Patriot League Meet 2019

Sterling, CO

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Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lauer-Duarte, Devyn 11.09 Platte Valley High School
Harris, Isaac 11.14 Sterling High School
Barnett, Samuel 11.15 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Savage, Brayden 11.59 Frontier Academy
Montes, Gabe 11.59 Platte Valley High School
Yancey, Josh 11.70 Platte Valley High School
Saucedo, Armando 11.72 Brush High School
Evans, Anthony 11.80 University High School
Wallace, Cole 11.82 Estes Park High School
King, Isaac 11.95 Liberty Common High School
Gore, Jeff 11.96 Valley High School
McCracken, Jaxon 12.02 Sterling High School
Measner, Caden 12.03 University High School
Gutierrez, Seth 12.11 Frontier Academy
Burns, Michael 12.18 Strasburg High School
Carpenter, Kai 12.21 Valley High School
Arroyo, Angel 12.26 Eaton High School
Schminke, Bryson 12.29 Frontier Academy
Karna, Nolan 12.31 Strasburg High School
Rastatter, Jake 12.32 Estes Park High School
Florez, Ethan 12.32 Eaton High School
Stratton, Alex 12.35 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Branom, Kolby 12.37 Eaton High School
Garza, Daniel 12.45 Valley High School
Moreno, Braulio 12.45 Strasburg High School
Valdez, Caleb 12.54 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Ortega, Mike 12.60 Brush High School
Giron, Jesus 12.67 Estes Park High School
Faust, Ben 12.74 Eaton High School
Rutherford-Gonzalez, Zach 12.77 Brush High School
Knaub, Kole 12.80h Sterling High School
Igel, Henry 12.84 Estes Park High School
Chase, Brandon 13.00h Sterling High School
Chavez, Erick 13.18 Frontier Academy
Gelatt, Evan 13.40 Valley High School
Zacher, Jayden 13.41 Strasburg High School
Amador, Xavier 13.50 University High School
Rideoutt, Braeden 13.51 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Palomino, Dominic 14.32 University High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Applebee, Ryan 15.72 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Kuzov, Coal 17.17 Eaton High School
Miller, Zander 17.49 Valley High School
Hooper, Gryphin 18.13 Platte Valley High School
Horn, Kyle 18.58 Platte Valley High School
Norgren, Kamden 18.82 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Ames, Wilson 18.88 Strasburg High School
Frey, Adian 18.89 Frontier Academy
McBride, Keller 19.35 Frontier Academy
Cochran, John 19.83 Valley High School
Heberer, Gabriel 20.08 University High School
Vasquez, Josiah 20.11 University High School
Sanchez-Salguero, Oscar 20.15 Brush High School
Baca, Noah 20.46 Frontier Academy
Ritter-Bland, Jae 21.58 Frontier Academy
Johnson, Tobin 22.07 Platte Valley High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Jaden 4:33.57 Frontier Academy
Majeski, Hudson 4:42.35 Liberty Common High School
Eckman, Treycen 4:45.02 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Thomas, Nick 4:47.66 University High School
Gesick, Evan 4:49.13 Eaton High School
Chambers, Sylas 4:52.80 Frontier Academy
King, Gabe 4:53.49 Platte Valley High School
Schafer, Cale 4:53.73 Valley High School
Baca, Christian 4:55.00 Frontier Academy
Venzor, Joaquin 4:55.58 University High School
Scarpella, Jadon 4:56.02 Liberty Common High School
Price, Joseph 4:56.13 University High School
Rohrbaugh, Joshua 5:01.75 Liberty Common High School
Alexander, Blake 5:02.56 University High School
Lenox, Aaron 5:03.90 Sterling High School
Perez, Cesar 5:04.56 Valley High School
Chavez, Tyrone 5:12.09 Valley High School
Marske, Nolan 5:12.77 Estes Park High School
Donaghy, Ian 5:18.80 Estes Park High School
Clark, Isaac 5:19.60 Liberty Common High School
Rhode, Atlas 5:22.20 Estes Park High School
Martinez, Salomon 5:23.18 Valley High School
Becker, Jonathan 5:23.77 Brush High School
Anderson, Logan 5:26.04 Strasburg High School
Solis-Bernl, Javier 5:33.76 Estes Park High School
DeCamp, Brandon 5:34.66 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Nelson, Tyler 5:42.92 Platte Valley High School
Wright, Jace 5:45.75 Sterling High School
Baker, Devin 5:54.79 Platte Valley High School
Dik, Eli 6:18.95 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Wehrman, Trevon 7:00.00h Platte Valley High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lauer-Duarte, Devyn 22.61 Platte Valley High School
Harris, Isaac 22.62 Sterling High School
Bunting, Brendan 23.28 Platte Valley High School
Savage, Brayden 23.45 Frontier Academy
Lopez, Oscar 23.64 Brush High School
Schafer, Bronson 23.66 Frontier Academy
Robson, Kody 23.68 Strasburg High School
Montes, Gabe 23.70 Platte Valley High School
