Stutler Twilight 2024

Greenwood Village, CO

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Athlete Entries

HS Boys 1,600 Meter Run 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Tanner 4:16.15 Chaparral High School
Scudamore, Jonas 4:19.53 Denver East High School
Wachter, William 4:20.64 Mountain Vista High School
Smith, Brady 4:23.28 Cherokee Trail High School
Engtrakul, Gavin 4:23.82 Niwot High School
White, Colton 4:24.67 Grandview High School
Bossinger, Lucas 4:26.83 Palmer Ridge High School
Jackman, Sammy 4:30.59 Niwot High School
Smith, Dylan 4:32.23 Cherokee Trail High School
Larsen, McKay 4:32.33 Cherokee Trail High School
Zitek, Owen 4:33.59 Grandview High School
Bennett, Henry 4:34.87 Denver East High School
Halla, Logan 4:35.08 The Classical Academy
Windholz, Andrew 4:35.81 Mountain Vista High School
Valencia, Evan 4:35.93 Grandview High School
Everton, Fox 4:39.64 Palmer Ridge High School
Roseman, Nicholas 4:39.88 Cherry Creek High School
Beardsley, Connor 4:40.48 Denver East High School
Jiang, Aidan 4:42.60 Niwot High School
Nici-Antesberger, Hayden 4:45.43 Palmer Ridge High School
Martinez, Zen 4:45.64 Smoky Hill High School
Turner, Jackson 4:45.86 Arapahoe High School
Hatton, Joseph 4:46.05 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Packer, Kaleb 4:50.06 Eaglecrest High School
Sarver, Mason 4:54.63 Legend High School
Napoleon, Hunter 4:54.90 Smoky Hill High School
Hiland, Brennan 4:55.34 Grandview High School
Brown, Jonathan 4:55.45 Mountain Vista High School
Miller, Isaac 4:56.33 The Classical Academy
Perez-Echevarria, Leonel 4:56.77 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Moehring, Cavan 4:56.89 Doherty High School
Preedom, Curtis 4:58.35 Legend High School
Yarmer, Braden 5:00.09 The Classical Academy
Mallory, Isaac 5:00.33 Doherty High School
Lopez-Bousquet, Yan 5:00.60 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Yang, Nathan 5:06.10 Cherry Creek High School
Yoder, Roman 5:06.25 Eaglecrest High School
Sullivan, Aeden 5:07.15 Eaglecrest High School
Wedow, Andrew 5:07.19 Smoky Hill High School
Clark, William 5:08.73 Cherry Creek High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lawrence, Jaden 10.76 Legend High School
Matteson, Case 10.79 Legend High School
Plummer, Revano 10.86 Grandview High School
Heydenberk, Jackson 10.89 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Merricks, Aiden 10.90 Mountain Vista High School
Bailey, Bryce 10.91 Mountain Vista High School
Warah, Peace 10.91 Eaglecrest High School
Releford, DaKari 10.92 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Hines, Richjarion 10.93 Smoky Hill High School
Hughes, Jayden 10.98 Cherokee Trail High School
Poku, Jeffrey 10.99 Eaglecrest High School
Reichert, Benjamin 10.99 Cherokee Trail High School
Conway, Sean 11.00 Mountain Vista High School
Leigh, Jameson 11.04 Denver East High School
Hill, Eric 11.09 Eaglecrest High School
Jordan, Jackie 11.09 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Germain, William 11.10 Denver East High School
Jamison, Marquis 11.13 Cherokee Trail High School
Orcutt, Hyram 11.13 Palmer Ridge High School
Vasquez, Diego 11.18 Legend High School
Sweets, Cayden 11.19 Cherokee Trail High School
Enos, Ben 11.23 The Classical Academy
Packard, JD 11.23 The Classical Academy
Jackson, Cory 11.24 Eaglecrest High School
Rice, Jonathan 11.35 Palmer Ridge High School
Withycombe, Burke 11.36 Eaglecrest High School
Johnson Jr, Dwight 11.39 Cherry Creek High School
Reed, Sam 11.42 The Classical Academy
Zaslavsky, Daniel 11.48 Smoky Hill High School
Coleman, Cash 11.50 Grandview High School
Hawkins, Zykel 11.50h Cherry Creek High School
Romig-Washington, Tallen 11.58 Doherty High School
Huntoon, John 11.62 Niwot High School
Llewellyn, Jackson 11.67 Denver East High School
Benard, Pierce 11.68 Denver East High School
Garth, Cameron 11.90 Grandview High School
Lanre-Ahmed, Shaun 11.92 Smoky Hill High School
Martinez, Jaydan 11.95 Niwot High School
Reid, Noah 11.97 Chaparral High School
Poticha, Parker 12.00h Cherry Creek High School
Binoy, Ishaan 12.29 Niwot High School
Poskochil , Michael 12.42 Chaparral High School
Sommers, Peyton 12.50 Cherokee Trail High School
Gilliland, Brady 12.88 Chaparral High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lewis, Kyler 14.33 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Kabeya-Kombo, Lavelle 15.01 Cherokee Trail High School
Griffen, Solomon 15.14 Cherokee Trail High School
Andrews, Jericho 15.39 Grandview High School
Lehan, Mats 15.46 Niwot High School
Barlow, Joseph 15.58 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Bell, Cameron 15.59 Eaglecrest High School
STATON, Kingston 15.63 Niwot High School
Martinez, Pierce 15.75 Eaglecrest High School
Donald, LaRon 15.78 Doherty High School
Ames, Peter 15.83 Eaglecrest High School
Kammer, Teo 15.96 Doherty High School
May, Marcus 16.31 The Classical Academy
Zhang, Wynton 16.50 Eaglecrest High School
Crane, Chase 16.51 Palmer Ridge High School
Stewart, Eli 16.52 Palmer Ridge High School
Dymond, Jacob 16.63 Eaglecrest High School
Lokakao, Yannis 16.65 Eaglecrest High School
Wilson, Judah 16.89 Mountain Vista High School
Muchineripi, Farai 16.92 Grandview High School
Larsen, Miles 17.12 Legend High School
Moller, Nathan 17.24 Palmer Ridge High School
Pesta, Cooper 17.28 Cherry Creek High School
Preedom, Lucas 17.61 Legend High School
Wilson, Makai 17.67 Denver East High School
Domich, Weston 17.77 Niwot High School
Waite, Jacob 17.83 The Classical Academy
White, Mitchell 18.23 Cherry Creek High School
Stahnke, Joel 18.43 The Classical Academy
Milanovich, Gavin 18.71 Cherry Creek High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sommers, Peyton 21.10 Cherokee Trail High School
Wilbon, Kahari 21.56 Cherokee Trail High School
Warah, Peace 21.83 Eaglecrest High School
Kombo, Kaelan 21.84 Cherokee Trail High School
Germain, William 21.94 Denver East High School
Bailey, Bryce 22.00 Mountain Vista High School
Lawrence, Jaden 22.05 Legend High School
Hines, Richjarion 22.13 Smoky Hill High School
Plummer, Revano 22.34 Grandview High School
Hill, Eric 22.35 Eaglecrest High School
Poku, Jeffrey 22.38 Eaglecrest High School
Wilson, Judah 22.40 Mountain Vista High School
Matteson, Case 22.47 Legend High School
Merricks, Aiden 22.51 Mountain Vista High School
Beck, Thomas 22.59 Mountain Vista High School
