Branden Davis
Lamar High School
-12.41 |
16:50.59 |
17:03.00 |
Jodzuel Juarez
Ellicott High School
-33.29 |
16:55.71 |
17:29.00 |
Bean Minor
Salida High School
-46.41 |
17:10.59 |
17:57.00 |
Dylan Brush
St. Mary`s High School
-3:49.07 |
17:38.93 |
21:28.00 |
Frank DeCew
Salida High School
-4.07 |
17:40.93 |
17:45.00 |
Elijah Wilcox
Salida High School
-34.74 |
17:42.26 |
18:17.00 |
Rosston Sherlock
Buena Vista High School
-28.65 |
17:51.35 |
18:20.00 |
Kuper Banghart
Salida High School
-1:12.89 |
17:59.11 |
19:12.00 |
Gabe DeVargas
La Junta High School
-26.72 |
18:12.28 |
18:39.00 |
Andrew Moore
Pikes Peak Christian
-37.41 |
18:12.59 |
18:50.00 |
Jake Vold
Salida High School
+54.86 |
19:27.86 |
18:33.00 |
Omar Wissar
Ellicott High School
-1:16.13 |
18:34.87 |
19:51.00 |
Issac Hutchings
Buena Vista High School
+19.18 |
19:02.18 |
18:43.00 |
Kylie Simshauser
Florence High School
-27.16 |
18:53.84 |
19:21.00 |
Caleb Erickson
Peyton High School
-54.04 |
19:13.96 |
20:08.00 |
Payton Reed
Manitou Springs High School
-1:30.68 |
19:23.32 |
20:54.00 |
Clay Roles
Colorado Springs School
-27.81 |
19:25.19 |
19:53.00 |
Orlando Monroy
Colorado Springs School
-1:15.62 |
19:27.38 |
20:43.00 |
Jacob Limb
St. Mary`s High School
-2:18.76 |
19:28.24 |
21:47.00 |
Joseph Dwyer
Peyton High School
-41.64 |
19:30.36 |
20:12.00 |
Jack Helmke
Buena Vista High School
-1:31.52 |
19:30.48 |
21:02.00 |
Riley Hadley
Peyton High School
+53.62 |
20:26.62 |
19:33.00 |
Ella Johnson
The Vanguard School
-24.45 |
19:53.55 |
20:18.00 |
Garrett Whaley
Peyton High School
-1:05.32 |
19:55.68 |
21:01.00 |
Ben Schwartz
Manitou Springs High School
+14.00 |
20:10.00 |
19:56.00 |
Kian O'Boyle
Manitou Springs High School
-29.76 |
20:07.24 |
20:37.00 |
Madi Moen
The Vanguard School
-20.38 |
20:09.62 |
20:30.00 |
Satanael Orosco
La Junta High School
+35.59 |
20:50.59 |
20:15.00 |
Aiden Clark
The Vanguard School
-34.00 |
20:17.00 |
20:51.00 |
Elijah Crouch
Florence High School
-1:04.84 |
20:19.16 |
21:24.00 |
Ian Solano
Florence High School
-40.35 |
20:23.65 |
21:04.00 |
Dante Marinucci
Salida High School
+2:12.11 |
22:44.11 |
20:32.00 |
Tyler Bishop
James Irwin Charter High School
-5.21 |
20:34.79 |
20:40.00 |
Ian Dutt
La Junta High School
-4.54 |
20:35.46 |
20:40.00 |
Elle Stevens
Colorado Springs Christian School
-51.04 |
20:48.96 |
21:40.00 |
Fern Clark
Salida High School
+1:05.02 |
21:54.02 |
20:49.00 |
Harrison Hales
Salida High School
-2:01.85 |
20:52.15 |
22:54.00 |
Coby Vick
Peyton High School
-2:03.48 |
20:59.52 |
23:03.00 |
Walker Balicki
La Junta High School
-6.24 |
21:04.76 |
21:11.00 |
Mallory Salazar
Buena Vista High School
-46.08 |
21:06.92 |
21:53.00 |
Blair Drummond
Pikes Peak Christian
-1:16.86 |
21:12.14 |
22:29.00 |
Kate Griffin
Colorado Springs School
-23.47 |
21:18.53 |
21:42.00 |
Anna Newman
Colorado Springs Christian School
-2:12.63 |
21:19.37 |
23:32.00 |
Charles Lagasse
Ellicott High School
+26.30 |
21:52.30 |
21:26.00 |
Molly McMurry
Buena Vista High School
-38.21 |
21:27.79 |
22:06.00 |
Amelia Tonnesen
Salida High School
-11.16 |
21:42.84 |
21:54.00 |
Asher Stone
The Vanguard School
-7.85 |