Garrott, Brayden 23.95 University High School
Gore, Jeff 24.18 Valley High School
Schminke, Bryson 24.48 Frontier Academy
Johnson, Jadon 24.67 Eaton High School
Hemphill, A.J. 24.72 Strasburg High School
Murray, Cole 24.78 Estes Park High School
Cope, Dylan 24.82 Sterling High School
Zacher, Jayden 24.97 Strasburg High School
Gertner, Mason 25.03 Sterling High School
Bojan, Brayden 25.18 Estes Park High School
Faust, Ben 25.32 Eaton High School
Wecker, Ryan 25.45 Sterling High School
Call, Tyler 25.48 University High School
Stratton, Alex 25.61 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Branom, Kolby 25.67 Eaton High School
Rios, Adrian 25.86 Valley High School
Kim, Jung (John) 25.89 Estes Park High School
Davis, Cooper 26.03 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Rutherford-Gonzalez, Zach 26.06 Brush High School
Garza, Daniel 26.19 Valley High School
Colgate, Ben 26.21 Frontier Academy
Russell, Collin 26.68 Strasburg High School
Treat, Matt 26.72 Valley High School
Martin, Taylor 26.85 Eaton High School
Hanft, Adrian 27.50 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Murrow, Kitt 27.82 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Elston, Arthur 28.89 Estes Park High School
Luna, Fernando 29.37 Brush High School
Amador, Xavier 29.50 University High School
Palomino, Dominic 29.55 University High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hooper, Gryphin 43.24 Platte Valley High School
Miller, Zander 43.84 Valley High School
Sisneros, Joseph 44.29 Eaton High School
Meyer, Weston 44.90 Platte Valley High School
Frey, Adian 45.39 Frontier Academy
Baca, Noah 46.39 Frontier Academy
Kuzov, Coal 46.49 Eaton High School
Ames, Wilson 46.60 Strasburg High School
Horn, Kyle 46.82 Platte Valley High School
Cochran, John 48.03 Valley High School
Delgado, Adrian 48.71 Valley High School
McBride, Keller 48.80 Frontier Academy
Clark, Zach 49.18 University High School
Hall, Tallin 49.36 Strasburg High School
Vasquez, Josiah 49.53 University High School
Ritter-Bland, Jae 52.11 Frontier Academy
Douglas, Kobe 52.26 Liberty Common High School
Sanchez-Salguero, Oscar 52.74 Brush High School
Chase, Brandon 53.89 Sterling High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Eckman, Treycen 10:24.13 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Groom, Sebastian 10:25.42 Frontier Academy
Shea, Cory 10:39.65 Frontier Academy
Barber, Lucas 10:41.26 Liberty Common High School
Schafer, Cale 10:42.57 Valley High School
Miller, Ben 10:45.64 Liberty Common High School
Venzor, Joaquin 10:57.20 University High School
Quammen, Justin 10:58.31 Frontier Academy
Price, Joseph 11:02.17 University High School
King, Gabe 11:04.31 Platte Valley High School
Perez, Cesar 11:14.01 Valley High School
Hill, David 11:18.32 Liberty Common High School
Villalobos, Ricardo 11:26.93 Strasburg High School
Chavez, Tyrone 11:30.22 Valley High School
Clark, Aiden 11:30.56 Liberty Common High School
Wienke, Kurt 11:42.72 University High School
Donaghy, Ian 11:46.87 Estes Park High School
Fanning, Landon 11:59.00 Frontier Academy
Wallace, Josh 12:17.26 Strasburg High School
Jones, Obadiah 12:24.48 Estes Park High School
Thomas, Dylan 12:45.73 University High School
Hernandez, Adam 13:05.79 Sterling High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kim, Jung (John) 1:00.29 Estes Park High School
Becker, Jonathan 1:00.70 Brush High School
Gelatt, Evan 1:01.19 Valley High School
Giron, Jesus 1:01.27 Estes Park High School
McCracken, Radek 1:01.98 Sterling High School
Igel, Henry 1:02.74 Estes Park High School
Dorlac, Owen 1:05.00 Liberty Common High School
Rosas, Angel 1:05.22 Sterling High School
Luna, Fernando 1:05.22 Brush High School
Elston, Arthur 1:10.00h Estes Park High School
Clark, Justin 1:25.05 Brush High School
Bunting, Brendan 50.60 Platte Valley High School
Hayward, Jesse 50.91 Frontier Academy
VanDeList, Jack 53.03 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Lauer, Kelton 53.21 Platte Valley High School
Jaquet, Alexander 53.58 Frontier Academy
King, Evan 53.88 Liberty Common High School
Karna, Nolan 54.50 Strasburg High School
Zacher, Jayden 54.51 Strasburg High School
Redd, Bryant 54.52 Strasburg High School
Chambers, Sylas 54.63 Frontier Academy
Dunkel, Tyler 55.00 University High School
Gutierrez, Seth 56.58 Frontier Academy
Shutt, Dylan 56.62 Valley High School
Slatten, Jesse 57.09 Eaton High School
Moreno, Braulio 57.30 Strasburg High School
Clark, Zach 57.61 University High School
Martin, Taylor 58.35 Eaton High School
