High Altitude Challenge 2021

Alamosa, CO
Timing/Results VNC Timing

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whitehorn, Ryder Creede High School
Martin, Preston Salida High School
Dalleck, Dawson Gunnison High School
Jerabek, Gavin Creede High School
Young, Jase Salida High School
Barnes, Deegan Bayfield High School
Bertolino, Simon Cotopaxi High School
Gonzalez, Jose Center High School
Roper, Chance Salida High School
Carvajal, Nicolas Bayfield High School
Goldberg, Quintin Rye High School
Romero, Stefen Gunnison High School
Vinson, Eli Cotopaxi High School
Chavez, Eyan 11.55 Centauri High School
Sigala, Elias 11.58 Monte Vista High School
Kennedy, Landon 11.65 Bayfield High School
Woodworth, Tyler 11.82 Durango High School
Brady, Deven 11.83 Centauri High School
Wingate, Dylan 12.00h Moffat High School
Deluca, Chris 12.11 Buena Vista High School
Cestone, Logan 12.11 Del Norte High School
Wingo, Aman 12.20h Buena Vista High School
Regiel, Kodiak 12.23 Moffat High School
Smith, Chase 12.25 Alamosa High School
Carichner, Jonah 12.26 Custer County High School
Lazaro, Javier 12.39 Lake County High School
Lemus, Isai 12.41 Alamosa High School
Lopez, Ivan 12.45 Centauri High School
Roberts, Landon 12.48 Durango High School
Riepel, John 12.52 Ignacio High School
Lindahl, Gavin 12.56 Pagosa Springs High School
Perez-Rosa, Jaime 12.83 Gunnison High School
Newitt, Josh 12.92 Rye High School
Juarez, Nathaniel 12.96 Monte Vista High School
Peters, Jace 12.98 Lake County High School
Miller, Jacob 13.00 Pagosa Springs High School
Tichi, Levi 13.12 Durango High School
Barker, Tommy 13.18 Pagosa Springs High School
Corona, Jawadin 13.28 Ignacio High School
Heredia, Addan 13.30 Monte Vista High School
Sanchez, TJ 13.31 Del Norte High School
Stockebrand, Austin 13.50 Sangre de Cristo High School
Garcia, Sean 13.59 Sangre de Cristo High School
Lucero, Josh 13.99 Antonito High School
Ojeda, Darron 14.10h Sangre de Cristo High School
Harris, Anthony 14.29 Lake County High School
Martinez, Antonio 15.00 Sargent High School
Vitale, Vinny 15.14 Sargent High School
Madril, Kaidon 16.34 Alamosa High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flores, Ethan Durango High School
Bertolino, Simon Cotopaxi High School
Wright, Corbyn Sargent High School
Martinez, Anthony 15.41 Lake County High School
Lopez, Ivan 16.95 Centauri High School
Hinger, Cam 17.32 Pagosa Springs High School
Zastrocky, Micah 20.19 Durango High School
Durand, Eli 20.86 Lake County High School
Tarango, Obed 21.24 Lake County High School
Stockebrand, Austin 21.80h Sangre de Cristo High School
Gandy, Colby 21.94 Del Norte High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vinson, Eli Cotopaxi High School
Sisneros-Padilla, Nathan Antonito High School
Hinger, Levi Pagosa Springs High School
Medina, Joshua 4:13.06 Alamosa High School
Frausto, Damian 4:27.91 Durango High School
Knight, Paul 4:27.93 Durango High School
Zeller, Micah 4:34.16 Custer County High School
Lambert, Land 4:35.22 Durango High School
Casanova, Izaiah 4:45.0 Alamosa High School
Shields, Zeb 4:57.21 Bayfield High School
Wilcox, Elijah 5:02.76 Salida High School
Heraty, Gabe 5:11.35 Pagosa Springs High School
Baker, Jackson 5:18.59 Gunnison High School
Riser, Michael 5:21.48 Gunnison High School
Orr, Riley 5:23.01 Del Norte High School
Canty, Ren 5:32.10 Sanford High School
Horning, Josiah 5:42.13 Lake County High School
Garcia, Memphis 5:49.49 Monte Vista High School
Chavez, Tony 5:54.55 Centauri High School
Finehout, Mason 5:59.23 Centauri High School
Lague, Ben 6:05.33 Buena Vista High School
Tattershal, Calvin 6:06.63 Buena Vista High School
Tibbits, Hyram 6:07.20 Centauri High School
Newitt, Josh 6:07.94 Rye High School
Landry, Jack 6:09.81 Salida High School
Knowlton, Oskar 6:10.10 Buena Vista High School
Ryter, Julian 6:15.81 Gunnison High School
Ramirez, Johnathan 6:20.35 Alamosa High School
Ford, Mason 6:27.50 Rye High School
Walter, Harrison 6:29.69 Custer County High School
Merriam, Logan 6:32.33 Salida High School
Garcia, Trajan 6:44.34 Ignacio High School
Price, Aaron 6:48.91 Sargent High School
Marotta, Kyle 7:11.84 Pagosa Springs High School
Sisneros, Oakley 7:19.83 Monte Vista High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goldberg, Quintin Rye High School
Gonzalez, Jose Center High School
Martin, Preston Salida High School
Anderson, Hunter Bayfield High School
Medina, Cael Gunnison High School
Riepel, John Ignacio High School
Chavez, Davion Alamosa High School
Perez-Rosa, Jaime Gunnison High School
Sigala, Elias 23.49 Monte Vista High School
