Air Academy Kadet Invitational 2023


Air Academy Kadet Invitational 2023 vs Air Academy Kadet Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -125 418 543
Overall Average -2:59.91 21:45.20 24:45.11
1st-10th Place -36.65 16:31.85 17:08.50
1st-25th Place -36.34 16:57.92 17:34.26
1st-50th Place -43.29 17:25.37 18:08.66
1st-100th Place -47.65 18:09.30 18:56.95
Common Athletes -- -- 63
Ran Faster 53 58 5
Ran Season Best 12 12 --
Average Time -3:32.63 20:49.30 24:21.93
Median Time -3:27.90 20:26.30 23:54.20
Middle 80% Times -3:25.44 20:48.21 24:13.65
Top 10% Times -1:35.11 17:09.24 18:44.36
Top 25% Times -2:17.59 17:43.85 20:01.44
Top 50% Times -2:53.08 18:38.27 21:31.35
Bottom 50% Times -4:05.53 22:21.30 26:26.83
Bottom 25% Times -5:15.72 24:18.53 29:34.24
Bottom 10% Times -7:09.76 25:41.29 32:51.04
Average Difference -3:32.63 -- --
Median Difference -4:19.50 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -3:15.73 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:30.39 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:56.71 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:46.09 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:56.71 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -5:10.02 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -6:38.89 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -8:06.99 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Quinton Rodriguez Doherty High School -2:25.50 16:52.30 19:17.80
Noah Askew The Classical Academy -2:21.70 16:57.10 19:18.80
Jorge Lopez Vista Ridge High School -1:50.50 16:57.80 18:48.30
Sheppard Collier Lewis-Palmer High School -1:19.40 17:02.80 18:22.20
Andres Cura Pueblo South High School -12.20 17:09.90 17:22.10
Collin Morton Air Academy High School -1:34.40 17:22.00 18:56.40
Jake Coleson Harrison High School -1:44.50 17:42.80 19:27.30
Landon Steeger Lewis-Palmer High School -5:19.00 17:43.90 23:02.90
Brendan Johnson Lewis-Palmer High School -5:36.20 17:50.30 23:26.50
Cohen Greve Lewis-Palmer High School -7:33.30 17:54.70 25:28.00
Emily Beers Air Academy High School -3:28.60 18:05.80 21:34.40
Jack Kwasny Pine Creek High School -7:49.00 18:10.30 25:59.30
Ashton Davis Vista Ridge High School -49.00 18:15.90 19:04.90
Cavan Moehring Doherty High School -2:16.00 18:21.00 20:37.00
Cameron Taylor Cheyenne Mountain High School -5:56.20 18:37.30 24:33.50
Samuel Muser Falcon High School -1:46.10 18:37.70 20:23.80
Vincent Kinsman Cheyenne Mountain High School -3:42.70 18:46.40 22:29.10
Riley Frank Falcon High School -6:05.70 18:51.30 24:57.00
Aley Auna Falcon High School -3:52.20 19:02.20 22:54.40
Luke Bulow Air Academy High School -3:52.40 19:06.70 22:59.10
Nathan Baldridge Pine Creek High School -2:01.40 19:07.10 21:08.50
Sean McKenney Falcon High School -5:48.70 19:14.70 25:03.40
Gabriel Gaughan Liberty High School -1:38.90 19:18.00 20:56.90
Caleb McFarland Air Academy High School -5:32.80 19:23.30 24:56.10
Jack Felger Vista Ridge High School -4:19.50 19:34.70 23:54.20
Troy Thorpe Lewis-Palmer High School -1:55.90 19:40.80 21:36.70
Gabriel Kuo Palmer Ridge High School -3:23.50 19:56.70 23:20.20
Zachary Closser Liberty High School -3:13.40 19:57.50 23:10.90
Jackson Grissom Discovery Canyon High School -7:06.20 19:57.80 27:04.00
Arden MacArthur Discovery Canyon High School -8:12.40 20:03.30 28:15.70
Lily Poteet Lewis-Palmer High School -1:34.80 20:16.20 21:51.00
Niki Peterson The Classical Academy -5:37.40 20:26.30 26:03.70
Hayden Smith Harrison High School -1:18.60 20:46.30 22:04.90
Victor Li Pine Creek High School -5:08.70 21:14.30 26:23.00
Matthew Buzzard Discovery Canyon High School -10:47.20 21:16.70 32:03.90
Troy Occhipinti Palmer Ridge High School -6:46.90 21:23.00 28:09.90
Sarah Mathews Air Academy High School -3:05.10 21:27.20 24:32.30
Kaylee Castellini Pine Creek High School -2:20.90 21:36.50 23:57.40
Hayden Newberg Vista Ridge High School +1:21.70 22:58.60 21:36.90
Katie Ramsay Falcon High School -1:39.30 21:38.10 23:17.40
Emily Allen Lewis-Palmer High School -2:17.80 21:41.90 23:59.70
Sophia Lampros Lewis-Palmer High School -3:28.70 21:43.90 25:12.60
Jaime Pearson Pueblo South High School -3:23.20 21:43.90 25:07.10
Juliet Olson Vista Ridge High School +1:40.70 23:35.00 21:54.30
Elijah Sakamoto Air Academy High School -53.30 22:07.10 23:00.40
Ella Durtschi Liberty High School -2:57.30 22:16.10 25:13.40
Jamin Hjuler Liberty High School -3:28.70 22:29.50 25:58.20
Katelyn Swendsen Pine Creek High School -1:19.20 22:30.00 23:49.20
Kadence Baun Falcon High School -30.90 22:30.70 23:01.60
Caiden Faulkender Cheyenne Mountain High School +12.60 22:44.30 22:31.70
Aaron Pitcher Falcon High School -3:51.20 22:48.20 26:39.40
Zoe Robinson Doherty High School -1:43.90 22:49.40 24:33.30
Jonathon Shay Sand Creek High School -12:01.80 22:59.20 35:01.00
Megan Thomassen Liberty High School -1:46.40 23:12.30 24:58.70
Maggie Mulloy Palmer Ridge High School +29.50 23:52.90 23:23.40
Nadyah Flynn Liberty High School -13:28.60 24:07.50 37:36.10
Pauline Cox Canon City High School -2:31.70 24:24.70 26:56.40
Macy Paschall Canon City High School +50.00 25:30.00 24:40.00
Rachael Stanley Palmer Ridge High School -5:18.30 24:41.50 29:59.80
Kaia Newell Palmer Ridge High School -2:29.90 25:09.30 27:39.20
Hayden Flynn Liberty High School -5:13.70 26:31.30 31:45.00
Kyla Cruz Pueblo South High School -5:09.70 26:32.50 31:42.20
Adalee Johnson Doherty High School -4:49.60 26:59.70 31:49.30