Jeffco Qualifier #2 2024

Lakewood, CO
Timing/Results Jeffco Track

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Sean Alameda International High Schoo
Washer, Solomon Conifer High School
Panzer, Reid Wheat Ridge High School
Melichar, Thomas Evergreen High School
Navarro Souza, Darren D'Evelyn High School
McNitt, Peter Chatfield High School
Roybal, Jaiden Arvada High School
Neubauer-Hargrove, Aiden Evergreen High School
Nguyen, Adam D'Evelyn High School
Klueg, Christopher Arvada High School
Cline, Noah Evergreen High School
Renteria, Noah Chatfield High School
Payne, Sawyer Conifer High School
Wright, Graeme D'Evelyn High School
Shapleigh, Nicholas Evergreen High School
Choboian III, Max 11.28 Green Mountain High School
Wilkes, Bennett 11.37 Wheat Ridge High School
Diebel, Bryson 11.41 Ralston Valley High School
Kendall , Trevor 11.50 Green Mountain High School
Nelson, Luke 11.60 Ralston Valley High School
Osei, Isaiah 11.65 Green Mountain High School
Cline, Ethan 11.68 Wheat Ridge High School
Ruby, Tyce 11.70 Ralston Valley High School
Arellano, Jerriah 11.74 Arvada High School
Shelp, Niguse 11.83 Chatfield High School
Reiter, Jakob 12.08 Ralston Valley High School
Harrington, Mason 12.24 Conifer High School
Prueitt, Chase 12.31 Littleton High School
Gutierrez, Trerene 12.61 Green Mountain High School
Cheeseman, Grant 12.67 Wheat Ridge High School
Nguyen, Billy 12.75 Alameda International High Schoo
Copeland, Zachary 12.92 D'Evelyn High School
Moore, Brad 12.98 Chatfield High School
Hamblen, Derek 13.14 Littleton High School
Cortes Holman, Miguel 13.17 Arvada High School
Nelson, Baylie 13.20h Littleton High School
Symons Jr, Caleb 13.30h Littleton High School
Kipp, Micah 13.84 Conifer High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Derek Evergreen High School
Miley, Christopher D'Evelyn High School
Libby, Dominic Evergreen High School
Kendall , Trevor 15.07 Green Mountain High School
Phipps, Kyle 15.40 Ralston Valley High School
Solopow, Dante 15.81 Green Mountain High School
Silva, Tristan 16.97 Evergreen High School
Ocloo, Michael 17.22 Ralston Valley High School
Plichta, Jackson 17.62 Ralston Valley High School
Donofrio, Luke 17.82 Chatfield High School
Hubbell, Graham 17.94 Chatfield High School
Panzer, Reid 18.12 Wheat Ridge High School
Payne, Tucker 19.03 Wheat Ridge High School
Stewart, Gavin 19.73 Evergreen High School
Madera, Luis 20.11 Ralston Valley High School
Ditirro, Giovanni 20.44 Wheat Ridge High School
French, Beckett 21.03 Chatfield High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chojnacki, Henrik Littleton High School
Magee, Conner Green Mountain High School
Roesti, Liam D'Evelyn High School
Sanchez, Brian Alameda International High Schoo
Rahmani, Avi Ralston Valley High School
Johnson, Rowan Conifer High School
Torres, Rafael Alameda International High Schoo
Prendergast, James Chatfield High School
Stauffer, Caiden Conifer High School
Johnson, Dalton Chatfield High School
Hendricks, Laird Conifer High School
Fontaine, Jonas Littleton High School
Pullar, Kaden 4:51.15 Littleton High School
Boymel, Kyler 4:54.04 Conifer High School
Tegeder, Sully 4:55.05 Wheat Ridge High School
Dahl, Leif 4:57.96 Wheat Ridge High School
Stubner, Nicholas 5:14.27 Littleton High School
Berg, Owen 5:16.70 Green Mountain High School
Williams, Brogan 5:31.09 Green Mountain High School
Passarelli, Caleb 5:33.85 D'Evelyn High School
Mundt, Christian 5:33.86 Ralston Valley High School
Krajewski, Nolan 5:38.41 Green Mountain High School
Rogers, Connor 5:39.18 Wheat Ridge High School
Neptune, Grayson 5:48.47 D'Evelyn High School
Fieselman, Logan 5:48.67 Chatfield High School
Wilson, Lucian 5:49.17 Ralston Valley High School
Spencer, Sam 5:59.98 Chatfield High School
Mancini, Miles 6:00.08 Evergreen High School
Tidd, Diego 6:04.80 Ralston Valley High School
Greenbaum, Lennon 6:10.41 Evergreen High School
Fleet, Alexander 6:18.35 Evergreen High School
Weinstein, Nathaniel 6:20.24 Wheat Ridge High School
Wellman, Sawyer 6:49.88 Evergreen High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arellano, Jerriah Arvada High School
Gutierrez, Trerene Green Mountain High School
Moore, Jakob Wheat Ridge High School
Glover, Emanuel Alameda International High Schoo
Cortes Holman, Miguel Arvada High School
Kipp, Micah Conifer High School
