Patriot League XC Meet 2010

Longmont, CO

Patriot League XC Meet 2010 vs Patriot League Cross Country Meet 2009

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -57 115 172
Overall Average +13.05 22:04.22 21:51.17
1st-10th Place +10.38 17:46.48 17:36.10
1st-25th Place +12.67 18:21.43 18:08.76
1st-50th Place +38.81 19:21.43 18:42.62
1st-100th Place +1:23.65 21:09.19 19:45.54
Common Athletes -- -- 54
Ran Faster 10 32 22
Ran Season Best -- 54 54
Average Time -16.36 21:02.21 21:18.57
Median Time -4.70 20:45.30 20:50.00
Middle 80% Times -15.65 20:52.51 21:08.16
Top 10% Times -23.18 17:33.82 17:57.00
Top 25% Times -23.46 17:55.54 18:19.00
Top 50% Times -22.01 18:43.03 19:05.04
Bottom 50% Times -10.72 23:21.39 23:32.11
Bottom 25% Times -20.12 25:04.74 25:24.86
Bottom 10% Times -6.26 27:13.40 27:19.67
Average Difference -16.36 -- --
Median Difference +32.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -14.70 -- --
Top 10% Difference -10.52 -- --
Top 50% Difference -19.90 -- --
Top 25% Difference -23.14 -- --
Top 50% Difference -19.90 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -12.83 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -15.43 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -24.18 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Garrett Coles University High School -2:09.50 16:56.50 19:06.00
Anthony Thomas Brush High School -1:03.20 17:14.80 18:18.00
Zach Pfeifer Lyons High School +42.80 18:13.80 17:31.00
Brandon Fritz Eaton High School -32.40 17:37.60 18:10.00
Bryan Devore Eaton High School +1.00 17:51.00 17:50.00
Ian McLain Estes Park High School -31.60 17:51.40 18:23.00
Greg Mares Brush High School -6.40 17:51.60 17:58.00
Isaac Alegria Platte Valley High School +27.20 18:23.20 17:56.00
Chris Buhler University High School -23.70 17:57.30 18:21.00
Cash Merritt Eaton High School -52.80 18:05.20 18:58.00
Garret Roberts University High School -23.70 18:07.30 18:31.00
Dan Eberhard University High School -4.90 18:12.10 18:17.00
Alex Breen University High School -27.10 18:12.90 18:40.00
Ryan Boucher Lyons High School -51.20 18:22.80 19:14.00
Derek Zuniga Brush High School +49.60 19:24.60 18:35.00
Marcus Longwell Eaton High School -3:25.70 18:41.30 22:07.00
David Gamble Estes Park High School -46.20 18:49.80 19:36.00
Sam Weighner University High School -13.40 18:57.60 19:11.00
Chris Smith Lyons High School +0.30 18:58.30 18:58.00
Keith Albertson Lyons High School +5.00 19:30.00 19:25.00
Melissa Roberts Lyons High School +2.30 19:35.30 19:33.00
Brian Williamson Platte Valley High School -35.80 19:41.20 20:17.00
Britten Abbott Eaton High School -15.80 19:44.20 20:00.00
R. w. Jett Platte Valley High School -40.90 20:10.10 20:51.00
Justin Wert Platte Valley High School -8.50 20:10.50 20:19.00
Chris Kruidenier Eaton High School -39.00 20:12.00 20:51.00
Mercy Bowen Brush High School +32.60 20:53.60 20:21.00
Chelsea Weitzel Estes Park High School +34.60 21:02.60 20:28.00
Codee Pfleiderer Platte Valley High School -20.70 20:29.30 20:50.00
Michael Quedenfeld Weld Central High School +18.70 20:54.70 20:36.00
Victoria Milano Brush High School +1.30 20:45.30 20:44.00
Darrin Lambert Platte Valley High School -1:07.20 20:49.80 21:57.00
Sara Speedlin Estes Park High School +1:08.10 22:02.10 20:54.00
Tim Brown Brush High School +17.30 21:13.30 20:56.00
Jill Martin Eaton High School -54.90 21:08.10 22:03.00
Olivia Raspotnik Lyons High School -2.80 21:14.20 21:17.00
Bailey Kraich Brush High School +3:15.00 24:34.00 21:19.00
Carmen Laing Estes Park High School +10.90 21:41.90 21:31.00
Janet Bowen Brush High School +42.10 22:40.10 21:58.00
Abby Schorg Platte Valley High School -35.90 22:29.10 23:05.00
Hayley Buckman Strasburg High School -1:46.50 22:36.50 24:23.00
April Strohauer University High School -44.50 22:42.50 23:27.00
Liria Gutierrez Strasburg High School -51.20 22:42.80 23:34.00
Kristin Curtis Strasburg High School -1:55.20 22:45.80 24:41.00
Keisha Ley Platte Valley High School +11.80 23:16.80 23:05.00
Ciara Abbott Eaton High School +1:59.50 25:27.50 23:28.00
Chelsea Lyons Strasburg High School -1:35.60 23:36.40 25:12.00
Hazel Myers Lyons High School -4:39.00 23:40.00 28:19.00
Lauren Shoop Eaton High School +27.60 24:27.60 24:00.00
Brianna Devore Eaton High School +2:51.80 28:16.80 25:25.00
Rene Post Weld Central High School +16.10 25:47.10 25:31.00
Chase Otto University High School +12.71 26:39.71 26:27.00
Morgan Maack Eaton High School -42.89 28:16.11 28:59.00
Sarah Marvin Weld Central High School -23.80 28:53.20 29:17.00