Claunch, Mason 23.55 Centauri High School
Martinez, Anthony 23.62 Lake County High School
Brady, Deven 23.64 Centauri High School
Fancher, Jaxon 23.80 Durango High School
Thompson, Emmet 24.15 Durango High School
Morgan, Aaron 24.30 Salida High School
Jimenez, Fabian 24.46 Lake County High School
Deluca, Chris 24.80 Buena Vista High School
Wingo, Aman 25.00h Buena Vista High School
Goodwin, Ean 25.01 Durango High School
Lazaro, Javier 25.29 Lake County High School
Carichner, Jonah 25.44 Custer County High School
Kenison, Riley 25.62 Sargent High School
Gutierrez, Daniel 25.80 Center High School
Lindahl, Gavin 25.85 Pagosa Springs High School
Chavez, Eyan 25.99 Centauri High School
Gunter, Khegan 26.80 Monte Vista High School
Foutz, Bradley 26.84 Bayfield High School
Barnes, Tyler 26.86 Ignacio High School
Sanchez, TJ 26.87 Del Norte High School
Dahle, Kyle 27.14 Del Norte High School
Miller, Jacob 28.00 Pagosa Springs High School
Landry, Jack 28.31 Salida High School
Garcia, Sean 28.81 Sangre de Cristo High School
Russell, Andrew 29.49 Bayfield High School
Stults, Isaac 29.70 Monte Vista High School
Lucero, Josh 29.70 Antonito High School
Dalleck, Dawson 30.20 Gunnison High School
Wilson, Breck 30.54 Pagosa Springs High School
Reveles, Brandon 31.04 Alamosa High School
Vitale, Vinny 31.66 Sargent High School
Madril, Kaidon 34.67 Alamosa High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flores, Ethan Durango High School
Wilson, Breck 1:00.99 Pagosa Springs High School
Smith, Chase 43.43 Alamosa High School
Hinger, Cam 45.02 Pagosa Springs High School
Regiel, Kodiak 46.31 Moffat High School
Lopez, Ivan 47.15 Centauri High School
Sowards, Mason 47.25 Centauri High School
Pierce, Jonathan 47.27 Gunnison High School
Tarango, Obed 48.80 Lake County High School
Barker, Tommy 49.85 Pagosa Springs High School
Durand, Eli 50.12 Lake County High School
Wright, Corbyn 51.06 Sargent High School
Zastrocky, Micah 53.68 Durango High School
Stockebrand, Austin 56.80h Sangre de Cristo High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Finehout, Mason Centauri High School
Bowles, Andrew Pagosa Springs High School
Tibbits, Hyram Centauri High School
Garcia, Trajan Ignacio High School
Dillman, Charlie Durango High School
Ford, Mason Rye High School
Ramirez, Johnathan Alamosa High School
Baca, Alex 10:00.14 Gunnison High School
Zeller, Micah 10:04.42 Custer County High School
Stice, Brennan 10:32.08 Gunnison High School
Wilcox, Elijah 10:45.21 Salida High School
Medina, Joshua 10:59.53 Alamosa High School
Ellis, Nathaniel 11:37.06 Durango High School
Burkhart, Westen 12:28.71 Sargent High School
Morehouse, David 12:37.13 Pagosa Springs High School
Walter, Harrison 14:01.72 Custer County High School
Chavez, Tony 14:11.10 Centauri High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Landry, Jack Salida High School
Garcia, Jerome Antonito High School
Roberts, Kaleb Durango High School
Mangum, Marshall Gunnison High School
Gomez, Darius Antonito High School
Bak, Derick Rye High School
Cody, Thaddaeus Alamosa High School
Lootens, Jack Durango High School
Kenison, Riley 1:00.00 Sargent High School
Chenowith, James 1:01.20 Bayfield High School
Johnson, Max 1:01.99 Buena Vista High School
Garrison, James 1:02.16 Lake County High School
Vitale, Roman 1:03.00h Sargent High School
Dahle, Kyle 1:03.28 Del Norte High School
Lester, Hayden 1:03.45 Sargent High School
Gonzales, Abel 1:04.87 Lake County High School
Newitt, Josh 1:06.21 Rye High School
Tattershal, Calvin 1:10.00h Buena Vista High School
Brady, Kobie 1:12.00 Monte Vista High School
Lucero, Josh 1:12.17 Antonito High School
Stults, Isaac 1:16.00 Monte Vista High School
Claunch, Mason 50.55 Centauri High School
Valdez, Michael 51.23 Alamosa High School
Cestone, Logan 52.05 Del Norte High School
Jimenez, Fabian 53.19 Lake County High School
Roberts, Landon 54.35 Durango High School
Bichon, Bodin 56.85 Gunnison High School
Barnes, Kaden 56.95 Bayfield High School
Kennedy, Landon 57.75 Bayfield High School
Gandy, Colby 58.11 Del Norte High School
Hernandez, Luis 58.68 Monte Vista High School
Anderson, Kaleb 59.36 Centauri High School
Brown, Kai 59.50h Salida High School
Carichner, Jonah 59.85 Custer County High School
Baxter, Izayah 60.00 Salida High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Salida High School
Relay Team A Pagosa Springs High School
Relay Team A 45.42 Durango High School
Relay Team A 45.92 Centauri High School
Relay Team A 46.87 Lake County High School
Relay Team A 47.46 Bayfield High School
