Cedaredge Invitational 2024

Cedaredge, CO

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Worton, Tony Coal Ridge High School
Moody, Izaiah Rangely High School
Montes, Angel North Fork High School
Collard, Tasen Coal Ridge High School
Mitchell, London Plateau Valley High School
Clowers, Jacob Montrose High School
Kurtz, Joe Delta High School
Vasquez, Ben Coal Ridge High School
Slosberg, Caleb Telluride High School
Pelliam, Deagan Montrose High School
Murray, Robert Rangely High School
Brewer, Matthew Delta High School
Klapper, Dylan Telluride High School
Silva, Brayden Grand Valley High School
Gonzalez, Eduardo Olathe High School
Ventura, Armando Coal Ridge High School
Ayala, Daniel Coal Ridge High School
Martinez, Xavier Delta High School
Drake, William Grand Valley High School
Almanza, Victor Olathe High School
Arterburn, Lane North Fork High School
Cheezum, Philip (Logan) Montrose High School
Owens, Danny 11.65 North Fork High School
Miles, Chancellor 11.72 Cedaredge High School
Ealey, Devon 11.84 Plateau Valley High School
Sackett, Kyson 11.93 Grand Valley High School
Armstrong, Peyton 12.10 North Fork High School
White, Hunter 12.15 Plateau Valley High School
Dujka, Evan 12.20 Coal Ridge High School
Freeborn, Shawn 12.23 Caprock Academy High School
Stephens, Caleb 12.25 Montrose High School
Hollembeak, Henry 12.3 North Fork High School
Csere-Bitonio, Alex 12.36 North Fork High School
Johnson, Avery 12.50h Cedaredge High School
Maxey, Luke 12.50h Cedaredge High School
Mahoney, Thomas 12.54 Telluride High School
Rummel, Brycen 12.61 Nucla High School
Peterson, Logan 12.69 Rangely High School
Finley, David 12.74 Roaring Fork High School
Campos, Mason 12.75 Grand Valley High School
Ledezma, Mateo 12.83 Roaring Fork High School
Suarez, Angel 12.91 Olathe High School
Puga, Adam 12.92 Olathe High School
Crowhurst, Benjamin 12.94 Grand Valley High School
Satterfield, Bode 13.00h Plateau Valley High School
Balko, Mazzden 13.08 North Fork High School
Richman, Caleb 13.09 Delta High School
Lucero, Davon 13.10 Rangely High School
Crews, Joshua 13.26 Coal Ridge High School
Simonds, Andrew 13.38 Caprock Academy High School
Deak, Fabian 13.64 Cedaredge High School
Davis, Jacob 14.36 Nucla High School
Camp, Colt 14.51 Cedaredge High School
Liuzzi, Gianluca 14.51 Roaring Fork High School
DesChamp, Gavin 15.24 Olathe High School
Schultz, Jesse 15.76 Cedaredge High School
Perkins, Craig 27.35 Grand Valley High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seevers, Tristen Olathe High School
Huey, Aiden Coal Ridge High School
Klapper, Dylan Telluride High School
Tullis, Logan 15.33 Cedaredge High School
D'Apolito, Mike 17.18 Crested Butte Community School
Lorimor, Wylee 17.37 Cedaredge High School
Soe, Mar 17.70 Delta High School
Oesterle, Kai 19.14 Coal Ridge High School
Centeno, Derrick 19.18 Coal Ridge High School
Cook, Stellar 19.43 North Fork High School
Long, Drake 19.70 Nucla High School
Arell, Asher 19.71 Crested Butte Community School
Smith, Robert 20.99 Cedaredge High School
Garcia, Gabe 22.06 North Fork High School
Angotti-Snyder, Daniel 22.56 Cedaredge High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nelson, Carter Coal Ridge High School
Canales, Alden Lake City Community School
Camacho, Marcos North Fork High School
Mack, Ethan Delta High School
Drew, Gunnar Telluride High School
Radovich, Eddie Montrose High School
Webb, Trystan Plateau Valley High School
Farley, Dylan Montrose High School
Adrian, Connor Caprock Academy High School
Loper, Peter Lake City Community School
Schultz, Jesse Cedaredge High School
Galbraith, Kaleb Plateau Valley High School
Talbot, James 4:41.21 Rangely High School
Cotter, Craig 4:47.23 Grand Valley High School
Church, Korbin 4:55.15 Caprock Academy High School
Pendy, Jake 4:56.71 Crested Butte Community School
Kamperman, Benjamin 4:57.71 Olathe High School
Nichols, Asher 5:00.78 Coal Ridge High School
Thompson, Isaac 5:06.00 Coal Ridge High School
Starnes, Rylan 5:15.15 Caprock Academy High School
Valdez, Joseph 5:17.50 Rangely High School
McKillop, Sean 5:19.44 Telluride High School
Pleak, Cody 5:19.71 Crested Butte Community School
Evans, Owen 5:23.73 Coal Ridge High School
Hoyt, Flint 5:24.38 Crested Butte Community School
Parker, Kevin 5:30.18 Coal Ridge High School
Chavez, Jose 5:39.15 Montrose High School
Regelman, Kevin 5:40.56 North Fork High School
Wood, Quentin 5:43.20 Olathe High School
Horning, Charles 5:57.66 Telluride High School
Bray, Cole 5:58.57 Nucla High School
Singh, Jaxon 6:07.39 Coal Ridge High School
Peters, Josiah 6:50.51 North Fork High School
Almanza, Adrian 6:59.50 Olathe High School
Morgan, Matthew 7:10.45 Rangely High School
Hoff, Gavin 7:21.50 North Fork High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 60 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bubolo, Mateo Telluride High School
Mitchell, London Plateau Valley High School
Balko, Mazzden North Fork High School
Clowers, Jacob Montrose High School
Sanchez, Brett Delta High School
Arnette, Alexander Coal Ridge High School
Angotti-Snyder, Daniel Cedaredge High School
Harris, Lincoln Rangely High School