Reichert, Benjamin 22.61 Cherokee Trail High School
Allen, Liam 22.61 Mountain Vista High School
Orcutt, Hyram 22.69 Palmer Ridge High School
Conway, Sean 22.69 Mountain Vista High School
Bailey, Brooklyn 22.79 Mountain Vista High School
Marshall, Justin 22.85 Legend High School
Stone, Tyler 22.90 The Classical Academy
Packard, JD 23.06 The Classical Academy
Wang, Henry 23.08 Grandview High School
Kehren, Grant 23.12 The Classical Academy
Daggett, Isaac 23.21 The Classical Academy
Adeleke, Bode 23.24 Eaglecrest High School
Llewellyn, Jackson 23.25 Denver East High School
Cai, Michael 23.29 Cherry Creek High School
Rice, Jonathan 23.32 Palmer Ridge High School
Candelarie, Braydon 23.33 Grandview High School
Morris, Terrance 23.47 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Hawkins, Zykel 23.50h Cherry Creek High School
Zaslavsky, Daniel 23.80 Smoky Hill High School
Keller, Adam 23.86 Smoky Hill High School
Winston, JaiVyence 23.96 Denver East High School
Nahas, Santiago 23.97 Niwot High School
Huntoon, John 24.16 Niwot High School
Martinez, Jaydan 24.18 Niwot High School
Gamlin, David 24.20 Chaparral High School
McMurphy, Jackson 24.20h Cherry Creek High School
Romig-Washington, Tallen 24.39 Doherty High School
Brejcha, Brayden 24.78 Chaparral High School
Gilliland, Brady 26.47 Chaparral High School
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HS Boys 3,200 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Camp, Cole 10:04.23 Eaglecrest High School
Everton, Fox 10:07.23 Palmer Ridge High School
Colson, Danek 10:12.05 Grandview High School
Askew, Noah 10:12.11 The Classical Academy
Balfe, Sean 10:16.34 Mountain Vista High School
Hatton, Joseph 10:30.28 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Chadeayne, Josh 10:30.85 Cherokee Trail High School
Cavazos, Michael 10:31.56 Cherokee Trail High School
Perez-Echevarria, Leonel 10:44.58 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Schwab, Hunter 10:45.00 Chaparral High School
Getty, Carter 10:50.05 Cherokee Trail High School
Brown, Ben 10:57.45 Denver East High School
Gamlin, Tommy 11:01.12 Chaparral High School
Wagner, Emery 11:05.70 Denver East High School
Campbell, Cody 11:11.46 Eaglecrest High School
Smith, Finn 11:23.00 Eaglecrest High School
Morginsky, Abraham 11:44.67 Denver East High School
Lee , Gabe 11:58.60 Smoky Hill High School
Smolenski, Nathan 12:10.91 Smoky Hill High School
Carrol, Jeffrey 13:07.08 Smoky Hill High School
Edwards, Matthew 8:54.37 The Classical Academy
Hruska, Daniel 8:56.03 Cherry Creek High School
Anderson, Benjamin 9:00.13 Mountain Vista High School
Geldean, Keegan 9:20.44 Niwot High School
Robbie, Hunter 9:23.14 Niwot High School
Mazurana, Cole 9:25.15 Niwot High School
Bossinger, Lucas 9:28.56 Palmer Ridge High School
Adams, Benjamin 9:31.65 Mountain Vista High School
Kear, Evan 9:40.59 Niwot High School
Christy, Jake 9:43.18 Mountain Vista High School
Marshall, Gabriel 9:48.33 Niwot High School
Kato, Kyle 9:54.62 Arapahoe High School
Scott, Isaac 9:57.23 Cherry Creek High School
Ahnfeldt, David 9:58.42 The Classical Academy
Gilbert, Alexander 9:58.76 Cherry Creek High School
Cook, Jackson 9:58.90 The Classical Academy
Lennert, William 9:59.11 Niwot High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lewis, Kyler 38.68 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Latimer, Solomon 39.21 Doherty High School
Kabeya-Kombo, Lavelle 39.40 Cherokee Trail High School
Martinez, Pierce 39.53 Eaglecrest High School
Barlow, Joseph 39.75 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
May, Marcus 40.14 The Classical Academy
Lehan, Mats 40.74 Niwot High School
STATON, Kingston 40.82 Niwot High School
Waite, Jacob 41.58 The Classical Academy
Ames, Peter 41.64 Eaglecrest High School
Andrews, Jericho 42.11 Grandview High School
Crane, Chase 42.14 Palmer Ridge High School
Donald, LaRon 42.67 Doherty High School
Griffen, Solomon 42.80 Cherokee Trail High School
Kammer, Teo 42.85 Doherty High School
Lokakao, Yannis 42.98 Eaglecrest High School
Derby, Lance 42.99 Arapahoe High School
Bell, Cameron 43.06 Eaglecrest High School
Domich, Weston 43.17 Niwot High School
Holmes, Grover 43.67 Legend High School
Gross, Andrew 43.79 Palmer Ridge High School
Stewart, Eli 44.40 Palmer Ridge High School
Muchineripi, Farai 44.43 Grandview High School
Knapke, Aiden 44.50 Cherry Creek High School
Pesta, Cooper 44.76 Cherry Creek High School
Larsen, Miles 45.11 Legend High School
Milanovich, Gavin 45.23 Cherry Creek High School
Blue, Simon 46.00 Denver East High School
Gould, Alex 46.64 The Classical Academy
Scott, Timothy 47.43 Denver East High School
Schmitt, Caleb 47.89 Mountain Vista High School
Beauchamp, Pedro 48.00 Cherokee Trail High School
Wilson, Makai 51.46 Denver East High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leigh, Jameson 48.19 Denver East High School
Hines, Richjarion 48.88 Smoky Hill High School
Donelson, Sean 49.69 Denver East High School
Menjivar, Abraham 50.14 Niwot High School
Marshall, Justin 50.24 Legend High School
Jordan, Justyn 50.39 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Dattilo, Dylan 51.32 Cherry Creek High School
Cummings, Jonas 51.53 Eaglecrest High School
Ross, Dionjae 51.74 Eaglecrest High School
Kafuuma, Mulyndwa 51.80 Denver East High School
Bikis, Isaac 51.84 Legend High School
Allen, Liam 52.03 Mountain Vista High School
Wright, Gabriel 52.19 The Classical Academy
Condie, Aidan 52.21 Cherokee Trail High School
Withycombe, Burke 52.23 Eaglecrest High School
Steiner, Joseph 52.28 Eaglecrest High School
Van Otten, Charles 52.50 Mountain Vista High School
Akey, Carson 52.79 Mountain Vista High School
Nahas, Santiago 52.80 Niwot High School
Maddox, Caden 52.80 The Classical Academy
Martinez, Jovan 53.08 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Ayotte, Austin 53.16 Mountain Vista High School
Daggett, Isaac 53.46 The Classical Academy
Candelarie, Braydon 53.55 Grandview High School
Olsen, Christian 53.56 Doherty High School
Bokros, Brendan 53.67 Chaparral High School
Reynolds, Max 53.68 Legend High School
Smith, Tyson 53.74 Cherokee Trail High School
Washington, Jere 53.95 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Bossinger, Jake 54.03 Palmer Ridge High School
Karpel, Kaden 54.26 Cherry Creek High School
Hlavacek, Zachary 54.29 Niwot High School