Relay Team A 47.80 Monte Vista High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Pagosa Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:36.95 Centauri High School
Relay Team A 1:42.38 Salida High School
Relay Team A 1:43.71 Durango High School
Relay Team A 1:45.00 Monte Vista High School
Relay Team A 1:48.66 Lake County High School
Relay Team A 1:52.27 Sargent High School
Relay Team A 1:54.22 Bayfield High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Antonito High School
Relay Team A Alamosa High School
Relay Team A Ignacio High School
Relay Team A Sargent High School
Relay Team A 3:32.00h Durango High School
Relay Team A 3:40.00 Salida High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00 Centauri High School
Relay Team A 3:56.99 Del Norte High School
Relay Team A 4:08.03 Gunnison High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lake County High School
Relay Team A Durango High School
Relay Team A 10:45.50 Pagosa Springs High School
Relay Team A 10:50.00 Centauri High School
Relay Team A 11:00.00 Buena Vista High School
Relay Team A 8:57.87 Salida High School
Relay Team A 9:11.88 Gunnison High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frausto, Damian Durango High School
Marotta, Kyle Pagosa Springs High School
Lester, Hayden Sargent High School
Lague, Ben Buena Vista High School
Ryter, Julian Gunnison High School
Gray, Brendan Rye High School
Medina, Joshua 1:57.16 Alamosa High School
Casanova, Izaiah 2:05.0 Alamosa High School
Knight, Paul 2:06.11 Durango High School
Shields, Zeb 2:06.88 Bayfield High School
Banghart, Kuper 2:11.45 Salida High School
Peters, Jace 2:14.67 Lake County High School
Beddingfield, Hollister 2:15.21 Salida High School
Lambert, Land 2:16.73 Durango High School
Wilcox, Elijah 2:19.30 Salida High School
Burkhart, Westen 2:20.00 Sargent High School
Baker, Jackson 2:24.32 Gunnison High School
Zeller, Micah 2:26.60 Custer County High School
Tibbits, Hyram 2:30.20 Centauri High School
Finehout, Mason 2:32.25 Centauri High School
Horning, Josiah 2:32.95 Lake County High School
Hernandez, Luis 2:36.13 Monte Vista High School
Chavez, Tony 2:38.12 Centauri High School
Downum, Rowen 2:38.60 Gunnison High School
Canty, Ren 2:42.16 Sanford High School
Sandoval, Desmond 2:42.98 Lake County High School
Tattershal, Calvin 2:43.72 Buena Vista High School
Price, Aaron 2:53.97 Sargent High School
Garcia, Trajan 3:00.95 Ignacio High School
Sisneros, Oakley 3:05.00 Monte Vista High School
Walter, Harrison 3:19.71 Custer County High School
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HS Boys Discus 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Raymond, Evan 124-2 Pagosa Springs High School
Hersink, Gabe 120-0 Alamosa High School
Rodriguez, Nephi 116-9 Centauri High School
Felix, Alex 113-4 Monte Vista High School
Garcia Rodriguez, Junior 113-1 Durango High School
Barnes, Deegan 112-9 Bayfield High School
Mueller, Cash 111-3 Alamosa High School
Maglietto, Caleb 110-11 Rye High School
Barnes, Kaden 102-0 Bayfield High School
Hudson, Alric 98-5 Ignacio High School
Hinojos, Ivan 97-11 Lake County High School
Aucoin, Wil 95-6 Pagosa Springs High School
Samuelson, Devin 94-0 Rye High School
Price, Aiden 92-5 Sargent High School
Brockschmidt, Jordan 91-1 Gunnison High School
Roderick, Jeremy 90-2 Ignacio High School
Taylor, Josh 90-2 Centauri High School
Ruggles, Cael 87-7 Center High School
Mendoza, Michael 82-3.5 Alamosa High School
Rangel, Deonta 77-0 Monte Vista High School
Martinez, Antonio 73-7 Sargent High School
Wilson, Boden 73-6 Custer County High School
Anglin, Markus 72-5 Rye High School
Reyes, Cruz 64-10 Center High School
Clark, Owyn 64-6 Custer County High School
Baker, Troy 64-3 Lake County High School
Chiquito, Jerry 60-4 Monte Vista High School
Ojeda, Darron 55-8 Sangre de Cristo High School
Brown, Jacob 54-6 Gunnison High School
Hall, Cody 47-2 Lake County High School
Garcia, Jerome Antonito High School
Padilla, Xavier Center High School
Gomez, Darius Antonito High School
Albo, Dominic Bayfield High School
Jerabek, Gavin Creede High School
Whitehorn, Ryder Creede High School
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HS Boys High Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Duran, Josh 6-0 Antonito High School
Edwards, Crosby 6-0 Bayfield High School
Goodwin, Mason 6-0 Sanford High School
Pratt, Brennan 5-9 Buena Vista High School
Tailleur, Ben 5-8 Centauri High School
Otero, Tyrese 5-6 Monte Vista High School
Zastrocky, Jasper 5-6 Durango High School
Gutierrez, Daniel 5-4 Center High School
O'Donnell, Aidan 5-4 Pagosa Springs High School
Mangum, Marshall 5-4 Gunnison High School
