Meet Information
The Air Academy Kadet Invitational will be hosted on the AAHS Kadet Home XC Course on Friday, Oct. 6, 2023
If you would like to attend, please fill out the form at the link below:
Team Registration Link - for information on registering your school and payment information
Location: Air Academy High School - 6910 Carlton Drive USAFA CO 80840
2023 Kadet XC Invitational Time Schedule
3:30 Girls Division 1 Varsity (4A/5A schools varsity) Run 9, Score 5.
4:05 Boys Division 1 Varsity (4A/5A schools varsity) Run 9, Score 5.
4:45 National Anthem
4:46 Girls Division 2* (4A/5A JV and 2A/3A teams) Unlimited Entries, 7 is displacement limit (this race will start after the Base Closing National Anthem)
5:25 Boys Division 2* (4A/5A JV and 2A/3A teams) Unlimited Entries, 7 is displacement limit
6:05 Middle School Division- 1 race of 1.5 miles. All 6-8th graders race together. Middle School athletes will wear labels indicating name, grade and gender. We will sort out individual placement in the finish chute and give individual awards in the following divisions: 7th and 8th Grade Boys, 7th and 8th Grade Girls, 6th Grade Boys, and 6th Grade Girls.
The Middle School Division is ONLY individuals. Sign-up online at the link below or you can register the day of the meet up to 4:30pm. Payment of $10 per entry is due on race day at the entry tableMiddle School Race Registration Link
6:30 Awards
*Division 2 will consist of 4A/5A JV Teams and 2A/3A Varsity and JV. In this division, teams are allowed unlimited entries. If you are a 2a/3a school and would like to run in Division 1 please contact Chuck Schwartz -Meet Director. Contact info - 719-651-4782 or
Team Trophies will be awarded to the top 2 teams in each division. Awards given to the top 20 individuals in each high school division. Individual awards given in the Middle School Division in the following categories: 1. 7th and 8th Grade Boys Division-awards to top 20 individual finishers 2. 7th and 8th Grade Girls Division-awards to top 20 individual finishers 3. 6th Grade Boys - awards to top 10 finishers 4. 6th Grade Boys - awards to top 10 finishers.
For meet info., course info contact: Chuck Schwartz, or 719-651-4782
Air Academy Athletic Director
Contact: Kali Maxwell