Delta Panther Invitational 2024

Delta, CO
Timing/Results Scott Siettmann

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Jayden Plateau Valley High School
Frost, Corbin Cedaredge High School
DeBarros, Diego North Fork High School
Davis, Jacob Nucla High School
Camp, Colt Cedaredge High School
Balko, Mazzden North Fork High School
DesChamp, Gavin Olathe High School
Mahoney, Thomas Telluride High School
Morrow, John Cedaredge High School
Cook, Stellar North Fork High School
Ruple, Korbin Plateau Valley High School
Schultz, Jesse Cedaredge High School
Nelson, Keaton Ouray High School
Csere-Bitonio, Alex North Fork High School
Leiba, Alonzo 11.11 Montrose High School
Crandall, Caleb 11.31 Ouray High School
Sackman, Roman 11.42 Ouray High School
Zimmer, Austin 11.47 Montrose High School
Blessing, Saw 11.48 Delta High School
Owens, Danny 11.90 North Fork High School
Woodden, Deklan 11.98 Montrose High School
Fernandez Medina, Richard 12.00h Palisade High School
Morse, Ethan 12.01 Plateau Valley High School
Kunz, Weston 12.02 Delta High School
Miles, Chancellor 12.06 Cedaredge High School
White, Hunter 12.32 Plateau Valley High School
Johnson, Tucker 12.35 Delta High School
Rummel, Brycen 12.36 Nucla High School
Soe, Mar 12.41 Delta High School
Armstrong, Peyton 12.43 North Fork High School
Royster, Marcus 12.50h Palisade High School
Lorimor, Wylee 12.50h Cedaredge High School
Perales, Fidel 12.50h Palisade High School
Higuera, Alan 12.60h Palisade High School
Demuth, Jeep 12.64 Ouray High School
Almanza, Victor 12.73 Olathe High School
Puga, Adam 12.76 Olathe High School
Suarez, Angel 12.85 Olathe High School
Fraser, Jordan 12.99 Delta High School
Timothy, Curtis 13.15 Crested Butte Community School
Kaufmann, Ethan 13.21 Crested Butte Community School
Clarke, Obi 13.26 Telluride High School
Ross, Trip 13.50h Montrose High School
Toothaker, Ethan 13.69 Cedaredge High School
Cotter, Johnathan 13.89 Plateau Valley High School
Zurigo, Alex 14.51 Ouray High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cook, Stellar North Fork High School
Gurule, Hunter Montrose High School
Garvey, Austin Nucla High School
Garcia, Gabe North Fork High School
Tullis, Logan 15.32 Cedaredge High School
Jessop, Dylan 16.06 Montrose High School
Moo, Cha 16.90 Delta High School
Lorimor, Wylee 17.23 Cedaredge High School
D'Apolito, Mike 18.0 Crested Butte Community School
Arell, Asher 19.47 Crested Butte Community School
Smith, Robert 20.28 Cedaredge High School
Montgomery, Dominic 20.66 Delta High School
Long, Drake 20.86 Nucla High School
Collin, Sheldon 21.82 Montrose High School
Angotti-Snyder, Daniel 23.84 Cedaredge High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bray, Cole Nucla High School
Birk, Alex Ouray High School
Peters, Josiah North Fork High School
Chavez, Jose Montrose High School
Howe, Phineas Montrose High School
Pendy, Jake 4:53.29 Crested Butte Community School
DeFord, Hyrum 4:56.93 Palisade High School
Kamperman, Benjamin 5:05.48 Olathe High School
Motter, Quintin 5:15.87 Palisade High School
Hoyt, Flint 5:21.00 Crested Butte Community School
McKillop, Sean 5:25.79 Telluride High School
Herrera, Mauricio 5:28.90 Olathe High School
Regelman, Kevin 5:30.57 North Fork High School
Pleak, Cody 5:39.48 Crested Butte Community School
Latta, Catcher 5:42.72 Ouray High School
Lamas, Juan 6:00.00h Delta High School
Wood, Quentin 6:02.90 Olathe High School
Russell, Brady 6:15.00h Palisade High School
Almanza, Adrian 6:47.52 Olathe High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Manno, Henry Telluride High School