21:45.15 |
21:53.00 |
Chris Matthews
Colorado Springs Christian School
-1:52.51 |
21:47.49 |
23:40.00 |
Cecilia Richardson
Peyton High School
-27.92 |
21:51.08 |
22:19.00 |
Isabel Case
Colorado Springs Christian School
-53.68 |
21:57.32 |
22:51.00 |
Tyler Moen
The Vanguard School
-2:36.52 |
22:03.48 |
24:40.00 |
Lane Wilfong
Peyton High School
+16.82 |
22:21.82 |
22:05.00 |
William Wood
Ellicott High School
-1:01.83 |
22:13.17 |
23:15.00 |
Kaylynn Shaffer
Salida High School
-20.56 |
22:14.44 |
22:35.00 |
Lydia Tonnesen
Salida High School
-1:56.86 |
22:16.14 |
24:13.00 |
Isabella Grizales
The Vanguard School
+54.40 |
23:24.40 |
22:30.00 |
Sammy Starr
Buena Vista High School
-25.62 |
22:39.38 |
23:05.00 |
Violet Vogel
Salida High School
+2:18.68 |
25:07.68 |
22:49.00 |
Ella Haynes
Salida High School
-1:59.32 |
22:57.68 |
24:57.00 |
Alexis Santopietro
Buena Vista High School
-22.10 |
23:01.90 |
23:24.00 |
Gyazmin Maestas
Lamar High School
+1:48.02 |
24:59.02 |
23:11.00 |
Michael Parker
Manitou Springs High School
+1:12.22 |
24:39.22 |
23:27.00 |
Koleman Gee
Peyton High School
-16.63 |
23:33.37 |
23:50.00 |
Adele Goodwin
Manitou Springs High School
+10.65 |
23:47.65 |
23:37.00 |
Aaron Yarros
Colorado Springs School
+3:40.36 |
27:36.36 |
23:56.00 |
Grace Johnson
Salida High School
-12.97 |
23:57.03 |
24:10.00 |
Jenny Dekker
Peyton High School
-1:04.77 |
24:04.23 |
25:09.00 |
Atlee Barrow
Manitou Springs High School
+13.42 |
24:38.42 |
24:25.00 |
Katie Christoffersen
Colorado Springs Christian School
-12.56 |
24:26.44 |
24:39.00 |
Jackson Nye
James Irwin Charter High School
-10.48 |
24:28.52 |
24:39.00 |
Chase Cromwell
Lamar High School
-1:35.37 |
24:35.63 |
26:11.00 |
Daniel Warkentine
Peyton High School
-6:49.49 |
24:44.51 |
31:34.00 |
Brooke Ashbridge
Colorado Springs School
+1:03.17 |
25:55.17 |
24:52.00 |
Ashley Hermosillo
Ellicott High School
-1:15.75 |
25:38.25 |
26:54.00 |
Elisabeth Jackson
Fountain Valley School of Colorado
+6.50 |
25:56.50 |
25:50.00 |
Kitty Zhang
Fountain Valley School of Colorado
-2:17.24 |
26:03.76 |
28:21.00 |
Scout McMurry
Buena Vista High School
+18.43 |
26:34.43 |
26:16.00 |
Heather Hatch
Colorado Springs School
-51.24 |
26:16.76 |
27:08.00 |
Charlotte Anderson
Manitou Springs High School
+2:35.96 |
28:53.96 |
26:18.00 |
Chris Hutchings
Buena Vista High School
-2:12.33 |
26:18.67 |
28:31.00 |
Abigail Nagel
Buena Vista High School
+29.34 |
26:57.34 |
26:28.00 |
Tyler Nelson
The Vanguard School
-5:12.77 |
26:31.23 |
31:44.00 |
Leo Gu
Colorado Springs School
-20.65 |
26:46.35 |
27:07.00 |
Jazmin Santos
Lamar High School
+29.64 |
27:49.64 |
27:20.00 |
Mikaela Watkins
The Vanguard School
-2:20.54 |
27:36.46 |
29:57.00 |
Emi Esser
Peyton High School
-6:44.17 |
27:52.83 |
34:37.00 |
Kayona Brozek
Florence High School
-9.04 |
28:11.96 |
28:21.00 |
Tenzin Dothar
Fountain Valley School of Colorado
-1:10.89 |
28:12.11 |
29:23.00 |
Abby Lin
Fountain Valley School of Colorado
-2:58.48 |
28:20.52 |
31:19.00 |
Hannah Hollick Mitchell
Manitou Springs High School
-4:40.67 |
30:57.33 |
35:38.00 |
Sophia Bultema
St. Mary`s High School
-45.20 |
31:00.80 |
31:46.00 |