McCorkle, Bradan Coal Ridge High School
Ruple, Korbin Plateau Valley High School
Roberts, Dane Montrose High School
Ayala, Daniel Coal Ridge High School
Campos, Mason Grand Valley High School
Allred, Kacey Rangely High School
Brewer, Matthew Delta High School
DesChamp, Gavin Olathe High School
Murray, Robert Rangely High School
Cordova, Jacob Coal Ridge High School
Drake, William Grand Valley High School
Moody, Izaiah Rangely High School
Mock, Chris Montrose High School
Brown, Connor Crested Butte Community School
Crews, Joshua Coal Ridge High School
Gordon, Dylan Delta High School
Toothaker, Ethan Cedaredge High School
Hostetler, Jacob Coal Ridge High School
Kurtz, Joe Delta High School
Ealey, Devon 23.09 Plateau Valley High School
Moreno, Hayden 23.33 North Fork High School
Owens, Danny 24.2 North Fork High School
Armstrong, Peyton 24.8 North Fork High School
Miles, Chancellor 24.98 Cedaredge High School
Satterfield, Bode 25 Plateau Valley High School
Purvis, Andrew 25.00h Cedaredge High School
Freeborn, Shawn 25.22 Caprock Academy High School
Soe, Mar 25.44 Delta High School
DeBarros, Diego 25.50h North Fork High School
Ortiz, Luis 25.67 Delta High School
Dacuma, Brayden 26.26 Coal Ridge High School
Mahoney, Thomas 26.40 Telluride High School
Finley, David 26.46 Roaring Fork High School
Peterson, Logan 26.51 Rangely High School
Ramirez, Cristian 26.60 Olathe High School
Ledezma, Mateo 26.60 Roaring Fork High School
Kaufmann, Ethan 26.94 Crested Butte Community School
Crowhurst, Benjamin 27.14 Grand Valley High School
Garcia, Gabe 27.20 North Fork High School
Slosberg, Caleb 27.21 Telluride High School
Timothy, Curtis 27.41 Crested Butte Community School
Rummel, Brycen 27.58 Nucla High School
Long, Drake 27.64 Nucla High School
Simonds, Andrew 28.13 Caprock Academy High School
Silverio, Ruben 29.01 Telluride High School
Jose, Bradley 29.36 Crested Butte Community School
Liuzzi, Gianluca 29.93 Roaring Fork High School
Gonzales, Leandro 30.45 Olathe High School
Hernandez, Jayden 30.53 Olathe High School
Frost, Corbin 30.86 Cedaredge High School
Camp, Colt 31.65 Cedaredge High School
Kuta, Alex 32.51 Delta High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Loper, Peter Lake City Community School
Klapper, Dylan Telluride High School
jimenez, sebastian Olathe High School
Tullis, Logan 40.78 Cedaredge High School
Galbo, Joe 43.45 Telluride High School
Lorimor, Wylee 44.54 Cedaredge High School
Centeno, Derrick 46.94 Coal Ridge High School
Shideler, Paul 47.20 Coal Ridge High School
White, Hunter 47.54 Plateau Valley High School
Oesterle, Kai 47.84 Coal Ridge High School
Seevers, Tristen 51.71 Olathe High School
D'Apolito, Mike 52.00 Crested Butte Community School
Teter, Arnold (Trey) 54.10 Grand Valley High School
Prince, Elijah 56.59 Telluride High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Loper, Peter Lake City Community School
Morrow, John Cedaredge High School
Lamas, Miguel Delta High School
Canales, Alden Lake City Community School
Schultz, Tyler Cedaredge High School
Church, Korbin 10:38.17 Caprock Academy High School
Nichols, Asher 10:56.95 Coal Ridge High School
Kamperman, Benjamin 11:04.39 Olathe High School
McKillop, Sean 11:23.22 Telluride High School
Starnes, Rylan 11:48.84 Caprock Academy High School
Quaid, Zach 12:04.76 Montrose High School
Harris, Jannik 12:25.20 Caprock Academy High School
Hayes-Pursley, Kenny 13:51.39 Cedaredge High School
McCabe, Jackson 14:29.38 Nucla High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McClees, Connor Grand Valley High School
Cordova, Jacob Coal Ridge High School
Montano Guzman, Diego Telluride High School
Barrientos, Xavier Delta High School
Mitchell, London Plateau Valley High School
Mehan, Chase Montrose High School
Vatter-Paez, Lucas Telluride High School
Mendizabal, Javier Grand Valley High School
Morgan, Matthew Rangely High School
Garcia, Yahir Coal Ridge High School
Kincaide, Jackson Delta High School
Ruple, Korbin Plateau Valley High School
Straub, Iain North Fork High School
Loper, Peter Lake City Community School
Coon, Carter Coal Ridge High School
Harris, Lincoln Rangely High School
Isenhart, Grayson Coal Ridge High School
Clowers, Jacob Montrose High School
Bubolo, Mateo Telluride High School
Yost, Tyler Delta High School
Canales, Alden Lake City Community School
Deak, Fabian Cedaredge High School
Dacuma, Brayden Coal Ridge High School
Drew, Gunnar Telluride High School
Pelliam, Deagan Montrose High School
Lamas, Juan Delta High School
McCorkle, Bradan Coal Ridge High School
Irwin, Jordan 1:01.00 Rangely High School
Akers, Sebastian 1:01.00 Caprock Academy High School
Allred, Kacey 1:01.27 Rangely High School
Brady, James 1:01.80 Crested Butte Community School
Arell, Asher 1:01.90 Crested Butte Community School
Franco, Emiliano 1:02.13 Olathe High School
French, Caiden 1:02.82 Rangely High School
Loucks, Kyler 1:03.12 Cedaredge High School
Prince, Elijah 1:04.36 Telluride High School
Glidden, Rylen 1:05.94 Cedaredge High School
Silverio, Ruben 1:06.71 Telluride High School
Frost, Corbin 1:07.54 Cedaredge High School
Moran, Dylan 1:07.86 Rangely High School