Stratton, Nicholas 59.16 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Renfroe, Derek 59.49 Eaton High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.63 Platte Valley High School
Relay Team A 44.79 Brush High School
Relay Team A 45.20 Strasburg High School
Relay Team A 45.38 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 45.52 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Relay Team A 46.05 Frontier Academy
Relay Team A 46.20 University High School
Relay Team A 46.48 Estes Park High School
Relay Team A 46.63 Liberty Common High School
Relay Team A 46.76 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 47.12 Valley High School
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HS Boys 4X200M Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:31.14 Platte Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:33.32 Frontier Academy
Relay Team A 1:34.57 Strasburg High School
Relay Team A 1:35.50 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Relay Team A 1:35.72 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 1:35.97 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 1:36.39 Liberty Common High School
Relay Team A 1:37.02 Estes Park High School
Relay Team A 1:37.59 Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:38.59 University High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:31.42 Frontier Academy
Relay Team A 3:33.63 Strasburg High School
Relay Team A 3:37.96 Estes Park High School
Relay Team A 3:38.00h Eaton High School
Relay Team A 3:38.79 Platte Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:39.54 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 3:39.58 Liberty Common High School
Relay Team A 3:40.00 University High School
Relay Team A 3:42.63 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Relay Team A 3:45.98 Valley High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:20.62 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 8:23.86 University High School
Relay Team A 8:25.41 Frontier Academy
Relay Team A 8:54.03 Platte Valley High School
Relay Team A 9:05.83 Liberty Common High School
Relay Team A 9:06.33 Valley High School
Relay Team A 9:07.59 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 9:07.93 Strasburg High School
Relay Team A 9:33.95 Estes Park High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hayward, Jesse 1:56.84 Frontier Academy
Davis, Jaden 2:01.37 Frontier Academy
Smith, Noah 2:02.44 University High School
Fagerlin, Preston 2:03.21 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Kugler, Logan 2:05.00 Frontier Academy
Gesick, Evan 2:06.98 Eaton High School
Hamel, Derrick 2:07.62 Estes Park High School
Johnson, Zachary 2:08.00 Frontier Academy
Thomas, Nick 2:11.55 University High School
Moore, Colton 2:11.94 Platte Valley High School
Ferren, Carter 2:12.01 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Hill, David 2:13.22 Liberty Common High School
Chavez, Tyrone 2:13.89 Valley High School
Scarpella, Jadon 2:14.00 Liberty Common High School
Hanley, Tristan 2:14.67 Liberty Common High School
Bunting, Brendan 2:15.73 Platte Valley High School
Martinez, Salomon 2:18.72 Valley High School
Rhode, Atlas 2:20.71 Estes Park High School
Mitcheltree, Stuart 2:22.41 Liberty Common High School
Alexander, Blake 2:22.45 University High School
Gorman, Edward 2:22.88 University High School
Becker, Jonathan 2:23.70 Brush High School
Baker, Devin 2:35.48 Platte Valley High School
Nelson, Tyler 2:36.24 Platte Valley High School
Burns, Xander 2:36.50 Sterling High School
Villalobos, Ricardo 2:44.53 Strasburg High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pittman, Jace 161-9 Sterling High School
Naranjo, Elias 158-0 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Kaiser, Reid 154-1 Sterling High School
Cone, Ian 148-4 Sterling High School
Tatman, Holden 137-0 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Myers, Jack 134-1 University High School
Paxton, Hunter 133-5 Sterling High School
Maravilla De La Cruz, Alex 127-2 Eaton High School
Fritzler, Henry 122-7 Eaton High School
Washburn, Hunter 116-11 Brush High School
Rothe, Jay 116-10 Frontier Academy
Samsel, Jaxon 116-1 University High School
Yackey, Garrett 113-3 Frontier Academy
Murray, Blake 110-6 Estes Park High School
Haas, Kalob 107-6 University High School
Goldfain, AJ 105-11 Liberty Common High School
Phillips, Colton 100-7 Brush High School
Amador, Brian 100-6 Strasburg High School
Amaya, Julius 99-4 Platte Valley High School
Hemphill, A.J. 98-7 Strasburg High School
Majeski, Maclean 98-1 Liberty Common High School