Hernandez, Adrian 5-2 Monte Vista High School
Heredia, Addan 5-2 Monte Vista High School
Lague, Ben 5-1 Buena Vista High School
Sowards, Shelton 5-1 Centauri High School
Liewer, Ivan 5-0 Lake County High School
Wingate, Dylan 4-5 Moffat High School
Stockebrand, Austin Sangre de Cristo High School
Corona, Jawadin Ignacio High School
Johnson, Max Buena Vista High School
Roberts, Kaleb Durango High School
Lopez, Ivan Centauri High School
Sanchez, TJ Del Norte High School
Gandy, Colby Del Norte High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cestone, Logan 20-8.75 Del Norte High School
Kennedy, Landon 19-11 Bayfield High School
Martinez, Anthony 19-9.5 Lake County High School
Goodwin, Mason 19-8.25 Sanford High School
Deluca, Chris 19-1.5 Buena Vista High School
Pratt, Brennan 19-1.5 Buena Vista High School
Otero, Tyrese 19-0 Monte Vista High School
Heredia, Addan 17-6 Monte Vista High School
Gwinn, Kilian 17-1.25 Durango High School
Orr, Riley 16-10 Del Norte High School
Wright, Corbyn 16-5 Sargent High School
Tarango, Obed 16-2 Lake County High School
Juarez, Nathaniel 15-9.25 Monte Vista High School
Romero, Stefen 15-9 Gunnison High School
Sowards, Shelton 15-9 Centauri High School
Medina, James 15-5 Lake County High School
Gutierrez, Daniel 14-10.5 Center High School
Lester, Hayden 14-1.7 Sargent High School
Garcia, Trajan 11-1.2 Ignacio High School
Vitale, Vinny Sargent High School
Jewell, Tucker Custer County High School
Corona, Jawadin Ignacio High School
Wingo, Aman Buena Vista High School
Ford, Mason Rye High School
Vinson, Eli Cotopaxi High School
Miller, Jacob Pagosa Springs High School
Gonzales, Dante Alamosa High School
Lemus, Isai Alamosa High School
Bertolino, Simon Cotopaxi High School
O'Donnell, Aidan Pagosa Springs High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tichi, Levi 10-0 Durango High School
Barnes, Tyler 9-5 Ignacio High School
Peters, Jace 8-7 Lake County High School
Dahle, Kyle 8-0 Del Norte High School
Chavez, Davion 8-0 Alamosa High School
Reveles, Brandon 8-0 Alamosa High School
Riepel, John Ignacio High School
Hughes, Jed Durango High School
Carvajal, Nicolas Bayfield High School
Mangum, Marshall Gunnison High School
Pierce, Jonathan Gunnison High School
Dalleck, Dawson Gunnison High School
Orr, Riley Del Norte High School
Cody, Thaddaeus Alamosa High School
Durand, Eli Lake County High School
Harris, Anthony Lake County High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goodwin, Mason 41-6.25 Sanford High School
Barnes, Kaden 39-10 Bayfield High School
Raymond, Evan 39-1 Pagosa Springs High School
Mueller, Cash 38-4 Alamosa High School
Maglietto, Caleb 37-7.5 Rye High School
Garcia Rodriguez, Junior 37-4 Durango High School
Barnes, Deegan 36-7 Bayfield High School
Felix, Alex 35-2 Monte Vista High School
Rangel, Deonta 34-11.5 Monte Vista High School
Rodriguez, Nephi 34-8.5 Centauri High School
Brockschmidt, Jordan 34-5 Gunnison High School
Aucoin, Wil 34-4.5 Pagosa Springs High School
Hinojos, Ivan 33-4 Lake County High School
Samuelson, Devin 33-3.5 Rye High School
Hudson, Alric 33-2 Ignacio High School
Roderick, Jeremy 32-5 Ignacio High School
Ruggles, Cael 32-2.5 Center High School
Hersink, Gabe 32-0 Alamosa High School
Jaramillo, Dontae 31-0 Alamosa High School
Taylor, Josh 30-10 Centauri High School
Price, Aiden 30-1.5 Sargent High School
Martinez, Antonio 30-0.5 Sargent High School
Reyes, Cruz 29-2 Center High School
Hall, Cody 28-2 Lake County High School
Bak, Derick 26-7 Rye High School
Wilson, Boden 26-1 Custer County High School
Clark, Owyn 25-10.5 Custer County High School
Albo, Dominic 25-3 Bayfield High School
Baker, Troy 24-6 Lake County High School
Chiquito, Jerry 22-6 Monte Vista High School
Ojeda, Darron 21-3 Sangre de Cristo High School
Brown, Jacob 20-3.5 Gunnison High School
Garcia, Jerome Antonito High School
Padilla, Xavier Center High School
Gomez, Darius Antonito High School
Merriam, Logan Salida High School
Jerabek, Gavin Creede High School
Whitehorn, Ryder Creede High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pratt, Brennan 38-11 Buena Vista High School
Otero, Tyrese 38-10 Monte Vista High School
Gwinn, Kilian 37-5 Durango High School
Vitale, Roman 36-5 Sargent High School
Noonan, Jack 36-3 Monte Vista High School
O'Donnell, Aidan 35-9.5 Pagosa Springs High School
Sowards, Mason 35-0 Centauri High School
Sanchez, TJ 34-0.5 Del Norte High School
Juarez, Nathaniel 33-6 Monte Vista High School
Dalleck, Dawson 31-2 Gunnison High School
Duran, Josh Antonito High School
Jewell, Tucker Custer County High School