Wimett, Cole 1:08.92 Crested Butte Community School
Hernandez, Jayden 1:08.95 Olathe High School
Brown, Connor 1:09 Crested Butte Community School
DesChamp, Gavin 1:16.63 Olathe High School
Purvis, Andrew 52.54 Cedaredge High School
Moreno, Hayden 53.80h North Fork High School
Collard, Cohen 54.67 Coal Ridge High School
Hollembeak, Henry 54.8 North Fork High School
Galbraith, Kaleb 55.15 Plateau Valley High School
Freeborn, Shawn 56.10 Caprock Academy High School
Richardson, Parker 57.00h Plateau Valley High School
Ortiz, Luis 59.00h Delta High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 45.82 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team B 46.00h North Fork High School
Relay Team A 46.12 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 47.99 Grand Valley High School
Relay Team A 47.99 Plateau Valley High School
Relay Team A 48.00h Montrose High School
Relay Team A 49.12 Rangely High School
Relay Team A 50.27 Telluride High School
Relay Team A 50.51 Delta High School
Relay Team B 54.00h Cedaredge High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 1:34.78 North Fork High School
Relay Team A 1:36.00 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 1:37.00h Montrose High School
Relay Team A 1:40.43 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 1:40.80 Delta High School
Relay Team A 1:43.38 Crested Butte Community School
Relay Team A 1:45.24 Olathe High School
Relay Team A 1:47.21 Nucla High School
Relay Team B 2:00.62 Delta High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A Rangely High School
Relay Team C Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 3:40.00 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 3:58.44 Crested Butte Community School
Relay Team B 4:02.00h Crested Butte Community School
Relay Team A 4:10.00h Montrose High School
Relay Team A 4:14.70 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 4:21.77 Telluride High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A North Fork High School
Relay Team A 10:26.00 Montrose High School
Relay Team A 9:27.16 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 9:30.00h Plateau Valley High School
Relay Team A 9:32.97 Olathe High School
Relay Team A 9:34.07 Crested Butte Community School
Relay Team A 9:37.75 Delta High School
Relay Team A 9:40.48 Cedaredge High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hoff, Gavin North Fork High School
Webb, Trystan Plateau Valley High School
Farley, Dylan Montrose High School
Horning, Charles Telluride High School
Evans, Owen Coal Ridge High School
Prince, Elijah Telluride High School
Cotter, Craig Grand Valley High School
Renteria, Diego Montrose High School
Webber, Matthew Coal Ridge High School
Peters, Josiah North Fork High School
Talbot, James Rangely High School
Radovich, Eddie Montrose High School
Sanchez, Layne Delta High School
Silverio, Ruben Telluride High School
Canales, Alden Lake City Community School
Thompson, Isaac 2:08.99 Coal Ridge High School
Billick, Giles 2:16.57 Crested Butte Community School
Valdez, Joseph 2:19.15 Rangely High School
Chavez, Jose 2:19.68 Montrose High School
Allred, Justin 2:20.73 Rangely High School
Rix, Connor 2:21.96 Caprock Academy High School
Sullivan, Max 2:23.04 Crested Butte Community School
Harris, Jannik 2:25.00h Caprock Academy High School
Allred, Clay 2:25.06 Rangely High School
Hoyt, Flint 2:26 Crested Butte Community School
Pleak, Cody 2:26 Crested Butte Community School
Regelman, Kevin 2:26.69 North Fork High School
Camacho, Marcos 2:27.26 North Fork High School
Herrera, Mauricio 2:28.77 Olathe High School
Bray, Cole 2:33.09 Nucla High School
Wood, Quentin 2:33.50 Olathe High School
Parker, Kevin 2:33.63 Coal Ridge High School
Akers, Sebastian 2:34.32 Caprock Academy High School
Moran, Dylan 2:36.22 Rangely High School
Hawkins, Trey 2:43.41 Grand Valley High School
Erpestad, Marcus 2:45.93 Coal Ridge High School
French, Caiden 2:48.22 Rangely High School
Brady, James 2:49.95 Crested Butte Community School
McCllellan, Dezirin 2:51.70 Olathe High School
McCabe, Jackson 2:52.17 Nucla High School
Adrian, Connor 2:54.13 Caprock Academy High School
Singh, Jaxon 2:54.79 Coal Ridge High School
Almanza, Adrian 3:01.80 Olathe High School
Longhurst, Gabriel 3:05.99 Grand Valley High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Telluride High School
Relay Team A Nucla High School
Relay Team A Rangely High School
Relay Team A 1:41.39 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 1:42.00h Montrose High School
Relay Team A 1:51.99 North Fork High School
Relay Team A 1:58.84 Cedaredge High School
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HS Boys Discus 61 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bevan, Jackson 133-11 Plateau Valley High School
Bowler, Jacob 127-0 Cedaredge High School
Sanchez, Brett 122-7 Delta High School
Mann, Kolter 110-8 Cedaredge High School
Hostetler, Jacob 109-9 Coal Ridge High School
Bevan, Heston 106-11 Plateau Valley High School
Brewer, Nathan 106-10 Delta High School
Glidden, Rylen 105-9 Cedaredge High School
Vasquez, Austin 102-5.5 Coal Ridge High School
Cochrane, Chase 101-9 Rangely High School
