek High School
Ellison, Lila 3:02.48 Summit High School
Teehee, Makalah 3:04.14 Eagle Valley High School
Lobec, Gigi 3:04.90 Steamboat Springs High School
Amaya, Evelyn 3:05.02 West Grand High School
Lucy, Autumn 3:16.63 Clear Creek High School
Lucy, Aubrey 3:37.72 Clear Creek High School
North, Cara 4:01.97 Clear Creek High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:54.31 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:58.52 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team B 2:01.31 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 2:02.36 Clear Creek High School
Relay Team A 2:08.30 Hayden High School
Relay Team A 2:08.63 Middle Park High School
Relay Team A 2:08.68 Lake County High School
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HS Girls Discus 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Munden, Dakota 109-0 Hayden High School
Hoff, Daisy 101-10 Soroco High School
Kemry, Tayla 93-4 Steamboat Springs High School
Bunker, Brooke 88-1 Steamboat Springs High School
Vinas, Tenley 87-6 Summit High School
Gonzales, Janie 85-1 Steamboat Springs High School
Wells, Sophie 80-7 Eagle Valley High School
Speckman, Isabella 79-11 Lake County High School
Dugwyler, Rebecca 75-6.5 Middle Park High School
Bunker, Brielle 75-6.5 Steamboat Springs High School
Nelson, Zoe 75-2 Summit High School
Collier, Sadie 71-5 Eagle Valley High School
Hill, Ruby 68-5 Soroco High School
Luna, Solea 67-11 West Grand High School
Hinojos, Kimberlin 67-1 Lake County High School
York, Stella 66-4 Middle Park High School
Eller, Wendy 61-10.5 West Grand High School
Ahring, Alyah 61-6 Eagle Valley High School
Avila, Reese 57-0 Middle Park High School
Ebaugh, Ayainna 56-7 Soroco High School
Pedersen, Addy 54-10 West Grand High School
Raffay, Lyla 54-7 Soroco High School
Medina-Eaton, Melayna 46-7 Eagle Valley High School
Babcock, Delilah 43-6 Soroco High School
Ferguson, Ashlynn 42-3 Middle Park High School
Dixon, Katherine 40-6 Eagle Valley High School
Felix, Maria Julia Middle Park High School
Becker, Brynn Steamboat Springs High School
Olson, Avery Steamboat Springs High School
Moffitt, Chloe Lake County High School
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HS Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Braun, Allie 5-1 Eagle Valley High School
Roeder, Maggie 4-8 Lake County High School
Geiman, Ava 4-6 Eagle Valley High School
Webster, Sydney 4-2 Eagle Valley High School
Smith, Molly 4-2 Soroco High School
Roeder, Kelsea 4-0 Lake County High School
Johnson, Elizabeth Summit High School
Vail, Heaven West Grand High School
Hill, Ruby Soroco High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kleckler, Jenna 15-11.5 Hayden High School
Cade, Trinity 15-0 Clear Creek High School
Almeida, Joanna 14-10 Soroco High School
Geiman, Ava 14-8.5 Eagle Valley High School
Dudley, Rachelle 13-10.5 Soroco High School
Wehmeyer, Jillian 13-10.25 Middle Park High School
Adrian, Mary 13-4 Soroco High School
Sessions, Jenna 13-1.25 North Park High School
Ludwig, Natalia 13-0.75 Middle Park High School
Wall, Kenna 12-11.25 West Grand High School
Cranwell, Mia 12-9 Soroco High School
Spiewak, Morgan 12-7.5 Middle Park High School
Moffitt, Chloe 12-7.5 Lake County High School
Johnson, Elizabeth 12-1.5 Summit High School
Thomas, Grace 11-10.75 Eagle Valley High School
McKown, Sharlynne 11-4 Clear Creek High School
Truitt, Lily 11-3 Soroco High School
Vail, Heaven 10-8 West Grand High School
Dugwyler, Rebecca Middle Park High School
Pond, Reesa Steamboat Springs High School
Hinojos, Kimberlin Lake County High School
Felix, Maria Julia Middle Park High School
Ferguson, Ashlynn Middle Park High School
VanBemmelen, Allison Middle Park High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cosper, Kenzie 10-10 Eagle Valley High School
Hufford, Lillian 9-5 West Grand High School
James, Brooke 8-3 West Grand High School
Speckman, Isabella 8-3 Lake County High School
Bennett-Manke, Aspen 8-2 Steamboat Springs High School
Howe, Hannah 7-0 Eagle Valley High School
Bossung, Lowa Eagle Valley High School
Martinez, Sofia Eagle Valley High School
Berke, Lindsay Steamboat Springs High School
Mandle, Fiona Steamboat Springs High School
Haubelt, Zoe Steamboat Springs High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Munden, Dakota 32-5 Hayden High School
Martinson, Taylor 30-3 West Grand High School
Hoff, Daisy 30-1 Soroco High School
Rajzer, Emily 28-6 Hayden High School
Kemry, Tayla 28-4.5 Steamboat Springs High School
Dugwyler, Rebecca 28-1 Middle Park High School
Gonzales, Janie 26-3 Steamboat Springs High School
Roeder, Kelsea 26-0 Lake County High School
Collier, Sadie 25-9.75 Eagle Valley High School
Vinas, Tenley 25-6.5 Summit High School
Bunker, Brooke 25-4 Steamboat Springs High School
Hinojos, Kimberlin 24-1.5 Lake County High School
Olson, Avery 23-9.25 Steamboat Springs High School
Wells, Sophie 23-8.5 Eagle Valley High School
York, Stella 23-3 Middle Park High School
Holmes, Jocelyn 23-1 West Grand High School
Luna, Solea 21-9 West Grand High School
Babcock, Delilah 21-4 Soroco High School
Pedersen, Addy 21-0.5 West Grand High School
Ahring, Alyah 21-0.25 Eagle Valley High School
Ebaugh, Ayainna 20-9 Soroco High School
Avila, Reese 18-11 Middle Park High School
Medina-Eaton, Melayna 18-9.5 Eagle Valley High School
Ferguson, Ashlynn 17-7.75 Middle Park High School
Dixon, Katherine 17-7 Eagle Valley High School
Sandoval Castillo, Mariela 17-5 Middle Park High School
Raffay, Lyla 14-7.5 Soroco High School
Felix, Maria Julia Middle Park High School
Becker, Brynn Steamboat Springs High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Loomis, Antigone 32-11 Steamboat Springs High School
Harris, Ella 32-2 Hayden High School
Bennett-Manke, Aspen 30-1 Steamboat Springs High School
Wehmeyer, Jillian 29-6 Middle Park High School
Rajzer, Emily 28-11.25 Hayden High School
Adrian, Mary 28-10.75 Soroco High School
Dudley, Rachelle 28-6 Soroco High School
Schlim, Taryn 28-5 Hayden High School
McKown, Sharlynne 27-11 Clear Creek High School
Roeder, Kelsea 27-7.5 Lake County High School
Cranwell, Mia 27-5.5 Soroco High School
Berke, Lindsay 26-6 Steamboat Springs High School
Pond, Reesa Steamboat Springs High School
Moffitt, Chloe Lake County High School
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