Bentrott, Solmon Evergreen High School
Navarro Souza, Darren D'Evelyn High School
Nelson, Baylie Littleton High School
Maldonado, Tenoch Alameda International High Schoo
Green, Justin Conifer High School
Symons Jr, Caleb Littleton High School
White, Grady Evergreen High School
Nguyen, Adam D'Evelyn High School
Klueg, Christopher Arvada High School
Pierson, Connor Chatfield High School
Moore, Rigel Conifer High School
Sharpe, Conor D'Evelyn High School
Weeks, Waylon 23.06 Green Mountain High School
Wilkes, Bennett 23.29 Wheat Ridge High School
Choboian III, Max 23.29 Green Mountain High School
Osei, Isaiah 23.33 Green Mountain High School
Ruby, Cole 24.20 Ralston Valley High School
Lester, Jake 24.50h Ralston Valley High School
Cicora, Nicholas 24.88 Evergreen High School
Elwood, Guinness 24.88 Evergreen High School
Cheeseman, Grant 25.04 Wheat Ridge High School
Spencer, Sean 25.29 Chatfield High School
Sowah, Paris 25.50h Ralston Valley High School
Reiter, Jakob 25.50h Ralston Valley High School
Prueitt, Chase 25.85 Littleton High School
Fieselman, Brody 26.34 Chatfield High School
Sheatzley, Zachary 26.87 Wheat Ridge High School
Hamblen, Derek 28.49 Littleton High School
Kim, Mark 28.80 D'Evelyn High School
Roybal, Jaiden 29.69 Arvada High School
Thomas, Quinn 30.70 Chatfield High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Copeland, Zachary D'Evelyn High School
Williams, Derek Evergreen High School
Ocloo, Michael Ralston Valley High School
Swanson, Huck D'Evelyn High School
Bartlett, Gabie Conifer High School
Wright, Graeme D'Evelyn High School
Libby, Dominic Evergreen High School
Phipps, Kyle 39.55 Ralston Valley High School
Kendall , Trevor 42.81 Green Mountain High School
Solopow, Dante 43.25 Green Mountain High School
Silva, Tristan 43.94 Evergreen High School
Hubbell, Graham 44.62 Chatfield High School
Payne, Tucker 45.06 Wheat Ridge High School
Panzer, Reid 45.87 Wheat Ridge High School
French, Beckett 46.81 Chatfield High School
Plichta, Jackson 47.03 Ralston Valley High School
Stewart, Gavin 49.85 Evergreen High School
Madera, Luis 50.33 Ralston Valley High School
Donofrio, Luke 50.81 Chatfield High School
Ditirro, Giovanni 51.15 Wheat Ridge High School
Cordova, Miles 58.94 D'Evelyn High School
Dixson, Trenton 59.20 Conifer High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Samuel Conifer High School
Meyer, Case Green Mountain High School
Garcia, Anthony Alameda International High Schoo
Duncan, Finn Evergreen High School
Gee, Aiden Chatfield High School
Torres, Rafael Alameda International High Schoo
Konecny, Tages 10:58.94 Chatfield High School
Krajewski, Nolan 11:01.07 Green Mountain High School
Gulley, Samuel 11:07.83 D'Evelyn High School
Rossetter, Dreyton 11:08.32 D'Evelyn High School
Cowee, Jett 11:08.58 D'Evelyn High School
Kelker, James 11:32.20 Evergreen High School
Passarelli, Caleb 11:57.16 D'Evelyn High School
Williams, Brogan 12:19.15 Green Mountain High School
Krajewski, Andrew 12:59.11 Evergreen High School
Oese, Cole 13:09.07 Chatfield High School
Fischer, Jason 13:51.38 Chatfield High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Van Airsdale, Grant Conifer High School
Meyer, Case Green Mountain High School
Rogers, Connor Wheat Ridge High School
Jaramillo, Mataeo Alameda International High Schoo
Dignan, Luke Conifer High School
Carlin, William Evergreen High School
Gutierrez, Trerene Green Mountain High School
Ware, Brayden Wheat Ridge High School
Fager, Jonathan Conifer High School
Rossetter, Dreyton D'Evelyn High School
Shapleigh, Nicholas Evergreen High School
Green, Justin Conifer High School
Cowee, Jett D'Evelyn High School
Neubauer-Hargrove, Aiden Evergreen High School
Manzanares, William Alameda International High Schoo
Tavenner, Michael Arvada High School
Roesner, Jackson 1:00.08 Ralston Valley High School
Gulley, Samuel 1:00.15 D'Evelyn High School
Ripke, Blake 1:01.00 Ralston Valley High School
Eversman, Owen 1:01.80 Chatfield High School
Padilla, Tomas 1:02.36 D'Evelyn High School
Muller, Adam 1:02.74 Wheat Ridge High School
Varyu, Christopher 1:05.49 Evergreen High School
Weinstein, Nathaniel 1:10.43 Wheat Ridge High School
Dunham, Jacob 1:10.80 Chatfield High School
Moller, Kaleb 1:12.70 Arvada High School
Martinez, Azariah 1:28.70 Arvada High School
Lombardi, Gianni 49.64 Ralston Valley High School