Deak, Fabian Cedaredge High School
Gonzales, Leandro Olathe High School
Garvey, Austin Nucla High School
Frost, Corbin Cedaredge High School
Montano Guzman, Diego Telluride High School
Williams, Jayden Plateau Valley High School
Zunich, Daniel Nucla High School
Franco, Emiliano Olathe High School
Macias Sanchez, Santiago Telluride High School
Ortiz, Luis Delta High School
Camp, Colt Cedaredge High School
Ramirez, Cristian Olathe High School
Leiba, Alonzo 21.89 Montrose High School
Crandall, Caleb 22.24 Ouray High School
Browning, Zack 23.19 Montrose High School
Everett, Keden 23.50h Palisade High School
Reed, Kaleb 23.79 Palisade High School
Woodden, Deklan 24.03 Montrose High School
Stephens, Caleb 24.10 Montrose High School
Miles, Chancellor 24.64 Cedaredge High School
Arnold, Steele 24.86 Nucla High School
Soe, Nay 25.27 Delta High School
Johnson, Tucker 25.28 Delta High School
Schierenberg, Vincent 25.29 Ouray High School
Umberger, Nathan 25.62 Palisade High School
Arell, Asher 26.18 Crested Butte Community School
Smith, Colby 26.33 Crested Butte Community School
Peters, Josiah 26.40 North Fork High School
Timothy, Curtis 26.93 Crested Butte Community School
Montgomery, Dominic 26.96 Delta High School
Almanza, Victor 27.19 Olathe High School
Demuth, Jeep 27.19 Ouray High School
Suarez, Angel 27.53 Olathe High School
Kaufmann, Ethan 27.64 Crested Butte Community School
Mullaney, Christian 27.78 Palisade High School
Nelson, Keaton 28.10 Ouray High School
Long, Drake 28.87 Nucla High School
Zurigo, Alex 29.53 Ouray High School
Wimett, Cole 29.66 Crested Butte Community School
jimenez, sebastian 30.71 Olathe High School
Silverio, Ruben 30.72 Telluride High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prince, Elijah Telluride High School
Tullis, Logan 40.19 Cedaredge High School
Jessop, Dylan 41.40 Montrose High School
Lorimor, Wylee 43.07 Cedaredge High School
Kunz, Weston 43.68 Delta High School
Galbo, Joe 44.69 Telluride High School
Gurule, Hunter 46.70 Montrose High School
White, Hunter 46.80 Plateau Valley High School
Soe, Mar 47.05 Delta High School
McCormick, Bergen 47.12 Delta High School
Collin, Sheldon 49.08 Montrose High School
Seevers, Tristen 50.46 Olathe High School
Sanchez, Layne 54.06 Delta High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Price, Zach Palisade High School
Quaid, Zach Montrose High School
McCabe, Jackson Nucla High School
Landry, Jack 10:43.86 Salida High School
Kamperman, Benjamin 11:05.26 Olathe High School
Hoyt, Flint 11:41.75 Crested Butte Community School
Pleak, Cody 11:47.56 Crested Butte Community School
Burkes, Ethan 12:35.90 Palisade High School
Osborn, Dominic 15:00.00 Delta High School
Wilcox, Ezekiel 9:46.11 Salida High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramirez, Cristian Olathe High School
Manno, Henry Telluride High School
DesChamp, Gavin Olathe High School
Singer, Max Telluride High School
Zunich, Daniel Nucla High School
Loucks, Kyler Cedaredge High School
Franco, Emiliano Olathe High School
Ruple, Korbin 1:00.00h Plateau Valley High School
Timothy, Curtis 1:00.90 Crested Butte Community School
Ross, Canaan 1:01.83 Palisade High School
Pike, Aiden 1:02.20 Palisade High School
Densow-Pope, Josh 1:02.56 Ouray High School
Neese, Will 1:02.77 Palisade High School
Wimett, Cole 1:03 Crested Butte Community School
Silverio, Ruben 1:10.47 Telluride High School
jimenez, sebastian 1:11.20 Olathe High School
Walchle, Bohdan 50.17 Montrose High School