Liewer, Ivan Lake County High School
Harris, Anthony Lake County High School
Medina, James Lake County High School
Brumbelow, Evan Bayfield High School
Bertolino, Simon Cotopaxi High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Strohl, Trinity Ignacio High School
Paiz, Ciara Center High School
Ford, Jayla Alamosa High School
Tam, Ming Rye High School
Dahle, Kelsie Del Norte High School
Hernandez-Sabino, Johanna Gunnison High School
Brunson, Laci Ignacio High School
Sanchez, Nicole Buena Vista High School
Badachi, Alexia Center High School
Best, Mackenzie Cotopaxi High School
Smith, Naomi Durango High School
Metz, Peyton Sangre de Cristo High School
Aragon, Kevyn Antonito High School
Palmgren, Avery 12.89 Sangre de Cristo High School
White, Jasmine 13.07 Buena Vista High School
Young, Lexy 13.59 Ignacio High School
Hardesty, Aani 13.61 Alamosa High School
Schuknecht, Maya 13.63 Buena Vista High School
Varela, Alexis 13.64 Center High School
Waters, Ellie 13.95 Gunnison High School
Valdez, Lexie 13.99 Pagosa Springs High School
Lindstrom, Jordan 14.00 Pagosa Springs High School
Rusk, Emma 14.05 Custer County High School
Bernal, Haley 14.11 Monte Vista High School
Lengerich, Lily 14.20 Salida High School
Wilson, Seneca 14.40 Durango High School
Hawk, Emmy 14.41 Durango High School
Ruybal, Camrey 14.52 Centauri High School
George, Hailey 14.57 Rye High School
Peterson, Reece 14.59 Pagosa Springs High School
Ter Kuile-Miller, Mia 14.71 Alamosa High School
Cavett, Molly 14.72 Del Norte High School
Romero, Ryann 14.95 Centauri High School
Holland, Kamryn 15.12 Sargent High School
Archuletta, Paradise 15.23 Centauri High School
Sprague, Kaytlin 15.29 Lake County High School
Lovejoy, Meili 15.53 Bayfield High School
Capozza, Amelia 15.58 Salida High School
Roberts, Natalie 15.71 Moffat High School
Mendoza, Maya 15.77 Lake County High School
Milne, Avery 15.99 Lake County High School
Heineman, Annabelle 16.00 Sargent High School
Rocky, Jordan 16.00h Sargent High School
Schaak, Annika 16.29 Monte Vista High School
McNulty, Aspen 16.86 Gunnison High School
Bernal, Syriah 16.86 Monte Vista High School
Schleeter, Teagan 16.94 Bayfield High School
Thomas, Presley 17.08 Salida High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
VanZalinge, Shelby Del Norte High School
Provence, Hannah Sangre de Cristo High School
Best, Mackenzie Cotopaxi High School
Caldwell, Chantelle Pagosa Springs High School
Asbell, Bailey 17.87 Sargent High School
Moore, Kaydin 18.14 Custer County High School
Ruybal, Camrey 18.46 Centauri High School
Roof, Keaton 19.35 Durango High School
McVaugh, Jessica 19.52 Durango High School
Heineman, Annabelle 20.00 Sargent High School
Martin, Kelcey 20.25 Centauri High School
Sowards, Abigail 21.09 Centauri High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilkinson, Katie Custer County High School
Hartzell, Izabella Gunnison High School
Adams, Kate Salida High School
Montano, Olga Sangre de Cristo High School
DeLaCerda, Sarah 5:27.99 Alamosa High School
Forrest, Tea 5:43.44 Durango High School
Fehr, Abby 5:45.97 Durango High School
McQuitty, Autumn 5:47.24 Alamosa High School
Lott, Willow 5:49.18 Durango High School
Taylor, Nell 5:56.69 Pagosa Springs High School
Pelletier, Ivy 5:59.58 Gunnison High School
Smith, Quinn 6:01.32 Salida High School
King, Keira 6:07.03 Lake County High School
Salazar, Mallory 6:08.25 Buena Vista High School
Lopez, Sariaha 6:10.34 Alamosa High School
Mowery, Justine 6:16.87 Gunnison High School
Bomgardner, Brooke 6:39.50 Custer County High School
Ashley, Moriah 7:02.73 Ignacio High School
Skadberg, Kaia 7:03.23 Centauri High School
Espinoza, Jazmine 7:10.25 Centauri High School
Forgan, Victoria 7:16.58 Bayfield High School
deKay, Lauren 7:24.43 Ignacio High School
Smith, Scarlet 7:26.57 Buena Vista High School
Taylor, Lucy 7:35.06 Pagosa Springs High School
Duran, Cecilia 7:42.14 Salida High School
Forgan, Skye 7:44.66 Bayfield High School
Montoya, Tayden 7:50.46 Centauri High School
Sanburg, Rachel 7:54.03 Ignacio High School
Reed, Alysha 8:23.68 Buena Vista High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Demarree, Destiny Alamosa High School
Aragon, Kevyn Antonito High School
Metz, Peyton Sangre de Cristo High School
Sarnow, Chloe Bayfield High School
Higham, Charley Del Norte High School
Badachi, Alexia Center High School
Cattles, Kadey Gunnison High School
Mars, Elissa Bayfield High School
Tam, Ming Rye High School
Kvasnovsky, Megan Durango High School
Gant, Emma Pagosa Springs High School
Strohl, Trinity Ignacio High School
Palmgren, Avery 26.74 Sangre de Cristo High School
