Multi-League Championship Meet 2021

Grand Junction, CO

Athlete Entries

2A WSL Boys 100 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Woodward, Jeremy 11.45 Meeker High School
Franco, Cesar 11.67 Olathe High School
Ryan, Wesley 11.71 DeBeque High School
Turner, Kelton 11.80 Meeker High School
Howell, Wyatt 11.81 West Grand High School
Hossack, Porter 11.97 Meeker High School
Dale, Brayden 12.02 Hayden High School
Ealey, Devon 12.04 Plateau Valley High School
Jordan, Jaden 12.16 DeBeque High School
Bergman, Ollie 12.29 West Grand High School
Rios, Alan 12.40 Hotchkiss High School
Dailey, Jayden 12.59 North Park High School
Owens, Daniel 12.63 Hotchkiss High School
Crum, Makeon 12.81 North Park High School
Biekert, Dane 12.85 West Grand High School
Borja, Alfredo 13.20 Grand Valley High School
Garriott, Cordell 13.26 North Park High School
Ashby, Colton 13.27 Cedaredge High School
Salberg, Gavyn 13.31 Soroco High School
Lara Vargas, Miguel 13.43 Olathe High School
Personette, Jacob 13.47 Caprock Academy High School
Whaley, Logan 13.65 Soroco High School
Sackett, Kyson 13.73 Grand Valley High School
Satterfield, Michael 13.80 Grand Valley High School
Kirby, Kaiden 14.17 Plateau Valley High School
Blair, Jaxson 14.99 Cedaredge High School
Webb, Trystan 16.69 Plateau Valley High School
Ross, Mykel 24.03 Cedaredge High School
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2A WSL Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peebles, Blaine 15.57 Hotchkiss High School
Hofer, Pepe 16.80 Cedaredge High School
Castanon, Alejandro 16.87 West Grand High School
Schake, Austin 16.89 West Grand High School
Tullis, Logan 17.24 Cedaredge High School
Boger, Tyler 17.62 Grand Valley High School
Henderson, Kade 19.03 Cedaredge High School
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2A WSL Boys 1600 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ripley, Connor Olathe High School
Barber, Lucas Olathe High School
Knez, Keaton 4:48.65 Hayden High School
Lewis, Trevor 4:53.43 DeBeque High School
Sinaloa, Jorge 4:57.05 Vail Christian High School
Birk, Alyster 5:00.73 Paonia High School
Jansen, Keaton 5:06.96 Grand Valley High School
Dorris, Andrew 5:11.10 Rangely High School
Wilkinson, Galen 5:17.95 West Grand High School
Olson, Lukas 5:18.56 Caprock Academy High School
Saunders, Jonas 5:21.08 Caprock Academy High School
Liwanag, Robert 5:22.48 Caprock Academy High School
Noel, Colton 5:27.46 Rangely High School
Silva, Logan 5:29.99 Hayden High School
Stammer, Nikolai 5:30.05 Grand Valley High School
Kleckler, Andrew 5:30.31 Hayden High School
Purvis, Andrew 5:31.82 Cedaredge High School
Thompson, Hunter 5:32.93 Hotchkiss High School
Hatheway, Christopher 5:52.48 Cedaredge High School
Camacho, Pablo 5:57.47 Hotchkiss High School
Dooling, Ethan 6:09.76 Grand Valley High School
Regelman, Kevin 6:13.83 Hotchkiss High School
Mojarro, Jose J 6:15.55 Paonia High School
Mojarro, Jose 6:19.73 Paonia High School
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2A WSL Boys 200 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harper, Brayden Grand Valley High School
Owens, Daniel Hotchkiss High School
Cantrell, Brent Rangely High School
Jordan, Hunter 23.81 Cedaredge High School
Clatterbaugh, Colby 23.82 Meeker High School
Hossack, Porter 24.33 Meeker High School
Ealey, Devon 24.41 Plateau Valley High School
Dale, Brayden 24.56 Hayden High School
Magana, Gabe 24.62 Grand Valley High School
Crites, Dalton 24.74 Plateau Valley High School
Edson, Levi 24.83 West Grand High School
Dominguez, Rene 24.94 West Grand High School
Vigil, Jerrel 24.94 Olathe High School
Shackelford, Scott 24.96 Olathe High School
Cochrane, Kenyon 25.72 Rangely High School
Houston, Emmit 26.00h North Park High School
Rios, Alan 26.04 Hotchkiss High School
Biekert, Dane 26.34 West Grand High School
Satterfield, Bode 26.51 Plateau Valley High School
Ashby, Colton 27.22 Cedaredge High School
Lara Vargas, Miguel 27.72 Olathe High School
Sackett, Kyson 27.86 Grand Valley High School
Ramsey, Montgomery 28.30 North Park High School
Whaley, Logan 28.33 Soroco High School
Salberg, Gavyn 29.86 Soroco High School
Cornelison, Jace 31.73 North Park High School
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2A WSL Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harper, Brayden Grand Valley High School
Peebles, Blaine 41.45 Hotchkiss High School
Boger, Tyler 43.38 Grand Valley High School
Jordan, Jaden 45.05 DeBeque High School
Clatterbaugh, Brendan 45.31 Meeker High School
Tullis, Logan 46.05 Cedaredge High School
Castanon, Alejandro 46.72 West Grand High School
Moreno, Hayden 46.90 Hotchkiss High School
Henderson, Kade 51.76 Cedaredge High School
Salberg, Gavyn 52.23 Soroco High School
Hannemann, Owen 53.44 Meeker High School
Santiago, Rafa 54.40 Olathe High School
Westermann, Tanner 55.80 Olathe High School
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2A WSL Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rupp, Hayden Cedaredge High School
Mojarro, Jose Paonia High School
Thompson, Hunter Hotchkiss High School
Black, Nathan Cedaredge High School
Birk, Alyster 11:01.12 Paonia High School
Johnson, Kale 11:11.04 Hayden High School
Jansen, Keaton 11:24.32 Grand Valley High School
Olson, Lukas 11:42.55 Caprock Academy High School
Saunders, Jonas 11:51.84 Caprock Academy High School
Purvis, Andrew 11:53.67 Cedaredge High School
Noel, Colton 11:54.97 Rangely High School
Stammer, Nikolai 12:36.38 Grand Valley High School
Dooling, Ethan 13:18.87 Grand Valley High School
Regelman, Kevin 13:54.46 Hotchkiss High School
Camacho, Pablo 14:16.53 Hotchkiss High School
Mojarro, Jose J 14:49.44 Paonia High School
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2A WSL Boys 400 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mojarro, Jose J Paonia High School
Valdez, Victor Grand Valley High School
Kleckler, Andrew 1:01.16 Hayden High School
Dorris, Anthony 1:02.39 Rangely High School
Borja, Alfredo 1:03.25 Grand Valley High School
Lopez, Austin 1:05.57 Meeker High School
Whaley, Logan 1:06.32 Soroco High School
Cornelison, Jace 1:12.54 North Park High School
Clatterbaugh, Colby 52.56 Meeker High School
Defield, Micah 52.61 Hotchkiss High School
Abshear, Jonathan 53.50 Caprock Academy High School
Crites, Dalton 54.17 Plateau Valley High School
Franco, Cesar 55.00h Olathe High School
Mendoza, Oliver 55.09 Hotchkiss High School
Ascencio, Andres 55.18 Vail Christian High School
Parker, Kyler 55.67 Cedaredge High School
Alejandro, Silvano 56.00h Olathe High School
Sessions, Hunter 56.20 North Park High School
Pabst, Ben 56.89 Caprock Academy High School
Bergman, Ollie 57.40 West Grand High School
Edson, Levi 57.75 West Grand High School
Satterfield, Michael 57.98 Grand Valley High School
Sullivan, Jeffrey 58.02 Cedaredge High School
Garduno, Jesus 58.72 Olathe High School
Crum, Makeon 59.00h North Park High School
Cerovich, Langley 59.02 Vail Christian High School
Satterfield, Bode 59.07 Plateau Valley High School
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2A WSL Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 45.36 Meeker High School
Relay Team A 45.45 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 45.62 West Grand High School
Relay Team A 46.18 Hotchkiss High School
Relay Team A 46.58 Olathe High School
Relay Team A 50.16 North Park High School
Relay Team A 50.27 Grand Valley High School
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2A WSL Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:34.69 West Grand High School
Relay Team A 1:34.82 Hotchkiss High School
Relay Team A 1:35.49 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 1:36.56 Meeker High School
Relay Team A 1:37.48 Olathe High School
Relay Team A 1:42.91 North Park High School
Relay Team A 1:44.78 Grand Valley High School
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2A WSL Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:37.58 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 3:38.12 Hotchkiss High School
Relay Team A 3:38.96 West Grand High School
Relay Team A 3:39.96 Meeker High School
Relay Team A 3:50.31 Olathe High School
Relay Team A 3:55.61 Grand Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:11.58 Rangely High School
Relay Team A 4:14.88 Paonia High School
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2A WSL Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:02.07 Olathe High School
Relay Team A 8:58.98 Grand Valley High School
Relay Team A 9:23.47 Caprock Academy High School
Relay Team A 9:25.08 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 9:35.91 Rangely High School
Relay Team A 9:49.79 Paonia High School
Relay Team A 9:57.89 Hotchkiss High School
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2A WSL Boys 800 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ripley, Connor Olathe High School
Delacruz, Hector Grand Valley High School
Sackett, Kade Grand Valley High School
Lewis, Trevor 2:04.64 DeBeque High School
Knez, Keaton 2:09.13 Hayden High School
Sinaloa, Jorge 2:09.93 Vail Christian High School
Garcia, James 2:10.00h Caprock Academy High School
Liwanag, Robert 2:14.00h Caprock Academy High School
Dorris, Andrew 2:14.11 Rangely High School
Witwer, Max 2:15.00h Caprock Academy High School
Wilkinson, Galen 2:16.41 West Grand High School
Jansen, Keaton 2:17.30 Grand Valley High School
McLaughlin, Dustin 2:18.82 Hayden High School
Black, Nathan 2:19.08 Cedaredge High School
Ascencio, Andres 2:19.17 Vail Christian High School
Garcia, Alejandro 2:19.74 Paonia High School
Cerovich, Langley 2:22.00h Vail Christian High School
Olin, Nevada 2:25.10 Olathe High School
Noel, Colton 2:26.17 Rangely High School
Silva, Logan 2:28.63 Hayden High School
Forbes, Issac 2:29.34 Paonia High School
Hatheway, Christopher 2:31.88 Cedaredge High School
Rodriguez, Ben 2:33.68 Hotchkiss High School
Allred, Justin 2:35.30 Rangely High School
Hart, Ryder 2:36.86 Paonia High School
Almanza, Victor 2:43.51 Olathe High School
Kirby, Kaiden 2:45.58 Plateau Valley High School
Webb, Trystan 2:53.87 Plateau Valley High School
Blair, Jaxson 2:55.93 Cedaredge High School
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2A WSL Boys Discus 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cochrane, Kenyon 142-1 Rangely High School
Buzzell, Markem 132-0 Hotchkiss High School
Tullis, Blake 131-5 Cedaredge High School
Alejandre, Cris 126-0.5 Cedaredge High School
Doyle, Jacob 117-7 Grand Valley High School
Wagner, Brody 115-3 Cedaredge High School
Delamater, Chase 107-1 Soroco High School
Kleckler, Andrew 106-4 Hayden High School
Matus, Christian 105-4 Hotchkiss High School
Cravens, Grant 100-7 Meeker High School
Williams, Austin 98-4 Hayden High School
Houston, Emmit 93-10 North Park High School
Personette, Jacob 91-5 Caprock Academy High School
Mejia, Josue 91-4 Soroco High School
Garriott, Cordell 89-2 North Park High School
Brasington, Colby 88-11 Vail Christian High School
Ramsey, Montgomery 88-7 North Park High School
Van Vleet, Mason 87-10 Paonia High School
Edson, Levi 76-4.5 West Grand High School
Ross, Paul 74-5 Plateau Valley High School
Williams, Landon 73-9 West Grand High School
Brown, Zagar 72-5 Meeker High School
Allred, Justin 72-4 Rangely High School
Hart, Ryder 71-10 Paonia High School
Fairclough, Leium 67-7 Olathe High School
Barber, Lucas 66-7 Olathe High School
Svaldi, Logan 64-0 Caprock Academy High School
Westermann, Tanner 63-1 Olathe High School
Davis-Daniels, Kegan 52-4 Hotchkiss High School
Gregory, Eric 43-7 West Grand High School
Wold, Travis 41-5 DeBeque High School
Cantrell, Brent Rangely High School
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2A WSL Boys High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ryan, Wesley 6-4 DeBeque High School
Harris, Brysen 6-1 Cedaredge High School
Scoggins, Timothy 5-11 Rangely High School
Main, Cooper 5-10 Meeker High School
Clatterbaugh, Colby 5-9 Meeker High School
Connolly, Ace 5-9 Paonia High School
Hofer, Pepe 5-8 Cedaredge High School
Cochrane, Kenyon 5-7 Rangely High School
Tullis, Logan 5-7 Cedaredge High School
Boger, Tyler 5-7 Grand Valley High School
Magana, Gabe 5-7 Grand Valley High School
Hannemann, Owen 5-6 Meeker High School
Abshear, Jonathan 5-6 Caprock Academy High School
Sessions, Hunter 5-3 North Park High School
Mendez, Froilan 4-11 Olathe High School