Ehizuelen, Osemudiame 54.36 Smoky Hill High School
Billingslea, Brayden 55.24 Cherokee Trail High School
Zaslavsky, Daniel 55.37 Smoky Hill High School
Mathias, Mehir 55.63 Grandview High School
Bennett, Alex 55.73 Grandview High School
Atkinson, Liam 55.81 Cherry Creek High School
Bowman, Reese 57.02 Chaparral High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 42.07 Eaglecrest High School
Relay Team A 42.57 Cherokee Trail High School
Relay Team A 42.59 Legend High School
Relay Team A 43.00 Denver East High School
Relay Team A 43.01 Grandview High School
Relay Team A 43.12 Chaparral High School
Relay Team A 43.34 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Relay Team A 43.63 Doherty High School
Relay Team A 43.71 Cherry Creek High School
Relay Team A 44.25 The Classical Academy
Relay Team A 44.95 Arapahoe High School
Relay Team A 45.16 Niwot High School
Relay Team A 47.05 Smoky Hill High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:27.53 Cherokee Trail High School
Relay Team A 1:28.13 Eaglecrest High School
Relay Team A 1:29.81 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Relay Team A 1:30.90 Doherty High School
Relay Team A 1:30.91 Cherry Creek High School
Relay Team A 1:31.38 Niwot High School
Relay Team A 1:32.48 Grandview High School
Relay Team A 1:33.34 Chaparral High School
Relay Team A 1:33.61 Legend High School
Relay Team A 1:33.68 Arapahoe High School
Relay Team A 1:39.94 Smoky Hill High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:17.84 Cherokee Trail High School
Relay Team A 3:21.00h Denver East High School
Relay Team A 3:23.93 Eaglecrest High School
Relay Team A 3:25.56 Mountain Vista High School
Relay Team A 3:26.39 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Relay Team A 3:26.45 Cherry Creek High School
Relay Team A 3:29.05 Niwot High School
Relay Team A 3:29.63 The Classical Academy
Relay Team A 3:32.89 Arapahoe High School
Relay Team A 3:34.30 Smoky Hill High School
Relay Team A 3:34.57 Doherty High School
Relay Team A 3:45.26 Grandview High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:01.81 Niwot High School
Relay Team A 8:11.55 Grandview High School
Relay Team A 8:15.95 Cherry Creek High School
Relay Team A 8:19.84 Eaglecrest High School
Relay Team A 8:27.64 Smoky Hill High School
Relay Team A 8:30.24 Cherokee Trail High School
Relay Team A 8:32.21 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Relay Team A 8:45.00h Mountain Vista High School
Relay Team A 8:45.15 The Classical Academy
Relay Team A 8:51.79 Arapahoe High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDavid, William 1:54.66 Cherry Creek High School
Culpepper, Rocco 1:55.69 Niwot High School
Engtrakul, Gavin 1:56.66 Niwot High School
Sullivan, Quinn 1:56.96 Niwot High School
Fowler, Alex 1:57.02 Mountain Vista High School
Toothaker, Kye 1:57.29 Niwot High School
Anthony, James 1:57.58 Niwot High School
Blevins, Lucas 1:57.68 Grandview High School
Keeton, Ryder 1:57.69 Niwot High School
Bossinger, Lucas 1:58.66 Palmer Ridge High School
Tokle, Jameson 1:58.74 Mountain Vista High School
Brewer, Lincoln 1:59.18 Niwot High School
Palombi, Gino 2:00.05 Cherokee Trail High School
Bishop, Noah 2:01.12 Smoky Hill High School
White, Colton 2:01.64 Grandview High School
Everton, Fox 2:02.02 Palmer Ridge High School
Moyer, Jacob 2:02.28 Legend High School
Cameron, Kieran 2:02.79 The Classical Academy
Fleenor, Grant 2:02.80 The Classical Academy
Gien, Elijah 2:03.31 Cherry Creek High School
Larsen, Tanner 2:04.40 Cherokee Trail High School
Gutierrez, Gabriel 2:04.77 Eaglecrest High School
Hoffman, Brady 2:04.84 Eaglecrest High School
Meeks, Colin 2:05.03 Grandview High School
Wakimura, John 2:05.42 Mountain Vista High School
Landry, Harrison 2:05.79 Cherry Creek High School
Meister, Nathan 2:06.37 The Classical Academy
Nici-Antesberger, Hayden 2:06.45 Palmer Ridge High School
Springer, Isaiah 2:06.46 Denver East High School
Silva, Aiden 2:07.63 Smoky Hill High School
Embry, Iain 2:09.42 Chaparral High School
Crippen, Andrew 2:09.76 Cherokee Trail High School
Preedom, Lucas 2:09.86 Legend High School
Posey, Drew 2:12.30 Legend High School
Sparrow, Carson 2:13.28 Smoky Hill High School
Nowels, Clayton 2:14.58 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Penner, Toby 2:17.30 Denver East High School
Kessel, Aden 2:17.34 Doherty High School
Mays, Alexandros 2:23.29 Denver East High School
Lopez-Bousquet, Yan 2:23.51 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
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HS Boys Discus 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goeglein, Thomas 155-5 Cherry Creek High School
Edwards, Jackson 153-2 The Classical Academy
Shinofield, Soren 150-9 Cherry Creek High School
Mabe, Thomas 149-7 Palmer Ridge High School
Henry, Andre 146-11 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Drake , Aidan 143-5 Doherty High School
Valdez, Brian 140-10 Doherty High School
Mills, Ayden 135-2 Cherokee Trail High School
Weatherby, Kael 135-2 Eaglecrest High School
Allen, Sam 134-5 The Classical Academy
Williams, Derek 131-4 Grandview High School
Lemcke, Ryland 129-11 Chaparral High School
Indukuri, Aneesh 129-3 Cherokee Trail High School
Roche, Parker 128-3 Eaglecrest High School
Adams, Marcus 128-2 Cherokee Trail High School
Marsh, Brock 123-4 Chaparral High School
Brown, Benjamin 122-5 Arapahoe High School
Hoffman, Cole 119-5 The Classical Academy
Himebauch, Tyler 118-11 Palmer Ridge High School
Matthews, London 118-7 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Keys Miller, Naizel 117-6 Eaglecrest High School
Schmitz, Isaac 117-2 Legend High School
Oringdulph, Hayden 112-3 Palmer Ridge High School
Stevens, Marcus 112-1 Grandview High School
Twesme, Owen 111-1 Palmer Ridge High School
Gillispie, Thomas 110-3.5 Doherty High School
Amerson, Christian 108-8 Legend High School
Strahan, Jack 107-5 Legend High School
Myers, Breckin 106-6 Legend High School
Parrott, Max 106-6 Cherry Creek High School
Jerath, Jayin 105-8 Smoky Hill High School
Kemp, Nico 104-4 Niwot High School
Brodeur, David 103-2 Palmer Ridge High School
Gorton, Eli 101-11 Smoky Hill High School
VanSelus, Harrison 100-7 Niwot High School
O'Grady, Jackson 99-10 Grandview High School
Cruz-Romero, Rudy 95-7 Smoky Hill High School
Derouen, Nicholas 94-10 Chaparral High School