Browning, Zack 51.63 Montrose High School
Dexter, John 51.76 Delta High School
Schierenberg, Vincent 53.04 Ouray High School
Galbraith, Kaleb 54.02 Plateau Valley High School
McGee, Zeke 54.03 Montrose High School
Purvis, Andrew 54.16 Cedaredge High School
Lopez, Jaden 55.40 Telluride High School
Almanza, Victor 57.01 Olathe High School
D'Apolito, Mike 57.9 Crested Butte Community School
Smith, Colby 58.64 Crested Butte Community School
Perales, Fidel 58.75 Palisade High School
Travers, Cutter 59.00h Montrose High School
Johnson, Tucker 59.59 Delta High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team C North Fork High School
Relay Team A Telluride High School
Relay Team A Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A Nucla High School
Relay Team B Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A Montrose High School
Relay Team B Montrose High School
Relay Team A 45.50h North Fork High School
Relay Team A 46.52 Palisade High School
Relay Team B 47.00h North Fork High School
Relay Team A 48.39 Delta High School
Relay Team A 49.10h Plateau Valley High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Montrose High School
Relay Team A Crested Butte Community School
Relay Team A Telluride High School
Relay Team B Montrose High School
Relay Team A Nucla High School
Relay Team B North Fork High School
Relay Team A Palisade High School
Relay Team A Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 1:39.50 North Fork High School
Relay Team A 1:40.90h Plateau Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:43.72 Delta High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Crested Butte Community School
Relay Team A Telluride High School
Relay Team A Montrose High School
Relay Team A Cedaredge High School
Relay Team B Montrose High School
Relay Team A 4:06.44 Delta High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Delta High School
Relay Team A Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A Montrose High School
Relay Team A Nucla High School
Relay Team A Crested Butte Community School
Relay Team A Telluride High School
Relay Team A 9:19.71 Palisade High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schultz, Timothy Cedaredge High School
Yeager, Caleb Montrose High School
McCabe, Jackson Nucla High School
Gonzalez, Eduardo Olathe High School
Birk, Alex Ouray High School
McCllellan, Dezirin Olathe High School
Chavez, Jose Montrose High School
McKillop, Sean Telluride High School
Howe, Phineas Montrose High School
Bray, Cole Nucla High School
Galbraith, Kaleb 2:16.81 Plateau Valley High School
Lamas, Miguel 2:18.95 Delta High School
Billick, Giles 2:20.99 Crested Butte Community School
Herrera, Mauricio 2:21.19 Olathe High School
DeFord, Hyrum 2:22.17 Palisade High School
Regelman, Kevin 2:28.23 North Fork High School
Camacho, Marcos 2:28.34 North Fork High School
Latta, Catcher 2:28.80 Ouray High School
Osborn, Dominic 2:30.00h Delta High School
Motter, Quintin 2:30.00h Palisade High School
Sullivan, Max 2:32.58 Crested Butte Community School
Densow-Pope, Josh 2:40.80 Ouray High School
Wood, Quentin 2:45.04 Olathe High School
Almanza, Adrian 2:57.17 Olathe High School
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HS Boys Discus 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hill, Trevor 157-0 Montrose High School
Distel, Andreas 149-9 Montrose High School
Tosi, Jericho 146-5 Montrose High School
Foster, Bo 129-1 Montrose High School
Sanchez, Brett 126-10 Delta High School
Parker, Gavin 121-9 Palisade High School