Houston, Emmit 4-10 North Park High School
Edson, Kai West Grand High School
Williams, Landon West Grand High School
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2A WSL Boys Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ryan, Wesley 21-3.5 DeBeque High School
Jordan, Jaden 20-7.7 DeBeque High School
Woodward, Jeremy 20-2.7 Meeker High School
Moreno, Hayden 19-1 Hotchkiss High School
Ealey, Devon 18-8.75 Plateau Valley High School
Vigil, Jerrel 18-2.5 Olathe High School
Franco, Cesar 18-2 Olathe High School
Hofer, Pepe 17-11.2 Cedaredge High School
Satterfield, Bode 17-10.2 Plateau Valley High School
Connolly, Ace 17-8.75 Paonia High School
Mendez, Froilan 17-7 Olathe High School
Dailey, Jayden 17-3 North Park High School
Crites, Dalton 17-2 Plateau Valley High School
Abshear, Jonathan 17-1.5 Caprock Academy High School
Rios, Alan 16-4 Hotchkiss High School
Owens, Daniel 15-1.5 Hotchkiss High School
Forbes, Issac 14-11 Paonia High School
Allred, Justin 14-7.5 Rangely High School
Borja, Alfredo 14-6 Grand Valley High School
Sackett, Kyson 13-11 Grand Valley High School
Wren, Kevin Rangely High School
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2A WSL Boys Pole Vault 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Main, Cooper 12-2 Meeker High School
Clatterbaugh, Colby 12-0 Meeker High School
Clatterbaugh, Brendan 11-0 Meeker High School
Wilkinson, Galen 10-0 West Grand High School
Bergman, Ollie 9-6 West Grand High School
Edson, Kai 8-0 West Grand High School
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2A WSL Boys Shot Put 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alejandre, Cris 45-9 Cedaredge High School
Tullis, Blake 44-7 Cedaredge High School
Matus, Christian 44-3 Hotchkiss High School
Eskelson, Zach 44-3 Meeker High School
Buzzell, Markem 41-5.7 Hotchkiss High School
Garriott, Cordell 40-11.5 North Park High School
Ramsey, Montgomery 40-5.5 North Park High School
O'Brien, Slater 39-8.5 Vail Christian High School
Delamater, Chase 38-9 Soroco High School
Cravens, Grant 38-7 Meeker High School
Brown, Zagar 38-3 Meeker High School
Scoggins, Timothy 38-0.5 Rangely High School
Kuemmerlin, Jake 37-7 Cedaredge High School
Doyle, Jacob 36-6 Grand Valley High School
Harper, Brayden 36-4 Grand Valley High School
Castanon, Alejandro 36-3.5 West Grand High School
Shelden, Dakota 35-4.5 Hotchkiss High School
Palacio, Eddie 35-3.5 Vail Christian High School
Van Vleet, Mason 35-2.5 Paonia High School
Cochrane, Kenyon 35-2 Rangely High School
McLaughlin, Dustin 34-4 Hayden High School
Shull, Taylor 32-3 Vail Christian High School
Mejia, Josue 32-0 Soroco High School
Edson, Levi 31-4 West Grand High School
Williams, Austin 31-2.5 Hayden High School
Williams, Landon 31-0.5 West Grand High School
Fairclough, Leium 29-5 Olathe High School
Personette, Jacob 29-1 Caprock Academy High School
Ross, Paul 28-7 Plateau Valley High School
Svaldi, Logan 27-8 Caprock Academy High School
Barber, Lucas 26-1.5 Olathe High School
Cantrell, Brent Rangely High School
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2A WSL Boys Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Woodward, Jeremy 41-1.2 Meeker High School
Phelan, Ryan 39-8 Meeker High School
Nieto, Adrian 38-3.5 Cedaredge High School
Sessions, Hunter 36-8.7 North Park High School
Crum, Makeon 36-8 North Park High School
Bergman, Ollie 36-0.2 West Grand High School
Abshear, Jonathan 36-0 Caprock Academy High School
Strate, Carter 31-3 Meeker High School
Cornelison, Jace 28-9.7 North Park High School
Wren, Kevin Rangely High School
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2A WSL Girls 100 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Geiger, Shelby Soroco High School
Rhea, Dixie 12.63 Rangely High School
Ibarra, Daisey 13.29 Olathe High School
Vandenberg, Lexi 13.40 Soroco High School
Simones, Isabella 13.48 Hayden High School
Bruner, Kayedence 13.74 Soroco High School
Dilley, Shyann 13.89 Meeker High School
Kracht, Sarah 13.93 Meeker High School
Milholland, Kimmy 14.14 Cedaredge High School
Lechman, Sage 14.18 West Grand High School
Probst, Maddy 14.20 West Grand High School
Mitchell, Kayla 14.40 Cedaredge High School
Kracht, Natalie 14.40 Meeker High School
Reed, Makaylie 14.47 Cedaredge High School
Robertson-Miracle, Emma 14.58 Caprock Academy High School
Stefanik, Olivia 14.72 West Grand High School
Smith, Emma 15.05 Rangely High School
Castillo, Zully 15.16 Plateau Valley High School
Hollembeak, Emma 15.40 Hotchkiss High School
Sabata, Kaelee 15.47 Grand Valley High School
Manchester, MacKenzie 15.52 Rangely High School
McCall, Sieanna 15.81 Olathe High School
Garcia, Leslie 16.00 Olathe High School
Serio, Kathleen 16.01 Paonia High School
Carlstrom, Kaylee 16.93 North Park High School
Leonard, Mia 17.09 Grand Valley High School
Cromell, Brooklyn 17.95 Caprock Academy High School
Swank, Analisa 18.50 Caprock Academy High School
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2A WSL Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jenkins, Megan 16.14 Cedaredge High School
Furubotten, Aspen 16.96 Cedaredge High School
Mendoza, Alex 17.29 Grand Valley High School
Mills, Taelor 17.93 Cedaredge High School
Overton, Jayden 18.01 Meeker High School
Burr, Hayley 18.39 Rangely High School
Dunckley, Sadie 18.75 Hayden High School
Keddy, Clara 19.40 Caprock Academy High School
Sabata, Kaelee 19.53 Grand Valley High School
Miller, Audree 20.31 West Grand High School
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2A WSL Girls 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Medina, Isabel Soroco High School
Whaley, Larhae Soroco High School
Whitton, Lindsey 5:41.21 Vail Christian High School
Beuche, Addie 5:41.43 Vail Christian High School
Westfahl, Samantha 6:02.17 North Park High School
Karrow, Rose 6:02.22 Soroco High School
Bair, Brighton 6:02.65 Meeker High School
Hast, Joy 6:07.20 West Grand High School
Grossman, Maddie 6:23.03 Caprock Academy High School
Egging, Karlie 6:33.41 Hotchkiss High School
Skinner, Taylor 6:36.69 Caprock Academy High School
Vader, Leah 6:42.66 Cedaredge High School
Gianinetti, Nora 6:43.51 Meeker High School
Robinson, Allie 6:46.48 Caprock Academy High School
Hill, Genevieve 6:50.50 Plateau Valley High School
Medina, Kaylae 6:59.44 Grand Valley High School
Birk, Helena 7:14.56 Paonia High School
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2A WSL Girls 200 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Medina, Kaylae Grand Valley High School
Overton, Jayden Meeker High School
Castillo, Iliana West Grand High School
Bennett, Jillian 26.31 Hayden High School
Rhea, Dixie 26.42 Rangely High School
Terry, Kylee 26.88 Cedaredge High School
Nelson, Bailey 27.57 Cedaredge High School
Vandenberg, Lexi 27.76 Soroco High School
Simones, Isabella 28.31 Hayden High School
Martindale, Marissa 28.98 Soroco High School
Hossack, Ellie 29.90 Meeker High School
Kracht, Natalie 30.08 Meeker High School
Mills, Taelor 30.34 Cedaredge High School
Mikos, Mia 30.46 Hayden High School
Medina, Isabel 31.09 Soroco High School
Smith, Emma 31.48 Rangely High School
Robertson-Miracle, Emma 31.51 Caprock Academy High School
Hufford, Lillian 31.63 West Grand High School
Sabata, Kaelee 31.73 Grand Valley High School
Cantrell, Annika 32.83 Rangely High School
Castillo, Zully 32.95 Plateau Valley High School
Garcia, Leslie 34.32 Olathe High School
Leonard, Mia 36.77 Grand Valley High School
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2A WSL Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hollembeak, Emma Hotchkiss High School
Jenkins, Megan 47.30 Cedaredge High School
Mendoza, Alex 48.42 Grand Valley High School
Furubotten, Aspen 51.24 Cedaredge High School
Burr, Hayley 51.55 Rangely High School
Madden, Olivia 53.00 Cedaredge High School
Dunckley, Sadie 53.77 Hayden High School
Kracht, Natalie 54.97 Meeker High School
Keddy, Clara 55.57 Caprock Academy High School
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2A WSL Girls 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henderson, Grace Cedaredge High School
Belveal, Elyxa Cedaredge High School
Beuche, Addie 12:26.55 Vail Christian High School
Whitton, Lindsey 12:45.15 Vail Christian High School
Westfahl, Samantha 13:12.32 North Park High School
Hast, Joy 13:26.10 West Grand High School
Grossman, Maddie 13:44.07 Caprock Academy High School
Bair, Brighton 13:48.65 Meeker High School
Egging, Karlie 14:46.44 Hotchkiss High School
Skinner, Taylor 14:56.08 Caprock Academy High School
Vader, Leah 14:59.52 Cedaredge High School
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2A WSL Girls 400 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Witwer, Isabella Caprock Academy High School
Campos, Daniela 1:03.37 Olathe High School
Martindale, Marissa 1:05.06 Soroco High School
Mendoza, Alex 1:05.12 Grand Valley High School
Hossack, Ellie 1:06.97 Meeker High School
Bruner, Kayedence 1:06.98 Soroco High School
Houseweart, Cece 1:07.20 Hotchkiss High School
Egging, Karlie 1:07.49 Hotchkiss High School
Dilley, Sophie 1:08.66 North Park High School
Kleckler, Jenna 1:10.00h Hayden High School
Selle, Ainsley 1:10.48 Meeker High School
Whaley, Larhae 1:11.21 Soroco High School
Tanner, Aryaa 1:12.45 Grand Valley High School
Hufford, Lillian 1:12.69 West Grand High School
Gray, Haley 1:13.11 Caprock Academy High School
Mikos, Mia 1:13.38 Hayden High School
Hill, Genevieve 1:16.83 Plateau Valley High School
Williams, Jeanene 1:18.50 Cedaredge High School
Serio, Kathleen 1:19.64 Paonia High School
Sanchez, Paige 1:22.19 North Park High School
Gonzales, Dezirae 1:24.00h North Park High School
Garcia, Leslie 1:25.67 Olathe High School
Bennett, Jillian 59.37 Hayden High School
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2A WSL Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:02.17 North Park High School
Relay Team A 52.30 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 53.02 Paonia High School
Relay Team A 53.19 Meeker High School
Relay Team A 53.74 Olathe High School
Relay Team A 54.12 Hotchkiss High School
Relay Team A 55.33 West Grand High School
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2A WSL Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:50.94 Hotchkiss High School
Relay Team A 1:51.29 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 1:52.48 Paonia High School
Relay Team A 1:53.61 Hayden High School
Relay Team A 1:54.27 Olathe High School
Relay Team A 1:54.63 Meeker High School
Relay Team A 1:57.62 West Grand High School
Relay Team A 1:59.57 Rangely High School
Relay Team A 2:02.37 Caprock Academy High School
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2A WSL Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:15.71 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 4:20.83 Olathe High School
Relay Team A 4:22.66 Hotchkiss High School
Relay Team A 4:32.03 Meeker High School
Relay Team A 4:36.07 Paonia High School
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2A WSL Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:57.07 Olathe High School
Relay Team A 11:32.12 Hotchkiss High School
Relay Team A 12:02.92 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 12:10.01 Caprock Academy High School
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2A WSL Girls 800 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whitton, Lindsey 2:31.83 Vail Christian High School
Scoggins, Mary 2:33.05 Rangely High School
Kamperman, Naomi 2:34.95 Olathe High School
Beuche, Addie 2:38.05 Vail Christian High School
Miller-Barnes, Indigo 2:38.91 Hotchkiss High School
Black, Ellison 2:39.22 Cedaredge High School
Whaley, Larhae 2:40.74 Soroco High School
Karrow, Rose 2:41.27 Soroco High School
Egging, Karlie 2:48.68 Hotchkiss High School
Westfahl, Samantha 2:51.60 North Park High School
Schwartz, Celeah 2:51.96 Caprock Academy High School
Medina, Isabel 2:56.59 Soroco High School
Gianinetti, Nora 2:57.53 Meeker High School
Hill, Genevieve 2:57.58 Plateau Valley High School
Jenkins, Emma 3:00.08 Cedaredge High School
Hayes-Pursley, Hailey 3:00.85 Cedaredge High School
Cook, Miranda 3:08.26 Caprock Academy High School
Robinson, Allie 3:14.21 Caprock Academy High School
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2A WSL Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:53.18 Cedaredge High School
Relay Team A 1:55.88 Rangely High School