Cordova, Jacob 100-1 Coal Ridge High School
Fairclough, Leium 100-1 Olathe High School
Rupp, Hayden 98-1 Cedaredge High School
Watts, Corwyn 95-7 Caprock Academy High School
Crowley, Aidan 95-4 Cedaredge High School
Vasquez, Ben 94-11 Coal Ridge High School
Huff, Isaiah 93-7 Delta High School
Eves, Bo 93-2 North Fork High School
Montes, Angel 92-1 North Fork High School
Simonds, Andrew 90-1 Caprock Academy High School
McCurdy, Gavin 89-8 Delta High School
Cotter, Johnathan 89-3 Plateau Valley High School
Toothaker, Ethan 89-0 Cedaredge High School
Wrich, Will 88-4 North Fork High School
Almanza, Adrian 83-9 Olathe High School
Lahr, Dillon 83-3 Grand Valley High School
Gore, Archer 79-9 Coal Ridge High School
Hanson, Nolan 79-6 Cedaredge High School
Cruz, Victor 79-0 Grand Valley High School
Silverio, Ruben 77-2 Telluride High School
Trujillo, Joaquin 77-0 Montrose High School
Tullis, Isaac 76-0 Cedaredge High School
Hilton, Austin 75-0 Montrose High School
Lewis, Brisen 74-10 Olathe High School
Isenhart, Grayson 74-8 Coal Ridge High School
Gardner, Kyler 70-5 Olathe High School
Bridges, Jorein 70-0 Delta High School
Gordon, Dylan 70-0 Delta High School
Davis, Jacob 68-7 Nucla High School
Bonner, Samuel 68-1 Cedaredge High School
Arterburn, Lane 67-9 North Fork High School
Standish, Rylan 66-7 Olathe High School
Allred, Justin 65-1 Rangely High School
McClees, Connor 65-0 Grand Valley High School
Yost, Tyler 62-6 Delta High School
McCllellan, Dezirin 61-6 Olathe High School
Armstrong, Peyton North Fork High School
Brown, Connor Crested Butte Community School
Elkins, Mace Lake City Community School
Collard, Tasen Coal Ridge High School
Herrera, Cristobal Coal Ridge High School
Farris, Peyton Grand Valley High School
Stammer, Athan Grand Valley High School
Richardson, Parker Plateau Valley High School
Blankenship, Jaren Rangely High School
Benson, Logan Rangely High School
Freeborn, Shawn Caprock Academy High School
Kilcoyne, Kaleb Cedaredge High School
Giles, Asher Montrose High School
Jessop, Easton Montrose High School
Cook, Uriah Nucla High School
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HS Boys High Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Isaac 5-8 Cedaredge High School
Moreno, Hayden 5-7 North Fork High School
Shideler, Paul 5-6 Coal Ridge High School
Teter, Arnold (Trey) 5-5 Grand Valley High School
Randlett, Asher 5-4 Cedaredge High School
Rix, Connor 5-3.5 Caprock Academy High School
Huey, Aiden 5-3 Coal Ridge High School
Pleak, Cody 5-2 Crested Butte Community School
Bollinger, Landon 5-1 Rangely High School
Sanchez, Layne 5-0 Delta High School
Allred, Kacey 4-11 Rangely High School
Lucero, Davon 4-11 Rangely High School
Oesterle, Kai Coal Ridge High School
Dujka, Evan Coal Ridge High School
Silva, Brayden Grand Valley High School
Cheezum, Philip (Logan) Montrose High School
Harvey, Christopher Coal Ridge High School
Angotti-Snyder, Daniel Cedaredge High School
Johnson, Avery Cedaredge High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huey, Aiden 20-3.75 Coal Ridge High School
Galbo, Joe 19-5 Telluride High School
Shideler, Paul 19-0.25 Coal Ridge High School
Munoz, Marcus 18-7.75 Coal Ridge High School
Richardson, Parker 18-4.75 Plateau Valley High School
Irwin, Jordan 17-10 Rangely High School
Peterson, Logan 17-8.25 Rangely High School
Maxey, Luke 17-8.25 Cedaredge High School
Randlett, Asher 17-6.5 Cedaredge High School
Bollinger, Landon 17-5 Rangely High School
Campos, Mason 17-1.5 Grand Valley High School
Thurmon, Cooper 16-11.5 Coal Ridge High School
Sackett, Kyson 16-6.5 Grand Valley High School
Seevers, Tristen 16-6 Olathe High School
Gallegos, Juan 16-2.5 Delta High School
Pleak, Cody 16-0.5 Crested Butte Community School
Long, Drake 16-0.5 Nucla High School
Lucero, Davon 15-9 Rangely High School
Csere-Bitonio, Alex 15-8 North Fork High School
Padilla, Ulises 15-2.5 Olathe High School
Ramirez, Cristian 15-1.5 Olathe High School
Kaufmann, Ethan 14-3.5 Crested Butte Community School
Timothy, Curtis 13-7 Crested Butte Community School
Bauer, Brayden 12-2.5 Cedaredge High School
Liuzzi, Gianluca 12-1 Roaring Fork High School
Schultz, Jesse 11-6.5 Cedaredge High School
Gonzalez, Eduardo 9-8 Olathe High School
Kuta, Alex Delta High School
Silva, Brayden Grand Valley High School
Crowhurst, Benjamin Grand Valley High School
Mendizabal, Javier Grand Valley High School
Cheezum, Philip (Logan) Montrose High School
Harvey, Christopher Coal Ridge High School
Vatter-Paez, Lucas Telluride High School
Bubolo, Mateo Telluride High School
Ruple, Korbin Plateau Valley High School
Drake, William Grand Valley High School
Soe, Mar Delta High School
Murray, Robert Rangely High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hanson, Nolan 44-7 Cedaredge High School
Bowler, Jacob 41-11.75 Cedaredge High School
Bevan, Jackson 41-1.5 Plateau Valley High School
Mann, Kolter 40-2 Cedaredge High School
Allen, Lane 39-5 North Fork High School
Brewer, Nathan 38-9 Delta High School
Centeno, Derrick 38-0.5 Coal Ridge High School
Vasquez, Ben 36-5.5 Coal Ridge High School
Bevan, Heston 36-5.5 Plateau Valley High School