Lim, Shuen 91-11 Niwot High School
Jeter, Jaylen Fountain-Fort Carson High School
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HS Boys High Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wenger, Jordan 6-9 The Classical Academy
Diggins, Jayden 6-4 Eaglecrest High School
Inama, Samuel 6-3 Palmer Ridge High School
Diallo, Nurudeen 6-2 Cherokee Trail High School
Thomas, Braylen 6-1 Cherokee Trail High School
David, Carson 6-1 Arapahoe High School
Leonard, Charles 6-0 Cherry Creek High School
Sandoval, Anthony 5-11 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Bates, Jackson 5-11 Niwot High School
Smith, Elijah 5-11 Cherry Creek High School
Lyai, Lyai 5-11 Denver East High School
Moller, Nathan 5-10 Palmer Ridge High School
Green, JayAnthony 5-10 Eaglecrest High School
Morris, Fabian 5-10 Denver East High School
Truax, Tyler 5-10 Chaparral High School
Hockensmith, Connor 5-9 Cherry Creek High School
Milla, Aiden 5-9 Legend High School
Ajibade, Prince David 5-8 Cherokee Trail High School
Stevenson, Jeremiah 5-8 Grandview High School
Gould, Hayden 5-7 Mountain Vista High School
McDonald, Kavi 5-6 Denver East High School
McCray, KeShaun 5-4 Grandview High School
Belfon, Ethan 5-4 Grandview High School
Brooks, Kevin Smoky Hill High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sweets, Cayden 22-7.75 Cherokee Trail High School
Wenger, Jordan 22-6.5 The Classical Academy
Inama, Samuel 22-3 Palmer Ridge High School
Jolliff, Caleb 22-1.5 Arapahoe High School
Rice, Jonathan 22-0 Palmer Ridge High School
Asare, Thierry 21-6 Eaglecrest High School
Caldwell, Calix 21-5 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Chapa, Cam 21-1 Eaglecrest High School
Moller, Nathan 21-1 Palmer Ridge High School
Price, Mathias 20-11 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Osterloh, Noah 20-11 The Classical Academy
STATON, Kingston 20-10.75 Niwot High School
Donald, LaRon 20-10.5 Doherty High School
Withycombe, Burke 20-10.5 Eaglecrest High School
Domich, Weston 20-10.5 Niwot High School
Knuckles, Joshua 20-10 The Classical Academy
Tiggett, Deron 20-7 Doherty High School
Houchen , Thaddeus 20-6 Chaparral High School
Moreland, Kendell 20-5.5 Eaglecrest High School
Milla, Aiden 20-3.5 Legend High School
Hawkins, Zykel 20-3 Cherry Creek High School
Campbell, Keenan 20-2.75 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Olson, Aaron 20-2.5 Legend High School
Thomas, Braylen 20-2.25 Cherokee Trail High School
Smith, Jaden 20-1.5 Cherokee Trail High School
Simpson, Demarion 20-0.5 Doherty High School
Booth, Charles 19-11.5 Chaparral High School
Truax, Tyler 19-11.5 Chaparral High School
Cai, Michael 19-8 Cherry Creek High School
Haratsaris, Zuming 19-7.5 Niwot High School
Harris, De Marcues 19-7 Cherokee Trail High School
Winston, JaiVyence 19-4 Denver East High School
Tate, Jake 19-1.5 The Classical Academy
Stevenson, Jeremiah 19-0 Grandview High School
Scott, Timothy 18-5 Denver East High School
McMurphy, Jackson 18-1 Cherry Creek High School
Smith, Khaid 17-10 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Flores, Brody 17-10 Grandview High School
Pepple, Lowell 17-5 Denver East High School
Stewart, D'Aaron 17-4.25 Grandview High School
Keller, Adam 16-7 Smoky Hill High School
Micheas, Nathan 16-0.5 Smoky Hill High School
Majernik, Evan 14-5.5 Smoky Hill High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Waters, Taylor 15-4 Cherokee Trail High School
Carr, Sawyer 13-7 Cherokee Trail High School
Pence, Grayson 13-6 Cherry Creek High School
Cole, Tanner 12-1 Niwot High School
Goodman, Gabriel 12-0 Chaparral High School
Haag, Andrew 12-0 Chaparral High School
Bowman, Reese 10-6 Chaparral High School
Lin, Zachary 10-0 Cherry Creek High School
Stahnke, Joel 9-5 The Classical Academy
Dunham, Andrew 9-4 Broomfield High School
Nelson, Noah 9-3 The Classical Academy
Hobart, Henry 9-2 Grandview High School
Rieker, Kieren 9-1 The Classical Academy
Poticha, Parker 9-0 Cherry Creek High School
Dymond, Jacob 9-0 Eaglecrest High School
Forseter, Noah 9-0 Broomfield High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shinofield, Soren 53-8 Cherry Creek High School
Goeglein, Thomas 51-11 Cherry Creek High School
Twesme, Owen 49-6 Palmer Ridge High School
Weatherby, Kael 48-11 Eaglecrest High School
Towns, Court 48-0.5 Palmer Ridge High School
Parrott, Max 47-9.5 Cherry Creek High School
Richardson, Maddox 47-5.5 Doherty High School
Adams, Marcus 46-5.75 Cherokee Trail High School
Brown, Benjamin 45-5.5 Arapahoe High School
Kemp, Nico 45-0 Niwot High School
Allen, Sam 44-4 The Classical Academy
Cockerham, Ja Kobi 44-3 Doherty High School
VanSelus, Harrison 44-0 Niwot High School
Mabe, Thomas 43-3 Palmer Ridge High School
Hoffman, Cole 42-10 The Classical Academy
Henry, Andre 42-7.5 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Chacon, Marcus 42-1 Doherty High School
Matthews, London 41-10 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Keys Miller, Naizel 41-9 Eaglecrest High School
Olson, Aaron 41-4 Legend High School
Roche, Parker 41-1 Eaglecrest High School
Mills, Ayden 39-7.25 Cherokee Trail High School
Lemcke, Ryland 39-4 Chaparral High School
Edwards, Jackson 39-2 The Classical Academy
Brodeur, David 38-10 Palmer Ridge High School
O'Grady, Jackson 38-7.5 Grandview High School
Himebauch, Tyler 38-3.5 Palmer Ridge High School
Schmitz, Isaac 38-2.25 Legend High School
Amerson, Christian 38-2 Legend High School
Indukuri, Aneesh 38-1.75 Cherokee Trail High School
Neuenschwander, Derek 37-7 Legend High School
Williams, Derek 37-5 Grandview High School
Crounse, Alexander 37-0.75 Grandview High School
Marsh, Brock 35-10 Chaparral High School
Jerath, Jayin 35-3 Smoky Hill High School
Jeter, Jaylen 34-8.5 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Allmendinger, Cody 34-4.5 Chaparral High School
Lim, Shuen 34-2 Niwot High School
Jordan, Tyren 32-4 Smoky Hill High School
Gorton, Eli Smoky Hill High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Osterloh, Noah 45-2 The Classical Academy
Luna, Kai 44-6.25 Denver East High School
Tizazu, Bezalel 44-5.5 Eaglecrest High School
Besch, Zander 42-11 Mountain Vista High School
Smith, Jaden 42-10 Cherokee Trail High School
Domich, Weston 42-10 Niwot High School
Jolliff, Caleb 42-7.75 Arapahoe High School
Moller, Nathan 42-1 Palmer Ridge High School
Doan, Jude 41-11 Cherokee Trail High School