Garcia, Joaquin 97-11 Platte Valley High School
Evans, Adem 95-0 University High School
Vanecek, Ethan 94-5 Eaton High School
Mitchell, Raymond 93-10 Estes Park High School
Noffsinger, Robert 92-9.5 Frontier Academy
Bruntz, Logan 92-8 Frontier Academy
Gleason, Jonah 90-2 Brush High School
Martinez, Justin 89-6 Valley High School
Crouse, Preston 88-10 Strasburg High School
Tong, Ethan 75-4 Valley High School
Stern, Cohen 74-7 Liberty Common High School
Herb, Carson 72-10 Strasburg High School
Hopkins, Caleb 69-3 Resurrection Christian High Scho
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HS Boys High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frank, Jayson 6-4 Sterling High School
Albrighton, Jaren 6-1.5 Platte Valley High School
Newbill, Justyce 5-10 Sterling High School
Smith, Ben 5-10 University High School
Myers, Tucker 5-9 Sterling High School
Lindgren, Reade 5-9 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Kuzov, Coal 5-8.5 Eaton High School
Ogren, Kadin 5-7.5 Frontier Academy
Mahoney, Andrew 5-6.5 Frontier Academy
Knaub, Kole 5-6 Sterling High School
Arroyo, Angel 5-4 Eaton High School
Wallace, Josh 5-3 Strasburg High School
Hall, Tallin 5-3 Strasburg High School
Ramirez, Brock 5-2 Frontier Academy
Measner, Caden 5-2 University High School
Brennan, Jace 5-1.5 Valley High School
Manning, John 5-1 University High School
Jones, Obadiah 5-1 Estes Park High School
Slatten, Jesse 5-0.5 Eaton High School
Ritter-Bland, Jae 4-6 Frontier Academy
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HS Boys Long Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grable, Scott 22-5 Eaton High School
Harris, Isaac 21-5 Sterling High School
Applebee, Tanner 21-3.5 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Barfuss, Tyler 21-0.5 Brush High School
Riley, Spencer 20-6 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Frank, Jayson 20-5.5 Sterling High School
Strong, Adrian 20-4 Liberty Common High School
Ogren, Kadin 19-10 Frontier Academy
Hooper, Gryphin 19-7 Platte Valley High School
Myers, Tucker 19-4 Sterling High School
Shalla, Colton 19-3 Sterling High School
Lemos, Eddie 18-11 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Albrighton, Jaren 18-9.5 Platte Valley High School
Fanning, Temesgen 18-5.5 Frontier Academy
Gutierrez, Seth 18-2.5 Frontier Academy
Chavez, Erick 17-7.75 Frontier Academy
Murrow, Kitt 17-6 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Meyer, Weston 17-2.25 Platte Valley High School
Smith, Ben 17-0 University High School
Ames, Wilson 16-4.5 Strasburg High School
Manning, John 16-1.75 University High School
Horn, Kyle 16-0 Platte Valley High School
Delgado, Adrian 15-2.5 Valley High School
Oliver, Dylan 15-2 Strasburg High School
Moreno, Braulio 15-0 Strasburg High School
Treat, Matt 13-2 Valley High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jeffery, Tristen 12-10 Valley High School
Ewing, Burke 12-10 University High School
Yancey, Josh 12-10 Platte Valley High School
Hicklin, Spencer 12-1 Liberty Common High School
McCracken, Jaxon 12-0 Sterling High School
Burns, Xander 12-0 Sterling High School
Skerjanec, Liam 11-9 Sterling High School
Polenz, Conner 11-9 Sterling High School
McDaniel, Kade 11-0 Platte Valley High School
Contreras, Jackson 10-10 Eaton High School
Brennan, Jace 10-9 Valley High School
Heberer, Gabriel 9-6 University High School
Zacharius, Carson 9-6 Eaton High School
Ramsey, William 9-3 Valley High School
Hernandez, Xavier 9-3 Platte Valley High School
Dunkel, Tyler 8-6 University High School
Uyemura, Tyler 8-6 Platte Valley High School
Renfroe, Derek 8-4 Eaton High School
Call, Tyler 8-0 University High School
Wiles, Keegan 8-0 Frontier Academy
Ehrlich, Jacob 5-0 Frontier Academy
Chafin, Henry 5-0 Frontier Academy
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HS Boys Shot Put 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Myers, Jack 46-1.5 University High School
Cone, Ian 45-10.75 Sterling High School
Tatman, Holden 45-7.5 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Pittman, Jace 45-6 Sterling High School
Lara, Roberto 44-9.5 Platte Valley High School
Kaiser, Reid 44-6.5 Sterling High School
Fritzler, Henry 44-2 Eaton High School
Maravilla De La Cruz, Alex 42-5 Eaton High School
Noffsinger, Robert 41-5 Frontier Academy
Bennett, Keegan 40-7 Sterling High School
Yackey, Garrett 40-7 Frontier Academy
Prebish, Tyler 40-1.5 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Samsel, Jaxon 39-3 University High School
Amador, Brian 38-6 Strasburg High School
Gleason, Jonah 38-4.75 Brush High School