Bowler, Jacob 115-0 Cedaredge High School
Armstrong, Peyton 108-0 North Fork High School
Brewer, Nathan 105-5 Delta High School
Hanson, Nolan 102-0 Cedaredge High School
McCurdy, Gavin 95-2 Delta High School
Glidden, Rylen 95-0 Cedaredge High School
Mann, Kolter 95-0 Cedaredge High School
Huff, Isaiah 93-7 Delta High School
Crowley, Aidan 90-0 Cedaredge High School
Rupp, Hayden 90-0 Cedaredge High School
Moore, Caleb 86-1 Palisade High School
Tullis, Isaac 85-0 Cedaredge High School
Wrich, Will 84-8 North Fork High School
Almanza, Adrian 79-0 Olathe High School
Eves, Bo 72-0 North Fork High School
Montes, Angel 70-1 North Fork High School
Yost, Tyler 70-0 Delta High School
Toothaker, Ethan 70-0 Cedaredge High School
Smith, Robert 70-0 Cedaredge High School
Bonner, Samuel 70-0 Cedaredge High School
Silverio, Ruben 66-5 Telluride High School
Cotter, Johnathan 64-2 Plateau Valley High School
Steele, Judah 61-8 Palisade High School
McCllellan, Dezirin 58-11 Olathe High School
Lewis, Brisen 57-10 Olathe High School
Montano Guzman, Alain Telluride High School
Arterburn, Lane North Fork High School
Sanchez, Diego Palisade High School
Cook, Uriah Nucla High School
Davis, Jacob Nucla High School
Gardner, Kyler Olathe High School
Standish, Rylan Olathe High School
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HS Boys High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mullaney, Christian 6-2 Palisade High School
Moreno, Hayden 6-1 North Fork High School
Pleak, Cody 5-5 Crested Butte Community School
Kincaide, Jackson 5-5 Delta High School
McCormick, Bergen 5-4 Delta High School
Thomas, Isaac 5-3.5 Cedaredge High School
Sanchez, Layne 5-0 Delta High School
Ross, Canaan 5-0 Palisade High School
Prince, Elijah Telluride High School
Zampini Davies, Vito Telluride High School
Gurule, Hunter Montrose High School
Travers, Cutter Montrose High School
Angotti-Snyder, Daniel Cedaredge High School
Randlett, Asher Cedaredge High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moreno, Hayden 22-0.5 North Fork High School
Sackman, Roman 21-1.25 Ouray High School
Jessop, Dylan 20-1.25 Montrose High School
Owens, Danny 19-10.75 North Fork High School
Zimmer, Austin 18-10.75 Montrose High School
Higuera, Alan 18-10.25 Palisade High School
Mullaney, Christian 18-7.5 Palisade High School
Galbo, Joe 18-0.7 Telluride High School
Gibson, Korlan 18-0 Montrose High School
Fraser, Jordan 17-11.75 Delta High School
Ross, Canaan 17-4 Palisade High School
Smith, Robert 17-3.5 Cedaredge High School
Thomas, Isaac 16-9.5 Cedaredge High School
Seevers, Tristen 16-9 Olathe High School
Randlett, Asher 16-8 Cedaredge High School
Johnson, Avery 16-7 Cedaredge High School
Kirby, Kaiden 16-6.5 Plateau Valley High School
Gallegos, Juan 16-5 Delta High School
Solomon, Saw 16-5 Delta High School
Demuth, Jeep 16-4.5 Ouray High School
Perales, Fidel 16-0 Palisade High School
Long, Drake 15-10.25 Nucla High School
Pleak, Cody 15-10 Crested Butte Community School
Gonzalez, Eduardo 15-4.75 Olathe High School
Kaufmann, Ethan 15-3.25 Crested Butte Community School
Clarke, Obi 13-5 Telluride High School
Timothy, Curtis 13-3.7 Crested Butte Community School
Puga, Adam 12-6.25 Olathe High School
Csere-Bitonio, Alex North Fork High School
DeBarros, Diego North Fork High School
Ruple, Korbin Plateau Valley High School
Bauer, Brayden Cedaredge High School
Morrow, John Cedaredge High School
Deak, Fabian Cedaredge High School
Schultz, Jesse Cedaredge High School
Gonzales, Leandro Olathe High School
Padilla, Ulises Olathe High School