Cochrane, Chase 36-1 Rangely High School
Gore, Archer 35-11 Coal Ridge High School
Vasquez, Austin 35-1.5 Coal Ridge High School
Martinez, Xavier 34-8.25 Delta High School
Richman, Caleb 34-5.25 Delta High School
Balko, Mazzden 33-5.5 North Fork High School
Cruz, Victor 33-2 Grand Valley High School
Farris, Peyton 33-2 Grand Valley High School
Standish, Rylan 33-1.75 Olathe High School
Eves, Bo 33-1.5 North Fork High School
Lahr, Dillon 32-10 Grand Valley High School
Watts, Corwyn 32-4 Caprock Academy High School
Davis, Jacob 31-10.5 Nucla High School
Wrich, Will 31-9.75 North Fork High School
McClees, Connor 31-4 Grand Valley High School
Rupp, Hayden 30-11 Cedaredge High School
Huff, Isaiah 30-8.75 Delta High School
Cotter, Johnathan 30-3.25 Plateau Valley High School
Padilla, Ulises 30-0.75 Olathe High School
Gordon, Dylan 30-0 Delta High School
McCurdy, Gavin 29-9.5 Delta High School
Grenninger, Andrew 28-10 Olathe High School
Kilcoyne, Kaleb 28-10 Cedaredge High School
Smith, Robert 28-10 Cedaredge High School
Simonds, Andrew 28-0 Caprock Academy High School
McCllellan, Dezirin 27-5.25 Olathe High School
Bridges, Jorein 27-0 Delta High School
Trujillo, Joaquin 27-0 Montrose High School
Crowley, Aidan 26-10 Cedaredge High School
Hostetler, Jacob 26-9.75 Coal Ridge High School
Arterburn, Lane 26-4.5 North Fork High School
Gardner, Kyler 25-10 Olathe High School
Bonner, Samuel 25-5.5 Cedaredge High School
Gill, Travis 25-4 Cedaredge High School
Hilton, Austin 25-0 Montrose High School
Cervantes, Owen 25-0 Montrose High School
Tullis, Isaac 23-7.25 Cedaredge High School
Elkins, Mace Lake City Community School
Isenhart, Grayson Coal Ridge High School
Stammer, Athan Grand Valley High School
Webb, Trystan Plateau Valley High School
Ruple, Korbin Plateau Valley High School
Blankenship, Jaren Rangely High School
Benson, Logan Rangely High School
Glidden, Rylen Cedaredge High School
Jessop, Easton Montrose High School
Cook, Uriah Nucla High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huey, Aiden 41-8 Coal Ridge High School
Munoz, Marcus 40-6 Coal Ridge High School
Cordova, Jacob 38-11.5 Coal Ridge High School
Irwin, Jordan 38-0.75 Rangely High School
Richardson, Parker 37-0 Plateau Valley High School
Sackett, Kyson 36-9 Grand Valley High School
Mock, Chris 35-7 Montrose High School
Allred, Clay 33-11.75 Rangely High School
Kuta, Alex 32-1.25 Delta High School
Bauer, Brayden 26-7 Cedaredge High School
Mehan, Chase Montrose High School
Mitchell, London Plateau Valley High School
Harvey, Christopher Coal Ridge High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coon, Chloe Coal Ridge High School
Moore, Marli Plateau Valley High School
Shaffer, Carissa Montrose High School
Rosales, Destiny Delta High School
Jensen, Brilee Coal Ridge High School
Elder, Rachel Rangely High School
Hansen, Maryn Coal Ridge High School
Green, Nyah Montrose High School
Desimone, Delilah Delta High School
Murphy, Gracie Coal Ridge High School
Wellman, Sephora Plateau Valley High School
Birchem, Elizabeth Montrose High School
Ruiz, Sabina Delta High School
Speakman, Emma Grand Valley High School
Daniel, Emily Coal Ridge High School
Labertew, Bailey Montrose High School
Medina, Victoria Delta High School
Piltingsrud, Ingrid Lake City Community School
Reece, Raine 13.23 Caprock Academy High School
Smythe, Allison 13.83 Coal Ridge High School
Johnson, Sage 14.23 Crested Butte Community School
Gianola, Sage 14.24 Telluride High School
Smith, Emma 14.38 Rangely High School
Mitchell, Kayla 14.45 Cedaredge High School
Castillo, Zully 14.50 Plateau Valley High School
Budde, Abbi 14.50 Olathe High School
Schevene, Kalia 14.50h North Fork High School
Mascioli, Kylene 14.53 Grand Valley High School
Bell, Barbara 14.59 Caprock Academy High School
Burget, Autumn 14.97 Delta High School
Gutierrez-Gleason, Rosi 15.05 Plateau Valley High School
Lloyd, Izabell 15.15 Plateau Valley High School
Rocha, Rhianna 15.18 Plateau Valley High School
Shively, Julia 15.24 Caprock Academy High School
Sanchez, Audrina 15.25 Cedaredge High School
Almanza, Josilin 15.32 Olathe High School
Shepardson, Kieley 15.36 Nucla High School
Rebolledo Unda, Kaila 15.42 Telluride High School
Wear, Mykayla 15.45 Delta High School
Morton, Aubrey 15.59 Coal Ridge High School
Smith, Akira 15.64 Telluride High School
Henderson, Olivia 15.81 Cedaredge High School
Menzel, Shealie 16.12 Cedaredge High School
Saldin, Angie 16.19 Telluride High School
Laird, Lilla 16.21 Crested Butte Community School
Avila, Allie 16.61 Olathe High School
Kennedy, Aberdeen 16.61 Roaring Fork High School
Rosen, Eleanor 16.70 Telluride High School
Hartzel-Diaz, Gabriella 16.70 Olathe High School
Belk, Liliana 17.27 Cedaredge High School
Kaufmann, Emerson 18.16 Crested Butte Community School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Phillimore, Mackenzie Lake City Community School
Axelson, Brynn Coal Ridge High School
Sabata, Kaelee Grand Valley High School
Sinkay, Lily 16.65 Cedaredge High School
Will, Kina 17.74 Coal Ridge High School
Reeds, Kyra 18.21 Roaring Fork High School
Payne, Hadassah 18.71 Cedaredge High School