Varela, Alexis 27.66 Center High School
Young, Lexy 28.03 Ignacio High School
Lengerich, Lily 29.15 Salida High School
Tate, Abby 29.19 Bayfield High School
Mortensen, Emery 29.78 Sanford High School
Jackson, Sydney 29.91 Alamosa High School
Asbell, Bailey 29.93 Sargent High School
Hostetter, Saige 30.00 Sargent High School
Valdez, Lexie 30.10 Pagosa Springs High School
Mazzeo, Macy 30.33 Salida High School
Wilson, Seneca 30.43 Durango High School
Colley, Mitchek 30.5 Buena Vista High School
Hinger, Nika 30.76 Pagosa Springs High School
Bernal, Haley 30.85 Monte Vista High School
Paiz, Ciara 30.94 Center High School
Tippetts, Harper 31.00h Buena Vista High School
George, Hailey 31.34 Rye High School
Romero, Ryann 31.59 Centauri High School
Sanchez, Nicole 32 Buena Vista High School
Rocky, Jordan 32.00h Sargent High School
Wild, Lily 32.25 Gunnison High School
Sprague, Kaytlin 32.29 Lake County High School
Salazar, Kalee 32.50h Centauri High School
Brunson, Laci 32.58 Ignacio High School
Zamora, Elia 33.48 Alamosa High School
Howell, Aden 33.81 Del Norte High School
Smith, Naomi 33.88 Durango High School
Schaak, Annika 34.00 Monte Vista High School
Holm, Morgan 34.75 Lake County High School
Adams, Amy 34.79 Salida High School
Archuletta, Paradise 35.20 Centauri High School
Wilkinson, Katie 35.29 Custer County High School
Arellano, Makayla 35.32 Lake County High School
McNulty, Aspen 37.27 Gunnison High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Provence, Hannah Sangre de Cristo High School
Parra, Luz Elena Antonito High School
Hardesty, Aani Alamosa High School
Sowards, Abigail 1:02.00 Centauri High School
Lovejoy, Meili 1:10.86 Bayfield High School
Holm, Morgan 1:13.68 Lake County High School
Heineman, Annabelle 1:30.00h Sargent High School
Asbell, Bailey 50.00h Sargent High School
Froehlich, Danica 50.08 Gunnison High School
Moore, Kaydin 51.12 Custer County High School
Marruffo, Aurora 52.30 Lake County High School
McVaugh, Jessica 56.17 Durango High School
Roof, Keaton 58.60 Durango High School
VanZalinge, Shelby 59.52 Del Norte High School
Sarnow, Chloe 59.66 Bayfield High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Horning, Rose Lake County High School
deKay, Lauren Ignacio High School
Hill, Violet Lake County High School
McQuitty, Autumn Alamosa High School
Hartzell, Izabella Gunnison High School
Rollins, Aulea 12:06.45 Gunnison High School
Forrest, Tea 12:11.49 Durango High School
Smith, Zaila 12:20.00 Buena Vista High School
Lott, Willow 12:52.31 Durango High School
Taylor, Nell 13:27.84 Pagosa Springs High School
Bodewes, Kristina 14:03.42 Durango High School
Bomgardner, Brooke 15:03.66 Custer County High School
Ashley, Moriah 15:26.34 Ignacio High School
Skadberg, Kaia 19:25.89 Centauri High School
Montoya, Tayden 19:36.56 Centauri High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Kenzie Del Norte High School
Forrest, Ashley Durango High School
Gant, Emma Pagosa Springs High School
Ter Kuile-Miller, Mia Alamosa High School
Himmelberg, Kendall Rye High School
Howell, Aden Del Norte High School
Banghart, Kali Salida High School
Silvas, Patricia Antonito High School
Strohl, Trinity Ignacio High School
Montano, Olga Sangre de Cristo High School
Holland, Kamryn 1:03.00h Sargent High School
Hindes, Chloe 1:04.40 Monte Vista High School
Tate, Abby 1:05.99 Bayfield High School
Wubben, Abby 1:06.00 Alamosa High School
Smith, Quinn 1:06.67 Salida High School
Frazer, Kayleigh 1:07.66 Durango High School
Mazzeo, Macy 1:07.85 Salida High School
Mortensen, Emery 1:09.34 Sanford High School
Wilson, Seneca 1:09.95 Durango High School
Hostetter, Saige 1:10.53 Sargent High School
Lopez, Raechel 1:12.29 Rye High School
Brunson, Laci 1:12.86 Ignacio High School
Horning, Rose 1:12.96 Lake County High School
Johnson, Audrey 1:14.83 Buena Vista High School
Zamora, Elia 1:14.96 Alamosa High School
Bigley, Erin 1:16.99 Buena Vista High School
Hill, Violet 1:18.01 Lake County High School
Mars, Elissa 1:21.79 Bayfield High School
Milne, Avery 1:24.46 Lake County High School
Rocky, Jordan 1:25.00h Sargent High School
Bowen, Trinity 1:40.00h Buena Vista High School
Varela, Alexis 65 Center High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Del Norte High School
Relay Team A Antonito High School
Relay Team A Pagosa Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:00.71 Lake County High School
Relay Team A 1:06.24 Bayfield High School
Relay Team A 1:07.19 Salida High School
Relay Team A 54.00h Buena Vista High School
Relay Team A 54.92 Gunnison High School