Relay Team A 1:57.36 Paonia High School
Relay Team A 1:57.54 Hotchkiss High School
Relay Team A 1:58.24 Soroco High School
Relay Team A 2:00.03 Olathe High School
Relay Team A 2:02.02 Grand Valley High School
Relay Team A 2:05.51 Caprock Academy High School
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2A WSL Girls Discus 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kiefer, Lauryn 115-4 Paonia High School
Knowles, Hailey 107-3 Meeker High School
Brooks, Elizabeth 104-7 Cedaredge High School
Allred, Rylee 96-0 Rangely High School
Phelps, Kyrah 94-1 Rangely High School
Walck, Kacey 92-10 Cedaredge High School
Munden, Dakota 91-2.5 Hayden High School
Mendoza, Vianney 89-6 Hotchkiss High School
Miller, Meloni 86-8 Plateau Valley High School
Milholland, Kimmy 84-8 Cedaredge High School
Hoff, Daisy 80-5 Soroco High School
Howard, Rachael 80-3 Caprock Academy High School
Manchester, MacKenzie 78-4 Rangely High School
Rumble, Josie 78-1 Olathe High School
Leighton, Lexie 74-1 Paonia High School
Griffith, Tessa 73-9 Hotchkiss High School
Smiley, Tannar 69-7.5 West Grand High School
McCall, Sieanna 68-0 Olathe High School
Gianinetti, Nora 64-0 Meeker High School
Blazon, Bella 63-5 Meeker High School
Benson, Draya 62-0 Olathe High School
Sanchez, Paige 61-4 North Park High School
Clark, McKenzie 59-1 Soroco High School
Cromell, Brooklyn 56-10 Caprock Academy High School
Crews, Lexi 54-1 North Park High School
Swank, Analisa 48-1 Caprock Academy High School
Tanner, Aryaa Grand Valley High School
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2A WSL Girls High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hartofil, Vienna 4-10 Caprock Academy High School
Mercado, Maya 4-10 Rangely High School
Holliday, Ruby 4-9 Meeker High School
Payne, Hadassah 4-9 Cedaredge High School
Cantrell, Annika 4-8 Rangely High School
Vasquez, Delilah 4-7 Paonia High School
Walck, Kacey 4-7 Cedaredge High School
Hollembeak, Emma 4-6 Hotchkiss High School
Lee, Sadie 4-5 Paonia High School
Karrow, Rose 4-5 Soroco High School
Miller, Audree 4-5 West Grand High School
Kobald, Allison 4-2 Meeker High School
Birk, Helena 3-11 Paonia High School
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2A WSL Girls Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scoggins, Mary 16-1.75 Rangely High School
Martindale, Marissa 15-8.5 Soroco High School
Rhea, Dixie 15-7.5 Rangely High School
Vandenberg, Lexi 15-3 Soroco High School
Hartofil, Vienna 14-9 Caprock Academy High School
Garcia, Mariah 14-6 Olathe High School
Hayes-Pursley, Hailey 14-3.2 Cedaredge High School
Smith, Emma 14-1.5 Rangely High School
Kleckler, Jenna 13-7.5 Hayden High School
Medina, Kaylae 13-2.75 Grand Valley High School
Gonzales, Dezirae 12-8.75 North Park High School
Gray, Haley 12-8.25 Caprock Academy High School
Vader, Leah 12-7.2 Cedaredge High School
Castillo, Zully 11-11 Plateau Valley High School
Cook, Miranda 11-9 Caprock Academy High School
Purdy, Samantha 11-5 Cedaredge High School
Woodward, Averee 11-3.2 Meeker High School
Sanchez, Paige 11-0.75 North Park High School
Leonard, Mia 10-5 Grand Valley High School
Crews, Lexi 9-6.25 North Park High School
Geiger, Shelby Soroco High School
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2A WSL Girls Pole Vault 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Merrifield, Aspen 8-7 Meeker High School
Hufford, Lillian 7-8 West Grand High School
Stefanik, Olivia 7-8 West Grand High School
Castillo, Iliana 7-6 West Grand High School
Benjamin, Sophia 7-3 Soroco High School
Kobald, Allison 7-3 Meeker High School
Whaley, Larhae 6-9 Soroco High School
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2A WSL Girls Shot Put 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mendoza, Vianney 36-4 Hotchkiss High School
Brooks, Elizabeth 35-5.5 Cedaredge High School
Miller, Meloni 32-11.75 Plateau Valley High School
Keller, Tristy 31-10 Cedaredge High School
Griffith, Tessa 31-7 Hotchkiss High School
Claridge, Brooke 29-4 Cedaredge High School
Kiefer, Lauryn 29-1 Paonia High School
Probst, Maddy 28-4 West Grand High School
Hoff, Daisy 28-0.5 Soroco High School
Phelps, Kyrah 27-8 Rangely High School
Howard, Rachael 27-7 Caprock Academy High School
Rumble, Josie 26-8.5 Olathe High School
Filfred, Brooke 26-5 Rangely High School
Arnold, Aubree 26-3 Olathe High School
Allred, Rylee 26-0.5 Rangely High School
Blazon, Bella 26-0.5 Meeker High School
Munden, Dakota 25-10 Hayden High School
Gonzales, Dezirae 25-2.5 North Park High School
Leighton, Lexie 25-0 Paonia High School
Tanner, Aryaa 24-8.5 Grand Valley High School
Cromell, Brooklyn 24-5 Caprock Academy High School
Kurth, Shyanna 23-1 Meeker High School
Benson, Draya 23-1 Olathe High School
Smiley, Tannar 20-4.5 West Grand High School
Clark, McKenzie 19-8.5 Soroco High School
Crews, Lexi 19-1.5 North Park High School
Swank, Analisa 17-9 Caprock Academy High School
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2A WSL Girls Triple Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scoggins, Mary 35-0.25 Rangely High School
Rajzer, Alison 34-11 Hayden High School
Jenkins, Megan 34-5 Cedaredge High School
Ellenberger, Leia 33-8 Paonia High School
Hollembeak, Lottie 33-1.5 Hotchkiss High School
Madden, Olivia 32-0.75 Cedaredge High School
Simones, Isabella 31-5.5 Hayden High School
Kracht, Sarah 30-5.5 Meeker High School
Bruner, Kayedence 30-0 Soroco High School
Hartofil, Vienna 30-0 Caprock Academy High School
Selle, Ainsley 29-8.5 Meeker High School
Ela, Adair 28-8.5 Hotchkiss High School
Woodward, Averee 27-0 Meeker High School
Cook, Miranda 26-0 Caprock Academy High School
Geiger, Shelby Soroco High School
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3A WSL Boys 100 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alvarado, Rulbe 11.24 Basalt High School
Hafey, Logan 11.27 Moffat County High School
Frink, Caleb 11.48 Moffat County High School
Marantino, Embrey 11.57 Rifle High School
Prettyman, Peyton 11.58 Rifle High School
Price, Jack 11.64 Coal Ridge High School
Vergara, Omar 11.80 Coal Ridge High School
Pargiter-Walker, Cole 11.85 Roaring Fork High School
Hernandez, Daniel 12.10 Rifle High School
Blessing, Saw 12.33 Delta High School
Bays, Noah 12.59 Roaring Fork High School
Romero, Stefen 12.60 Gunnison High School
Kelly, James 12.62 Aspen High School
Morales, Jesus 12.62 Aspen High School
Schoon, Samuel 12.66 Roaring Fork High School
Gerardi, William 12.74 Aspen High School
Perez-Rosa, Jaime 12.83 Gunnison High School
Avila, Joseph 12.88 Delta High School
Albright, Carson 12.93 Basalt High School
Saenz, Bryan 13.17 Coal Ridge High School
Dalleck, Dawson 14.31 Gunnison High School
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3A WSL Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hafey, Logan 16.10 Moffat County High School
Atkin, Evan 16.42 Moffat County High School
Hafey, Ian 16.87 Moffat County High School
Centeno, Dominic 17.21 Coal Ridge High School
Montes, AJ 18.00 Coal Ridge High School
Carranza, Jose 20.76 Rifle High School
Loya, Yahir 22.55 Rifle High School
Morrisey, Treymon 23.00h Aspen High School
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3A WSL Boys 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baca, Alex 4:18.91 Gunnison High School
Barlow, Ross 4:50.74 Roaring Fork High School
Riser, Michael 5:00.76 Gunnison High School
Carballeira, Talon 5:01.09 Roaring Fork High School
Parker, Tyler 5:04.69 Coal Ridge High School
Parra, William 5:06.85 Coal Ridge High School
Allen, Noah 5:09.07 Basalt High School
Zummach, Connor 5:09.44 Gunnison High School
Reidhead, Boden 5:10.52 Moffat County High School
Camp, Ryan 5:13.96 Roaring Fork High School
Coller, Jace 5:16.21 Rifle High School
Karren, Dallin 5:16.76 Coal Ridge High School
Behrman, Carter 5:16.77 Moffat County High School
Dexter, John 5:18.34 Delta High School
Gifford, Owen 5:18.93 Moffat County High School
Ramirez, Saul 5:25.98 Rifle High School
Roennau, Eske 5:38.20 Aspen High School
Martinez, Randy 5:50.28 Rifle High School
Maron, Alexander 5:55.00h Aspen High School
Kunz, Weston 6:13.45 Delta High School
Del Cid, Sebastian 7:07.06 Basalt High School
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3A WSL Boys 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scharnhorst, Nathan 22.90 Delta High School
Alvarado, Rulbe 22.98 Basalt High School
Frink, Caleb 23.25 Moffat County High School
Marantino, Embrey 23.50 Rifle High School
Contreras, Moises 23.71 Coal Ridge High School
Vergara, Omar 23.77 Coal Ridge High School
Prettyman, Peyton 23.81 Rifle High School
Pargiter-Walker, Cole 24.23 Roaring Fork High School
Teeter, Taran 24.38 Moffat County High School
Carrillo, Esai 24.49 Delta High School
Hernandez, Daniel 24.50 Rifle High School
Blessing, Saw 24.74 Delta High School
Powell, Ryder 24.96 Coal Ridge High School
Medina, Cael 25.08 Gunnison High School
Bays, Noah 25.40 Roaring Fork High School
Kelly, James 25.80h Aspen High School
Zheng, Ryan 25.94 Basalt High School
Albright, Carson 26.61 Basalt High School
Perez-Rosa, Jaime 26.75 Gunnison High School
Smith, Nico 27.20 Aspen High School
Gerardi, William 27.95 Aspen High School
Haberern, JT 28.61 Roaring Fork High School
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3A WSL Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Loya, Yahir Rifle High School
Saenz, Bryan Coal Ridge High School
Hafey, Logan 40.34 Moffat County High School
Atkin, Evan 41.08 Moffat County High School
Carreon, Daniel 42.70 Rifle High School
Hafey, Ian 43.84 Moffat County High School
Centeno, Dominic 44.31 Coal Ridge High School
Montes, AJ 44.69 Coal Ridge High School
Pierce, Jonathan 45.51 Gunnison High School
Lopez, Jesus 49.65 Rifle High School
Schenck, Paul 51.38 Basalt High School
Morrisey, Treymon 55.40 Aspen High School
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3A WSL Boys 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Ezra Coal Ridge High School
Roennau, Eske Aspen High School
Baker, Jackson 10:41.69 Gunnison High School
Allen, Noah 11:09.66 Basalt High School
Parker, Tyler 11:25.27 Coal Ridge High School
Ramirez, Saul 11:27.86 Rifle High School
Reidhead, Boden 11:32.91 Moffat County High School
Dexter, John 11:33.80 Delta High School
Behrman, Carter 11:45.43 Moffat County High School
Coller, Jace 11:49.00 Rifle High School
Whitt, Patrick 12:28.89 Rifle High School
Ryter, Julian 12:33.49 Gunnison High School
Parra, William 13:07.42 Coal Ridge High School
Baca, Alex 9:08.64 Gunnison High School
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3A WSL Boys 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Logan, Misha Roaring Fork High School
Avila, Joseph 1:00.74 Delta High School
Alvarado, Rulbe 50.96 Basalt High School
Vergara, Omar 53.46 Coal Ridge High School
Goff, Hunter 54.30 Delta High School
Teeter, Taran 54.69 Moffat County High School
Webber, James 55.08 Coal Ridge High School
Harden, Clate 56.71 Rifle High School
Albright, Carson 56.80 Basalt High School
Bichon, Bodin 56.85 Gunnison High School
Thompson, Caleb 57.09 Coal Ridge High School
Morales, Jesus 57.73 Aspen High School
Kelly, James 57.73 Aspen High School
Boswell, Cody 58.20h Moffat County High School
Baier, Easton 58.81 Delta High School
Valencia, Joel 59.90 Rifle High School
Grogan, Bodie 59.99 Aspen High School
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3A WSL Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.92 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 45.26 Delta High School
Relay Team A 46.20 Rifle High School
Relay Team A 46.96 Roaring Fork High School
Relay Team A 47.73 Aspen High School
Relay Team A 48.00 Gunnison High School
Relay Team A 48.16 Moffat County High School
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3A WSL Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:32.97 Moffat County High School
Relay Team A 1:34.07 Delta High School
Relay Team A 1:34.72 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 1:35.91 Rifle High School
Relay Team A 1:41.13 Gunnison High School
Relay Team A 1:42.22 Aspen High School
Relay Team A 1:43.64 Roaring Fork High School
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3A WSL Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:31.58 Moffat County High School
Relay Team A 3:38.83 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 3:42.17 Rifle High School