Vanecek, Ethan 38-0.5 Eaton High School
Goldfain, AJ 38-0 Liberty Common High School
Naranjo, Elias 37-10.75 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Gutierrez, Tyler 37-2.25 Platte Valley High School
Murray, Blake 36-2 Estes Park High School
Rothe, Jay 35-10 Frontier Academy
Amaya, Julius 35-0 Platte Valley High School
Phillips, Colton 34-9 Brush High School
Martinez, Justin 34-3 Valley High School
Schlensog, Jamal 33-10.5 Frontier Academy
Haas, Kalob 33-5 University High School
Royce, Jonathon 32-9.75 University High School
Mitchell, Raymond 32-6.75 Estes Park High School
Crouse, Preston 30-3.5 Strasburg High School
Washburn, Hunter 30-0 Brush High School
Herb, Carson 29-6 Strasburg High School
Stern, Cohen 29-0.25 Liberty Common High School
Burns, Michael 28-0 Strasburg High School
Tong, Ethan 27-3 Valley High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shalla, Colton 44-7.5 Sterling High School
Gonser, Derek 43-0 University High School
McDaniel, Kade 42-9 Platte Valley High School
Frank, Jayson 42-5 Sterling High School
Grable, Scott 42-0 Eaton High School
Shalla, Brock 41-11.75 Sterling High School
Graf, Trystan 41-9.5 Strasburg High School
Myers, Tucker 41-9.25 Sterling High School
Fanning, Temesgen 41-5 Frontier Academy
Barfuss, Tyler 41-3 Brush High School
Strong, Adrian 40-11 Liberty Common High School
Riley, Spencer 40-1 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Ogren, Kadin 39-11.5 Frontier Academy
Smith, Ben 39-9 University High School
Wick, Dawson 38-11 Eaton High School
McWhinney, Luke 38-5 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Contreras, Jackson 37-2.5 Eaton High School
Ewing, Burke 37-0.75 University High School
Lemos, Eddie 36-11 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Hamel, Derrick 36-10 Estes Park High School
Moreno, Braulio 34-7.25 Strasburg High School
Ramirez, Brock 34-5 Frontier Academy
Colgate, Ben 33-4.75 Frontier Academy
Johnson, Tobin 32-7 Platte Valley High School
Oliver, Dylan 30-4.5 Strasburg High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hauer, Lainee 12.51 Eaton High School
Cox, Brooklynn 13.12 Brush High School
Street, Aleigha 13.37 Frontier Academy
Anderson, Emily 13.39 Eaton High School
Miller, Elsie 13.41 Liberty Common High School
Miller, Bella 13.43 Liberty Common High School
Smith, Claire 13.49 Platte Valley High School
McFarland, Kyra 13.58 University High School
Bedell, Anna 13.66 University High School
Bjork, Emma 13.77 Eaton High School
Sigmon, Kayla 13.83 University High School
Corral, Alexis 13.94 Brush High School
Janssen, Tessa 13.98 Eaton High School
Smith, Sarah 14.00h Platte Valley High School
Duran, Kylie 14.08 Valley High School
Fuentes, Victoria 14.09 University High School
Daley, Samantha 14.18 Estes Park High School
Wlliams, Isabella 14.19 Strasburg High School
Manahan, Courtney 14.20 Strasburg High School
Eilenstine, Lexie 14.54 Platte Valley High School
Perkins, Nasheana 14.56 Brush High School
Hamel, Olivia 14.87 Estes Park High School
Bernal, Taylor 15.17 Frontier Academy
Murphy, Jolee 15.25 Frontier Academy
Patrick, Megan 15.43 Valley High School
Lauer, Callie 15.57 Sterling High School
Meyer, Chloe 15.62 Platte Valley High School
Cho, Hyunji 15.83 Estes Park High School
Exposito Gomez, Maria 15.88 Sterling High School
Sherman, Hallee 15.89 Valley High School
Todd, Jaycen 15.91 Frontier Academy
Kilbourn, Shea 16.03 Estes Park High School
Rattanamas, Apitsada 17.17 Sterling High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rule, Brooke 16.14 Brush High School
Ellis, Katherine 17.34 Platte Valley High School
Stocker, Brenaya 17.69 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Adams, Catelyn 17.86 Eaton High School
Weichel, Allyson 17.86 Eaton High School
Rossel, Kiya 18.28 Frontier Academy
Potter, Korttney 18.51 University High School
Brownell, Talissa 19.11 Valley High School
Reeve, Rylee 19.26 University High School
Feyen, Abigail 19.53 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Patrick, Megan 19.54 Valley High School
Offinga, Krysta 19.89 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Sanchez, Erika 19.95 Brush High School
Schroth, Savanna 19.97 Eaton High School
Yocom, Tristan 20.47 Sterling High School
McFarland, Adi 20.66 Liberty Common High School
Dobao Garcia, Antia 23.05 Sterling High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Street, Audrynn 5:31.82 Frontier Academy
Basch, Annalise 5:39.86 Estes Park High School
Angus, Samantha 5:50.04 Frontier Academy
Stone, Emma 5:51.65 Brush High School