Ramirez, Cristian Olathe High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hill, Trevor 51-3 Montrose High School
Distel, Andreas 49-0 Montrose High School
Foster, Bo 44-3 Montrose High School
Hanson, Nolan 42-0 Cedaredge High School
Maddox, Joshua 40-8 Montrose High School
Mann, Kolter 40-0 Cedaredge High School
Brewer, Nathan 38-9 Delta High School
Parker, Gavin 37-2 Palisade High School
Bowler, Jacob 36-0 Cedaredge High School
Moore, Caleb 35-7 Palisade High School
Rupp, Hayden 35-0 Cedaredge High School
Kilcoyne, Kaleb 34-0 Cedaredge High School
Sanchez, Brett 33-8 Delta High School
Cotter, Johnathan 32-3 Plateau Valley High School
Standish, Rylan 31-5 Olathe High School
Smith, Robert 31-2 Cedaredge High School
Gill, Travis 31-0 Cedaredge High School
McCurdy, Gavin 30-5 Delta High School
Eves, Bo 30-2 North Fork High School
Crowley, Aidan 30-0 Cedaredge High School
Bonner, Samuel 30-0 Cedaredge High School
Tullis, Isaac 30-0 Cedaredge High School
Montes, Angel 29-10 North Fork High School
Wrich, Will 29-7.5 North Fork High School
Huff, Isaiah 29-5 Delta High School
Grenninger, Andrew 27-10.5 Olathe High School
McCllellan, Dezirin 27-8 Olathe High School
Steele, Judah 21-6 Palisade High School
Martinez, Xavier Delta High School
Montano Guzman, Alain Telluride High School
Arterburn, Lane North Fork High School
Balko, Mazzden North Fork High School
Ruple, Korbin Plateau Valley High School
Sanchez, Diego Palisade High School
Cook, Uriah Nucla High School
Davis, Jacob Nucla High School
Padilla, Ulises Olathe High School
Almanza, Adrian Olathe High School
Gardner, Kyler Olathe High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jessop, Dylan 46-7 Montrose High School
Zimmer, Austin 41-7.5 Montrose High School
Lopez, Jaden 38-6 Telluride High School
Gibson, Korlan 38-0 Montrose High School
Ross, Canaan 35-0.5 Palisade High School
Kuta, Alex 32-1.25 Delta High School
Mahoney, Thomas Telluride High School
Mock, Chris Montrose High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Edwards, Amelia Ouray High School
Smith, Akira Telluride High School
Kimble, Rilynn Olathe High School
Sanchez, Audrina Cedaredge High School
Morlang, Brenna Nucla High School
Rocha, Rhianna Plateau Valley High School
Rosen, Eleanor Telluride High School
Ehart, Gracie Palisade High School
Kaufmann, Emerson Crested Butte Community School
Eriksen, Sylvia Ouray High School
Isaacson, Lily North Fork High School
Laird, Lilla Crested Butte Community School
Hartzel-Diaz, Gabriella Olathe High School
Henderson, Olivia Cedaredge High School
McGarry, Sarah 12.57 Montrose High School
Sinkay, Lily 13.09 Cedaredge High School
Wilson, Baylee 13.19 Delta High School
Righter, Audrey 13.41 Montrose High School
Stephens, Hope 13.92 Montrose High School
Gutierrez-Gleason, Taleni 13.97 Plateau Valley High School
Mitchell, Kayla 14.00 Cedaredge High School
Schroeder, Abigail 14.12 Plateau Valley High School
Elsrod, Rylin 14.12 Palisade High School
Gianola, Sage 14.17 Telluride High School
Budde, Abbi 14.20 Olathe High School
Loflin, Eva 14.58 Crested Butte Community School
Gray, Mackenzie 14.71 Palisade High School
Huddle, Lila 14.85 Palisade High School
Almanza, Josilin 14.90 Olathe High School
Godbey, Gentry 15.00h Montrose High School
Shepardson, Kieley 15.01 Nucla High School
Crisi, Elise 15.14 Crested Butte Community School
Saldin, Angie 16.04 Telluride High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rosen, Eleanor Telluride High School
Madden, Aubrey Cedaredge High School
Embrey, Riley Montrose High School