Relay Team A 4:02.30 Aspen High School
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3A WSL Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Aspen High School
Relay Team A 8:31.46 Gunnison High School
Relay Team A 8:46.43 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 8:55.42 Roaring Fork High School
Relay Team A 9:05.85 Delta High School
Relay Team A 9:15.93 Rifle High School
Relay Team A 9:23.65 Moffat County High School
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3A WSL Boys 800 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Santillan, Fernando Delta High School
Barlow, Ross 2:04.25 Roaring Fork High School
Price, Jack 2:07.15 Coal Ridge High School
Stice, Brennan 2:12.33 Gunnison High School
Karren, Dallin 2:15.14 Coal Ridge High School
Fredrickson, Trace 2:16.26 Moffat County High School
Ramirez, Saul 2:16.93 Rifle High School
Zummach, Connor 2:17.00 Gunnison High School
Gifford, Owen 2:18.66 Moffat County High School
Coller, Jace 2:19.68 Rifle High School
Parra, William 2:20.78 Coal Ridge High School
Trevenen, Ian 2:22.17 Moffat County High School
Felix, Albaro 2:22.24 Delta High School
Whitt, Patrick 2:22.89 Rifle High School
Albright, Carson 2:24.74 Basalt High School
Logan, Misha 2:27.16 Roaring Fork High School
Downum, Rowen 2:28.30 Gunnison High School
Kunz, Weston 2:28.95 Delta High School
Barlow, Jacob 2:29.70 Roaring Fork High School
Maron, Alexander 2:44.48 Aspen High School
Clark, Ben 2:44.48 Aspen High School
Quintanilla Salido, Michael 3:00.00h Aspen High School
Del Cid, Sebastian 3:00.15 Basalt High School
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3A WSL Boys Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scranton, Corey 134-1 Moffat County High School
Sanderson, Chris 112-9 Moffat County High School
Davis, Austin 111-6 Coal Ridge High School
Hafey, Ian 109-9 Moffat County High School
Spaulding, Cody 109-6 Rifle High School
Brockschmidt, Jordan 106-11 Gunnison High School
Vargas, Brian 103-11 Aspen High School
Prado, Jason 100-10 Rifle High School
Kirchenwitz, Aiden 98-8 Rifle High School
Kuta, Zach 97-11.5 Delta High School
Centeno, Derrick 97-2 Coal Ridge High School
Monroy, Erick 95-1 Coal Ridge High School
Sanchez, Brett 87-0 Delta High School
Brown, Jacob 75-11 Gunnison High School
Maron, Peter 65-6 Aspen High School
Young, Keyton 52-1 Aspen High School
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3A WSL Boys High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Atkin, Evan 6-3 Moffat County High School
Beaver, Evan 5-10 Moffat County High School
Trevenen, Ian 5-10 Moffat County High School
Zheng, Ryan 5-9 Basalt High School
Lee, Porter 5-7 Aspen High School
Valencia, Joel 5-7 Rifle High School
Gerber, Chase 5-6 Coal Ridge High School
Webber, James 5-6 Coal Ridge High School
Gerardi, William 5-4 Aspen High School
Saldivar, Nicholas 5-4 Rifle High School
Baier, Easton 5-3 Delta High School
Loya, Yahir 5-3 Rifle High School
Schenck, Paul 4-10 Basalt High School
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3A WSL Boys Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Atkin, Evan 22-0 Moffat County High School
Carreon, Daniel 20-3 Rifle High School
Bishop, Kade 20-0 Rifle High School
Frink, Caleb 19-10.5 Moffat County High School
Scharnhorst, Nathan 19-6 Delta High School
Saldivar, Nicholas 19-0 Rifle High School
Contreras, Moises 18-11.7 Coal Ridge High School
Schoon, Samuel 18-9 Roaring Fork High School
Pargiter-Walker, Cole 18-8.75 Roaring Fork High School
Salazar, Eddie 18-2.5 Coal Ridge High School
Baier, Easton 18-0 Delta High School
Lopez, Johnny 17-10 Moffat County High School
Romero, Stefen 17-5 Gunnison High School
Zheng, Ryan 17-1.7 Basalt High School
Gerardi, William 17-1.2 Aspen High School
Brown, Lewis 15-2.5 Aspen High School
Schenck, Paul 15-1 Basalt High School
Powell, Ryder Coal Ridge High School
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3A WSL Boys Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sandblom, Shayne 11-6 Coal Ridge High School
Richel, Justin 10-0 Coal Ridge High School
Vasquez, Christian 9-6 Coal Ridge High School
Whitt, Patrick 9-4 Rifle High School
Mangum, Marshall 9-3 Gunnison High School
Pierce, Jonathan 8-9 Gunnison High School
Johnson, Kellen 8-6 Rifle High School
Dalleck, Dawson 8-3 Gunnison High School
Straw, Josh 8-0 Rifle High School
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3A WSL Boys Shot Put 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goff, James 39-10 Delta High School
Griffith, Jeffery 39-10 Delta High School
Prado, Jason 38-1 Rifle High School
Scranton, Corey 37-5 Moffat County High School
Spaulding, Cody 36-7.5 Rifle High School
Sanderson, Chris 36-5 Moffat County High School
Johnson, Colton 36-4 Delta High School
Monroy, Erick 36-1.5 Coal Ridge High School
Centeno, Dominic 35-11.5 Coal Ridge High School
Brockschmidt, Jordan 35-7.5 Gunnison High School
Vallem, Isaac 35-3 Moffat County High School
Kirchenwitz, Aiden 34-11 Rifle High School
Perea, Angelo 34-2 Coal Ridge High School
Vargas, Brian 30-5 Aspen High School
Brown, Jacob 29-7.5 Gunnison High School
Maron, Peter 27-4.5 Aspen High School
Young, Keyton 20-3.5 Aspen High School
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3A WSL Boys Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carreon, Daniel 40-8 Rifle High School
Jones, Hudson 38-4.5 Moffat County High School
Saldivar, Nicholas 38-0.5 Rifle High School
Salazar, Eddie 37-10 Coal Ridge High School
Lopez, Johnny 34-9.5 Moffat County High School
Fredrickson, Trace 31-10 Moffat County High School
Dalleck, Dawson 31-2 Gunnison High School
Richel, Justin Coal Ridge High School
Centeno, Derrick Coal Ridge High School
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3A WSL Girls 100 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garrison, Peyton 12.44 Coal Ridge High School
Hamilton, Halle 12.77 Moffat County High School
Schaal, Marcy 12.99 Delta High School
McCurdy, Raelee 13.20 Delta High School
Nieslanik, Lily 13.37 Roaring Fork High School
Largent, Railey 13.40 Coal Ridge High School
Young, Phoebe 13.65 Coal Ridge High School
Boothe, Kaitlin 13.66 Basalt High School
Yule, Laurel 13.74 Aspen High School
Fullerton, Celeste 13.85 Roaring Fork High School
Pinkerton-Sparkman, Abigaile 14.08 Rifle High School
Lowe, Quincy 14.38 Moffat County High School
Jones, Oceane 14.65 Aspen High School
Bower, Willow 14.75 Basalt High School
Dietrich, Evi 14.99 Moffat County High School
Palomero, Andrea 15.02 Rifle High School
Hernandez-Sabino, Johanna 15.23 Gunnison High School
Vesey, Jessica 16.06 Aspen High School
McNulty, Aspen 16.86 Gunnison High School
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3A WSL Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nelson, Raeanna 17.33 Coal Ridge High School
Froehlich, Danica 18.22 Gunnison High School
Atkin, Avery 18.87 Moffat County High School
Karren, Lydia 19.38 Coal Ridge High School
Fullerton, Celeste 20.13 Roaring Fork High School
LeWarne, Elizabeth 20.81 Moffat County High School
Tucker, Emilia 22.44 Moffat County High School
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3A WSL Girls 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rollins, Aulea Gunnison High School
Maley, Katelyn 4:47.25 Basalt High School
Bower, Sierra 5:04.25 Basalt High School
Lane, Ava 5:16.03 Basalt High School
Cheney, Mikayla 5:28.15 Coal Ridge High School
Ayala, Araceli 5:56.32 Coal Ridge High School
Hartzell, Izabella 6:08.61 Gunnison High School
Meats, Bree 6:14.91 Moffat County High School
Mowery, Justine 6:18.17 Gunnison High School
Abbott, Audrey 6:37.45 Rifle High School
Abbott, Charly 6:45.13 Delta High School
Wheeler, Brook 6:53.30 Moffat County High School
Roithmayr, Emma 7:04.78 Delta High School
Lamas, Maria 7:23.31 Delta High School
Christensen, Adeline 8:33.75 Aspen High School
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3A WSL Girls 200 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garrison, Peyton 24.87 Coal Ridge High School
Papierski, Emaleigh 26.58 Moffat County High School
Hamilton, Halle 26.84 Moffat County High School
Nieslanik, Lily 27.24 Roaring Fork High School
Schaal, Marcy 27.33 Delta High School
Jones, Emma 27.46 Moffat County High School
Camunez, Jackie 27.65 Coal Ridge High School
Boothe, Kaitlin 28.65 Basalt High School
Porter, Aceleigh 28.72 Coal Ridge High School
Mills, Atahlia 28.73 Roaring Fork High School
Yule, Laurel 28.97 Aspen High School
Jones, Oceane 29.58 Aspen High School
Cattles, Kadey 30.10 Gunnison High School
Palomero, Andrea 31.19 Rifle High School
Bower, Willow 31.77 Basalt High School
Hernandez-Sabino, Johanna 32.32 Gunnison High School
Vesey, Jessica 35.28 Aspen High School
McNulty, Aspen 35.53 Gunnison High School
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3A WSL Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tucker, Emilia 1:01.23 Moffat County High School
Atkin, Avery 1:02.68 Moffat County High School
Froehlich, Danica 50.00 Gunnison High School
Karren, Lydia 51.18 Coal Ridge High School
Nelson, Raeanna 53.18 Coal Ridge High School
LeWarne, Elizabeth 56.21 Moffat County High School
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3A WSL Girls 3200 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Abbott, Audrey Rifle High School
Maley, Katelyn 10:32.33 Basalt High School
Bower, Sierra 10:33.53 Basalt High School
Lane, Ava 11:16.11 Basalt High School
Cheney, Mikayla 12:10.36 Coal Ridge High School
Ayala, Araceli 13:38.89 Coal Ridge High School
Rollins, Aulea 14:03.22 Gunnison High School
Lamas, Maria 17:52.37 Delta High School
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3A WSL Girls 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Papierski, Emaleigh 1:01.17 Moffat County High School
Jones, Emma 1:01.87 Moffat County High School
Smythe, Natalie 1:02.14 Coal Ridge High School
McCurdy, Raelee 1:03.4 Delta High School
Caron, Jamie 1:04.54 Rifle High School
Clark, Kendall 1:05.37 Aspen High School
Jones, Oceane 1:07.08 Aspen High School
Allen, Sage 1:07.86 Rifle High School
Prodzinski, Haven 1:08.04 Coal Ridge High School
Mills, Atahlia 1:09.54 Roaring Fork High School
Bower, Willow 1:12.46 Basalt High School
Palomero, Andrea 1:14.39 Rifle High School
Khan-Farooqi, Yasmine 1:16.99 Aspen High School
Roithmayr, Emma 1:22.70 Delta High School
Hamilton, Halle 58.64 Moffat County High School
Garrison, Peyton 59.13 Coal Ridge High School
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3A WSL Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.46 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 52.09 Moffat County High School
Relay Team A 54.89 Gunnison High School
Relay Team A 57.91 Aspen High School
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3A WSL Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:44.80 Moffat County High School
Relay Team A 1:46.55 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 1:49.69 Delta High School
Relay Team A 1:55.24 Gunnison High School
Relay Team A 1:57.02 Rifle High School
Relay Team A 2:10.05 Aspen High School
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3A WSL Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:05.23 Moffat County High School
Relay Team A 4:05.91 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 4:18.55 Delta High School
Relay Team A 4:34.39 Gunnison High School
Relay Team A 5:09.36 Aspen High School
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3A WSL Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:38.10 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 10:42.67 Basalt High School
Relay Team A 10:56.80 Moffat County High School
Relay Team A 11:12.96 Delta High School
Relay Team A 11:47.43 Gunnison High School
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3A WSL Girls 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bower, Sierra 2:17.98 Basalt High School
Maley, Katelyn 2:19.08 Basalt High School
Cheney, Mikayla 2:20.14 Coal Ridge High School
Lane, Ava 2:27.55 Basalt High School
Clark, Kendall 2:34.40 Aspen High School
Ayala, Araceli 2:37.94 Coal Ridge High School
Dexter, Jessica 2:38.22 Delta High School
Porter, Kaelynn 2:41.60 Delta High School
Pelletier, Ivy 2:44.94 Gunnison High School
Miller, Teya 2:45.14 Moffat County High School
Abbott, Charly 2:49.69 Delta High School
Meats, Bree 2:51.13 Moffat County High School
