Buena Vista Invitational 2018

Buena Vista, CO

Buena Vista Invitational 2018 vs Buena Vista Invitational 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +21 117 96
Overall Average +8.45 25:49.85 25:41.41
1st-10th Place -47.60 18:39.20 19:26.80
1st-25th Place -46.97 19:43.07 20:30.04
1st-50th Place -43.65 21:11.73 21:55.38
1st-100th Place -43.05 23:56.70 24:39.75
Common Athletes -- -- 46
Ran Faster 12 29 17
Ran Season Best -- -- --
Average Time -30.37 24:22.85 24:53.22
Median Time -56.33 23:28.67 24:25.00
Middle 80% Times -22.45 24:17.22 24:39.68
Top 10% Times -1:10.44 18:16.56 19:27.00
Top 25% Times -45.41 19:43.84 20:29.25
Top 50% Times -27.85 21:13.54 21:41.39
Bottom 50% Times -32.89 27:32.15 28:05.04
Bottom 25% Times -29.67 30:00.75 30:30.42
Bottom 10% Times -49.01 32:21.39 33:10.40
Average Difference -30.37 -- --
Median Difference +19.45 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -19.40 -- --
Top 10% Difference -58.45 -- --
Top 50% Difference -27.31 -- --
Top 25% Difference -45.41 -- --
Top 50% Difference -27.31 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -33.42 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -34.56 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:07.07 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Colton Stice Gunnison High School -50.22 17:03.78 17:54.00
Alex Baca Gunnison High School -1:57.44 17:34.56 19:32.00
Brennan Stice Gunnison High School -1:01.15 18:36.85 19:38.00
Rosston Sherlock Buena Vista High School -1:34.74 18:39.26 20:14.00
Issac Hutchings Buena Vista High School -1:47.67 19:28.33 21:16.00
Conner Lenhard Lake County High School -1:25.10 19:32.90 20:58.00
Wulf Stark Gunnison High School +31.28 20:28.28 19:57.00
Jake Vold Salida High School -14.86 20:30.14 20:45.00
Jacob Billingsly Gunnison High School -1:10.31 20:42.69 21:53.00
Ashton Galyean Buena Vista High School +27.87 21:13.87 20:46.00
Zebuel Alexander Gunnison High School -3.06 21:06.94 21:10.00
Tyler Laudick Gunnison High School +0.52 21:48.52 21:48.00
Tyler Bishop James Irwin Charter High School -8.33 21:51.67 22:00.00
Ivy Pelletier Gunnison High School -13.83 21:56.17 22:10.00
Claire Shepherd Salida High School +1:31.67 23:28.67 21:57.00
Benjamin Bridges Ellicott High School -2:04.14 22:12.86 24:17.00
Annelise Pelletier Gunnison High School +38.92 22:59.92 22:21.00
Aulea Rollins Gunnison High School +51.23 23:13.23 22:22.00
Natalie Pollock James Irwin Charter High School +32.95 22:56.95 22:24.00
Logan Cestone Del Norte High School -1:22.88 22:56.12 24:19.00
Joey Lucero Antonito High School +0.68 23:05.68 23:05.00
Esperenza Antonarez Gunnison High School -1:09.77 23:21.23 24:31.00
Kaylynn Shaffer Salida High School -1:23.91 23:25.09 24:49.00
Alexis Santopietro Buena Vista High School -2:00.52 23:26.48 25:27.00
Joslyn Hayes Gunnison High School -1:19.53 23:33.47 24:53.00
Nathan Sisneros-Padilla Antonito High School +0.15 23:47.15 23:47.00
Lily Fleck James Irwin Charter High School -2:25.70 24:13.30 26:39.00
Leah Weak Gunnison High School +1:09.36 25:28.36 24:19.00
Landon Mulvey James Irwin Charter High School +19.45 24:44.45 24:25.00
Anna Bearss Buena Vista High School -1:17.10 24:27.90 25:45.00
Mackensey McFee Buena Vista High School +6.90 25:05.90 24:59.00
Mykal Adams Buena Vista High School -19.34 25:23.66 25:43.00
Eric Lorenz Del Norte High School +1:29.29 27:09.29 25:40.00
Dominika Piech Lake County High School -1:41.17 26:21.83 28:03.00
Abigail Nagel Buena Vista High School -43.11 26:35.89 27:19.00
Kendra Parra Del Norte High School -12.87 26:47.13 27:00.00
Kaela Earhart Salida High School +4:08.77 31:24.77 27:16.00
Daniella Fairley James Irwin Charter High School -1:55.38 27:23.62 29:19.00
Grace Johnson Salida High School -3:05.71 27:41.29 30:47.00
Clara Schulte Gunnison High School +2:11.01 30:16.01 28:05.00
Melissa Sundell James Irwin Charter High School -13.81 29:23.19 29:37.00
Delilah Sander Buena Vista High School -3:25.78 29:54.22 33:20.00
Aiden Fletcher Antonito High School -3:51.71 30:03.29 33:55.00
Abby Holm Lake County High School +51.59 31:25.59 30:34.00
Maddie Salazar Buena Vista High School +3:52.86 35:11.86 31:19.00
Abigail Fisher James Irwin Charter High School -3:02.29 33:28.71 36:31.00