States, Bryson 41-6.25 Eaglecrest High School
Smith, Khaid 41-4 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Kim, Jordan 41-2.2 Mountain Vista High School
Lomosi, Jason 41-0.5 Cherokee Trail High School
Boakye, Leo 40-11 Cherokee Trail High School
Gould, Hayden 40-10.5 Mountain Vista High School
Campbell, Keenan 40-9 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Stewart, D'Aaron 40-7 Grandview High School
Phillips, Bryson 40-7 Eaglecrest High School
Mccullough, Brandon 40-2.75 Cherokee Trail High School
Harris, De Marcues 40-1.75 Cherokee Trail High School
Cai, Michael 39-9.5 Cherry Creek High School
Knuckles, Joshua 39-2 The Classical Academy
Haratsaris, Zuming 39-0 Niwot High School
Livits, Anthony 38-4.5 Cherry Creek High School
STATON, Kingston 38-2.75 Niwot High School
Majernik, Evan 32-4.75 Smoky Hill High School
McCray, KeShaun Grandview High School
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HS Girls 1,600 Meter Run 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prok, Mia 4:49.13 Niwot High School
Adams, Peyton 4:52.27 Mountain Vista High School
Mucharsky, Rosie 4:57.49 Denver East High School
Cohen, Emily 4:57.94 Cherry Creek High School
Guiberson, Claire 5:02.13 Mountain Vista High School
Perkins, Sarah 5:07.13 Niwot High School
Derickson, Jessica 5:07.52 Mountain Vista High School
Justice, Cayden 5:09.40 Niwot High School
Hagen, Elise 5:13.41 Niwot High School
Madine, Kendall 5:16.72 Niwot High School
Bridges, Anna 5:22.75 Arapahoe High School
Smith, Marin 5:24.75 Mountain Vista High School
Jack, Vivian 5:25.34 The Classical Academy
Kast, Kaylie 5:27.99 Mountain Vista High School
Chomas, Scout 5:32.43 Denver East High School
Ochoa, Julieta 5:35.10 Denver East High School
Lim, Haim 5:38.07 Cherry Creek High School
Persichina, Sutton 5:38.47 Chaparral High School
Santiago, Sierra 5:42.85 Chaparral High School
Ahnfeldt, Joy 5:44.75 The Classical Academy
Robinson, Zoe 5:49.63 Doherty High School
Bossinger, Annaliese 5:52.52 Palmer Ridge High School
Smithhart, Jocilyn 5:56.07 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Carll, Lillian 5:56.08 Grandview High School
Hamm, Sophie 5:57.28 Cherry Creek High School
Eichmann, Sarah 5:58.01 Doherty High School
Rohrig, Emerson 5:58.91 Grandview High School
Akililu, Eden 6:01.86 Grandview High School
Little, Milar 6:04.25 Eaglecrest High School
Brannan, Emrie 6:08.49 Legend High School
Graham, Mia 6:08.62 Legend High School
Stark, Paris 6:09.87 The Classical Academy
Oliver, Mia 6:14.09 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Zaiger, Addison 6:19.80 Doherty High School
Nichelson, Ella 6:24.75 Smoky Hill High School
Lee, Samantha 6:27.12 Smoky Hill High School
Austin, Anna 6:39.57 Smoky Hill High School
Benedict, Genevieve 6:44.85 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nielsen, Heidi 11.89 The Classical Academy
Cunningham, Gabriella 11.93 Grandview High School
Watson, Maliah 12.41 Cherokee Trail High School
Campbell, Amelie 12.42 Denver East High School
Holliman, Leiava 12.51 Grandview High School
Lindeman, Elsie 12.59 Legend High School
Singleton, Makiya 12.60 Grandview High School
Hollingshead, Ashley 12.76 Mountain Vista High School
Akey, Ariana 12.76 Mountain Vista High School
Azumah, Danica 12.77 Smoky Hill High School
Hruby, Emily 12.79 Legend High School
Bell, Dhemi 12.82 Smoky Hill High School
Blackwood, Reese 12.86 The Classical Academy
Gratrix, Tatum 12.88 Eaglecrest High School
DuMont, Eva 12.93 Cherry Creek High School
Schmidthuber, Kate 12.94 Niwot High School
Kirkman, Camille 12.98 Palmer Ridge High School
Cook, MaKenna 12.98 Palmer Ridge High School
Gaines, Malanya 12.99 Eaglecrest High School
Henriques, Eliana 13.08 Niwot High School
Thomas, Zoe 13.08 Denver East High School
Grazier, Taylor 13.11 Mountain Vista High School
Graham, Lindsey 13.12 The Classical Academy
Golden, Naomi 13.16 Denver East High School
Bighorn, Giannah 13.22 Eaglecrest High School
Brown, Janae 13.23 Cherry Creek High School
Moler, Hayden 13.33 Palmer Ridge High School
Mitchell, Elisabeth 13.42 Cherokee Trail High School
Willingham, Taylor 13.55 Legend High School
Bauman, Emerie 13.61 Smoky Hill High School
Priest, Stella 13.68 Niwot High School
Brewington-Fuller, Emma 13.70 Denver East High School
Stokes, Taisyn 13.75 Cherokee Trail High School
Anderson, Emily 13.80h Cherry Creek High School
Watts, Karlee 14.20 Chaparral High School
Zawadowski, Amelia 14.27 Chaparral High School
Thie, Addyson 14.52 Chaparral High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kasper, Reese 14.80 Niwot High School
Powe, Kaeli 14.89 Cherokee Trail High School
Queen, Alexa 14.94 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Sigars, Aniya 15.07 Smoky Hill High School
Kennedy, Sasha 15.20 Grandview High School
Enoch, Kiyah 15.29 Smoky Hill High School
Carlsen, Rachel 15.50 Eaglecrest High School
Carelock, Alexandria 15.57 Cherokee Trail High School
Adams, Elliana 15.67 Doherty High School
Sommerville, Reyanna 16.22 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Baca, Ashlenn 16.77 Niwot High School
Robinson, Audrey 16.85 Niwot High School
Zinn, Sienna 16.90 Palmer Ridge High School
Berke, Cora 17.28 Cherry Creek High School
O'Brien, Emma 17.34 Eaglecrest High School
Alessandrini, Viola 17.35 Niwot High School
Lewis, Ellie 17.40 Mountain Vista High School
Jones, Camryn 17.65 The Classical Academy
Lindeman, Mira 17.90 Legend High School
Wehrenberg, Ella 18.03 Grandview High School
BARCHINO CUBAS, Natalia 18.19 Eaglecrest High School
Smith, Adelynn 18.21 Doherty High School
Bowshot, Maci 18.47 The Classical Academy
Mayhew, Madilyn 18.71 Legend High School
Sena, Gabriella 18.75 Cherokee Trail High School
Clementz, Hailey 18.75 Cherry Creek High School
Appel, Emilee 19.11 Chaparral High School
Walsh, Mckenna 19.15 Chaparral High School
Llamozas , Grace 19.31 Chaparral High School
Kooser, Aubry 19.55 The Classical Academy
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nielsen, Heidi 24.18 The Classical Academy
Wilson, Jaylynn 24.94 Eaglecrest High School
Campbell, Amelie 25.03 Denver East High School
Wehrenberg, Anna 25.66 Grandview High School
Hollingshead, Ashley 25.69 Mountain Vista High School
Beatty, Tessa 25.83 Cherry Creek High School
Rothenberg, Jane 25.93 Cherry Creek High School
Schmidthuber, Kate 25.97 Niwot High School