Vogel, Kiana 5:53.96 Sterling High School
Doman, Josie 5:57.75 Liberty Common High School
Raymond, Charlotte 6:00.93 Estes Park High School
Morrison, Lily 6:02.09 Liberty Common High School
Woodward, Kate 6:04.11 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Kauffman, Bryanna 6:19.51 Liberty Common High School
Tuell, Maren 6:48.34 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Zatarain, Osiris 6:59.06 Valley High School
Ballard, Eryn 7:34.82 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Hester, Anna 7:47.65 Sterling High School
Maker, Sarah 7:53.37 Sterling High School
Sandry, Megan 8:06.53 University High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hauer, Lainee 26.04 Eaton High School
Bunting, Brooke 26.56 Platte Valley High School
Ehlers, Ryanne 27.07 Eaton High School
Cox, Brooklynn 27.39 Brush High School
Street, Aleigha 27.40 Frontier Academy
Pfost, Taylyn 28.41 Frontier Academy
Ditter, Kelly 28.42 University High School
Renner, Shaylyn 28.45 Eaton High School
Crouch, Mackenzie 28.60 Eaton High School
Duran, Kylie 29.09 Valley High School
Carvajal, Marcela 29.21 Valley High School
Corral, Alexis 29.22 Brush High School
Rymes, Molly 29.29 Valley High School
Smith, Sarah 29.37 Platte Valley High School
Allen, Danessa 29.39 Sterling High School
Ramirez, Izzy 29.41 Frontier Academy
Daley, Samantha 29.85 Estes Park High School
Eilenstine, Lexie 29.91 Platte Valley High School
Wlliams, Isabella 30.00 Strasburg High School
Sanchez, Erika 30.15 Brush High School
Manahan, Courtney 30.38 Strasburg High School
Fuentes, Victoria 30.45 University High School
Meyer, Chloe 30.50h Platte Valley High School
Mundfrom, Taylor 31.21 University High School
Patrick, Megan 31.85 Valley High School
Lauer, Callie 31.94 Sterling High School
Todd, Jaycen 32.32 Frontier Academy
Exposito Gomez, Maria 32.60 Sterling High School
Betz, Caitlyn 32.65 University High School
Maese, Ashley 32.72 Estes Park High School
Cho, Hyunji 33.06 Estes Park High School
Tuell, Taiten 34.01 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Moore, Jaida 35.75 Estes Park High School
Rattanamas, Apitsada 36.90 Sterling High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dobao Garcia, Antia 1:09.25 Sterling High School
Rule, Brooke 45.97 Brush High School
Maxey, Rhys 47.91 Platte Valley High School
Weichel, Allyson 49.32 Eaton High School
Potter, Korttney 51.23 University High School
Stocker, Brenaya 52.71 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Brownell, Talissa 53.27 Valley High School
Adams, Catelyn 53.58 Eaton High School
Yocom, Tristan 54.27 Sterling High School
Sawyer, Madelyn 54.37 Brush High School
Schroth, Savanna 54.47 Eaton High School
McFarland, Adi 54.98 Liberty Common High School
Sanchez, Erika 55.72 Brush High School
Patrick, Megan 56.24 Valley High School
Feyen, Abigail 57.11 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Rossel, Kiya 57.35 Frontier Academy
Offinga, Krysta 58.88 Resurrection Christian High Scho
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Basch, Annalise 12:43.53 Estes Park High School
Raymond, Charlotte 13:00.47 Estes Park High School
Doman, Christine 13:12.15 Liberty Common High School
Murphy, Emma 13:13.48 Frontier Academy
Ellis, Sarah 13:13.52 Frontier Academy
Kauffman, Bryanna 13:22.99 Liberty Common High School
Barron, Brooke 13:23.60 Estes Park High School
Woodward, Kate 13:28.88 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Hettinger, Grace 14:30.00 University High School
Yost, Samantha 14:30.00 University High School
Reeve, Rylee 15:00.00 University High School
Ballard, Eryn 16:04.65 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Zatarain, Osiris 16:16.66 Valley High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Julia 1:01.44 Frontier Academy
Morrison, Lily 1:02.87 Liberty Common High School
Dennee, Kenya 1:03.55 Frontier Academy
Fago, Mayson 1:04.30 University High School
Gordon, Jenna 1:06.23 Sterling High School
Ivy, Hunter 1:07.13 Platte Valley High School
Shostrom, Bailee 1:07.14 Frontier Academy
Manahan, Courtney 1:08.49 Strasburg High School
Willoughby, Mackenzie 1:10.06 University High School
Wlliams, Isabella 1:10.41 Strasburg High School
Murphy, Jolee 1:10.53 Frontier Academy
Biederman, Rebecca 1:13.93 University High School
Konkey, Cailyn 1:14.18 Estes Park High School
Perkins, Nasheana 1:15.20 Brush High School
Unzueta, Sophia 1:17.00 University High School
Tuell, Taiten 1:17.38 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Bunting, Brooke 59.88 Platte Valley High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.23 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 52.08 University High School