Wheeler, Brook 2:51.91 Moffat County High School
Hartzell, Izabella 2:52.96 Gunnison High School
Mowery, Justine 2:53.91 Gunnison High School
Abbott, Audrey 2:58.06 Rifle High School
Christensen, Adeline 4:09.02 Aspen High School
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3A WSL Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:51.36 Coal Ridge High School
Relay Team A 1:57.30 Moffat County High School
Relay Team A 2:02.68 Rifle High School
Relay Team A 2:03.77 Aspen High School
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3A WSL Girls Discus 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ferchau, Melita 132-5 Gunnison High School
Porter, Keely 119-3 Delta High School
Wiescamp, Taylor 107-5 Coal Ridge High School
Davis, Addy 103-3 Coal Ridge High School
Wittenberg, Abigail 95-6 Coal Ridge High School
Bohannan, Chandra 86-8 Basalt High School
Lang, Kimber 75-0 Rifle High School
Croy, Jade 74-3 Rifle High School
Wenal, Marley 73-0 Rifle High School
Fredrickson, Billie 62-3 Moffat County High School
Harrell, Raine 54-4 Moffat County High School
Willems, Samantha 49-8 Moffat County High School
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3A WSL Girls High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Simons, Marin 5-4 Coal Ridge High School
Hulet, Baili 5-1 Delta High School
Jones, Emma 5-0 Moffat County High School
Jones, Alexis 4-11 Moffat County High School
Bohannan, Katie 4-10 Basalt High School
Cattles, Kadey 4-10 Gunnison High School
Atkin, Avery 4-9 Moffat County High School
Karren, Lydia 4-8 Coal Ridge High School
Richards, Taylee 4-7 Coal Ridge High School
Morales, Hannah 4-4 Gunnison High School
Khan-Farooqi, Yasmine 4-4 Aspen High School
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3A WSL Girls Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nieslanik, Lily 16-9 Roaring Fork High School
King, Cayden 16-1 Moffat County High School
McCurdy, Raelee 16-1 Delta High School
Bohannan, Katie 15-11 Basalt High School
Porter, Aceleigh 15-6.25 Coal Ridge High School
Yule, Laurel 14-9.75 Aspen High School
Porter, Hartleigh 14-6.5 Coal Ridge High School
Dietrich, Evi 14-3.25 Moffat County High School
Mills, Atahlia 14-3.25 Roaring Fork High School
Simons, Samantha 14-3 Coal Ridge High School
Miller, Teya 14-1 Moffat County High School
Bohannan, Chandra 13-11 Basalt High School
Valencia, Maddy 13-9.5 Rifle High School
Bryniarski, Ania 13-7.5 Gunnison High School
Fuller, Kaitlyn 13-3.5 Gunnison High School
Frazier, Lydia 12-3 Gunnison High School
Christensen, Adeline 8-0 Aspen High School
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3A WSL Girls Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Young, Phoebe 11-4 Coal Ridge High School
Porter, Hartleigh 8-0 Coal Ridge High School
Pinkerton-Sparkman, Abigaile 7-9 Rifle High School
Bohannan, Katie 7-8 Basalt High School
Prodzinski, Haven 7-6 Coal Ridge High School
Allen, Sage 7-6 Rifle High School
Caron, Jamie 7-4 Rifle High School
Harris, Ashlynd 7-3 Gunnison High School
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3A WSL Girls Shot Put 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Porter, Keely 39-10 Delta High School
Wiescamp, Taylor 37-2 Coal Ridge High School
Ferchau, Melita 34-3 Gunnison High School
Markovich, Maddie 31-6 Coal Ridge High School
Lang, Kimber 31-0 Rifle High School
Davis, Addy 30-7.5 Coal Ridge High School
Wenal, Marley 26-11 Rifle High School
Croy, Jade 24-9 Rifle High School
Harrell, Raine 24-0 Moffat County High School
Fredrickson, Billie 22-7 Moffat County High School
Willems, Samantha 19-10 Moffat County High School
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3A WSL Girls Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smythe, Natalie 32-8 Coal Ridge High School
Porter, Hartleigh 31-10 Coal Ridge High School
Bohannan, Katie 31-9 Basalt High School
Smilanich, Sadie 31-3.5 Moffat County High School
Simons, Marin 31-3 Coal Ridge High School
King, Cayden 30-9.7 Moffat County High School
Valencia, Maddy 30-7.25 Rifle High School
Fuller, Kaitlyn 29-1.5 Gunnison High School
Frazier, Lydia 28-7 Gunnison High School
Bryniarski, Ania 27-6 Gunnison High School
Dietrich, Evi 27-5.5 Moffat County High School
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4A WSL Boys 100 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Long, Korben Summit High School
Hamilton, Josh 11.28 Steamboat Springs High School
Morris, Christopher 11.29 Steamboat Springs High School
Kemp, Donovan 11.42 Palisade High School
Delgado, Brian 11.52 Glenwood Springs High School
Rodriguez, Julio 11.53 Palisade High School
Koontz, Sam 11.64 Battle Mountain High School
Reid, Terrence 11.67 Battle Mountain High School
Angeles, Ale 11.71 Glenwood Springs High School
Collins, Aidan 11.87 Summit High School
Orellana, Axel 11.92 Battle Mountain High School
Kalaf, Cam 11.95 Summit High School
Warren, Max 12.20 Palisade High School
Wolf, Casey 12.29 Steamboat Springs High School
Ritter, Jo 12.75 Glenwood Springs High School
Kostick, Andrew (Bode) 12.80h Eagle Valley High School
Stowell, Gage 13.30h Eagle Valley High School
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4A WSL Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Uyehara, Taber 15.62 Glenwood Springs High School
Fox, Cam 17.58 Summit High School
Keyek, Nik 17.97 Steamboat Springs High School
Callis, Charlie 19.26 Eagle Valley High School
Williams, Max 19.70 Battle Mountain High School
Hernandez, Jose 21.02 Battle Mountain High School
Hagney, Tommy 23.01 Steamboat Springs High School
Moon, Eli 26.53 Steamboat Springs High School
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4A WSL Boys 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Remeikis, Dominykas 4:26.94 Summit High School
Nielsen, Gage 4:33.84 Eagle Valley High School
Fryer, Jaydon 4:36.04 Steamboat Springs High School
Middaugh, Porter 4:39.61 Battle Mountain High School
Middaugh, Sullivan 4:41.35 Battle Mountain High School
Brunner, Will 4:48.20 Battle Mountain High School
McBride, Zach 4:51.07 Summit High School
Cotton, Sumner 4:52.08 Steamboat Springs High School
Trowbridge, Shalom 4:52.60 Palisade High School
Kelley, Jeremiah 4:52.67 Steamboat Springs High School
Reece, Zenon 4:52.94 Palisade High School
Swanson, Reid 4:53.49 Glenwood Springs High School
Drever, Jake 4:54.19 Eagle Valley High School
Yoder, Zachary 4:56.74 Eagle Valley High School
Moseley, Cade 5:08.37 Palisade High School
Cunningham, Landon 5:25.07 Summit High School
Barton, Thomas 5:56.33 Glenwood Springs High School
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4A WSL Boys 200 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kemp, Donovan 22.59 Palisade High School
Hamilton, Josh 22.77 Steamboat Springs High School
Rodriguez, Julio 23.43 Palisade High School
Morris, Christopher 23.66 Steamboat Springs High School
Reid, Terrence 23.94 Battle Mountain High School
Orellana, Axel 24.09 Battle Mountain High School
Koontz, Sam 24.26 Battle Mountain High School
Long, Korben 24.65 Summit High School
Nielsen, Brody 24.80h Eagle Valley High School
Warren, Max 25.09 Palisade High School
Kibler-Fulk, Chance 25.37 Steamboat Springs High School
Dalzell, Liam 25.72 Summit High School
Torres, Sabastian 26.14 Eagle Valley High School
Proctor, Cooper 26.33 Glenwood Springs High School
Preaus, Theodore 26.41 Summit High School
Stowell, Gage 26.57 Eagle Valley High School
Rose, Tenshi 26.61 Glenwood Springs High School
Kellogg, Kodiak 27.50 Glenwood Springs High School
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4A WSL Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Uyehara, Taber 40.70 Glenwood Springs High School
Angeles, Ale 42.19 Glenwood Springs High School
Keyek, Nik 44.37 Steamboat Springs High School
Fox, Cam 46.00 Summit High School
Hernandez, Jose 48.03 Battle Mountain High School
Williams, Max 48.82 Battle Mountain High School
Callis, Charlie 48.94 Eagle Valley High School
Dalke, Xander 55.01 Steamboat Springs High School
Miller, Thomas 55.32 Steamboat Springs High School
Maurer, Jonner 56.83 Battle Mountain High School
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4A WSL Boys 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Remeikis, Dominykas 10:08.94 Summit High School
Middaugh, Sullivan 10:20.00 Battle Mountain High School
Nielsen, Gage 10:26.21 Eagle Valley High School
Fryer, Jaydon 10:28.56 Steamboat Springs High School
Brunner, Will 10:30.00 Battle Mountain High School
Drever, Jake 10:30.92 Eagle Valley High School
Reece, Zenon 10:45.61 Palisade High School
Cotton, Sumner 10:56.35 Steamboat Springs High School
McBride, Zach 10:57.58 Summit High School
Yoder, Zachary 11:01.91 Eagle Valley High School
Burke, Sam 11:05.30 Summit High School
Moseley, Cade 11:45.18 Palisade High School
Trowbridge, Shalom 11:53.06 Palisade High School
Rusher, Robert 13:39.50 Steamboat Springs High School
Middaugh, Porter 9:45.39 Battle Mountain High School
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4A WSL Boys 400 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grundberg, Eli 1:00.12 Battle Mountain High School
Torres, Sabastian 1:00.61 Eagle Valley High School
Elliott, Wilson 1:02.00h Eagle Valley High School
Kemp, Donovan 51.23 Palisade High School
Delgado, Brian 51.43 Glenwood Springs High School
Lahrman, James 51.68 Steamboat Springs High School
Prost, Connor 51.75 Steamboat Springs High School
Lewer, Thomas 52.06 Steamboat Springs High School
Berkheimer, William 54.21 Glenwood Springs High School
Sanders, Gantt 55.11 Battle Mountain High School
Castillo, Louis 55.20 Battle Mountain High School
Preaus, Theodore 55.78 Summit High School
Everett, Alexander 56.78 Palisade High School
Archambault, Jackson 57.07 Summit High School
David, Dawson 58.01 Palisade High School
Velasco, Daniel 58.20h Eagle Valley High School
Proctor, Cooper 58.53 Glenwood Springs High School
Dalzell, Liam 58.60 Summit High School
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4A WSL Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.77 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 44.95 Battle Mountain High School
Relay Team A 45.05 Glenwood Springs High School
Relay Team A 45.66 Palisade High School
Relay Team A 46.80 Summit High School
Relay Team A 48.25 Eagle Valley High School
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4A WSL Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:32.48 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:34.14 Battle Mountain High School
Relay Team A 1:34.36 Glenwood Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:34.86 Palisade High School
Relay Team A 1:40.21 Summit High School
Relay Team A 1:40.58 Eagle Valley High School
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4A WSL Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:30.00 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 3:32.06 Glenwood Springs High School
Relay Team A 3:36.21 Battle Mountain High School
Relay Team A 3:39.20 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:55.66 Palisade High School
Relay Team A 4:12.74 Summit High School
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4A WSL Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:23.61 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 8:33.76 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 8:43.07 Battle Mountain High School
Relay Team A 9:17.14 Summit High School
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4A WSL Boys 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lewer, Thomas 2:01.02 Steamboat Springs High School
Remeikis, Dominykas 2:02.36 Summit High School
Tumminello, Bowden 2:03.07 Steamboat Springs High School
Jose, Oscar 2:03.98 Battle Mountain High School
Fryer, Jaydon 2:05.56 Steamboat Springs High School
Berkheimer, William 2:06.42 Glenwood Springs High School
Nielsen, Gage 2:06.46 Eagle Valley High School
Trowbridge, Shalom 2:11.58 Palisade High School
Manzo, Steven 2:11.77 Eagle Valley High School
Reece, Zenon 2:12.04 Palisade High School
Moseley, Cade 2:14.67 Palisade High School
West, Dylan 2:16.04 Glenwood Springs High School
Johnson, Tommy 2:20.00h Battle Mountain High School
Nielsen, Brody 2:20.62 Eagle Valley High School
Fitzcharles, Ethan 2:22.00h Battle Mountain High School
Chrisman, Noah 2:30.00h Summit High School
Barton, Thomas 2:36.42 Glenwood Springs High School
