A Whirlwind Of A Meet At The Coyote/Panther Invite

On the girl's side of the competition there were two names that seemed to dominate the day - Skylar Hawk and Mia Munoz.

Munoz (picture above) started her day by winning the 100 in 13.13. Several hours later the Monarch junior came back to win the long jump in 16-1-5, and she finished second to Hawk in the 200 in 28.15. 

Hawk came away with three decisive victories.

The Holy Family senior won the 200 in 27.23, and dominated the hurdles, winning the 100H in 16.27, and the 300H in 47.64.

Going way up in distance before coming back down...

Put the state on alert, because Isabel Allori put on a clinic in the 3,200. Swirling winds aside, the Liberty Common sophomore ran a massive PR to win the event in 11:11. 

Likewise, Maggie McCleskey dominated the 1,600 field, running 5:19.

Meanwhile, Avery Marr used a decisive kick in the third-200 to run away with the 800 in a four-seconds PR of 2:18.60.

Slicing that distance in half, Kiki Vaughn crushed the field and her former PR in the 400. It appears that the Boulder sophomore is finding that family stride. Vaughn telescoped away with a 1:03.65 clocking.

Moving to the field events...

Faith Torres won the discus in 81-8.5, while Natalie Martinez won the shot put in 37-8.75

Meanwhile Alexandria Kaplan won the triple jump in 30-1.  

Kayleigh Jones won the high jump just one-inch shy of her PR, clearing 4-10, while McKenna Selby cleared 10-0 to wint he pole vault.