Weeks, Waylon 50.17 Green Mountain High School
McKinney, Parker 53.34 Ralston Valley High School
Suro, Luke 55.73 Littleton High School
Stevenson, Graham 56.10h Chatfield High School
Maher, Alexander (AJ) 56.79 Green Mountain High School
Durica, Max 57.29 Littleton High School
Nelson, Brodie 57.30h Littleton High School
Fontaine, Axel 58.01 Littleton High School
Jones, Nathaniel 58.30h Chatfield High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Alameda International High Schoo
Relay Team A Conifer High School
Relay Team A Evergreen High School
Relay Team A 43.75 Chatfield High School
Relay Team A 44.48 Green Mountain High School
Relay Team A 47.42 D'Evelyn High School
Relay Team A 48.20 Ralston Valley High School
Relay Team A 49.73 Wheat Ridge High School
Relay Team A 51.38 Arvada High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Evergreen High School
Relay Team A Conifer High School
Relay Team A 1:32.35 Wheat Ridge High School
Relay Team A 1:38.78 D'Evelyn High School
Relay Team A 1:40.55 Ralston Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:47.71 Arvada High School
Relay Team A 1:52.97 Green Mountain High School
Relay Team A 1:55.55 Chatfield High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Green Mountain High School
Relay Team A Conifer High School
Relay Team A 3:39.76 Ralston Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:40.68 D'Evelyn High School
Relay Team A 3:49.87 Chatfield High School
Relay Team A 4:08.36 Wheat Ridge High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Evergreen High School
Relay Team A Alameda International High Schoo
Relay Team A 8:48.52 D'Evelyn High School
Relay Team A 9:41.61 Wheat Ridge High School
Relay Team A 9:42.75 Green Mountain High School
Relay Team A 9:57.07 Chatfield High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Padilla, Tomas D'Evelyn High School
Ziebold, Logan Ralston Valley High School
Manzanares, William Alameda International High Schoo
Roesti, Liam D'Evelyn High School
Loftus, Aiden Evergreen High School
Page, Remington Conifer High School
Gonzalez Reyes, Cesar Alameda International High Schoo
Rosch, Brody Evergreen High School
Hendricks, Laird Conifer High School
Dillard, Luke Ralston Valley High School
Shaver, James Evergreen High School
Zorkocy, Edward Chatfield High School
Hoffman, Henry Littleton High School
Roy, Simon Conifer High School
Pullar, Kaden 2:03.45 Littleton High School
Weeks, Bryce 2:06.25 Green Mountain High School
Maher, Alexander (AJ) 2:06.63 Green Mountain High School
Bergman, Martin 2:07.43 Chatfield High School
Cline, Ethan 2:08.44 Wheat Ridge High School
Tegeder, Sully 2:10.77 Wheat Ridge High School
Barklage, Harris 2:11.23 Evergreen High School
Buhl, Gage 2:15.93 Chatfield High School
Miley, Christopher 2:18.48 D'Evelyn High School
Stubner, Nicholas 2:19.42 Littleton High School
Fontaine, Jonas 2:24.60 Littleton High School
Foster, Justin 2:26.35 Chatfield High School
Krajewski, Nolan 2:26.79 Green Mountain High School
Neptune, Grayson 2:29.70 D'Evelyn High School
Dahl, Leif 2:32.68 Wheat Ridge High School
Berg, Owen 2:33.97 Green Mountain High School
Muller, Adam 2:35.23 Wheat Ridge High School
Rieb, Alex 2:53.09 Ralston Valley High School
Tobin, Oliver 2:58.31 Ralston Valley High School
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HS Boys Discus 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Contreras, Austin 160-7 Green Mountain High School
Ives, David 122-6 Green Mountain High School
Harris, Kynan 119-3 Littleton High School
Cline, Ethan 116-2 Wheat Ridge High School
Baker, Austin 106-5 Conifer High School
Hafner, Vaughn 94-10 Green Mountain High School
Packebush, Harper 89-9 Chatfield High School
Copeland, Autrey 87-10 Evergreen High School
Williams, Gavin 86-3 Ralston Valley High School
Hakim, Jason 86-0 Wheat Ridge High School
Vancauwelaert, Breckin 80-9 Ralston Valley High School
Arink, Brendan 78-9 D'Evelyn High School
Brasher, Jamison 77-3 Chatfield High School
McCarter-Arnold, Carson 74-6 Evergreen High School
Clark, Grayson 74-3 Ralston Valley High School
Liss, Justin 71-11 Chatfield High School
Felts, August 66-9 Chatfield High School
Widdifield, Scott 60-0 Ralston Valley High School
Boshart, Landon 57-8 Littleton High School
Padilla, Noah 52-1 D'Evelyn High School