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4A WSL Boys Discus 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hobbs, Trace 144-6 Eagle Valley High School
Johnson, Corey 143-4.5 Summit High School
Tadrzynski, Tyler 119-4 Battle Mountain High School
Morrison, Layton 116-4.5 Steamboat Springs High School
Nixon, TJ 106-4 Battle Mountain High School
Baskin, Carter 106-1 Palisade High School
Cogley, Dillon 105-8 Palisade High School
Tracy, Jameson 102-11 Steamboat Springs High School
Ritter, Jo 99-11 Glenwood Springs High School
Moon, Cole 98-2 Steamboat Springs High School
David, Dawson 96-5 Palisade High School
Kellogg, Kodiak 91-7 Glenwood Springs High School
Rose, Tenshi 89-6 Glenwood Springs High School
Stevens, Benjamin 84-6 Eagle Valley High School
Shriver, Jacob 80-0 Summit High School
Williams, Carson 72-10 Eagle Valley High School
Vaille, Miles 67-5 Summit High School
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4A WSL Boys High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kalaf, Cam 6-3 Summit High School
Nixon, TJ 6-2 Battle Mountain High School
Swanson, Reid 5-11 Glenwood Springs High School
Aceves, Alberto 5-8 Battle Mountain High School
Collins, Aidan 5-4 Summit High School
Hagney, Tommy 5-1 Steamboat Springs High School
Doan, Gavin 4-11 Eagle Valley High School
Phelan, Aedan 4-8 Eagle Valley High School
Williams, Carson 4-6 Eagle Valley High School
Miller, Thomas Steamboat Springs High School
Reid, Roshawn Battle Mountain High School
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4A WSL Boys Long Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kemp, Donovan 20-4 Palisade High School
Reid, Roshawn 20-3 Battle Mountain High School
Rowan, Granger 19-0.25 Steamboat Springs High School
Horruitiner, Andore 18-4 Battle Mountain High School
Tracy, Jameson 18-0 Steamboat Springs High School
Keyek, Nik 17-6.5 Steamboat Springs High School
Everett, Alexander 17-5 Palisade High School
Collins, Aidan 17-2.25 Summit High School
Kostick, Andrew (Bode) 16-9 Eagle Valley High School
Cunningham, Landon 16-5.75 Summit High School
Mathews, Jeffery 16-2.25 Palisade High School
Hernandez, Jose 15-11 Battle Mountain High School
West, Dylan 15-10 Glenwood Springs High School
Phelan, Aedan 13-1 Eagle Valley High School
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4A WSL Boys Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kostick, Andrew (Bode) 11-6 Eagle Valley High School
McCarroll, Quin 11-0 Eagle Valley High School
Pennington, Ian 11-0 Eagle Valley High School
Lake, Michael 8-6 Steamboat Springs High School
Thuon, Quin 8-3 Battle Mountain High School
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4A WSL Boys Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Corey 43-1 Summit High School
Hobbs, Trace 42-2 Eagle Valley High School
Tadrzynski, Tyler 38-4 Battle Mountain High School
Ritter, Jo 35-2 Glenwood Springs High School
Kellogg, Kodiak 34-11.5 Glenwood Springs High School
Baskin, Carter 34-6 Palisade High School
Morrison, Layton 34-1.5 Steamboat Springs High School
Cogley, Dillon 33-7 Palisade High School
Casto, Caleb 32-4.25 Palisade High School
Moon, Cole 31-9 Steamboat Springs High School
Rose, Tenshi 29-8 Glenwood Springs High School
Lancaster, Kai 29-4 Steamboat Springs High School
Stevens, Benjamin 28-11.5 Eagle Valley High School
Williams, Carson 27-1.5 Eagle Valley High School
Shriver, Jacob 24-6.5 Summit High School
Vaille, Miles 22-8 Summit High School
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4A WSL Boys Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aceves, Alberto 40-0.25 Battle Mountain High School
Wolf, Casey 39-1 Steamboat Springs High School
Swanson, Reid 36-2.5 Glenwood Springs High School
Elvidge, Roman 34-9.5 Steamboat Springs High School
Cunningham, Landon 34-2 Summit High School
West, Dylan 32-8.5 Glenwood Springs High School
Keyek, Nik Steamboat Springs High School
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4A WSL Girls 100 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reimer, Aliyah 12.65 Steamboat Springs High School
Pennington, Alden 13.31 Battle Mountain High School
Carle, Tayah 13.53 Eagle Valley High School
Carbajal, Yanitza 13.80h Eagle Valley High School
Ferrari, Bryton 13.84 Summit High School
Snodgrass, Katlyn 13.86 Palisade High School
Geisler, Marlee 13.87 Battle Mountain High School
Hess, Lily 13.96 Summit High School
Smith, Sophia 13.98 Battle Mountain High School
Taylor, Tori 14.02 Glenwood Springs High School
Parks, Lauren 14.16 Steamboat Springs High School
Yanowich, Gabriella 14.29 Palisade High School
Adams, Ashley 14.57 Glenwood Springs High School
Elvidge, Maren 14.59 Steamboat Springs High School
Pedersen, Kendra 14.76 Glenwood Springs High School
Brady, Lucinda 14.94h Summit High School
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4A WSL Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, Tori Glenwood Springs High School
Lettovska, Kiki 16.98 Battle Mountain High School
Horton, Gabrielle 17.50h Palisade High School
Colby, Elise 17.64 Steamboat Springs High School
Koetteritz, Emily 18.01 Summit High School
Patch, Ruby 18.05 Glenwood Springs High School
Barsness, Emma 18.05 Battle Mountain High School
Vigil, Sophia 18.09 Glenwood Springs High School
Sollars, Kendra 18.49 Steamboat Springs High School
Mosby, Taylor 20.35 Palisade High School
Look, Molly 20.58 Steamboat Springs High School
Bates, Hayley 20.83 Eagle Valley High School
Guadagnoli, Miabella 20.85 Summit High School
Nielsen, Hadlee 22.12 Eagle Valley High School
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4A WSL Girls 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blair, Samantha 5:05.90 Eagle Valley High School
Pribramsky, Elliot 5:08.12 Battle Mountain High School
Connerton-Nevin, Sophia 5:15.95 Glenwood Springs High School
Chelle, Alexis 5:16.99 Palisade High School
Johnson, Ella 5:22.12 Glenwood Springs High School
Whelan, Lily 5:24.14 Battle Mountain High School
Kiehl, Lindsey 5:26.78 Battle Mountain High School
Neifert, Jordan 5:30.99 Eagle Valley High School
Mohler, Maddie 6:01.19 Palisade High School
Mosby, Jessica 6:02.24 Palisade High School
Helms, Alexa 6:07.95 Glenwood Springs High School
Oslowski, Autumn 6:10.07 Steamboat Springs High School
Mccann, Lucy 6:15.13 Eagle Valley High School
Wescott, Alice 6:36.05 Summit High School
Wescott, Paige 6:46.37 Summit High School
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4A WSL Girls 200 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reimer, Aliyah 26.04 Steamboat Springs High School
Pennington, Alden 27.08 Battle Mountain High School
Colby, Elise 27.20 Steamboat Springs High School
Vigil, Sophia 27.30 Glenwood Springs High School
Hamilton, Kelsey 27.84 Steamboat Springs High School
Bates, Hayley 28.14 Eagle Valley High School
Smith, Sophia 28.66 Battle Mountain High School
Snodgrass, Katlyn 28.88 Palisade High School
MacAskill, Kendyl 28.96 Palisade High School
Quigley, Brielle 29.00 Summit High School
Sandberg, Leah 29.71 Battle Mountain High School
Adams, Ashley 31.30 Glenwood Springs High School
Confer, Aubree 31.47 Summit High School
Pedersen, Kendra 31.91 Glenwood Springs High School
Reed, Shannon 32.00h Summit High School
Garcia, Ana 32.06 Eagle Valley High School
Novak, Emilee 32.78 Eagle Valley High School
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4A WSL Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Look, Molly 1:08.74 Steamboat Springs High School
Vigil, Sophia 47.31 Glenwood Springs High School
Patch, Ruby 48.91 Glenwood Springs High School
Horton, Gabrielle 49.09 Palisade High School
Blair, Samantha 50.16 Eagle Valley High School
Lettovska, Kiki 50.33 Battle Mountain High School
Barsness, Emma 51.12 Battle Mountain High School
Langner, Olivia 51.65 Palisade High School
Koetteritz, Emily 51.99 Summit High School
Spires, Jessie 53.75 Glenwood Springs High School
Guadagnoli, Miabella 55.03 Summit High School
Sollars, Kendra 56.05 Steamboat Springs High School
Twiss, Ashlyn 58.50 Eagle Valley High School
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4A WSL Girls 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blair, Samantha 11:00.73 Eagle Valley High School
Pribramsky, Elliot 11:11.09 Battle Mountain High School
Chelle, Alexis 11:20 Palisade High School
Whelan, Lily 11:35.41 Battle Mountain High School
Johnson, Ella 11:39.66 Glenwood Springs High School
Neifert, Jordan 11:45.45 Eagle Valley High School
Almonte, Milaina 11:45.80 Battle Mountain High School
Connerton-Nevin, Sophia 11:47.86 Glenwood Springs High School
Mohler, Maddie 13:22.22 Palisade High School
Bennett-Manke, Zoe 13:26.89 Steamboat Springs High School
Helms, Alexa 13:36.87 Glenwood Springs High School
Baker, Anastacia 13:55.88 Eagle Valley High School
Dery, Anna 14:53.17 Palisade High School
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4A WSL Girls 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dalrymple, Jadyn Summit High School
Snyder, Olyvia 1:01.00h Summit High School
Smith, Presley 1:01.51 Battle Mountain High School
Baker, Marcada 1:02.47 Steamboat Springs High School
MacAskill, Kendyl 1:02.85 Palisade High School
Harrison, Kenna 1:07.20 Steamboat Springs High School
Taylor, Tori 1:08.75 Glenwood Springs High School
Garcia, Daira 1:09.00h Battle Mountain High School
Karriker, Ilish 1:09.13 Palisade High School
Confer, Aubree 1:09.54 Summit High School
Applegate, Isabel 1:10.20 Battle Mountain High School
Novak, Emilee 1:11.54 Eagle Valley High School
Garcia, Ana 1:11.73 Eagle Valley High School
Westphal, Gracie 1:11.96 Glenwood Springs High School
Castor, Katie 1:15.64 Steamboat Springs High School
Rudin, Riley 1:20.20 Eagle Valley High School
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4A WSL Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.69 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 53.15 Battle Mountain High School
Relay Team A 53.30 Palisade High School
Relay Team A 53.60 Summit High School
Relay Team A 53.92 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 55.88 Glenwood Springs High School
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4A WSL Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:46.01 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:49.72 Battle Mountain High School
Relay Team A 1:55.15 Palisade High School
Relay Team A 1:57.06 Summit High School
Relay Team A 2:03.50 Eagle Valley High School
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4A WSL Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:03.32 Battle Mountain High School
Relay Team A 4:19.45 Glenwood Springs High School
Relay Team A 4:21.30 Palisade High School
Relay Team A 4:35.65 Eagle Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:43.59 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 4:44.36 Summit High School
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4A WSL Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:34.82 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 12:05.17 Palisade High School
Relay Team A 12:08.90 Summit High School
Relay Team A 9:57.59 Battle Mountain High School
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4A WSL Girls 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blair, Samantha 2:18.08 Eagle Valley High School
Pribramsky, Elliot 2:18.57 Battle Mountain High School
Chelle, Alexis 2:22.04 Palisade High School
Kiehl, Lindsey 2:22.98 Battle Mountain High School
Connerton-Nevin, Sophia 2:23.33 Glenwood Springs High School
Carlson, Maria 2:29.99 Glenwood Springs High School
Smith, Presley 2:30.10 Battle Mountain High School
Neifert, Jordan 2:33.07 Eagle Valley High School
Hain, Sierra 2:48.42 Palisade High School
Hanks, Sage 2:52.15 Summit High School
Hanna, Alex 2:52.96 Steamboat Springs High School
Durloo, Sierra 2:53.28 Summit High School
Dery, Sophia 2:53.92 Palisade High School
Rudin, Riley 2:55.42 Eagle Valley High School
Westphal, Gracie 2:56.10 Glenwood Springs High School
Gardea Pinera, Jazzel 3:05.98 Steamboat Springs High School
Salazar, Piper 3:10.16 Summit High School
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4A WSL Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:51.61 Steamboat Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:51.94 Battle Mountain High School
Relay Team A 1:54.97 Summit High School