Lovelace, Alyssa 18.80 North Fork High School
Terrell, Jordan 18.81 Coal Ridge High School
Hanson, Adelynn 19.55 Cedaredge High School
Rebolledo Unda, Kaila 20.49 Telluride High School
Williams, Samantha 20.89 Coal Ridge High School
Signs, Harlee 20.95 Cedaredge High School
Robidoux, Zea 21.55 Cedaredge High School
Cribari, Averie 21.74 Coal Ridge High School
Madden, Aubrey 22.60 Cedaredge High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marvin, Kora Plateau Valley High School
Kratzer, Zyann Caprock Academy High School
Fletcher, Effie 5:52.14 Coal Ridge High School
Whitman, Hailey 5:59.44 Coal Ridge High School
Moon, Isabella 6:00.63 Roaring Fork High School
Skinner, Taylor 6:10.38 Caprock Academy High School
Skinner, Devron 6:31.08 Caprock Academy High School
Most, Clara 6:35.23 Caprock Academy High School
Shepardson, Kieley 6:39.80 Nucla High School
Urbanski, Rachel 6:52.05 Cedaredge High School
Feier, Josie 6:55.78 Crested Butte Community School
Broyles, Bailee 7:23.33 Montrose High School
Smith, Dani 7:29.13 North Fork High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cahalane, Katie Telluride High School
Avila, Allie Olathe High School
Green, Nyah Montrose High School
Belk, Liliana Cedaredge High School
Piltingsrud, Ingrid Lake City Community School
Medina, Victoria Delta High School
Mascioli, Kylene Grand Valley High School
Wellman, Sephora Plateau Valley High School
Elder, Rachel Rangely High School
Ruiz, Sabina Delta High School
Fortner, Jayden Telluride High School
Wilkerson, Laurel Montrose High School
Henderson, Olivia Cedaredge High School
Rosales, Destiny Delta High School
Flores, Yasmin Coal Ridge High School
Smith, Akira Telluride High School
Castillo, Zully Plateau Valley High School
Labertew, Bailey Montrose High School
Desimone, Delilah Delta High School
Ducey, Ashlynn 26.82 Rangely High School
Kenworthy, Lana 27.81 Telluride High School
Smythe, Allison 28.20 Coal Ridge High School
Reece, Raine 28.40 Caprock Academy High School
Thurmon, Lexi 28.50 Coal Ridge High School
Tardif, Nikki 28.84 Roaring Fork High School
Wren, Miah 29.46 Rangely High School
Fielder, Tylee 29.74 Rangely High School
Huck, Shayla 30.13 Coal Ridge High School
Johnson, Sage 30.75 Crested Butte Community School
Varela Castillo, Zailyn 30.8 Plateau Valley High School
Coon, Chloe 30.86 Coal Ridge High School
Moore, Marli 31.15 Plateau Valley High School
Loflin, Eva 31.18 Crested Butte Community School
Perry, Brylee 31.18 Cedaredge High School
Carver, Grace 31.20 Caprock Academy High School
Rocha, Rhianna 31.20h Plateau Valley High School
Purdy, Melyora 31.38 Cedaredge High School
Gutierrez-Gleason, Rosi 31.43 Plateau Valley High School
Fullerton, Elizabeth 31.50 Roaring Fork High School
Hildreth, Brekken 31.67 Delta High School
Reeds, Kyra 31.69 Roaring Fork High School
Gonzalez, Mariana 31.71 Olathe High School
Axelson, Brynn 31.73 Coal Ridge High School
Paluska, Zsofia 32.22 Telluride High School
Wear, Mykayla 32.24 Delta High School
Bell, Barbara 32.96 Caprock Academy High School
Bender , Brie 33.00 Crested Butte Community School
Laird, Lilla 33.42 Crested Butte Community School
Shively, Julia 33.85 Caprock Academy High School
Pratt, Keira 35.69 Coal Ridge High School
Saldin, Angie 35.88 Telluride High School
Hartzel-Diaz, Gabriella 36.50 Olathe High School
Kaufmann, Emerson 41.09 Crested Butte Community School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pittman, Taylor Grand Valley High School
Williams, Samantha Coal Ridge High School
Phillimore, Mackenzie Lake City Community School
Lloyd, Izabell Plateau Valley High School
Keating, Evi 1:02.14 Roaring Fork High School
Cribari, Averie 1:02.79 Coal Ridge High School
Hovde, Lillian 1:08.56 Olathe High School
Will, Kina 49.26 Coal Ridge High School
Terrell, Jordan 51.83 Coal Ridge High School
Reeds, Kyra 54.98 Roaring Fork High School
Lovelace, Alyssa 55.91 North Fork High School
Madden, Grace 56.70 Cedaredge High School
Payne, Joella 59.99 Cedaredge High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wren, Taya 12:17.99 Rangely High School
Skinner, Taylor 12:35.83 Caprock Academy High School
Cook, Austin 13:03.49 Telluride High School
Shaw, Cadence 14:42.53 Nucla High School
Smith, Dani 16:28.70 North Fork High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fortner, Jayden Telluride High School
Tomlinson, Sydney Nucla High School
Hawbaker, Elliyah Cedaredge High School
Axelson, Brynn Coal Ridge High School
Cook, Austin Telluride High School
Piltingsrud, Ingrid Lake City Community School
Murphy, Gracie Coal Ridge High School
Saldin, Angie Telluride High School
Sullivan, Allani Cedaredge High School
Casto, Courtney Rangely High School
Coon, Chloe Coal Ridge High School
Lindsay, Madelyn Cedaredge High School
Meskin, Sam Coal Ridge High School
Tardif, Nikki 1:03.52 Roaring Fork High School
Kenworthy, Lana 1:04.10 Telluride High School
Phillips, Taylor 1:06.67 Caprock Academy High School
Gianola, Sage 1:07.56 Telluride High School
Wren, Taya 1:08.00 Rangely High School
Hawley, Ilo 1:08.72 Crested Butte Community School
Bender, Sophia 1:09 Crested Butte Community School