Akey, Ariana 26.14 Mountain Vista High School
Allen, Ka'Moyyah 26.15 Cherokee Trail High School
Henriques, Eliana 26.28 Niwot High School
Statewright, Triniti 26.32 Cherokee Trail High School
Holliman, Leiava 26.34 Grandview High School
Bell, Dhemi 26.54 Smoky Hill High School
Singleton, Makiya 26.63 Grandview High School
DuMont, Eva 26.86 Cherry Creek High School
Gratrix, Tatum 26.87 Eaglecrest High School
Burton, Tayah 26.93 Cherokee Trail High School
Blackwood, Reese 27.07 The Classical Academy
Philpot, Katelyn 27.08 Palmer Ridge High School
Kirkman, Camille 27.26 Palmer Ridge High School
Grazier, Taylor 27.33 Mountain Vista High School
Willingham, Taylor 27.58 Legend High School
Thomas, Zoe 27.62 Denver East High School
Delaney, Skyla 27.68 The Classical Academy
Golden, Naomi 27.80 Denver East High School
Cowan, Sydney 27.87 Palmer Ridge High School
Sala, Maya 27.91 Legend High School
Betschart, Reese 28.11 Legend High School
Zabel, Zoey 28.11 Niwot High School
Pickett, Amari 28.12 Eaglecrest High School
Bauman, Emerie 28.21 Smoky Hill High School
Coyle, Carina 28.32 Chaparral High School
Little, Lennon 28.53 Chaparral High School
Brewington-Fuller, Emma 28.62 Denver East High School
Thie, Addyson 31.29 Chaparral High School
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HS Girls 3,200 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carll, Lillian Grandview High School
Akililu, Eden Grandview High School
Edwards, Keeghan 10:22.54 Mountain Vista High School
Parry, Kapri 10:40.16 Chaparral High School
Brandt, Zoe 11:02.58 Mountain Vista High School
Todd, Grace 11:03.13 Denver East High School
Ellsworth, Kaylee 11:03.97 Chaparral High School
Wolfe, Baylor 11:11.49 Cherry Creek High School
Parry, Hayden 11:15.00 Chaparral High School
Hu, Kylee 11:15.53 Cherry Creek High School
Wolfe, Kinley 11:22.63 Cherry Creek High School
Boeckman, Gabriela 11:24.38 Mountain Vista High School
Beltran, Avalon 11:25.54 Niwot High School
Parks, Scarlett 11:35.75 Niwot High School
Twete, Addi 11:39.75 Mountain Vista High School
Christians, Carly 11:44.07 Mountain Vista High School
Boyd, Eloise 11:51.65 Niwot High School
Kasanicky, Alena 11:53.16 Niwot High School
Shiroff, Sophia 12:20.55 Denver East High School
McDaniel, Jade 12:30.19 Cherokee Trail High School
Bachman, Reese 12:46.14 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Paulson, Esther 12:47.31 Palmer Ridge High School
Rohrig, Emerson 13:10.83 Grandview High School
Nussbaum, Mary Clare 13:12.27 Denver East High School
Archuleta, Ava 13:12.68 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Benedict, Genevieve 13:52.83 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kasper, Reese 43.65 Niwot High School
Queen, Alexa 44.46 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Adams, Elliana 44.52 Doherty High School
Carlsen, Rachel 45.50 Eaglecrest High School
Kennedy, Sasha 45.61 Grandview High School
Enoch, Kiyah 45.97 Smoky Hill High School
Baca, Ashlenn 46.08 Niwot High School
Carelock, Alexandria 46.10 Cherokee Trail High School
Sigars, Aniya 46.51 Smoky Hill High School
Holmes, Lillian 47.89 Legend High School
Robinson, Audrey 48.12 Niwot High School
Brown, Jenna 48.36 Legend High School
Alessandrini, Viola 48.39 Niwot High School
Donald, LaLannie 48.80h Doherty High School
Berke, Cora 49.08 Cherry Creek High School
Azumah, Danica 49.39 Smoky Hill High School
Zinn, Sienna 49.52 Palmer Ridge High School
Hall, JoShaun 49.72 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Holloway, Amelia 50.01 Denver East High School
Vuolo, Holly 50.29 Chaparral High School
Sommerville, Reyanna 50.62 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Wehrenberg, Ella 50.78 Grandview High School
Clementz, Hailey 51.02 Cherry Creek High School
Jones, Camryn 51.56 The Classical Academy
Lindeman, Mira 51.77 Legend High School
Khadka, Krisha 51.98 Eaglecrest High School
Bowshot, Maci 52.08 The Classical Academy
Lewis, Ellie 52.60 Mountain Vista High School
O'Brien, Emma 52.69 Eaglecrest High School
Kooser, Aubry 53.25 The Classical Academy
Smith, Adelynn 54.20 Doherty High School
Sena, Gabriella 54.28 Cherokee Trail High School
Walsh, Mckenna 54.43 Chaparral High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Graf, Alexandra 1:01.18 Legend High School
Cowan, Sydney 1:01.47 Palmer Ridge High School
Courage, Love 1:01.59 Denver East High School
Thomas, Laila 1:01.69 Cherry Creek High School
Hall, Grace 1:01.77 Denver East High School
Smith, Darian 1:01.95 Smoky Hill High School
Emanuel, Matilda 1:02.23 Legend High School
Bird Bear, Kennedie 1:02.30 Grandview High School
Price, Joselyn 1:02.33 Cherokee Trail High School
Brinson, Syreeta 1:02.39 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Holliday, Sammie 1:02.59 Niwot High School
Sheehan, Mattie 1:03.00h Cherry Creek High School
Smith, Brynn 1:03.22 Mountain Vista High School
Zabel, Zoey 1:03.24 Niwot High School
Korth, Ashley 1:03.53 The Classical Academy
Dennis, Delaney 1:04.07 Denver East High School
Shaw, Ellie 1:04.22 Eaglecrest High School
Moore, Claire 1:04.55 The Classical Academy
Graf, Elisabeth 1:05.01 Legend High School
Cobos, Anna 1:05.20 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Reed, Cary Morgan 1:05.24 Smoky Hill High School
Voas, Sawyer 1:05.29 Denver East High School
Anderson, Lucy 1:06.11 The Classical Academy
Gibson, Nia 1:06.95 Smoky Hill High School
Mitchell, Elisabeth 1:07.24 Cherokee Trail High School
Aggers, DeAjah 1:07.74 Eaglecrest High School
Kapfer, Clara 1:08.29 Cherokee Trail High School
Adkins, Bristol 1:08.55 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Wardlaw, Katherine 1:10.42 Cherry Creek High School
Hollingshead, Ashley 58.24 Mountain Vista High School
Esquibel, Simocea 58.34 Niwot High School
Smith, Gracynn 59.50h Mountain Vista High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 49.22 Eaglecrest High School
Relay Team A 49.42 Legend High School
Relay Team A 49.63 Smoky Hill High School
Relay Team A 49.65 Niwot High School
Relay Team A 49.89 The Classical Academy
Relay Team A 50.39 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Relay Team A 51.60 Cherry Creek High School
Relay Team A 52.01 Doherty High School
Relay Team A 54.10h Chaparral High School
Relay Team A 56.09 Arapahoe High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:40.99 Cherokee Trail High School