Robidoux, Zea Cedaredge High School
Wright, Meaghan Montrose High School
Lovelace, Alyssa North Fork High School
Signs, Harlee Cedaredge High School
Lucero, Madison 16.22 Montrose High School
Payne, Hadassah 16.85 Cedaredge High School
Hanson, Adelynn 18.57 Cedaredge High School
Elsrod, Rylin 18.87 Palisade High School
Pinnt, Tya 22.70 Palisade High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lindsay, Madelyn Cedaredge High School
Bresett, Jaiden Montrose High School
Shepardson, Kieley Nucla High School
McGarry, Naomi Montrose High School
Hinojos, Stella Ouray High School
Curtis, Shayla 5:34.17 Delta High School
Cook, Austin 5:50.39 Telluride High School
Feier, Josie 6:16.22 Crested Butte Community School
Hasto, Gwyneth 6:30.00h Delta High School
Urbanski, Rachel 6:39.79 Cedaredge High School
Johnson, Aspen 6:55.00h Palisade High School
Talbott, Amy 7:00.00h Palisade High School
Smith, Dani 7:00.39 North Fork High School
Bockrath, Amber 7:00.42 Nucla High School
Cahalane, Katie 7:02.37 Telluride High School
Price, Abby 7:10.45 Palisade High School
Saldin, Angie 8:19.78 Telluride High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kaufmann, Emerson Crested Butte Community School
Purdy, Melyora Cedaredge High School
Edwards, Amelia Ouray High School
Hartzel-Diaz, Gabriella Olathe High School
Ramirez, Jasmin Olathe High School
Lovelace, Alyssa North Fork High School
Kimble, Rilynn Olathe High School
Morgan, Isabel Telluride High School
Eriksen, Sylvia Ouray High School
Gonzalez, Mariana Olathe High School
Payne, Joella Cedaredge High School
Morlang, Brenna Nucla High School
Freed, Madalyn Ouray High School
Burget, Autumn Delta High School
Wright, Malaya Palisade High School
Nieto, Natalia Olathe High School
Saldin, Angie Telluride High School
McGarry, Sarah 25.67 Montrose High School
Mitchell, Kayla 28.02 Cedaredge High School
Stephens, Hope 28.81 Montrose High School
Budde, Abbi 29.31 Olathe High School
Cline, Makenna 29.40h Montrose High School
Johnson, Isabella (Bella) 29.40h Montrose High School
Loflin, Eva 29.71 Crested Butte Community School
Schevene, Kalia 29.75 North Fork High School
Almanza, Josilin 29.83 Olathe High School
Fleming, Elizabeth 29.85 Palisade High School
Kenworthy, Lana 30.05 Telluride High School
Gutierrez-Gleason, Rosi 30.39 Plateau Valley High School
Hawley, Ilo 30.65 Crested Butte Community School
Cooke, Rhylin 30.94 Palisade High School
Shepardson, Kieley 31.05 Nucla High School
Freed, Hannah 31.46 Ouray High School
Pinnt, Tya 32.27 Palisade High School
Laird, Lilla 33.17 Crested Butte Community School
Johnson, Sage 33.28 Crested Butte Community School
Paluska, Zsofia 34.30 Telluride High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Embrey, Riley Montrose High School
Tudor, Lawlis Telluride High School
Wright, Meaghan Montrose High School
Ruiz, Sabina Delta High School
McGarry, Sarah Montrose High School
Lucero, Madison 48.76 Montrose High School
Elsrod, Rylin 55.18 Palisade High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shaw, Cadence 13:45.04 Nucla High School
Alcaraz, Yadira 13:55.53 Olathe High School
Crawford, Kealy 14:37.36 Delta High School
Dery, Sophia 15:07.73 Palisade High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martínez, Adrianna Olathe High School
Shepardson, Sage Nucla High School
Cieciuch, Ruby Telluride High School
Johnson-Freeman, Matilda Montrose High School
Gonzalez, Mariana Olathe High School
Black, Jessica Cedaredge High School
Morgan, Isabel Telluride High School
