Legacy Lightning Invitational 2024

Broomfield, CO

Legacy Lightning Invitational 2024 vs Legacy Lightning Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -399 309 708
Overall Average +20.32 24:35.26 24:14.94
1st-10th Place +9.95 16:57.55 16:47.60
1st-25th Place +18.61 17:29.85 17:11.24
1st-50th Place +32.55 18:11.87 17:39.32
1st-100th Place +53.68 19:14.76 18:21.08
Common Athletes -- -- 16
Ran Faster 12 15 3
Ran Season Best -2 -- 2
Average Time -4:07.60 22:00.83 26:08.44
Median Time -5:31.11 20:49.89 26:21.00
Middle 80% Times -4:38.44 21:43.33 26:21.77
Top 10% Times -3:58.44 17:17.56 21:16.00
Top 25% Times -3:30.46 18:17.04 21:47.50
Top 50% Times -4:03.11 19:01.14 23:04.25
Bottom 50% Times -4:12.09 25:00.53 29:12.63
Bottom 25% Times -2:41.22 28:15.53 30:56.75
Bottom 10% Times -37.73 31:15.77 31:53.50
Average Difference -2:50.32 -- --
Median Difference -41.94 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -5:02.52 -- --
Top 10% Difference -3:58.44 -- --
Top 50% Difference -3:51.96 -- --
Top 25% Difference -3:30.46 -- --
Top 50% Difference -3:51.96 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:07.20 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +4:10.11 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +7:27.95 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Keaton Westley Ralston Valley High School -4:35.79 17:09.21 21:45.00
Clyde Seabury Legacy High School -3:21.09 17:25.91 20:47.00
Caleb Dillard Ralston Valley High School -2:52.57 19:07.43 22:00.00
Caleb Delalio Jefferson Academy -3:12.38 19:25.63 22:38.00
Griffin Shaffer Stargate High School -11:15.20 19:31.81 30:47.00
Jacob Greene Stargate High School -5:54.71 19:32.29 25:27.00
Waverly Puckett Ralston Valley High School -3:01.57 19:44.43 22:46.00
Nathanael Koo Stargate High School -5:37.59 20:12.41 25:50.00
Harrison Hildenbrand Ralston Valley High School -9:03.11 20:49.89 29:53.00
Jordain Stutzman Pomona High School -2:20.00 21:01.00 23:21.00
Kennedy Stadler Jefferson Academy -6:55.92 21:28.08 28:24.00
Averee German Jefferson Academy -6:23.86 23:43.14 30:07.00
Sydney Reese Northglenn High School -2:30.46 23:50.54 26:21.00
Ava Conley Legacy High School -41.94 26:40.06 27:22.00
Oliver Tobin Ralston Valley High School -5:43.41 27:16.59 33:00.00
Elizabeth Craig Legacy High School +7:27.95 35:14.95 27:47.00