Relay Team A 52.32 Platte Valley High School
Relay Team A 52.72 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Relay Team A 52.83 Brush High School
Relay Team A 53.05 Strasburg High School
Relay Team A 53.28 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 53.54 Frontier Academy
Relay Team A 54.00 Liberty Common High School
Relay Team A 57.55 Estes Park High School
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HS Girls 4X200M Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:48.69 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 1:51.28 University High School
Relay Team A 1:51.61 Strasburg High School
Relay Team A 1:52.99 Frontier Academy
Relay Team A 1:53.40 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Relay Team A 1:55.03 Liberty Common High School
Relay Team A 1:55.12 Platte Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:56.69 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 1:57.79 Valley High School
Relay Team A 2:11.31 Estes Park High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:13.08 Frontier Academy
Relay Team A 4:16.74 Strasburg High School
Relay Team A 4:18.37 Platte Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:18.95 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 4:21.55 University High School
Relay Team A 4:27.50 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 4:28.41 Liberty Common High School
Relay Team A 4:45.01 Estes Park High School
Relay Team A 5:00.00 Valley High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:22.31 Frontier Academy
Relay Team A 10:41.84 Estes Park High School
Relay Team A 11:09.37 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 11:16.95 University High School
Relay Team A 11:24.11 Resurrection Christian High Scho
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zenk, Annika 2:22.02 Platte Valley High School
Street, Audrynn 2:26.67 Frontier Academy
Angus, Samantha 2:31.38 Frontier Academy
Tice, Mae 2:31.98 Estes Park High School
Unzueta, Jennifer 2:35.00 University High School
Sawyer, Madelyn 2:40.27 Brush High School
Stone, Emma 2:40.56 Brush High School
Nelson, Ceejay 2:41.12 Frontier Academy
Rutheford, Savanna 2:42.32 Valley High School
Crites, Arabella 2:42.63 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Hoskins, Eva 2:44.83 Liberty Common High School
Holling, Nicole 2:44.87 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Pfost, Kyra 2:46.77 Frontier Academy
Doman, Josie 2:46.85 Liberty Common High School
Hettinger, Grace 2:49.74 University High School
Igel, Meila 2:51.63 Estes Park High School
Yost, Samantha 2:52.09 University High School
Swift, Leisbeth 2:55.16 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Zatarain, Osiris 2:57.88 Valley High School
Tuell, Maren 3:00.91 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Driscoll, Erin 3:04.15 University High School
Wadermeulen, Riley 3:07.87 Strasburg High School
Burke, Addie 3:15.00h Eaton High School
Carlson, Sydney 3:24.25 Eaton High School
Maker, Sarah 3:30.44 Sterling High School
Doughty, Rebecca 3:34.89 Eaton High School
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HS Girls 800 Sprint Medley Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:54.95 University High School
Relay Team A 1:55.08 Platte Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:55.26 Eaton High School
Relay Team A 1:55.45 Brush High School
Relay Team A 1:56.62 Sterling High School
Relay Team A 1:56.94 Strasburg High School
Relay Team A 2:04.20 Valley High School
Relay Team A 2:07.72 Frontier Academy
Relay Team A 2:08.07 Estes Park High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brower, Alexis 113-6 Sterling High School
Ibarra, Anita 108-11 Platte Valley High School
Hobbs, Allie 107-0 Eaton High School
Kunkel, Taneya 100-5 Brush High School
Renner, Dawn 100-2 Eaton High School
Singley, Mattie 100-1 Brush High School
Kraich, Kenzie 99-5 Brush High School
Kaiser, Mallory 95-7 Sterling High School
Renner, Shaylyn 94-7 Eaton High School
Bahnsen, Lexi 91-2 University High School
Abeyta, Helena 86-7 University High School
Lopez, Saryi 86-4 Platte Valley High School
Jarnagin, Janae 84-6 Eaton High School
Chacon, Sydnee 81-5 Valley High School
Aab, Marilyn 81-0 Platte Valley High School
Dunning, Sarah 78-2 Strasburg High School
Johnson, Morgan 77-0 University High School
Morfitt, Laura 76-0 Platte Valley High School
Schmunk, Rylee 75-5 Valley High School
Santos, Gabriella 74-4 Sterling High School