Ramirez, Jasmin Olathe High School
Perry, Brylee Cedaredge High School
Hinojos, Stella Ouray High School
Tudor, Lawlis Telluride High School
Hernandez, Jessie Olathe High School
Gianola, Sage Telluride High School
Rocha, Rhianna Plateau Valley High School
Sheets, Lakayla 1:00.0 Delta High School
Hawley, Ilo 1:06.34 Crested Butte Community School
Freed, Hannah 1:11.14 Ouray High School
McGee, Vivian 1:13.43 Montrose High School
Corn, Lizzy 1:20.76 Olathe High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Montrose High School
Relay Team A Telluride High School
Relay Team A Nucla High School
Relay Team A North Fork High School
Relay Team B Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A Montrose High School
Relay Team C Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 54.00h Palisade High School
Relay Team A 56.00h Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 57.37 Plateau Valley High School
Relay Team A 59.24 Delta High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Crested Butte Community School
Relay Team A Montrose High School
Relay Team A Ouray High School
Relay Team B Montrose High School
Relay Team A Telluride High School
Relay Team A Nucla High School
Relay Team A 2:00.49 Delta High School
Relay Team A 2:01.00h Cedaredge High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Telluride High School
Relay Team A Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A Montrose High School
Relay Team A 5:43.93 Delta High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Montrose High School
Relay Team A Telluride High School
Relay Team A Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 12:18.32 Palisade High School
Relay Team A 12:25.45 Delta High School
Relay Team A 12:45.00 Plateau Valley High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martínez, Adrianna Olathe High School
Hinojos, Stella Ouray High School
Kunz, Clara Telluride High School
Crane, Millie Montrose High School
Hovde, Lillian Olathe High School
McGarry, Naomi Montrose High School
Hernandez, Jessie Olathe High School
Cieciuch, Ruby Telluride High School
Black, Jessica 2:17.79 Cedaredge High School
Cook, Austin 2:27.81 Telluride High School
Bray, Keiran 2:31.68 Nucla High School
Lindsay, Madelyn 2:40.00h Cedaredge High School
Ficco, Georgia 2:40.14 Montrose High School
Curtis, Shayla 2:42.58 Delta High School
Sullivan, Allani 2:42.96 Cedaredge High School
Alcaraz, Yadira 2:46.73 Olathe High School
Feier, Josie 2:53.05 Crested Butte Community School
Smith, Dani 2:53.17 North Fork High School
Urbanski, Rachel 2:54.47 Cedaredge High School
Johnson, Aspen 2:55.29 Palisade High School
Morton, Ivy 2:59.04 Telluride High School
Talbott, Amy 3:00.00h Palisade High School
Crawford, Kealy 3:00.48 Delta High School
Hasto, Gwyneth 3:02.64 Delta High School
Price, Abby 3:05.87 Palisade High School
Bockrath, Amber 3:14.32 Nucla High School
Marvin, Kora 3:15.00h Plateau Valley High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A Montrose High School
Relay Team B Plateau Valley High School
Relay Team A Crested Butte Community School
Relay Team A 1:54.90 Delta High School
Relay Team A 2:09.00h Plateau Valley High School
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HS Girls Discus 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brooks, Elizabeth 130-0 Cedaredge High School
Malinowski, Carley 120-0 Cedaredge High School
Walck, Kacey 100-0 Cedaredge High School
Tribble, Olivia 88-0 North Fork High School
Galvan, Teresa 86-10 Olathe High School
Nold, Aulyvia 85-0 Cedaredge High School
