Colorado 3A Region 1 Cross Country 2019

El Jebel, CO

Athlete Entries

3A HS Boys 5,000 Meter Run 100 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Foster, Jack Pagosa Springs High School
Eike, Wilson Moffat County High School
Billingsly, Jacob Gunnison High School
Chabin, Harrison Coal Ridge High School
Ramirez, Saul Rifle High School
Ripley, Connor Olathe High School
Roennau, Eske Aspen High School
Burns, Britton Middle Park High School
Valdez, Victor Grand Valley High School
Hernandez, Jonathan Rifle High School
Hovenstine, Xander Bayfield High School
Young, Doyle Delta High School
Hinger, Cam Pagosa Springs High School
Nichols, Alex Moffat County High School
Brockschmidt, Josh Gunnison High School
Mitchell, Fisher Basalt High School
Parra, William Coal Ridge High School
Juricek, Daniel Middle Park High School
Ramirez, Bruno Olathe High School
George, Joshua Aspen High School
Siefken, Jonathan Middle Park High School
Jansen, Keaton Grand Valley High School
DeLoera, Josue Rifle High School
Sprout, Braeden Delta High School
Ross, Rylan Bayfield High School
Carta, Giovanni Montezuma-Cortez High School
Mercer, Garrett Moffat County High School
Rameriz, Elan Pagosa Springs High School
Knez, Keaton Moffat County High School
Baca, Alex Gunnison High School
Dunbar, Dylan Coal Ridge High School
Franco, Cesar Olathe High School
McKnight, Jonah Middle Park High School
Stammer, Nikolai Grand Valley High School
Henderson, Justin Rifle High School
Shields, Zeb Bayfield High School
Ortega, Kiril Delta High School
Morehouse, David Pagosa Springs High School
Everett, Michael Bayfield High School
Johnson, Kale Moffat County High School
Zummach, Connor Gunnison High School
Allen, Noah Basalt High School
Parker, Tyler Coal Ridge High School
Evans, Cooper Pagosa Springs High School
Boyd, Aidan Coal Ridge High School
Almanza Silva, Miguel Olathe High School
Blocker, Jack Aspen High School
Cormican, Dylan Middle Park High School
Satterfield, Michael Grand Valley High School
Coller, Jace Rifle High School
Lewis, Shad Delta High School
Garcia, Elco Bayfield High School
Chen, Joshua Montezuma-Cortez High School
Cayard, Clayton Pagosa Springs High School
Terry, Coltyn Moffat County High School
Stice, Brennan Gunnison High School
Monroy, Erick Coal Ridge High School
Olin, Nevada Olathe High School
Ciccarelli, Calvin Middle Park High School
Strauss, Keenan Grand Valley High School
Almanza, Jose Olathe High School
Chesner, Conner Aspen High School
Hemmert, Sammy Grand Valley High School
Valerio, Adrian Rifle High School
Moore, Shane Bayfield High School
Gonzales, Enrique Delta High School
Hinojosa, Royce Bayfield High School
Mortenson, Noah Moffat County High School
Mangum, Marshall Gunnison High School
Blakemore, Mason Pagosa Springs High School
Del Cid, Sebastian Basalt High School
Alexander, Zebuel Gunnison High School
Riddick, Callahan Coal Ridge High School
Lovelace, Josh Coal Ridge High School
Coombs, Jacob Rifle High School
Roque, Daniel Olathe High School
Reed, Brenon Aspen High School
Callarman, Ethan Middle Park High School
Dooling, Ethan Grand Valley High School
Jones, Jack Delta High School
Heil, Nicholas Rifle High School
Nanaeto, Jonas Bayfield High School
Korthank, Keirnan Montezuma-Cortez High School
Heraty, Gabe Pagosa Springs High School
Mortenson, Wyatt Moffat County High School
Baker, Jackson Gunnison High School
Bruce, Tucker Basalt High School
Jaquez, Sergio Coal Ridge High School
Wolfson, Devon Olathe High School
Gallagher, Jacob Middle Park High School
Johnston, Joseph Grand Valley High School
McLaughlin, Layton Olathe High School
Johnson, Riley Aspen High School
Cotter, Ethan Grand Valley High School
Whitt, Patrick Rifle High School