Fullerton, Elizabeth 1:09.56 Roaring Fork High School
Elder, Rachel 1:10.00 Rangely High School
Perry, Brylee 1:10.50 Cedaredge High School
Shaw, Cadence 1:11.62 Nucla High School
Hernandez, Jessie 1:12.42 Olathe High School
McGee, Vivian 1:12.71 Montrose High School
Martínez, Adrianna 1:13.01 Olathe High School
Carver, Grace 1:13.67 Caprock Academy High School
Morton, Ivy 1:15.20 Telluride High School
Morton, Aubrey 1:16.91 Coal Ridge High School
Rocha, Rhianna 1:18.21 Plateau Valley High School
Ramirez, Jasmin 1:19.84 Olathe High School
Pratt, Keira 1:23.08 Coal Ridge High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 1:00.74 Grand Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:00.96 Telluride High School
Relay Team A 1:02.00h Montrose High School
Relay Team B 1:03 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 1:03.00 Delta High School
Relay Team A 53.50 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 53.76 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 55.84 North Fork High School
Relay Team A 57.69 Plateau Valley High School
Relay Team A 59.13 Rangely High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A Roaring Fork High School
Relay Team A 1:53.91 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 1:55.21 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 2:00.00 Rangely High School
Relay Team A 2:01.61 Crested Butte Community School
Relay Team A 2:03.19 Caprock Academy High School
Relay Team A 2:05.17 Telluride High School
Relay Team A 2:09.70 Nucla High School
Relay Team B 2:12.47 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 2:15.00h Montrose High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:29.33 Telluride High School
Relay Team A 4:35.00 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 4:37.47 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 4:58.00h Caprock Academy High School
Relay Team A 5:10.66 Crested Butte Community School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:50.73 Caprock Academy High School
Relay Team A 11:03.69 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 11:43.94 Olathe High School
Relay Team A 12:07.48 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 12:58.15 Plateau Valley High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cahalane, Katie Telluride High School
Morgan, Macy Rangely High School
Broyles, Bailee Montrose High School
Casto, Courtney Rangely High School
Grossman, Grace 2:27 Caprock Academy High School
Black, Jessica 2:37.31 Cedaredge High School
Most, Clara 2:37.87 Caprock Academy High School
Mann, Faith 2:38 Caprock Academy High School
Fletcher, Effie 2:41.66 Coal Ridge High School
Whitman, Hailey 2:44.86 Coal Ridge High School
Skinner, Devron 2:45 Caprock Academy High School
Moon, Isabella 2:48.01 Roaring Fork High School
Bray, Keiran 2:50.39 Nucla High School
Jenkins, Emma 2:56.75 Cedaredge High School
Kunz, Clara 2:59.11 Telluride High School
Sullivan, Allani 3:02.82 Cedaredge High School
Johnston, Mackenzie 3:16.48 Grand Valley High School
Rocha, Rhianna 3:17.00 Plateau Valley High School
Marvin, Kora 3:30.99 Plateau Valley High School
Flores, Yasmin 3:40.34 Coal Ridge High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Grand Valley High School
Relay Team A Telluride High School
Relay Team A 2:05.00 Rangely High School
Relay Team A 2:05.00 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 2:05.34 Plateau Valley High School
Relay Team A 2:10.99 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 2:17.99 Crested Butte Community School
Relay Team A 2:18.29 Olathe High School
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HS Girls Discus 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brooks, Elizabeth 129-11 Cedaredge High School
Malinowski, Carley 117-0 Cedaredge High School
Miller, Meloni 108-2 Plateau Valley High School
Jensen, Brilee 106-9.5 Coal Ridge High School
Walck, Kacey 100-9 Cedaredge High School
Galvan, Teresa 97-0 Olathe High School
Tribble, Olivia 95-2 North Fork High School
Daniel, Emily 93-7 Coal Ridge High School
Hansen, Mikyn 90-10 Coal Ridge High School
Bray, Keiran 89-5 Nucla High School
Angelo, Jaden 76-0 Delta High School
Hall, Jaylee 74-8 North Fork High School
Stahly, Kiera 73-10 Cedaredge High School
Abney, Riley 72-10 North Fork High School
Nold, Aulyvia 72-7 Cedaredge High School
Bailey, Madison 71-5 Plateau Valley High School
May, Ellie 71-0 Coal Ridge High School
Underwood, Pennie 70-10.5 Caprock Academy High School
Wilkerson, Laurel 67-2 Montrose High School
Birchem, Elizabeth 66-0 Montrose High School
Shively, Julia 63-2 Caprock Academy High School
Durnez, Emma 62-9 Cedaredge High School
Wist, Taylor 62-6 North Fork High School
Butler, Brylea 59-4 Nucla High School
Ahlberg, Randee 58-2 Delta High School
Contreras, Reyna 57-6 Plateau Valley High School
Chambers, Acacia 56-6 Caprock Academy High School
Graus, Abigail 49-10 Caprock Academy High School
Garcia, Maribel 48-10 Coal Ridge High School
Cowan, Avery 44-6 North Fork High School
Renteria, Susan 42-11 Olathe High School
Snyder, Nadia 42-6 Grand Valley High School
Castillo, Amber 38-9 Rangely High School
