Grand Junction Tiger Invitational 2024

Grand Junction, CO

Grand Junction Tiger Invitational 2024 vs Grand Junction Tiger Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -56 167 223
Overall Average -11.89 23:04.85 23:16.73
1st-10th Place +12.93 16:59.19 16:46.26
1st-25th Place +1.67 17:37.73 17:36.07
1st-50th Place +12.40 18:38.17 18:25.77
1st-100th Place +40.87 20:16.68 19:35.80
Common Athletes -- -- 34
Ran Faster 22 28 6
Ran Season Best -3 1 4
Average Time -1:34.57 21:22.72 22:57.29
Median Time -1:02.66 21:16.84 22:19.50
Middle 80% Times -1:34.44 21:29.66 23:04.10
Top 10% Times -1:09.71 16:48.59 17:58.30
Top 25% Times -1:23.01 17:21.42 18:44.43
Top 50% Times -1:42.98 18:13.13 19:56.11
Bottom 50% Times -1:26.17 24:32.31 25:58.48
Bottom 25% Times -1:56.25 26:14.60 28:10.84
Bottom 10% Times -2:28.49 27:55.41 30:23.90
Average Difference -1:34.57 -- --
Median Difference -4:25.89 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:36.22 -- --
Top 10% Difference -57.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:23.33 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:00.91 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:23.33 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:45.82 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:09.40 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:56.79 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Yishai Trowbridge Central Grand Junction High School -1:13.57 16:11.63 17:25.20
Bryce Flanagan Grand Junction High School -1:44.91 16:39.09 18:24.00
Craig Cotter Grand Valley High School -3:38.11 17:08.89 20:47.00
Abram Lyman San Juan -48.85 17:14.75 18:03.60
Rosendo Martine San Juan -3:45.03 17:21.17 21:06.20
Austin Pincock San Juan -2:18.90 17:29.60 19:48.50
Connor Kinser Grand Junction High School -1.76 17:58.64 18:00.40
Zachary Ridpath Grand Junction High School -4:25.89 18:01.41 22:27.30
Dylan Barney Fruita Monument High School -21.90 18:07.60 18:29.50
Paul Coleman Fruita Monument High School -1:52.41 18:09.49 20:01.90
Ethan Knight Fruita Monument High School -1:10.38 18:11.42 19:21.80
Karlis Strautins Central Grand Junction High School -3:26.05 18:17.25 21:43.30
William Stenhouse Fruita Monument High School +24.52 19:29.52 19:05.00
Quentin Wood Olathe High School -1:01.55 19:06.35 20:07.90
Stewart Williams Fruita Monument High School -35.20 19:33.20 20:08.40
Ethan Francom San Juan -4:48.93 19:40.27 24:29.20
Lillian Thatcher Central Grand Junction High School -1:07.20 21:02.90 22:10.10
Wyatt Keith San Juan -55.56 21:16.84 22:12.40
Adrian Almanza Olathe High School -6:22.01 21:47.79 28:09.80
Elle Diedrich Central Grand Junction High School +0.30 21:59.00 21:58.70
Josefina Kuberry Moffat County High School -1:48.34 22:17.46 24:05.80
Travis LeFevre Moffat County High School +1:27.39 23:46.89 22:19.50
Analee Saldana Olathe High School +4:38.50 27:41.00 23:02.50
Alyssa LeWarne Moffat County High School -1:53.69 23:04.51 24:58.20
Yadira Alcaraz Olathe High School +18.74 23:27.54 23:08.80
Madalyn Parkhurst Grand Junction High School -2:16.72 23:17.88 25:34.60
Lis Ray Ouray High School +37.08 24:38.58 24:01.50
Asiah Moncada Central Grand Junction High School -0.75 24:21.15 24:21.90
Hannah Kilpatrick Moffat County High School -2:54.95 24:24.65 27:19.60
Brinley Jones San Juan -1:11.76 25:02.54 26:14.30
Rose Kartchner San Juan -1:52.48 26:02.82 27:55.30
Steven Zaragoza DeBeque High School -4:32.79 26:13.11 30:45.90
Maiya Walz Central Grand Junction High School -3:07.85 27:52.05 30:59.90
Jessie Black San Juan -1:44.52 29:55.48 31:40.00