McMillian, Zach Delta High School
Smith, Liam Bayfield High School
Elliott, Jadon Montezuma-Cortez High School
Trevenen, Ian Moffat County High School
Orgill, Rhys Gunnison High School
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3A HS Girls 5,000 Meter Run 89 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hall, Grace Delta High School
Porter, Paige Bayfield High School
Pelletier, Ivy Gunnison High School
Taylor, Nell Pagosa Springs High School
Levy, Sarah Basalt High School
Papierski, Emaleigh Moffat County High School
Phelan, Charlotte Coal Ridge High School
Weiss, Elsie Aspen High School
Cormican, Leah Middle Park High School
Beckington, Hannah Grand Valley High School
Lovato, Raquel Olathe High School
Lamas, Maria Delta High School
Millward, Tatumn Bayfield High School
Myers, Emalie Montezuma-Cortez High School
Hansen, Greta Aspen High School
Meats, Bree Moffat County High School
Cattles, Kadey Gunnison High School
Dominguez, Darian Pagosa Springs High School
Hayes, Joslyn Gunnison High School
Copeland, Sam Coal Ridge High School
Taylor, Celia Pagosa Springs High School
Bower, Sierra Basalt High School
Marquez, Michelle Coal Ridge High School
Trail, Madison Middle Park High School
Branson, Kaitlyn Delta High School
Abbott, Audrey Rifle High School
Clark, Kendall Aspen High School
Williams, Zoe Delta High School
Sawyer, Emaliah Bayfield High School
Behrman, Alayna Moffat County High School
Rollins, Aulea Gunnison High School
Sauceda, Michelle Pagosa Springs High School
Hofner, Analynn Basalt High School
Green, Reyah Coal Ridge High School
Mitchell, Georgia Basalt High School
Kenny, Michaela Aspen High School
Lanternmans, Emily Middle Park High School
Schoeppner, Taygann Grand Valley High School
Germann, Cheyanne Olathe High School
McCrackin, Sophia Delta High School
Dennison, Ridley Montezuma-Cortez High School
Kenny, Kylie Aspen High School
Jones, Emma Moffat County High School
Bleakley, Skye Gunnison High School
Rickert, Bria Gunnison High School
Carpenter, Ivory Pagosa Springs High School
Maley, Katelyn Basalt High School
Swindler, Stephenie Moffat County High School
Prodzinski, Haven Coal Ridge High School
Friesen, Cameryn Middle Park High School
Beckington, Rhiannon Grand Valley High School
Cardenas, Casandra Rifle High School
Bradley, Marina Montezuma-Cortez High School
Chesner, Bronwyn Aspen High School
Corbasson, Emma Delta High School
Ion, Eli Bayfield High School
Telford, Mackenzi Moffat County High School
Cattles, Anna Gunnison High School
Liverett, Sierra Pagosa Springs High School
Leibinger, Stephanie Basalt High School
Ayala, Araceli Coal Ridge High School
Gillis, Lily Basalt High School
Stuart, Mia Middle Park High School
Terry, Kylee Delta High School
Rowley, Sydney Rifle High School
Meyers, Trinity Montezuma-Cortez High School
Sherlock, Edie Aspen High School
Nichols, Tiana Moffat County High School
Isham, Katie Gunnison High School
Greenly, Megan Pagosa Springs High School
Lane, Ava Basalt High School
McDiffett, Kelsey Moffat County High School
Smythe, Natalie Coal Ridge High School
McDonough, Eva Aspen High School
Barker, Maggie Middle Park High School
Hoyt, Bailey Grand Valley High School
Hunt, Kalea Montezuma-Cortez High School
Huntley, Tayler Delta High School
Thayer, Abria Bayfield High School
Hamilton, Halle Moffat County High School
Matias, Ester Gunnison High School
Bowels, Annabelle Pagosa Springs High School
Parr, Sadie Coal Ridge High School
Moon, Sophia Basalt High School
Riddick, Skye Coal Ridge High School
Brower, Sylvia Middle Park High School
Williams, Sophie Delta High School
Coombs, Karisa Rifle High School
Hopkinson, Macy Aspen High School
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