Relay Team A 1:44.33 Niwot High School
Relay Team A 1:45.06 Smoky Hill High School
Relay Team A 1:46.12 The Classical Academy
Relay Team A 1:46.50 Eaglecrest High School
Relay Team A 1:46.53 Doherty High School
Relay Team A 1:46.96 Cherry Creek High School
Relay Team A 1:49.61 Chaparral High School
Relay Team A 1:50.00 Denver East High School
Relay Team A 1:51.08 Grandview High School
Relay Team A 1:51.80 Legend High School
Relay Team A 1:53.52 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Relay Team A 1:53.52 Arapahoe High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:00.10 Niwot High School
Relay Team A 4:01.99 Eaglecrest High School
Relay Team A 4:02.34 Cherry Creek High School
Relay Team A 4:05.78 Smoky Hill High School
Relay Team A 4:07 Mountain Vista High School
Relay Team A 4:08.48 The Classical Academy
Relay Team A 4:11.37 Doherty High School
Relay Team A 4:16.58 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Relay Team A 4:19.98 Palmer Ridge High School
Relay Team A 4:20.08 Arapahoe High School
Relay Team A 4:26.21 Grandview High School
Relay Team A 4:38.43 Denver East High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:08.76 Niwot High School
Relay Team A 10:22.09 Grandview High School
Relay Team A 10:30.39 Cherokee Trail High School
Relay Team A 10:32.20 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Relay Team A 10:45.86 Eaglecrest High School
Relay Team A 10:46.13 Denver East High School
Relay Team A 11:43.96 Smoky Hill High School
Relay Team A 9:11.77 Mountain Vista High School
Relay Team A 9:59.80 Cherry Creek High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alessandrini, Olivia 2:10.79 Niwot High School
Prok, Anna 2:12.66 Niwot High School
Prok, Mia 2:13.68 Niwot High School
Adams, Peyton 2:15.03 Mountain Vista High School
Rudolph, Julia 2:15.49 Niwot High School
Guiberson, Claire 2:16.26 Mountain Vista High School
Frum, Juliet 2:16.32 Mountain Vista High School
Laughlin, Caroline 2:17.00 Cherry Creek High School
Ritzenhein, Addison 2:17.76 Niwot High School
Esquibel, Simocea 2:18.16 Niwot High School
Madine, Kendall 2:18.18 Niwot High School
Justice, Cayden 2:18.89 Niwot High School
Philpot, Katelyn 2:18.93 Palmer Ridge High School
Kasanicky, Alena 2:19.72 Niwot High School
Bergen, Elsza 2:20.41 Niwot High School
Pace, Julia 2:21.21 Grandview High School
Zachman, Makenzie 2:23.16 The Classical Academy
Yuschalk, Jana 2:23.17 The Classical Academy
Brice, Anna 2:25.0 Mountain Vista High School
Pellegrino, Mia 2:25.39 Cherry Creek High School
Sabey, Swede 2:26.72 Chaparral High School
Smith, Darian 2:27.15 Smoky Hill High School
Homan, Emily 2:28.00 Palmer Ridge High School
Piepgras, Paisley 2:28.12 Cherry Creek High School
Johnson, Avery 2:30.33 Denver East High School
Abeyta, Summer 2:31.77 Grandview High School
Persichina, Sutton 2:33.48 Chaparral High School
Harding, Gabriella 2:34.17 The Classical Academy
Claypool, Mia 2:34.20 Palmer Ridge High School
Carhart, Lola 2:34.29 Denver East High School
Armstrong, Dawn 2:35.05 Cherokee Trail High School
Grabau, Lily 2:35.63 Legend High School
Bossinger, Annaliese 2:36.95 Palmer Ridge High School
Akililu, Eden 2:37.34 Grandview High School
Robinson, Zoe 2:39.06 Doherty High School
Vasquez, Zeta 2:40.09 Chaparral High School
Burns, Kaylee 2:42.76 Eaglecrest High School
Zagel, Marie 2:43.02 Smoky Hill High School
Zaiger, Addison 2:43.60 Doherty High School
Silva, Mia 2:45.76 Eaglecrest High School
Rhodes, Kamryn 2:47.70 Eaglecrest High School
Kennedy, Corrine 2:47.82 Denver East High School
Eichmann, Sarah 2:48.13 Doherty High School
Oliver, Mia 2:50.51 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Lucero, Sophia 2:50.71 Cherokee Trail High School
Reite, Anneli 2:52.22 Cherokee Trail High School
Benedict, Genevieve 3:00.51 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:49.42 Niwot High School
Relay Team A 1:49.91 Cherry Creek High School
Relay Team A 1:50.19 Legend High School
Relay Team A 1:50.61 Cherokee Trail High School
Relay Team A 1:51.35 Doherty High School
Relay Team A 1:51.84 Chaparral High School
Relay Team A 1:53.02 The Classical Academy
Relay Team A 1:53.97 Smoky Hill High School
Relay Team A 1:55.78 Eaglecrest High School
Relay Team A 1:57.04 Grandview High School
Relay Team A 2:00.35 Arapahoe High School
Relay Team A 2:05.04 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
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HS Girls Discus 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Edwards, Addison 134-3 Cherry Creek High School
West, Jade 128-0 Niwot High School
Mayer, Kylie 121-6 Palmer Ridge High School
Mitchell, Chloe 115-3.5 Niwot High School
Fifita, poli 112-3 Smoky Hill High School
Higgins, Ellabelle 111-10 Broomfield High School
Hyslop, Raziah 108-10 Cherokee Trail High School
Maualuga, Emeline 106-8 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Jitta, Tanvi 104-10 Grandview High School
Nash, Amiyah 102-7 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Schmitt, Adelaide 100-3 Eaglecrest High School
Strehlow, Abigail 98-3.5 Doherty High School
Tomlinson, Jordyn 98-2.5 Doherty High School
Smith, Aubrey 96-2 Doherty High School
George, McKenna 96-2 Eaglecrest High School
Blanks, Mahlya 96-0 Niwot High School
Roberson, Deija 95-7 Grandview High School
Cuellar, Anna 95-0 The Classical Academy
Davis, Addison 92-0 Palmer Ridge High School
Bornitz, Brooke 91-11 Palmer Ridge High School
Brinkman, Hannah 91-5 Eaglecrest High School
Holt, Hayley 83-3.5 Legend High School
Hanson, Ava 82-5 The Classical Academy
Reffel, Kaylee 81-9 Legend High School
Duggirala, Manogna 79-4 Legend High School
Jegede, Izaura 78-10 Cherokee Trail High School
Marine, Alexis 77-8 Smoky Hill High School
Garza, Nya 76-8 Cherokee Trail High School
Lamb, Reagan 75-7 The Classical Academy
Lennox, Isabella 74-10.5 Legend High School
Bennett, Arianna 73-4 Chaparral High School
Levesque, Aynsley 72-11 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Papizzo, Sofie 71-2 Grandview High School
Angotti, Maddie 69-4 Chaparral High School
Jones, Jazelle 68-6 Chaparral High School
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HS Girls High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Andrea 5-5 Grandview High School
Kennedy, Sasha 5-3 Grandview High School
Donald, LaLannie 5-3 Doherty High School