Madden, Beaumarie 34-7.5 Grand Valley High School
Hansen, Maryn 32-4 Coal Ridge High School
Perez, Odyssey Delta High School
Murray, Natalia Olathe High School
Millius, Brooklyn Grand Valley High School
Shaffer, Carissa Montrose High School
Tapia, Aubrianna Rangely High School
Kratzer, Zyann Caprock Academy High School
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HS Girls High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Payne, Hadassah 5-0 Cedaredge High School
Mann, Faith 4-9.5 Caprock Academy High School
Thurmon, Lexi 4-9 Coal Ridge High School
Richards, Brooklyn 4-7 Coal Ridge High School
Walck, Kacey 4-7 Cedaredge High School
Abney, Riley 4-6 North Fork High School
Cribari, Averie 4-5 Coal Ridge High School
Payne, Joella 4-4 Cedaredge High School
Signs, Harlee 4-4 Cedaredge High School
Kunz, Clara 4-3 Telluride High School
Corn, Lizzy 4-2 Olathe High School
Robidoux, Zea 4-0 Cedaredge High School
Varela Castillo, Zailyn Plateau Valley High School
Dembowski, Kastyn Rangely High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sinkay, Lily 15-0 Cedaredge High School
Schevene, Kalia 14-7 North Fork High School
Hanson, Adelynn 14-6 Cedaredge High School
Loflin, Eva 14-2.75 Crested Butte Community School
McCary, Moorea 13-11 Caprock Academy High School
Moore, Marli 13-11 Plateau Valley High School
Mascioli, Kylene 13-8 Grand Valley High School
Williams, Samantha 13-7.5 Coal Ridge High School
Bray, Keiran 13-3.5 Nucla High School
Lovelace, Alyssa 13-2 North Fork High School
Smythe, Samantha 13-1.5 Coal Ridge High School
Hildreth, Brekken 13-0.25 Delta High School
Johnson, Sage 12-11.5 Crested Butte Community School
Gutierrez-Gleason, Taleni 12-11 Plateau Valley High School
Madden, Aubrey 12-10.5 Cedaredge High School
Signs, Harlee 12-9 Cedaredge High School
McGee, Vivian 12-5 Montrose High School
Smith, Akira 12-4 Telluride High School
Shaw, Cadence 12-2 Nucla High School
Gutierrez-Gleason, Rosi 11-10.5 Plateau Valley High School
Hovde, Lillian 10-9.75 Olathe High School
Kennedy, Aberdeen 10-8 Roaring Fork High School
Rosen, Eleanor 8-10 Telluride High School
Burget, Autumn Delta High School
Hasto, Gwyneth Delta High School
Phillimore, Mackenzie Lake City Community School
Piltingsrud, Ingrid Lake City Community School
Herrera, Nicole Coal Ridge High School
Richards, Brooklyn Coal Ridge High School
Pittman, Taylor Grand Valley High School
Reece, Raine Caprock Academy High School
Fortner, Jayden Telluride High School
Geer, Kaelyn Rangely High School
Scott, Addison Rangely High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brooks, Elizabeth 42-11 Cedaredge High School
Jensen, Brilee 38-1 Coal Ridge High School
Malinowski, Carley 32-5.5 Cedaredge High School
Walck, Kacey 32-3.75 Cedaredge High School
Miller, Meloni 31-2.25 Plateau Valley High School
Daniel, Emily 30-6.5 Coal Ridge High School
Tribble, Olivia 29-10 North Fork High School
Hansen, Mikyn 28-11.25 Coal Ridge High School
Tapia, Aubrianna 28-10.5 Rangely High School
Angelo, Jaden 28-0 Delta High School
Bailey, Madison 27-3 Plateau Valley High School
Stahly, Kiera 27-3 Cedaredge High School
Garcia, Maribel 26-9.75 Coal Ridge High School
Ahlberg, Randee 26-7.75 Delta High School
Underwood, Pennie 26-6.5 Caprock Academy High School
Galvan, Teresa 26-5.5 Olathe High School
Durnez, Emma 26-3.25 Cedaredge High School
Abney, Riley 25-7.25 North Fork High School
Hall, Jaylee 24-7 North Fork High School
Wist, Taylor 24-5 North Fork High School
May, Ellie 23-7 Coal Ridge High School
Chambers, Acacia 22-11 Caprock Academy High School
Shively, Julia 21-10 Caprock Academy High School
Butler, Brylea 21-3.5 Nucla High School
Graus, Abigail 20-5 Caprock Academy High School
Birchem, Elizabeth 20-1 Montrose High School
Contreras, Reyna 20-1 Plateau Valley High School
Millius, Brooklyn 19-9 Grand Valley High School
Snyder, Nadia 19-3.5 Grand Valley High School
Pratt, Keira 17-4 Coal Ridge High School
Castillo, Amber 15-3.75 Rangely High School
Renteria, Susan 15-3 Olathe High School
Hansen, Maryn 14-10 Coal Ridge High School
Madden, Beaumarie 12-2.5 Grand Valley High School
Cowan, Avery North Fork High School
Perez, Odyssey Delta High School
Feier, Josie Crested Butte Community School
Bender , Brie Crested Butte Community School
Kaufmann, Emerson Crested Butte Community School
Murray, Natalia Olathe High School
Nold, Aulyvia Cedaredge High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCary, Moorea 31-6 Caprock Academy High School
Schevene, Kalia 31-2.5 North Fork High School
Williams, Samantha 30-5 Coal Ridge High School
Terrell, Jordan 30-2 Coal Ridge High School
Medina, Kaylae 29-1 Grand Valley High School
Will, Kina 28-10.5 Coal Ridge High School
Geer, Kaelyn 28-1 Rangely High School
Madden, Grace 28-0 Cedaredge High School
Smythe, Samantha 27-10 Coal Ridge High School
Tapia, Aubrianna 27-0 Rangely High School
Madden, Aubrey 26-4.25 Cedaredge High School
Phillimore, Mackenzie Lake City Community School
Thurmon, Lexi Coal Ridge High School
Richards, Brooklyn Coal Ridge High School
Smith, Emma Rangely High School
Scott, Addison Rangely High School
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