Bray, Keiran 82-2 Nucla High School
Bailey, Madison 80-8 Plateau Valley High School
Angelo, Jaden 77-9 Delta High School
Cline, Makenna 75-0 Montrose High School
Acosta, Jaque 73-8 Ouray High School
Hall, Jaylee 70-1 North Fork High School
Ahlberg, Randee 70-0 Delta High School
Durnez, Emma 70-0 Cedaredge High School
Stahly, Kiera 70-0 Cedaredge High School
Brown, Marley 68-4 Palisade High School
Cembalisty, Macie 63-1 Palisade High School
Wilkerson, Laurel 62-0 Montrose High School
Wist, Taylor 58-10 North Fork High School
Contreras, Reyna 58-0 Plateau Valley High School
Birchem, Elizabeth 57-0 Montrose High School
Ortega, Karely 51-10 Ouray High School
Butler, Brylea Nucla High School
Renteria, Susan Olathe High School
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HS Girls High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Payne, Hadassah 5-1.5 Cedaredge High School
Walck, Kacey 4-10 Cedaredge High School
Schevene, Kalia 4-8 North Fork High School
Huddle, Lila 4-8 Palisade High School
Payne, Joella 4-8 Cedaredge High School
Kunz, Clara 4-5.5 Telluride High School
Corn, Lizzy 4-5 Olathe High School
Reed, Jordan 4-4 Delta High School
Cook, Austin 4-4 Telluride High School
Cline, Makenna Montrose High School
Robidoux, Zea Cedaredge High School
Signs, Harlee Cedaredge High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McGarry, Sarah 17-9.75 Montrose High School
Hanson, Adelynn 15-7.75 Cedaredge High School
Martinez, Bailey 15-2.5 Delta High School
Righter, Audrey 15-0.5 Montrose High School
Loflin, Eva 15-0 Crested Butte Community School
Stephens, Hope 14-11 Montrose High School
Wilson, Baylee 14-7.5 Delta High School
Schevene, Kalia 14-5.75 North Fork High School
Bray, Keiran 14-0 Nucla High School
Shaw, Cadence 13-8.5 Nucla High School
Ehart, Gracie 13-8 Palisade High School
Hildreth, Brekken 13-0.25 Delta High School
Moore, Marli 12-10.75 Plateau Valley High School
Johnson, Sage 12-9 Crested Butte Community School
Bockrath, Amber 12-6.5 Nucla High School
McGee, Vivian 11-6.5 Montrose High School
Smith, Akira Telluride High School
Lovelace, Alyssa North Fork High School
Gutierrez-Gleason, Taleni Plateau Valley High School
Madden, Aubrey Cedaredge High School
Signs, Harlee Cedaredge High School
Wright, Malaya Palisade High School
Nieto, Natalia Olathe High School
Hovde, Lillian Olathe High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brooks, Elizabeth 40-0 Cedaredge High School
Malinowski, Carley 34-0 Cedaredge High School
Walck, Kacey 32-0 Cedaredge High School
Tribble, Olivia 29-10.2 North Fork High School
Angelo, Jaden 28-0 Delta High School
Bailey, Madison 27-0 Plateau Valley High School
Durnez, Emma 27-0 Cedaredge High School
Stahly, Kiera 27-0 Cedaredge High School
Galvan, Teresa 25-0 Olathe High School
Wist, Taylor 24-11 North Fork High School
Ahlberg, Randee 24-5 Delta High School
Hall, Jaylee 23-10 North Fork High School
Brown, Marley 21-9 Palisade High School
Cembalisty, Macie 21-7 Palisade High School
Contreras, Reyna 20-11 Plateau Valley High School
Acosta, Jaque 20-5 Ouray High School
Birchem, Elizabeth 20-0 Montrose High School
Ortega, Karely 16-4.25 Ouray High School
Morgan, Isabel Telluride High School
Butler, Brylea Nucla High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kehmeier, Paige 32-1 Delta High School
Mora, Sienna 29-10.25 Montrose High School
Madden, Grace 29-8 Cedaredge High School
Cooke, Rhylin 28-3 Palisade High School
Lucero, Madison Montrose High School
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