Henriquez, Danny 50-7 Arvada High School
Fackler, Phoenix Conifer High School
Danbury, James D'Evelyn High School
Maten, Eli D'Evelyn High School
Sanchez, Brian Alameda International High Schoo
Aguilera, Dononvan Alameda International High Schoo
Gutierrez, Isaiah Alameda International High Schoo
Nguyen, Billy Alameda International High Schoo
Steber, Hudson Evergreen High School
Jodie, Jace Evergreen High School
Patterson, Colton Green Mountain High School
Silva, Joshua Conifer High School
Barbour, Eli Littleton High School
Hallauer, Evan Littleton High School
McKay, Wyatt Wheat Ridge High School
Christensen, Jacob Wheat Ridge High School
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HS Boys High Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hafner, Vaughn 6-2 Green Mountain High School
Labarbera, Jacob 5-9 Ralston Valley High School
Swanson, Jake 5-8 Green Mountain High School
Harrington, Mason 5-5 Conifer High School
Swanson, Ben 5-4 Green Mountain High School
Copeland, Autrey 5-2 Evergreen High School
Decker, Andrew 5-0 Chatfield High School
Dodson, Maximilian 4-9 Ralston Valley High School
Larsen, Adam 3-8 D'Evelyn High School
Anderson, John 3-8 Chatfield High School
Symons Jr, Caleb 3-8 Littleton High School
Fackler, Phoenix Conifer High School
Dignan, Luke Conifer High School
Washer, Solomon Conifer High School
Sharpe, Conor D'Evelyn High School
Swanson, Huck D'Evelyn High School
Copeland, Zachary D'Evelyn High School
Federspill, Elias Chatfield High School
Mielenz, Samuel Green Mountain High School
Bentrott, Solmon Evergreen High School
Cline, Noah Evergreen High School
Prueitt, Chase Littleton High School
Nelson, Brodie Littleton High School
Nelson, Baylie Littleton High School
Lang, Mason Ralston Valley High School
Lee, Sawyer Ralston Valley High School
Spungin, Xavier Evergreen High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Labarbera, Jacob 19-8.5 Ralston Valley High School
Tavegia, Jackson 19-2.5 Ralston Valley High School
Ocloo, Michael 18-11.75 Ralston Valley High School
Durica, Max 18-6 Littleton High School
Schroeder, Blake 18-3 Chatfield High School
Reinhardt, Lance 17-8.75 Ralston Valley High School
Panzer, Reid 17-8 Wheat Ridge High School
Decker, Andrew 17-7.25 Chatfield High School
Swanson, Ben 17-1.75 Green Mountain High School
Hamblen, Derek 16-11.5 Littleton High School
Carlson, Austin 16-9 Green Mountain High School
Cheeseman, Grant 16-8.75 Wheat Ridge High School
Anderson, John 16-0 Chatfield High School
Mielenz, Samuel 15-6 Green Mountain High School
Gordon, Calum 15-2.2 Wheat Ridge High School
Chavez, Joshua 14-7 Wheat Ridge High School
Clate, Austin Conifer High School
Samuelson, Quinn Conifer High School
Martin, James Conifer High School
Wright, Graeme D'Evelyn High School
Navarro Souza, Darren D'Evelyn High School
Nguyen, Adam D'Evelyn High School
Young, Oscar D'Evelyn High School
Federspill, Elias Chatfield High School
Torres, Rafael Alameda International High Schoo
Jaramillo, Mataeo Alameda International High Schoo
Glover, Emanuel Alameda International High Schoo
Johnson, Sean Alameda International High Schoo
White, Grady Evergreen High School
Loftus, Aiden Evergreen High School
Spungin, Xavier Evergreen High School
Williams, Derek Evergreen High School
Ortiz, Mitchell Green Mountain High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Quasney, Anthony 13-0 Evergreen High School
Neuweiler, Dutch 11-0 Ralston Valley High School
Bittner, Joshua 10-8 Evergreen High School
Kim, Max 8-0 D'Evelyn High School
Kosten, Ben 7-6 D'Evelyn High School
Young, Oscar 7-0 D'Evelyn High School
Todd, Cooper 7-0 Chatfield High School
Eversman, Erik 7-0 Chatfield High School
Swanson, Huck 6-6 D'Evelyn High School
Coloroso, Chance 6-0 Chatfield High School
Ruszkowski, Griffin 6-0 Chatfield High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hafner, Vaughn 47-4 Green Mountain High School
Contreras, Austin 46-6 Green Mountain High School
Blattner, Austin 44-11 Ralston Valley High School
Ortiz, Mitchell 42-11 Green Mountain High School
Renk, Damien 39-7.25 Ralston Valley High School
Harris, Kynan 39-4 Littleton High School
Stencel, Joshua 35-3 Ralston Valley High School
Baker, Austin 34-7.75 Conifer High School
Packebush, Harper 33-8.5 Chatfield High School
Barbour, Eli 33-8 Littleton High School