Cobos, Anna 5-2 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Smith, Gracynn 5-0 Mountain Vista High School
Jaster, Katelyn 5-0 Smoky Hill High School
Kozisek, Sienna 5-0 Doherty High School
Wheaton, Cora 5-0 Doherty High School
Willis, Anna 4-10 The Classical Academy
Plear, Dionne 4-10 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Priest, Stella 4-10 Niwot High School
Menter, Daphne 4-9 Cherry Creek High School
Lewis, Ellie 4-8 Mountain Vista High School
McGuire, Keagan 4-8 Niwot High School
Maina, Leah 4-8 Denver East High School
Gibson, Nia 4-7 Smoky Hill High School
Maley, Leila 4-7 Chaparral High School
Zagel, Marie 4-6 Smoky Hill High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Powe, Kaeli 19-6.5 Cherokee Trail High School
Hruby, Emily 17-8.5 Legend High School
Deferme, Emerson 17-6 Grandview High School
Bell, Dhemi 17-3.75 Smoky Hill High School
Carelock, Alexandria 17-2.25 Cherokee Trail High School
Bui, Keona 17-2 Grandview High School
Cook, MaKenna 17-1.75 Palmer Ridge High School
Bergstrom, Renata 17-1 Cherry Creek High School
Willis, Anna 16-10.75 The Classical Academy
Newman, Myra 16-10 Palmer Ridge High School
Gennai, Sofia 16-8.5 Doherty High School
BARCHINO CUBAS, Natalia 16-6.25 Eaglecrest High School
Sala, Maya 16-6 Legend High School
Hall, JoShaun 16-4.75 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Kozisek, Sienna 16-4.5 Doherty High School
Hebinck, Arabella 16-4.25 Mountain Vista High School
Vanhorne, Shanya 16-4 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Brown, Jenna 16-2.5 Legend High School
Carlsen, Rachel 16-2.5 Eaglecrest High School
Kirkman, Camille 16-1 Palmer Ridge High School
Marr, Braelyn 15-11.5 Palmer Ridge High School
Zabel, Zoey 15-10.5 Niwot High School
Ortiona, Ashlyn 15-8.5 Palmer Ridge High School
Holliday, Sammie 15-7.5 Niwot High School
Priest, Stella 15-7 Niwot High School
Sevinsky, Emily 15-6 Mountain Vista High School
Wheaton, Cora 15-5.25 Doherty High School
Tate, Vanessa 15-4 The Classical Academy
Turner, Ava 15-1 Denver East High School
Bryant, Taiya 15-1 Eaglecrest High School
Bundu, Giana 15-0.75 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Wakeham, Varinia 14-8 Grandview High School
Ambuul, Grace 14-7 The Classical Academy
Waggoner, Lauren 14-3 Chaparral High School
Erickson Solonika, Isobel 14-0.5 Cherry Creek High School
Maina, Leah 13-10.5 Denver East High School
Coyle, Carina 13-10 Chaparral High School
Obot, Brianna 13-6 Smoky Hill High School
Reed, Cary Morgan 13-3 Smoky Hill High School
Maley, Leila 12-4 Chaparral High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nichols, Lilly 13-4 Broomfield High School
Willis, Anna 13-3 The Classical Academy
Cummings, Camille 12-5 Denver East High School
Bergstrom, Renata 11-10 Cherry Creek High School
Gustafson, Lina 11-8 Palmer Ridge High School
Cook, Makenna 11-0 Palmer Ridge High School
Vuolo, Holly 10-10 Chaparral High School
Gobble, Tatem 10-9 Arapahoe High School
Kozisek, Sienna 10-6.25 Doherty High School
Tesar, Lily 10-6 The Classical Academy
Varela, Isabel 10-4 Cherry Creek High School
Gommel, Dylan 10-3 Legend High School
Riley, Elyse 9-11 The Classical Academy
Marr, Braelyn 9-9 Palmer Ridge High School
White, Sophia 9-6 Cherry Creek High School
O'Brien, Emma 9-0 Eaglecrest High School
Brandberg, Isabella 9-0 Arapahoe High School
Thuringer, Elise 8-10 The Classical Academy
Summers, Vivian 8-8 Niwot High School
Gerber, Rachel 8-6 Broomfield High School
Mojica, Cameron 8-4 Grandview High School
Ice, Olivia 8-1 Legend High School
Appel, Emilee 7-6 Chaparral High School
Rosen, Audrey 7-0 Eaglecrest High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
West, Jade 44-0 Niwot High School
George, McKenna 38-7.5 Eaglecrest High School
Kelly, Brenna 36-6.25 Grandview High School
Edwards, Addison 36-0 Cherry Creek High School
Hendrian, Kaitlyn 35-9.5 Eaglecrest High School
Hyslop, Raziah 33-11.5 Cherokee Trail High School
Higgins, Ellabelle 33-9 Broomfield High School
Lumberg, Erin 33-6.25 Palmer Ridge High School
Jitta, Tanvi 31-9 Grandview High School
Mitchell, Chloe 31-0 Niwot High School
Strehlow, Abigail 30-10.5 Doherty High School
Nash, Amiyah 30-9.25 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Blanks, Mahlya 30-8 Niwot High School
Mayer, Kylie 30-7.5 Palmer Ridge High School
Tomlinson, Jordyn 30-6.75 Doherty High School
Jones, Jazelle 30-5.5 Chaparral High School
Smith, Aubrey 30-2 Doherty High School
Maualuga, Emeline 30-0 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Marine, Alexis 29-9 Smoky Hill High School
Reffel, Kaylee 29-7 Legend High School
Cuellar, Anna 29-2.25 The Classical Academy
Lamb, Reagan 28-11.5 The Classical Academy
Papizzo, Sofie 28-3 Grandview High School
Jegede, Izaura 27-5 Cherokee Trail High School
Brinkman, Hannah 27-4.5 Eaglecrest High School
Garza, Nya 27-0 Cherokee Trail High School
Fifita, poli 26-4.25 Smoky Hill High School
Duggirala, Manogna 26-3.5 Legend High School
Lennox, Isabella 25-11.5 Legend High School
Levesque, Aynsley 25-2 Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Holt, Hayley 24-6.5 Legend High School
Bennett, Arianna 23-1.25 Chaparral High School
Angotti, Maddie 20-3.5 Chaparral High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Powe, Kaeli 41-1 Cherokee Trail High School
Bergstrom, Renata 37-9 Cherry Creek High School
Priest, Stella 35-11 Niwot High School
Ortiona, Ashlyn 35-6.5 Palmer Ridge High School
Kozisek, Sienna 35-6 Doherty High School
Holloway, Amelia 35-0 Denver East High School
Fritz, Aubrey 34-8.5 Eaglecrest High School
Gennai, Sofia 34-7.75 Doherty High School
George, McKenna 34-7 Eaglecrest High School
Newman, Myra 34-5.5 Palmer Ridge High School
Wheaton, Cora 33-3 Doherty High School
Bui, Keona 33-1.5 Grandview High School
Raimer, Sophia 32-11 Eaglecrest High School
McGuire, Keagan 32-10.5 Niwot High School
Maina, Leah 32-4.5 Denver East High School
Williams, Naia 31-11.5 Eaglecrest High School
Zitek, Aliya 31-9 Grandview High School
Waggoner, Lauren 31-8.5 Chaparral High School
Donovan, Phoebe 31-7.25 Niwot High School
Sarmiento, Olivia 31-7 Eaglecrest High School
Lindeman, Mira 31-0.5 Legend High School
Wakeham, Varinia 30-9 Grandview High School
Erickson Solonika, Isobel 30-8 Cherry Creek High School
Obot, Brianna 29-11 Smoky Hill High School
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