Kourtney Rathke couldn't believe it.
She bound her hands into two tight fists of giddy excitement, covering her face as if to replay the moment as it had just played out.
A moment earlier she had left her pole and whipped her arms back as she twisted over the bar, which stood 13-feet, nine-and-a-quarter inches above the ground.
Gravity took the Peak to Peak junior, bringing her back to earth.
When she landed, the bar remained unscathed above her head.
An official personal best. A meet record. A Colorado No. 1, and a US No. 8.
It was a moment of perfection that was preceded by countless hours of putting in work unseen by the masses. But in this moment, the masses were treated with the fruits of Rathke's efforts.
She dropped her hands down, revealing a beaming smile and picked up her pole. While she was still in the moment, another one awaited her - there was still work to be done.
Another bar to clear.
Rathke went on to make several teeth-clenching attempts at 14-feet. And I write "teeth-clenching" as in she nearly had it every time.
It was just a matter of inches.
A 14-foot clearance did not come on this day, though to anyone who witnessed her three attempts, it's clear that it's coming.
While Rathke shined bright at the Air Force High School Indoor Open, the meet itself was a bit of a reveal - a "Who's Been Putting In The Work This Winter?" across the board.
Editor's Note: I'd like to apologize for anyone hoping to watch the live stream of the meet. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the stream went down before the meet ever started. I apologize for the inconvenience.
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