Relay Team A 58.49 Durango High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Pagosa Springs High School
Relay Team A Durango High School
Relay Team A Salida High School
Relay Team A Del Norte High School
Relay Team A 1:59.60 Gunnison High School
Relay Team A 2:05.99 Lake County High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Alamosa High School
Relay Team A 4:21.00h Durango High School
Relay Team A 4:30.00 Salida High School
Relay Team A 4:39.45 Gunnison High School
Relay Team A 4:45.00h Sargent High School
Relay Team A 5:33.27 Del Norte High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Durango High School
Relay Team A 11:00.00 Buena Vista High School
Relay Team A 12:50.00 Centauri High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Best, Mackenzie Cotopaxi High School
Adams, Kate Salida High School
Montano, Olga Sangre de Cristo High School
McManus, Angela 2:26.76 Durango High School
Ortiz, Jolee 2:30.84 Rye High School
DeLaCerda, Sarah 2:32.59 Alamosa High School
Fehr, Abby 2:34.56 Durango High School
Pelletier, Ivy 2:41.05 Gunnison High School
Smith, Quinn 2:41.39 Salida High School
Quayle, Nina 2:47.98 Durango High School
King, Keira 2:48.75 Lake County High School
Horning, Adele 2:49.74 Lake County High School
Harris, Ashlynd 2:50.82 Gunnison High School
Wubben, Abby 2:51.99 Alamosa High School
Lopez, Sariaha 2:59.20 Alamosa High School
Bomgardner, Brooke 2:59.88 Custer County High School
Mowery, Justine 3:04.18 Gunnison High School
Espinoza, Jazmine 3:10.25 Centauri High School
Skadberg, Kaia 3:12.70 Centauri High School
Montoya, Tayden 3:14.07 Centauri High School
Forgan, Victoria 3:17.67 Bayfield High School
deKay, Lauren 3:20.11 Ignacio High School
Taylor, Lucy 3:21.09 Pagosa Springs High School
Forgan, Skye 3:24.41 Bayfield High School
Smith, Scarlet 3:25.21 Buena Vista High School
Duran, Cecilia 3:27.54 Salida High School
Reed, Alysha 3:51.24 Buena Vista High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Ignacio High School
Relay Team A Rye High School
Relay Team A Sargent High School
Relay Team A Antonito High School
Relay Team A 1:58.09 Durango High School
Relay Team A 2:12.52 Salida High School
Relay Team A 2:12.84 Custer County High School
Relay Team A 2:13.86 Gunnison High School
Relay Team A 2:13.87 Lake County High School
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HS Girls Discus 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flores, Sydney 111-6 Durango High School
Perea, Analysia 100-9 Monte Vista High School
Nelson, Emily 89-11 Bayfield High School
Vasquez, Samantha 89-11 Durango High School
Feuss, Gweneth 85-11 Buena Vista High School
Griffin, Bella 85-4.5 Alamosa High School
Younkerman, Montana 85-0 Sargent High School
DeVries-Voeglein, Samantha 82-7.5 Cotopaxi High School
Hamilton, Courtney 80-6 Centauri High School
Shallenberger, Bailee 79-8 Pagosa Springs High School
Turner, Mason 79-8 Durango High School
Feuss, Carley 72-5 Buena Vista High School
Holbrook, Joci 72-0 Lake County High School
Johnson, Marissa 70-2 Centauri High School
Killinen, Katie 69-6 Bayfield High School
Peerman, Abriana 68-0 Del Norte High School
Tate, Abby 67-4 Bayfield High School
Barboza, Azmariah 63-2 Sangre de Cristo High School
Peterson, Megan 62-3 Sargent High School
Crosson, Sofia 61-0 Rye High School
Archuletta, Paradise 60-3 Centauri High School
Chacon, Angelica 57-0 Alamosa High School
Kattnig, Aurora 56-10 Gunnison High School
Schaak, Annika 52-10 Monte Vista High School
Colley, Mitchek 45-6 Buena Vista High School
Bowers, Geonna 44-2 Lake County High School
Garcia, Seanna Sangre de Cristo High School
Schnitzler, Sophia Cotopaxi High School
Garcia, Zanita Antonito High School
Graham, Molly Pagosa Springs High School
Gurule, Jessi Pagosa Springs High School
Demarree, Destiny Alamosa High School
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HS Girls High Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Meshew, Nykole 5-0 Bayfield High School
Cattles, Kadey 4-10 Gunnison High School
Jones, Gabby 4-8 Sargent High School
Dahle, Kelsie 4-8 Del Norte High School
Hindes, Chloe 4-6 Monte Vista High School
Lindstrom, Jordan 4-6 Pagosa Springs High School
Hauger, Karmyn 4-6 Moffat High School
Windorski, Jaycee 4-4 Lake County High School
Morales, Hannah 4-4 Gunnison High School
Mobbley, Avery 4-4 Alamosa High School
Smith, Kenzie 4-3 Del Norte High School
Bernal, Syriah 4-2 Monte Vista High School
Romero, Ryann 3-11 Centauri High School
Parra, Luz Elena Antonito High School
Coleman, Molly Lake County High School
Johnson, Audrey Buena Vista High School