Relay Team A 2:05.51 Eagle Valley High School
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4A WSL Girls Discus 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hancock, Augustine 126-7 Battle Mountain High School
Hardin, Lauren 90-11 Palisade High School
Kitzman, Janae 88-3 Palisade High School
Stewart, Gracie 80-3 Glenwood Springs High School
Lofland, Lilly 77-6 Palisade High School
Elvidge, Maren 61-10 Steamboat Springs High School
Cason, Skylar 55-8 Steamboat Springs High School
Ward, Jordan 41-6 Steamboat Springs High School
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4A WSL Girls High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yanowich, Alesia 4-10 Palisade High School
Langner, Olivia 4-10 Palisade High School
Yanowich, Gabriella 4-8 Palisade High School
Thurston, Katya 4-7 Steamboat Springs High School
Goranova, Magi 4-6.5 Battle Mountain High School
Spitzley, Rachel 4-6 Steamboat Springs High School
Garcia, Daira 4-5 Battle Mountain High School
Nielsen, Hadlee 4-3 Eagle Valley High School
Twiss, Ashlyn 4-1 Eagle Valley High School
Neifert, Jenna Eagle Valley High School
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4A WSL Girls Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yanowich, Alesia 15-11.75 Palisade High School
Baker, Marcada 15-10.5 Steamboat Springs High School
Carle, Tayah 15-7.75 Eagle Valley High School
Ferrari, Bryton 15-3 Summit High School
Parks, Lauren 15-1 Steamboat Springs High School
Thurston, Katya 14-8 Steamboat Springs High School
Carbajal, Yanitza 14-7 Eagle Valley High School
Mosby, Taylor 14-5.75 Palisade High School
Adams, Ashley 14-0 Glenwood Springs High School
Reed, Shannon 13-6 Summit High School
Barsness, Emma 13-1.25 Battle Mountain High School
Znamenacek, Maya 12-11.25 Palisade High School
Geisler, Marlee 12-11 Battle Mountain High School
Islas, Tamara 12-9.5 Glenwood Springs High School
Spires, Joslyn 12-7.7 Glenwood Springs High School
Kent, Bentley 12-3.2 Battle Mountain High School
Hanks, Sage 12-1 Summit High School
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4A WSL Girls Pole Vault 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ort, Annika 7-6 Steamboat Springs High School
Jackson, Stella 7-4 Battle Mountain High School
Goranova, Magi 7-1 Battle Mountain High School
Castor, Katie 6-9 Steamboat Springs High School
Kiehl, Lindsey 6-9 Battle Mountain High School
Wild, Amelie 6-6 Steamboat Springs High School
Bourke, Peyton Eagle Valley High School
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4A WSL Girls Shot Put 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hancock, Augustine 33-0 Battle Mountain High School
Lofland, Lilly 31-0 Palisade High School
Kitzman, Janae 28-6 Palisade High School
Hardin, Lauren 27-7 Palisade High School
Carlson, Maria 22-9 Glenwood Springs High School
Stewart, Gracie 20-9.5 Glenwood Springs High School
Parks, Lauren 20-6 Steamboat Springs High School
Cason, Skylar 19-9 Steamboat Springs High School
Elvidge, Maren 19-0.5 Steamboat Springs High School
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4A WSL Girls Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yanowich, Gabriella 33-7.5 Palisade High School
Parks, Lauren 32-11 Steamboat Springs High School
Carbajal, Yanitza 32-10.5 Eagle Valley High School
Koetteritz, Emily 31-4.5 Summit High School
Spires, Joslyn 30-2.5 Glenwood Springs High School
Znamenacek, Maya 28-10.75 Palisade High School
Bennett-Manke, Aspen 28-8 Steamboat Springs High School
Bennett-Manke, Zoe 28-4.7 Steamboat Springs High School
Hanks, Sage 28-1.75 Summit High School
Islas, Tamara 26-11 Glenwood Springs High School
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SWL Boys 100 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blanton, Justin 10.93 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Mora, Amaris 11.33 Montrose High School
Bastin, Evan 11.69 Durango High School
Marquez, Branden 11.80 Durango High School
Goodwin, Ean 11.89 Durango High School
Walsh, Gavin 11.95 Grand Junction High School
Rodriquez, Junior 12.06 Montrose High School
Piloni, Justin 12.07 Fruita Monument High School
Brammer, Caden 12.08 Fruita Monument High School
Morris, Daniel 12.14 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Zimmer, Austin 12.18 Montrose High School
Belnap, Isaac 12.26 Fruita Monument High School
Dibble, Mason 12.37 Grand Junction High School
Lake, Declan 12.54 Grand Junction High School
Logsdon, Kohl 12.93 Central Grand Junction High Scho
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SWL Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Murray, Corbin 17.60 Fruita Monument High School
Siegmund, Cooper 18.14 Fruita Monument High School
Crenshaw, Tanner 18.55 Grand Junction High School
Zastrocky, Micah 19.22 Durango High School
Pipkin, Evan 19.31 Grand Junction High School
Flores, Ethan 20.24 Durango High School
Van Why, Gavin 21.17 Fruita Monument High School
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SWL Boys 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zastrow, McGinley 4:27.24 Fruita Monument High School
Frausto, Damian 4:27.91 Durango High School
Knight, Paul 4:27.93 Durango High School
Lambert, Land 4:33.14 Durango High School
Stogsdill, Tyler 4:36.43 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Leblow, Jordan 4:36.50 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Adams, Billy 4:37.78 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Cogley, Kien 4:38.03 Fruita Monument High School
Duffy, Daniel 4:40.96 Grand Junction High School
Watson, Warin 4:41.44 Grand Junction High School
Seagren, Gannon 4:49.93 Fruita Monument High School
Flanagan, Johnny 5:04.60 Grand Junction High School
Simpson, Joshua 5:15.28 Montrose High School
Morris, Zack 5:15.49 Montrose High School
Lucero, Brentt 5:18.02 Montrose High School
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SWL Boys 200 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marquez, Branden 23.61 Durango High School
Mora, Amaris 23.74 Montrose High School
Belnap, Isaac 23.80h Fruita Monument High School
Thompson, Emmet 23.93 Durango High School
Goodwin, Ean 24.40 Durango High School
Rodriquez, Junior 24.64 Montrose High School
Walsh, Gavin 24.66 Grand Junction High School
Blum, Bayley 24.67 Fruita Monument High School
Leiba, Alonzo 24.90 Montrose High School
Brammer, Caden 24.92 Fruita Monument High School
Lake, Declan 25.87 Grand Junction High School
Williams, Michael 26.07 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Pudlewski, Noah 26.54 Grand Junction High School
Logsdon, Kohl 26.94 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Brown, Andrew 31.73 Central Grand Junction High Scho
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SWL Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morris, Matthew Central Grand Junction High Scho
Murray, Corbin 45.85 Fruita Monument High School
Siegmund, Cooper 46.03 Fruita Monument High School
Crenshaw, Tanner 48.10 Grand Junction High School
Buddecke, Jacob 49.50 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Pipkin, Evan 49.61 Grand Junction High School
Baer, Jacob 49.84 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Zastrocky, Micah 49.89 Durango High School
Van Why, Gavin 51.84 Fruita Monument High School
Flores, Ethan 52.85 Durango High School
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SWL Boys 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flanagan, Johnny Grand Junction High School
LeFebre, Tycen Grand Junction High School
Cogley, Kien 10:01.87 Fruita Monument High School
Adams, Billy 10:05.28 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Edwards, Jackson 10:15.31 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Fisher, Alex 10:17.32 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Watson, Warin 10:30.66 Grand Junction High School
Lucero, Brentt 11:30.0 Montrose High School
Chelle, Christopher 11:47.84 Fruita Monument High School
Echols, Elijah 11:50.04 Montrose High School
Mangrum, Mekhi 12:00 Montrose High School
Strain, Austin 12:17.44 Fruita Monument High School
Knight, Paul 9:29.61 Durango High School
Frausto, Damian 9:42.48 Durango High School
Lambert, Land 9:46.70 Durango High School
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SWL Boys 400 Meter Dash 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Warren, Alex Central Grand Junction High Scho
Dibble, Mason 1:01.56 Grand Junction High School
Blanton, Justin 48.78 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Fancher, Jaxon 52.70 Durango High School
Roberts, Landon 54.30 Durango High School
Huskey, Nicholas 55.40 Fruita Monument High School
Bastin, Evan 57.26 Durango High School
Fay, Luke 57.27 Fruita Monument High School
Strain, Kaden 57.51 Fruita Monument High School
Harrison, Jake 58.00 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Murphy, Connor 58.52 Grand Junction High School
Siegfried, Logan 59.23 Grand Junction High School
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SWL Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.78 Montrose High School
Relay Team A 45.42 Durango High School
Relay Team A 46.96 Fruita Monument High School
Relay Team A 47.57 Grand Junction High School
Relay Team A 48.59 Central Grand Junction High Scho
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SWL Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:33.92 Durango High School
Relay Team A 1:37.79 Fruita Monument High School
Relay Team A 1:43.22 Grand Junction High School
Relay Team A 1:43.52 Central Grand Junction High Scho
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SWL Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:28.50 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Relay Team A 3:32.81 Durango High School
Relay Team A 3:39.11 Fruita Monument High School
Relay Team A 3:53.89 Grand Junction High School
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SWL Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:12.06 Fruita Monument High School
Relay Team A 8:15.68 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Relay Team A 8:24.82 Durango High School
Relay Team A 9:11.24 Montrose High School
Relay Team A 9:36.88 Grand Junction High School
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SWL Boys 800 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zastrow, McGinley 1:58.17 Fruita Monument High School
Frausto, Damian 1:58.49 Durango High School
Duffy, Daniel 1:59.36 Grand Junction High School
Cogley, Kien 2:00.54 Fruita Monument High School
Nicholson, Jadon 2:00.81 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Lambert, Land 2:02.87 Durango High School
Stogsdill, Tyler 2:04.59 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Walchle, Bohdan 2:05.0 Montrose High School
Seagren, Gannon 2:05.10 Fruita Monument High School
Leblow, Jordan 2:05.80 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Watson, Warin 2:09.76 Grand Junction High School
Murphy, Connor 2:13.15 Grand Junction High School
Dillman, Charlie 2:14.00 Durango High School
Simpson, Joshua 2:20.49 Montrose High School
Marsh, Wes 2:21.88 Montrose High School
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SWL Boys Discus 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knight, William 145-4 Durango High School
Bates, Joshua 145-2 Durango High School
Walker, Cash 127-1 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Stutzenburg, Thomas 121-10 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Haptonstall, Booker 120-0 Fruita Monument High School
Tosi, Jaxxon 120-0 Montrose High School
Sawyer, Tanner 119-1 Fruita Monument High School
Garcia Rodriguez, Junior 114-6 Durango High School
Baroumbaye, Daniel 111-0 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Hill, Trevor 110-6 Montrose High School
Griffin, Austin 109-2 Montrose High School
Tobiasson, Jens 108-9 Grand Junction High School
Bessert, Keane 105-2 Fruita Monument High School
Paraday, Devin 74-5.5 Grand Junction High School
Aragon, Robert 74-2 Grand Junction High School
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SWL Boys High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Miller 6-1 Grand Junction High School
Zastrocky, Jasper 5-10 Durango High School
Flores, Adan 5-10 Fruita Monument High School
Taylor, Will 5-6 Montrose High School
Fay, Luke 5-5 Fruita Monument High School
Albrect, Dylan 5-4 Montrose High School