Nguyen, Billy 28-0.5 Alameda International High Schoo
Hakim, Jason 26-10.25 Wheat Ridge High School
Acosta, Mateo 25-1 D'Evelyn High School
McCarter-Arnold, Carson 24-11 Evergreen High School
Ditirro, Giovanni 24-4.5 Wheat Ridge High School
Brasher, Jamison 23-11.5 Chatfield High School
Widdifield, Scott 22-8 Ralston Valley High School
Henriquez, Danny 20-6 Arvada High School
Hood, William Conifer High School
Anderson, Walden Conifer High School
Danbury, James D'Evelyn High School
Arink, Brendan D'Evelyn High School
Maten, Eli D'Evelyn High School
Liss, Justin Chatfield High School
Felts, August Chatfield High School
Morales-Medina, Dante Alameda International High Schoo
Aguilera, Dononvan Alameda International High Schoo
Gutierrez, Isaiah Alameda International High Schoo
Jodie, Jace Evergreen High School
Steber, Hudson Evergreen High School
Patterson, Colton Green Mountain High School
Silva, Joshua Conifer High School
Mahnken, Logan Evergreen High School
Boshart, Landon Littleton High School
Hallauer, Evan Littleton High School
Christensen, Jacob Wheat Ridge High School
McKay, Wyatt Wheat Ridge High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Swanson, Ben 40-5.5 Green Mountain High School
Swanson, Jake 40-4 Green Mountain High School
Tavegia, Jackson 37-8 Ralston Valley High School
Decker, Andrew 37-2 Chatfield High School
Sowah, Paris 35-2 Ralston Valley High School
Gordon, Calum 33-4.5 Wheat Ridge High School
Dickson, Aiden 33-4 Ralston Valley High School
Southern, Zaccary 33-0.25 Wheat Ridge High School
Anderson, John 32-2 Chatfield High School
Dryden, Tennyson 31-5.75 Wheat Ridge High School
Finley, Jacob 28-3.75 Chatfield High School
Samuelson, Quinn Conifer High School
Martin, James Conifer High School
Passarelli, Caleb D'Evelyn High School
Roesti, Liam D'Evelyn High School
Manzanares, William Alameda International High Schoo
Loftus, Aiden Evergreen High School
Shaver, James Evergreen High School
Spungin, Xavier Evergreen High School
Williams, Derek Evergreen High School
Mielenz, Samuel Green Mountain High School
Jacobsen, Cole Ralston Valley High School
Gerardi, Mckye Wheat Ridge High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maguire, Kayli Chatfield High School
Alvarado, Jacqueline Alameda International High Schoo
Rios Aburto, Jacqueline Arvada High School
Bellini, Sophia D'Evelyn High School
Willoughby, Lyla Evergreen High School
Oliver, Sophie Green Mountain High School
Montoya, Alicia Arvada High School
Winters, Maya Conifer High School
Ortiz, Rose Chatfield High School
Garcia, Cerenity Alameda International High Schoo
Duran, Makilah D'Evelyn High School
Cowen, Charleston Evergreen High School
Brinegar, Chloe Conifer High School
Pham, Enya Alameda International High Schoo
Starkovich, Ava D'Evelyn High School
Sikora, Eleanor Conifer High School
Goh, Evy Wheat Ridge High School
King, Jaiden 12.38 Ralston Valley High School
Siebenthal, Maddy 13.19 Green Mountain High School
Hickam, Kelle 13.29 Ralston Valley High School
Schatz, Lillian 13.35 Ralston Valley High School
Levy, Emma 13.80h Ralston Valley High School
Smith, Talbot 13.93 Chatfield High School
Johnson, Kara 14.22 Green Mountain High School
Bell, Jayla 14.48 Evergreen High School
Iversen, Linnea 14.73 Green Mountain High School
Lamb, Chloe 14.88 Evergreen High School
Dunham, Julia 14.93 Chatfield High School
Botsford, Fiona 15.47 Wheat Ridge High School
Cull, Emily 15.66 Littleton High School
Hanley, Eileen 15.80 Littleton High School
May, Olivia 15.89 D'Evelyn High School
Hildebrand, Katharine 15.89 Littleton High School
Trevino, Carolina 16.70 Arvada High School
Lesperance, Hailey 16.80 Arvada High School
Pula, Leona 16.96 Wheat Ridge High School
Stutzman, Annika 18.26 Littleton High School
Walter, Simone 19.62 Wheat Ridge High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peterson, Isabella Chatfield High School
Ruleman, Kaia Evergreen High School
Ambriz, Sofia D'Evelyn High School
Susak, Amelia Conifer High School
Goodwin, Sadie Chatfield High School
van der Zee, Aspen Evergreen High School
Hubbell, Audrey 15.46 Chatfield High School
Giarratano, Giada 15.88 Ralston Valley High School
Shore, Kelsey 17.61 Chatfield High School
Buenning, Tatum 17.65 Evergreen High School
Meldahl, Chloe 18.39 Wheat Ridge High School
Gilchrist, Emma 19.01 Evergreen High School