Sherman, Hallee 71-7 Valley High School
Meritt, Katelynn 69-11 Frontier Academy
Merry, Therali 68-9.5 Frontier Academy
Thrutchey, Coty 68-5 University High School
Nelson, EmmaJean 64-9 Frontier Academy
Penfold, Jaden 63-8 Sterling High School
Rust, Karen 60-4 Estes Park High School
Larue, Gentri 59-4 Liberty Common High School
Gulkin, Emma 57-8 Frontier Academy
Byrne, Mary 55-7 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Wadermeulen, Riley 47-4 Strasburg High School
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HS Girls High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramirez, Izzy 5-4 Frontier Academy
Henry, Sydney 5-0 Sterling High School
Mundfrom, Madison 4-11.5 University High School
Reeve, Rylee 4-10 University High School
Schissler, Cora 4-10 Platte Valley High School
Meyer, Marin 4-10 Frontier Academy
Willoughby, Mackenzie 4-9 University High School
Reinke, Taylor 4-9 Liberty Common High School
Hekowczyk, Danika 4-7 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Janssen, Tessa 4-6.5 Eaton High School
Adams, Catelyn 4-5.5 Eaton High School
Schroth, Savanna 4-3.5 Eaton High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ehlers, Ryanne 17-9.5 Eaton High School
Allen, Valarie 16-10 Sterling High School
Meagher, Noelle 16-1.75 Eaton High School
Hekowczyk, Danika 15-8 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Rios, Emerie 15-7.5 Sterling High School
Jarnagin, Jenni 15-3 Eaton High School
Rutheford, Savanna 15-0.25 Valley High School
Carvajal, Marcela 14-9 Valley High School
Henry, Sydney 14-8.75 Sterling High School
Rossel, Kiya 14-8 Frontier Academy
Hamel, Olivia 14-3.5 Estes Park High School
Allen, Danessa 14-1 Sterling High School
Hettinger, Grace 13-6 University High School
Chambers, Payton 13-5.75 Frontier Academy
Angus, Lexi 13-5.5 Frontier Academy
Daley, Samantha 13-5.5 Estes Park High School
Schuttenberg, Olivia 13-4.5 Frontier Academy
Mundfrom, Taylor 13-3 University High School
Ivy, Hunter 13-1.5 Platte Valley High School
Bauer, Alyssa 12-7.5 Platte Valley High School
Morfitt, Laura 12-1.75 Platte Valley High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ellis, Katherine 9-3 Platte Valley High School
Alsup, Maggie 8-9 Sterling High School
Hubert-Combs, Aaliyanah 8-9 Frontier Academy
Lovely, Hannah 8-9 Liberty Common High School
Dice, Kenzie 8-4 University High School
Jarnagin, Jenni 8-0 Eaton High School
Mitchek, Lauren 7-10 Sterling High School
Aurzada, Abby 7-10 University High School
Bedell, Anna 6-4 University High School
James, Zoetta 5-10 Sterling High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hobbs, Allie 36-9 Eaton High School
Rodriquez, Abby 36-2.25 Platte Valley High School
Bahnsen, Lexi 33-10 University High School
Brower, Alexis 33-1 Sterling High School
Jarnagin, Janae 32-6.75 Eaton High School
Abeyta, Helena 32-5 University High School
Singley, Mattie 30-11.5 Brush High School
Kunkel, Taneya 30-4 Brush High School
Kaiser, Mallory 30-2.5 Sterling High School
Kraich, Kenzie 29-11.75 Brush High School
Johnson, Morgan 29-7 University High School
Lopez, Saryi 29-4.75 Platte Valley High School
Schmunk, Rylee 28-9.5 Valley High School
Sherman, Hallee 28-2.5 Valley High School
Renner, Dawn 28-0 Eaton High School
Meritt, Katelynn 27-8.5 Frontier Academy
Gregg, Kaitlyn 27-7.75 Platte Valley High School
Nelson, EmmaJean 27-7.5 Frontier Academy
Thrutchey, Coty 26-7 University High School
Wecker, Ashley 26-2 Sterling High School
Chacon, Sydnee 25-11.5 Valley High School
Merry, Therali 25-9 Frontier Academy
Dunning, Sarah 25-1.5 Strasburg High School
Morfitt, Laura 24-6.5 Platte Valley High School
Gulkin, Emma 24-4 Frontier Academy
Pittman, Cami 23-2 Sterling High School
Thomas, Mary 22-9.5 Eaton High School
Larue, Gentri 22-0 Liberty Common High School
Rust, Karen 21-11.25 Estes Park High School
Wadermeulen, Riley 20-1 Strasburg High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Valarie 35-10.5 Sterling High School
Meagher, Noelle 35-7.75 Eaton High School
Seelye, Morgan 33-8.5 Sterling High School
Rios, Emerie 32-3 Sterling High School
Allen, Danessa 31-1 Sterling High School
Smith, Sarah 30-10 Platte Valley High School
Hekowczyk, Danika 30-5 Resurrection Christian High Scho
Mundfrom, Taylor 29-11 University High School
Rodriguez, Melanie 29-3.5 Platte Valley High School
Schuttenberg, Olivia 28-8 Frontier Academy
Palmer, Allison 28-4.5 Frontier Academy
Loyd, Tanner 28-2 Frontier Academy
Angus, Lexi 27-8.5 Frontier Academy
Bauer, Alyssa 27-4.75 Platte Valley High School
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