Walsh, Gavin 5-3 Grand Junction High School
Tobiasson, Jens 5-3 Grand Junction High School
Zastrocky, Micah 5-2 Durango High School
Roberts, Kaleb 5-1 Durango High School
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SWL Boys Long Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mora, Amaris 20-3 Montrose High School
Jones, Miller 19-7.25 Grand Junction High School
Bonan-Hamada, Connor 19-2.5 Fruita Monument High School
Huskey, Nicholas 18-9.25 Fruita Monument High School
Morris, Daniel 18-5 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Fay, Luke 18-3.5 Fruita Monument High School
Sneed, Charles 17-11 Durango High School
Baroumbaye, Daniel 16-11.25 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Pipkin, Evan 16-8.25 Grand Junction High School
Gwinn, Kilian 16-7.5 Durango High School
Zimmer, Austin 16-6 Montrose High School
Pudlewski, Noah 16-0 Grand Junction High School
Cohick, Kolton 15-10.5 Montrose High School
Trujillo, Ashtyn 14-7 Central Grand Junction High Scho
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SWL Boys Pole Vault 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tichi, Levi 12-0 Durango High School
Hughes, Jed Durango High School
Roberts, Landon Durango High School
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SWL Boys Shot Put 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knight, William 49-7.5 Durango High School
Sawyer, Tanner 46-2 Fruita Monument High School
Bates, Joshua 45-5 Durango High School
Tosi, Jaxxon 43-0 Montrose High School
Griffin, Austin 42-0.5 Montrose High School
Walker, Cash 39-8 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Garcia Rodriguez, Junior 39-2.5 Durango High School
Baroumbaye, Daniel 38-0.25 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Stutzenburg, Thomas 38-0 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Hill, Trevor 37-10 Montrose High School
Tobiasson, Jens 37-3 Grand Junction High School
Haptonstall, Booker 36-5 Fruita Monument High School
Aragon, Robert 30-4 Grand Junction High School
Gill, Sean 26-4 Grand Junction High School
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SWL Boys Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Miller 43-1.5 Grand Junction High School
Belnap, Isaac 39-1.75 Fruita Monument High School
Gwinn, Kilian 38-11 Durango High School
Crenshaw, Tanner 37-3.5 Grand Junction High School
Flores, Adan 36-9.25 Fruita Monument High School
Zimmer, Austin 36-9.25 Montrose High School
Cohick, Kolton 36-8.25 Montrose High School
Siegfried, Logan 36-5 Grand Junction High School
Sneed, Charles 35-3.5 Durango High School
Morris, Daniel 34-1.25 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Davis, Ryan 33-5.25 Fruita Monument High School
Jones, Joshua 31-6.5 Montrose High School
Trujillo, Ashtyn 29-2.5 Central Grand Junction High Scho
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SWL Girls 100 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Foster, Taylor 12.88 Montrose High School
McGarry, Sarah 13.18 Montrose High School
Erekson, Ashlyn 13.67 Fruita Monument High School
Steele, Navaya 13.67 Fruita Monument High School
Sanchez, Veronica 13.71 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Gillen, Anderson 13.79 Durango High School
Ferrans, Kindal 13.86 Fruita Monument High School
Abbath, Katelehn 13.95 Grand Junction High School
Dottson, Kiah 13.99 Grand Junction High School
Behn, Lexi 14.03 Durango High School
Kime, Vanessa 14.07 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Rocco, Taygan 14.23 Montrose High School
McVaugh, Jessica 14.42 Durango High School
Feather, Annabelle 14.83 Grand Junction High School
Kelsey, Sierra 17.24 Central Grand Junction High Scho
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SWL Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Amelia 16.63 Grand Junction High School
Kraai, Chloe 17.39 Fruita Monument High School
Schumann, Elise 18.77 Durango High School
Engert, Caitlin 19.02 Fruita Monument High School
Roof, Keaton 19.27 Durango High School
McVaugh, Jessica 19.28 Durango High School
Moore, Jayda 20.84 Fruita Monument High School
Feather, Annabelle 21.32 Grand Junction High School
Abbath, Katelehn 21.42 Grand Junction High School
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SWL Girls 1600 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spence, Tristian 5:06.64 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Heil, Jadyn 5:14.55 Fruita Monument High School
Unrein, Ella 5:18.88 Fruita Monument High School
Lott, Willow 5:39.04 Durango High School
Fehr, Abby 5:41.30 Durango High School
Black, Mackenzie 5:52.13 Fruita Monument High School
Cook, Olivia 6:07.78 Montrose High School
Moran, Mandy 6:09.05 Grand Junction High School
Thomson, Trinity 6:30.73 Montrose High School
Bodewes, Kristina 6:30.97 Durango High School
Metli, Amaya 6:53.63 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Wilson, Kameron 7:01.78 Grand Junction High School
Jones, Zoe 7:15.65 Grand Junction High School
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SWL Girls 200 Meter Dash 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kelsey, Sierra Central Grand Junction High Scho
Arcand, Elaina 27.00 Fruita Monument High School
Foster, Taylor 27.38 Montrose High School
McGarry, Sarah 27.51 Montrose High School
Erekson, Ashlyn 28.76 Fruita Monument High School
Steele, Navaya 28.87 Fruita Monument High School
Gillen, Anderson 29.12 Durango High School
Behn, Lexi 29.68 Durango High School
McCracken, Maryellen 29.78 Montrose High School
Dottson, Kiah 30.20 Grand Junction High School
Feather, Annabelle 30.66 Grand Junction High School
Church, Molly 33.07 Grand Junction High School
Webb, Jenavieve 33.57 Central Grand Junction High Scho
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SWL Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Amelia 50.15 Grand Junction High School
McVaugh, Jessica 52.64 Durango High School
Kraai, Chloe 53.13 Fruita Monument High School
Engert, Caitlin 55.28 Fruita Monument High School
Roof, Keaton 56.80 Durango High School
Moore, Jayda 57.66 Fruita Monument High School
Schumann, Elise 58.32 Durango High School
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SWL Girls 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moran, Mandy Grand Junction High School
Unrein, Ella Fruita Monument High School
Heil, Jadyn 11:18.27 Fruita Monument High School
Forrest, Tea 12:05.62 Durango High School
Lott, Willow 12:28.89 Durango High School
Eyre, Addison 12:47.98 Fruita Monument High School
Cook, Olivia 13:25.73 Montrose High School
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SWL Girls 400 Meter Dash 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watson, Hope Central Grand Junction High Scho
Olson, Jocelyn 1:04.89 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Moore, Halle 1:04.97 Durango High School
Deeths, Miranda 1:05.35 Fruita Monument High School
Behn, Lexi 1:08.15 Durango High School
Thomson, Trinity 1:10.29 Montrose High School
Senko, Polly 1:11.69 Grand Junction High School
Church, Molly 1:14.11 Grand Junction High School
Forrest, Ashley 1:15.38 Durango High School
Feather, Annabelle 1:16.00 Grand Junction High School
Metli, Amaya 1:16.92 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Arcand, Elaina 58.84 Fruita Monument High School
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SWL Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 52.38 Montrose High School
Relay Team A 53.32 Grand Junction High School
Relay Team A 53.80 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Relay Team A 54.01 Durango High School
Relay Team A 54.49 Fruita Monument High School
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SWL Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:50.67 Fruita Monument High School
Relay Team A 1:52.87 Durango High School
Relay Team A 1:56.42 Central Grand Junction High Scho
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SWL Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:13.88 Durango High School
Relay Team A 4:24.48 Fruita Monument High School
Relay Team A 4:37.39 Central Grand Junction High Scho
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SWL Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Central Grand Junction High Scho
Relay Team A 10:10.06 Durango High School
Relay Team A 9:48.01 Fruita Monument High School
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SWL Girls 800 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spence, Tristian 2:19.81 Central Grand Junction High Scho
McManus, Angela 2:21.96 Durango High School
Arcand, Elaina 2:23.21 Fruita Monument High School
Unrein, Ella 2:26.67 Fruita Monument High School
Fehr, Abby 2:32.02 Durango High School
Geer, Lauren 2:32.49 Fruita Monument High School
Forrest, Tea 2:35.97 Durango High School
Cook, Olivia 2:42.46 Montrose High School
Moran, Mandy 2:45.94 Grand Junction High School
Thomson, Trinity 2:50.81 Montrose High School
Wilson, Kameron 2:58.27 Grand Junction High School
Metli, Amaya 3:00.84 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Jones, Zoe 3:15.85 Grand Junction High School
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SWL Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:54.41 Fruita Monument High School
Relay Team A 1:56.95 Durango High School
Relay Team A 1:58.60 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Relay Team A 2:16.90 Grand Junction High School
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SWL Girls Discus 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flores, Sydney 117-9 Durango High School
Montez, Lauren 106-8.25 Fruita Monument High School
Yanosky, Taylor 99-2.25 Montrose High School
Vasquez, Samantha 92-5 Durango High School
Caldwell, Lillian 83-3 Grand Junction High School
Warinner, Sailer 74-6 Grand Junction High School
Wareham, Alecia 71-8 Fruita Monument High School
Silva, Danielle 70-3 Fruita Monument High School
Baker, Kalea 69-3 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Songdag, Kaydance 62-8 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Hill, Cassidy 61-7 Durango High School
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SWL Girls High Jump 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lloyd, Gracie 5-1 Fruita Monument High School
Bailey, Payton 4-10 Fruita Monument High School
Smith, Naomi 4-3 Durango High School
Roof, Keaton Durango High School
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SWL Girls Long Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hafey, Trinity 16-0.75 Fruita Monument High School
Bailey, Payton 16-0.5 Fruita Monument High School
Moore, Amelia 16-0.5 Grand Junction High School
Foster, Taylor 15-10 Montrose High School
McGarry, Sarah 15-8.2 Montrose High School
Contreras, Kenya 15-0 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Gillen, Anderson 14-8.7 Durango High School
Rocco, Taygan 14-6 Montrose High School
Lintott, Elizabeth 14-4.5 Fruita Monument High School
Senko, Polly 14-3 Grand Junction High School
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SWL Girls Pole Vault 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Halle 9-2 Durango High School
Behn, Lexi 8-0 Durango High School
Wilson, Seneca 7-8 Durango High School
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SWL Girls Shot Put 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flores, Sydney 35-3.5 Durango High School
Vasquez, Samantha 31-11.5 Durango High School
Montez, Lauren 31-10 Fruita Monument High School
Yanosky, Taylor 31-1.5 Montrose High School
Warinner, Sailer 30-11 Grand Junction High School
Caldwell, Lillian 26-7.25 Grand Junction High School
Wareham, Alecia 26-3 Fruita Monument High School
Crone, Caymie 25-9 Grand Junction High School
Baker, Kalea 24-5 Central Grand Junction High Scho
Silva, Danielle 23-8 Fruita Monument High School
Songdag, Kaydance 20-7 Central Grand Junction High Scho
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SWL Girls Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hafey, Trinity 32-9.75 Fruita Monument High School
Bailey, Payton 31-9.5 Fruita Monument High School
McManus, Angela 30-5.5 Durango High School
DeBoer, Natalie 29-11.75 Fruita Monument High School
Crone, Caymie 29-6.25 Grand Junction High School
Senko, Polly 29-4 Grand Junction High School
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