Sundbye, Kara 19.09 Ralston Valley High School
Grolnic, Cora 19.44 Ralston Valley High School
Cannizzaro, Jessica 20.13 Ralston Valley High School
Bonham, Forellen 20.23 Conifer High School
Dutta, Aksita 20.32 D'Evelyn High School
Samter, Addi 22.02 Wheat Ridge High School
Petracek, Hannah 22.06 D'Evelyn High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McMillan, Avery D'Evelyn High School
Hauptman, Lauren Ralston Valley High School
Ainslie, Chloe D'Evelyn High School
Tucker, Reese 5:16.83 Chatfield High School
Barbour, Adeline 5:50.10 Evergreen High School
Young, Lillian 5:50.72 Green Mountain High School
Bell, Lucy 5:54.02 Green Mountain High School
Malinowski, Abby 5:55.71 Evergreen High School
Moore, Maren 6:09.99 Littleton High School
Surganty, Bella 6:27.84 Green Mountain High School
Ottenbrite, Maia 6:34.66 Chatfield High School
Graeve, Kendra 6:35.70 D'Evelyn High School
Hart, Madelyn 6:35.82 Evergreen High School
Figurski, Kate 6:46.80 Wheat Ridge High School
Esposito, Chiara 6:50.14 Wheat Ridge High School
Herrera, Regina (Alex) 6:52.58 Littleton High School
Ramaker, Daniella 6:56.89 Ralston Valley High School
Rogers, Laura 7:10.60 Green Mountain High School
Kingsbury, Mary 7:14.82 Ralston Valley High School
Hettick, Lily 7:20.40 Ralston Valley High School
Baxter, Joslin 7:28.48 Wheat Ridge High School
Prchal, Mia 7:41.60 D'Evelyn High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tyson-McVey, Lily Wheat Ridge High School
Dusharm, Selamnesh Conifer High School
Lineberry, Sara Chatfield High School
Rios Aburto, Jacqueline Arvada High School
Duran, Makilah D'Evelyn High School
Johnson, Kara Green Mountain High School
Tracy, Claire Wheat Ridge High School
Montoya, Alicia Arvada High School
Brinegar, Chloe Conifer High School
McKinnies, Makayla Chatfield High School
Siebenthal, Maddy Green Mountain High School
Starkovich, Ava D'Evelyn High School
Cowden, Taya Evergreen High School
Susak, Amelia Conifer High School
Rowland, Tana Chatfield High School
Botsford, Fiona Wheat Ridge High School
Nelson, Kendyll Evergreen High School
Wilson, Anna D'Evelyn High School
Aukland, Avry Chatfield High School
Lesperance, Hailey Arvada High School
Trotter, Savannah 27.19 Green Mountain High School
Malcolm, Emmaliegh 27.55 Ralston Valley High School
Lee, Scarlett 28.00 Ralston Valley High School
Sundbye, Kara 30.04 Ralston Valley High School
Swackhamer, Enna 30.15 Littleton High School
Iversen, Linnea 30.47 Green Mountain High School
Ramirez, Mylee 30.78 Evergreen High School
Renk, Nina 31.00 Ralston Valley High School
Cull, Emily 32.10h Littleton High School
Morrill, Jillian 32.17 Evergreen High School
Henderson, Sarah 32.44 Littleton High School
Meneghini, Abby 33.92 D'Evelyn High School
Trevino, Carolina 34.21 Arvada High School
DiTirro, Gianna 37.08 Wheat Ridge High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dusharm, Selamnesh Conifer High School
Goodwin, Sadie Chatfield High School
Ambriz, Sofia D'Evelyn High School
Cull, Emily Littleton High School
Pouchot, Sophie Ralston Valley High School
Brinegar, Chloe Conifer High School
Ruleman, Kaia Evergreen High School
Yamasaki, Mia Ralston Valley High School
Susak, Amelia Conifer High School
van der Zee, Aspen Evergreen High School
Petracek, Hannah 1:03.07 D'Evelyn High School
Buenning, Tatum 48.04 Evergreen High School
Giarratano, Giada 48.62 Ralston Valley High School
Grolnic, Cora 51.47 Ralston Valley High School
Shore, Kelsey 51.90 Chatfield High School
Meldahl, Chloe 52.54 Wheat Ridge High School
Dutta, Aksita 55.29 D'Evelyn High School
Bonham, Forellen 56.66 Conifer High School
Gilchrist, Emma 58.81 Evergreen High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Hazel Evergreen High School
Chamberlin, Ainsley Evergreen High School
Barrett, Alison Green Mountain High School
Gapter, Corrina Littleton High School
Oliver, Fiona Green Mountain High School
Yankovich, Holly Green Mountain High School
Barbour, Adeline 12:46.69 Evergreen High School
Malinowski, Abby 12:47.87 Evergreen High School
England, Arabella 12:55.15 Wheat Ridge High School
Surganty, Bella 13:56.94 Green Mountain High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dusharm, Selamnesh Conifer High School
Yankovich, Holly Green Mountain High School
Sikora, Eleanor Conifer High School
Lowers, Kinsey Wheat Ridge High School