Caldwell, Chantelle Pagosa Springs High School
Sowards, Abigail Centauri High School
Espinoza, Jazmine Centauri High School
Higham, Charley Del Norte High School
Smith, Naomi Durango High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Palmgren, Avery 17-3 Sangre de Cristo High School
White, Jasmine 16-7 Buena Vista High School
Marruffo, Aurora 15-4.75 Lake County High School
Provence, Hannah 15-1 Sangre de Cristo High School
Bernal, Haley 14-11 Monte Vista High School
Hardesty, Aani 14-11 Alamosa High School
Lindstrom, Jordan 14-4.5 Pagosa Springs High School
Brunson, Laci 13-6.5 Ignacio High School
Hindes, Chloe 13-6.25 Monte Vista High School
Madrid, Kaeci 13-6.25 Del Norte High School
Bernal, Syriah 13-5 Monte Vista High School
Rusk, Emma 13-2.5 Custer County High School
Bryniarski, Ania 12-7 Gunnison High School
Hostetter, Saige 12-1.5 Sargent High School
Hinger, Nika 12-1.5 Pagosa Springs High School
Roberts, Natalie 12-0 Moffat High School
Frazier, Lydia 12-0 Gunnison High School
Fuller, Kaitlyn 12-0 Gunnison High School
Sprague, Kaytlin 11-9.5 Lake County High School
Romero, Ryann 11-9.5 Centauri High School
Paiz, Ciara 11-7.75 Center High School
Hauger, Karmyn 11-5.5 Moffat High School
Martin, Kelcey 11-5 Centauri High School
Creel, Caitlin 11-2 Centauri High School
Sanchez, Nicole 10-7 Buena Vista High School
Gonzales, Emily 10-2 Alamosa High School
Bowen, Trinity 9-6.5 Buena Vista High School
Sanburg, Rachel 8-8 Ignacio High School
Silvas, Patricia Antonito High School
Himmelberg, Kendall Rye High School
Windorski, Jaycee Lake County High School
Badachi, Alexia Center High School
Ashley, Moriah Ignacio High School
Banghart, Kali Salida High School
Dahle, Kelsie Del Norte High School
Mars, Elissa Bayfield High School
Zamora, Elia Alamosa High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Madrid, Kaeci 8-6 Del Norte High School
Moore, Halle 8-0 Durango High School
Marruffo, Aurora 7-7 Lake County High School
Harris, Ashlynd 7-6 Gunnison High School
Horning, Adele 6-1 Lake County High School
Horning, Rose 6-1 Lake County High School
Wilson, Seneca 6-0 Durango High School
Behn, Lexi Durango High School
Mars, Elissa Bayfield High School
Mowery, Justine Gunnison High School
McNulty, Aspen Gunnison High School
Smith, Kenzie Del Norte High School
VanZalinge, Shelby Del Norte High School
Ford, Jayla Alamosa High School
McQuitty, Autumn Alamosa High School
Mobbley, Avery Alamosa High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hamilton, Courtney 35-9.5 Centauri High School
Flores, Sydney 32-4.75 Durango High School
Griffin, Bella 30-7 Alamosa High School
Perea, Analysia 30-6 Monte Vista High School
Johnson, Marissa 29-5 Centauri High School
Vasquez, Samantha 29-3.5 Durango High School
Creel, Caitlin 28-9 Centauri High School
Nelson, Emily 28-8 Bayfield High School
Younkerman, Montana 27-0.5 Sargent High School
Feuss, Carley 26-9 Buena Vista High School
Kvasnovsky, Megan 25-7 Durango High School
DeVries-Voeglein, Samantha 25-3.75 Cotopaxi High School
Barboza, Azmariah 24-11.5 Sangre de Cristo High School
Peerman, Abriana 24-9 Del Norte High School
Killinen, Katie 24-6.5 Bayfield High School
Feuss, Gweneth 24-1 Buena Vista High School
Peterson, Megan 23-6 Sargent High School
Holbrook, Joci 22-9.25 Lake County High School
Bigley, Erin 22-0.5 Buena Vista High School
Chacon, Angelica 21-1.5 Alamosa High School
Bowers, Geonna 20-4.5 Lake County High School
Kattnig, Aurora 20-2 Gunnison High School
Shallenberger, Bailee 19-6 Pagosa Springs High School
Crosson, Sofia 17-6 Rye High School
Garcia, Seanna Sangre de Cristo High School
Holm, Morgan Lake County High School
Schnitzler, Sophia Cotopaxi High School
Garcia, Zanita Antonito High School
Graham, Molly Pagosa Springs High School
Gurule, Jessi Pagosa Springs High School
Demarree, Destiny Alamosa High School
Berry, J'Nya Salida High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Kaydin 32-3.75 Custer County High School
McManus, Angela 30-5.5 Durango High School
Schuknecht, Maya 30-1.5 Buena Vista High School
Hauger, Karmyn 28-11 Moffat High School
Metz, Peyton 28-1 Sangre de Cristo High School
Sowards, Abigail 27-6 Centauri High School
Frazier, Lydia 27-0.5 Gunnison High School
Holm, Morgan 26-8.7 Lake County High School
Bernal, Syriah 26-3 Monte Vista High School
Bryniarski, Ania 26-1 Gunnison High School
Fuller, Kaitlyn 24-8 Gunnison High School
Arellano, Makayla 23-8 Lake County High School
Coleman, Molly 23-5 Lake County High School
Paiz, Ciara Center High School
Himmelberg, Kendall Rye High School
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