Suwannakorn, Sutasanie Chatfield High School
Adamowski, Kelsey Evergreen High School
Warren, Eva Wheat Ridge High School
Clark, Lucy Wheat Ridge High School
Barclay, Melayna 1:01.71 Chatfield High School
Ellington, Devyn 1:03.30 Evergreen High School
Schatz, Lillian 1:03.42 Ralston Valley High School
Trotter, Savannah 1:04.00 Green Mountain High School
Begly, Stella 1:05.10h Littleton High School
Lee, Scarlett 1:06.00 Ralston Valley High School
Creel, Claudia 1:06.02 D'Evelyn High School
McCabe, Ainslie 1:06.77 D'Evelyn High School
Morera, Nevaeh 1:08.95 Wheat Ridge High School
Levy, Emma 1:10.00 Ralston Valley High School
Naumer, Stella 1:10.35 Evergreen High School
Boley, Markie 1:11.18 Chatfield High School
Perkinson, Reece 1:12.20 Ralston Valley High School
Surganty, Bella 1:13.46 Green Mountain High School
Erb, Caydence 1:14.30 Chatfield High School
Rogin-Roper, Rose 1:14.49 Evergreen High School
Oliver, Sophie 1:15.00h Green Mountain High School
Smith, Chloe 1:22.10 D'Evelyn High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Evergreen High School
Relay Team A Arvada High School
Relay Team A Alameda International High Schoo
Relay Team A 1:00.44 Ralston Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:04.80 Wheat Ridge High School
Relay Team A 53.28 Chatfield High School
Relay Team A 54.94 D'Evelyn High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Evergreen High School
Relay Team A Arvada High School
Relay Team A 1:56.90 D'Evelyn High School
Relay Team A 2:03.50 Green Mountain High School
Relay Team A 2:06.81 Ralston Valley High School
Relay Team A 2:11.17 Chatfield High School
Relay Team A 2:21.59 Wheat Ridge High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Green Mountain High School
Relay Team A Wheat Ridge High School
Relay Team A 4:36.01 Chatfield High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Evergreen High School
Relay Team A D'Evelyn High School
Relay Team A 11:51.04 Chatfield High School
Relay Team A 12:00.50 Wheat Ridge High School
Relay Team A 12:20.06 Green Mountain High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Appel, Clara Ralston Valley High School
Babcock, Audrey Evergreen High School
Ramaker, Daniella Ralston Valley High School
Giles, Madeleine Evergreen High School
Sodja, McKenna 2:33.15 Chatfield High School
Allen, Samantha 2:35.90 Evergreen High School
Stewart, Louise 2:37.85 Evergreen High School
Moore, Maren 2:39.79 Littleton High School
Bono, Phoebe 2:43.35 Green Mountain High School
Wood, Ava 2:43.75 Chatfield High School
Harris, Ally 2:43.95 Green Mountain High School
Young, Lillian 2:44.51 Green Mountain High School
Bell, Lucy 2:46.01 Green Mountain High School
Lodice, Jaden 2:48.00h Chatfield High School
Clark, Lucy 2:59.00 Wheat Ridge High School
Owens, Bailey 3:00.99 Ralston Valley High School
Figurski, Kate 3:04.69 Wheat Ridge High School
Ainslie, Chloe 3:08.82 D'Evelyn High School
Herrera, Regina (Alex) 3:15.58 Littleton High School
Prchal, Mia 3:25.04 D'Evelyn High School
Lees, Amelia 3:42.33 Wheat Ridge High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Evergreen High School
Relay Team A 2:03.54 Ralston Valley High School
Relay Team A 2:06.65 D'Evelyn High School
Relay Team A 2:09.43 Chatfield High School
Relay Team A 2:28.77 Wheat Ridge High School
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HS Girls Discus 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kline, Riley 119-6 Ralston Valley High School
Blattner, Jazmine 112-3 Ralston Valley High School
Knight, Ava 93-6 Ralston Valley High School
Hall, Sophia 81-3 Evergreen High School
To, Claire 73-0 Alameda International High Schoo
Suwannakorn, Sutasanie 67-11 Chatfield High School
Koepke, Bella 64-9 Littleton High School
Svoboda, Ivy 61-4 Ralston Valley High School
Geiger, Lexi 60-10 Evergreen High School
Samter, Addi 59-1 Wheat Ridge High School
Mason, Kailey 58-1 Wheat Ridge High School
Ellquist, Jenna 53-2 Littleton High School
Esposito, Chiara 51-8 Wheat Ridge High School
Sorkin, Elena 46-8 D'Evelyn High School
Clapp, Molly 44-9 Evergreen High School
Baker, Maria 42-5 Conifer High School
Steldt, Rachel 29-11 Wheat Ridge High School
Davis, Cecelia D'Evelyn High School
Gonzales, Gysette D'Evelyn High School
Chavez, Adina Chatfield High School
Lachenmayer, Sophia Chatfield High School
Donald, Amanda Arvada High School
Pham, Enya Alameda International High Schoo
Luna, Camila Evergreen High School
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HS Girls High Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bellot, Eva 5-7 Green Mountain High School
Hubbell, Audrey 5-1 Chatfield High School
Knutson, Riley 4-10 Conifer High School
Deutsch, Alexa 4-9 Chatfield High School
Brickle, Paige 4-9 Ralston Valley High School
Grolnic, Cora 4-8 Ralston Valley High School
Betlinska, Nina 4-6 Green Mountain High School
Gilchrist, Emma 4-6 Evergreen High School
Stroh, Piper 4-4 Chatfield High School
Bellini, Sophia 3-10 D'Evelyn High School
Wilson, Anna 3-8 D'Evelyn High School
Winters, Maya Conifer High School
Ambriz, Sofia D'Evelyn High School
Smith, Chloe D'Evelyn High School
Richie, Amelia Conifer High School
Cowen, Charleston Evergreen High School
Nelson, Kendyll Evergreen High School
Brooks, Emelia Conifer High School
Brown, Kenzie Ralston Valley High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Malcolm, Emmaliegh 17-3 Ralston Valley High School
Hickam, Kelle 16-9.5 Ralston Valley High School
Eames, Doralee 15-4.5 Ralston Valley High School
Begly, Stella 15-2 Littleton High School
Stroh, Piper 14-11 Chatfield High School
Deutsch, Alexa 14-10 Chatfield High School
Shelp, Senbate 14-4.5 Chatfield High School
Sundbye, Kara 14-4.5 Ralston Valley High School
Meneghini, Abby 13-11 D'Evelyn High School
Betlinska, Nina 13-7 Green Mountain High School
Nelson, Kendyll 13-6.5 Evergreen High School
Iversen, Linnea 13-5.5 Green Mountain High School
May, Olivia 12-7.75 D'Evelyn High School
Konrad, Brynn 11-7.5 D'Evelyn High School
Hildebrand, Katharine 9-0 Littleton High School
Hanley, Eileen 8-6 Littleton High School
Graeve, Kendra D'Evelyn High School
Garcia, Cerenity Alameda International High Schoo
Pham, Enya Alameda International High Schoo
Oliver, Sophie Green Mountain High School
Macur, Samantha Green Mountain High School
Lamb, Chloe Evergreen High School
Cowden, Taya Evergreen High School
Brooks, Emelia Conifer High School
Lowers, Kinsey Wheat Ridge High School
Tyson-McVey, Lily Wheat Ridge High School
Pula, Leona Wheat Ridge High School
Goh, Evy Wheat Ridge High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ocasek, Ailish 9-8 Evergreen High School
Bonham, Forellen 8-1 Conifer High School
Bell, Jayla 7-2 Evergreen High School
Kammerer, Julia 7-0 Evergreen High School
McCabe, Ainslie 6-2 D'Evelyn High School
Starkovich, Ava D'Evelyn High School
Ambriz, Sofia D'Evelyn High School
Riegel, Ellie Chatfield High School
Brooks, Emelia Conifer High School
Winters, Maya Conifer High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kline, Riley 36-3 Ralston Valley High School
Kline, Karsyn 35-10.25 Ralston Valley High School
Esposito, Chiara 29-5 Wheat Ridge High School
Lachenmayer, Sophia 25-5.5 Chatfield High School
To, Claire 24-2.5 Alameda International High Schoo
Trujillo, Peyton 23-11.25 Alameda International High Schoo
Svoboda, Ivy 23-6 Ralston Valley High School
Hall, Sophia 22-2.75 Evergreen High School
Mason, Kailey 21-1.5 Wheat Ridge High School
Ellquist, Jenna 19-10.5 Littleton High School
Sorkin, Elena 19-3 D'Evelyn High School
Geiger, Lexi 19-3 Evergreen High School
Koepke, Bella 18-8 Littleton High School
Chavez, Adina 18-3.5 Chatfield High School
Baker, Maria 17-9.5 Conifer High School
Clapp, Molly 17-5.25 Evergreen High School
Tracy, Claire 15-11 Wheat Ridge High School
Steldt, Rachel 15-0 Wheat Ridge High School
Davis, Cecelia D'Evelyn High School
Gonzales, Gysette D'Evelyn High School
Donald, Amanda Arvada High School
Luna, Camila Evergreen High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Malcolm, Emmaliegh 35-5 Ralston Valley High School
Brickle, Paige 33-4 Ralston Valley High School
Meldahl, Chloe 31-11 Wheat Ridge High School
Eames, Doralee 30-9.75 Ralston Valley High School
Cannizzaro, Jessica 30-7 Ralston Valley High School
Shelp, Senbate 30-4.5 Chatfield High School
Lamb, Chloe 30-1.5 Evergreen High School
Swackhamer, Enna 28-7.75 Littleton High School
Rogin-Roper, Rose 26-7 Evergreen High School
Betlinska, Nina Green Mountain High School
Oliver, Sophie Green Mountain High School
Cowen, Charleston Evergreen High School
Goh, Evy Wheat Ridge High School
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